Номінуймо Юща на людину року у журналі Таймс
12/14/2004 | Хвізик
Див. приклад листа нижче
Follow instructions and pass it on! Easy!
Friends - although I sent an earlier email on the subject, I'm sending this one because apparently the campaign to get Yushchenko nominated as TIME Magazine's Man of the Year is gaining steam. We've gotten this far, let's not backdown now!!!! We're all busy, JUST DO IT!
If you haven't yet sent an email to letters@time.com please do so now. Here's my suggested text (cut and paste, or use your own):
> I would like to nominate Viktor Yushchenko, the opposition presidential candidate in Ukraine, for TIME Magazine's "Man of the Year." His strength, perseverance and absolute commitment to democratic values have galvanized his nation and riveted the world's attention on a little-known corner of Eastern Europe.
> Not only did he survive an assassination attempt, but he led Ukraine to a peaceful Orange Revolution that has not only changed the direction of his country, but has influenced other countries to fight peacefully for democratic change (for example, Romania). Also, he has turned the attention of the world on to the truth of Putin's imperial dreams.
> Name
> Address
> Home Phone
All you need to do is cut, paste, add your name / address / phone number, and send. Should take less than two minutes. And please let me know when you've done it! Thank you
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, December 14, 2004 9:21 AM
Subject: FW: Nominate Yushchenko for Time's Person of the Year
Campaign for Time Magazine to name Yushchenko Man of the Year.
-----Original Message-----
From: Marta Zielyk [mailto:martazielyk@hotmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, December 14, 2004 10:18 AM
To: Stec, Daria; breslev@aol.com; laryssac@aol.com; lakurylas@aol.com; rudenskysilver@yahoo.com; mpereyma@hotmail.com;mjarosewich@worldbank.org; nadia@ned.org; norairs@erols.com
Subject: FW: Nominate Yushchenko for Time's Person of the Year
Dr. Daria Markus gave an absolutely great idea: nominate Viktor Yushchenko
for Time magazine's Person of the Year.
Think about it. Not only did he survive at least 2 assasination attempts,
but he lead Ukraine to a peaceful Orange Revolution that not only would change
direction of the entire country of Ukraine, but has influenced other
post-Soviet and other countries to fight peacefully for democratic change in their
countries (i.e. recently Romania).
Also he has turned the attention of the world onto the truth of Putin's empirical dreams.
Even if Yushchenko isn't picked the Person of the Year, they usually list
other honorable mentions (depending on the letters sent by the public to
So write your letter to Time magazine, and pass it along to your Ukrainian
friends all over the world, and your non-Ukrainian friends alike.
Diakuyu! Thank You!
Dinya Zajac
Na e-mail: letters@time.com
(in your letter you must include your full name,
address, home telephone, otherwise they may consider your letter spam)
Fax: 212 522-8949
TIME Magazine Letters
Time & Life Building
Rockefeller Center
New York NY 10020
Follow instructions and pass it on! Easy!
Friends - although I sent an earlier email on the subject, I'm sending this one because apparently the campaign to get Yushchenko nominated as TIME Magazine's Man of the Year is gaining steam. We've gotten this far, let's not backdown now!!!! We're all busy, JUST DO IT!
If you haven't yet sent an email to letters@time.com please do so now. Here's my suggested text (cut and paste, or use your own):
> I would like to nominate Viktor Yushchenko, the opposition presidential candidate in Ukraine, for TIME Magazine's "Man of the Year." His strength, perseverance and absolute commitment to democratic values have galvanized his nation and riveted the world's attention on a little-known corner of Eastern Europe.
> Not only did he survive an assassination attempt, but he led Ukraine to a peaceful Orange Revolution that has not only changed the direction of his country, but has influenced other countries to fight peacefully for democratic change (for example, Romania). Also, he has turned the attention of the world on to the truth of Putin's imperial dreams.
> Name
> Address
> Home Phone
All you need to do is cut, paste, add your name / address / phone number, and send. Should take less than two minutes. And please let me know when you've done it! Thank you
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, December 14, 2004 9:21 AM
Subject: FW: Nominate Yushchenko for Time's Person of the Year
Campaign for Time Magazine to name Yushchenko Man of the Year.
