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For English-speaking people: "An Analogy"

12/05/2004 | stesin

Imagine if...

* There was an election in Canada and the mafia ran a political party and made Tony Soprano its candidate.

What if...

* The CBC, CTV, Global, the Globe and Mail, Star, National Post and every other TV, radio station and newspaper were told to support Mr. Soprano and instructed to ignore or denigrate his opponent.

Consider if...

* The superpower next door (which in our case the US and in Ukraine's case Russia), decided to finance and support Mr. Soprano's campaign to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars

* But you know that the US President and Mr. Soprano are actually colluding and the plan is for the Americans to get our water, oil and resources and to one day take over the country.


* Your boss calling you in and telling you that unless you vote for Mr. Soprano, you will lose your job

* Your brother was beaten by the local mafia capo for wearing a button supporting your candidate

* Despite all of this manipulation, media bias, foreign meddling and intimidation - you still vote for your candidate, and so do the majority of Canadians


* Mr. Soprano's people control the entire election apparatus and commit a massive fraud - stuffing ballot boxes, beating or killing his opponent's supporters and giving his people millions of absentee ballots

* In one province, the voter turn out was 104%, and everyone voted for Mr. Soprano.


* You and a million other Canadians flock to Parliament Hill in Ottawa in freezing temperatures to protest and hope for a velvet revolution to overturn the results.

* Even though there are thousands of riot police and soldiers in Ottawa, you are confident that your fellow Canadians will not shoot you (and suspect that they may have voted for the same person you did)

* But there are reliable rumours that the United States has sent troops who will not hesitate to pump you full of bullets

Imagine that...

* Despite all this, you are buoyant, positive, up-beat and optimistic, but absolutely committed that the criminally corrupt politicians and the neighbouring superpower will not steal your election, your sovereignty or
your destiny.

* You and millions of your countrymen love a politician and everything that he stands for enough to spend four days and nights in sub-zero temperatures and risk your life to fight for his rightful victory (how rare!)

Not that they ever would, but if the Americans were to pull these kind of shenanigans in Canada, what would the rest of the world do? We sure would appreciate their help wouldn't we?

Meanwhile, I'm pleased to hear that there are demonstrations on-going in Kiev, Ottawa, Toronto, NY City (both today and yesterday) and Philadelphia and Washington DC.

Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/lviv/17464.html?#cutid1


  • 2004.12.05 | stesin

    Original source: Jim Richards show

    http://www.livejournal.com/users/roma_ann/ @ 27.11.2004 tells, that "Someone in my multiply.com network posted this:

    This was on the Jim Richards show, which is usually known for humour and satire, but which was taking on a serious topic tonight. Some points were made to bring the topic closer to home for Canadians and Westerners..."

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