-----Original Message-----
From: Marta Zielyk [mailto:martazielyk@hotmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, December 14, 2004 10:18 AM
To: Stec, Daria; breslev@aol.com; laryssac@aol.com; lakurylas@aol.com; rudenskysilver@yahoo.com; mpereyma@hotmail.com;mjarosewich@worldbank.org; nadia@ned.org; norairs@erols.com
Subject: FW: Nominate Yushchenko for Time's Person of the Year
Dr. Daria Markus gave an absolutely great idea: nominate Viktor Yushchenko
for Time magazine's Person of the Year.
Think about it. Not only did he survive at least 2 assasination attempts,
but he lead Ukraine to a peaceful Orange Revolution that not only would change
direction of the entire country of Ukraine, but has influenced other
post-Soviet and other countries to fight peacefully for democratic change in their
countries (i.e. recently Romania).
Also he has turned the attention of the world onto the truth of Putin's empirical dreams.
Even if Yushchenko isn't picked the Person of the Year, they usually list
other honorable mentions (depending on the letters sent by the public to
So write your letter to Time magazine, and pass it along to your Ukrainian
friends all over the world, and your non-Ukrainian friends alike.
Diakuyu! Thank You!
Dinya Zajac
Na e-mail: letters@time.com
(in your letter you must include your full name,
address, home telephone, otherwise they may consider your letter spam)
Fax: 212 522-8949
TIME Magazine Letters
Time & Life Building
Rockefeller Center
New York NY 10020
2004.12.14 | petro
Пусть сначала победит, а то номинация может измениться (-)
2004.12.14 | Петр Тарасевич
Я уже отправил. Не вижу смысла в ожидании итогов выборов
2004.12.15 | Хвізик
Победит или не победит, но он есть выдающаяся личность(-)
2004.12.15 | magda
Мені більше подобається, як собі вже склав думку нім. "Фокус"
http://focus.msn.de/hps/fol/article/article.htm?id=10934 - заголовок перекладу не потребує2004.12.16 | Михайло Свистович
Він склав хибну думку (-)
2004.12.15 | NextDay
В.Ющенко надо номинировать везде, где можно, не только в Таймс
Хорошая идея!Надо во все влиятельные рейтинги, опросы и пр.
Кто таковые знает - предлагаю сбрасывать на форум и организованно лоббировать ЮЩА везде, где можно (и где нельзя тоже).
До выборов даже лучше, потому что лидерство Ю. в престижных рейтингах будет дополнительным аргументом в его пользу. Тогда будем говорить: "Вот смотрите, Андреич стал лидером СуперПуперРейтинга! Знайте это". Неплохо смотрится на фоне разоблачений липовых титулов Проффесора.
Блин! Надо же наконец Украине достойного лидера. А то чепуха получается. У нас есть Кличко, у нас есть Руслана, у нас есть Шева. Они всё время что-то там завоёвывают, страну прославляют.
А "влада" наша что? Совсем наоборот. Чего стоит только опрос, по которому почти 50% населения признали, что Куча оставляет свой пост З ГАНЬБОЮ. Не годится.
Пусть наш ЮЩ заткнёт за пояс всех президентов в мире
Он будет признан лучшим президентом всех времён и народов, затем станет генсеком ООН (ну и так до переноса столицы мира в Киев)
Только надо ему в этом помочь. Нам же самим выгоден весь этот оранжевый Ю-бум. Це ж наша держава
После того, как Ю. победит на выборах, надо сохранить этот оранжевый подъём сознания и даже усилить. Чтобы мир произносил слово Ukraine с не меньшим уважением, чем USA.
2004.12.16 | ky
Re: В.Ющенко надо номинировать везде, где можно, не только в Тай
Вопрос: Кто знает как связаться с Ю (тел. или е-mail)?2004.12.16 | NextDay
Я знаю только через сайт razom.org.ua
Были там какие-то емайлы, но сам Ю. их не читает, как я понимаю. Команда сайта просматривает и отвечает.2004.12.17 | ky
Re: Я знаю только через сайт razom.org.ua
Thanks !!!2004.12.16 | Сергій Кабуд
він і є людиною року 100%, хоча це не він а народ України!(-)
2004.12.16 | Хвізик
Тре щоб це весь світ пойняв(-)