Кiнець фальшивих сайтiв Оранжевої Революцiї
12/15/2004 | Свiдомий
Ось i настав шахраям, якi видурювали з людей грошi, кiнець. Слава ФБР!
Mr ... :
Thank you for your recent message which is included below. The
you sent to the Tampa Division of the Federal Bureau of Investigation
will be reviewed and evaluated so that a determination can be made as
whether to initiate an investigation into this matter.
Please note that you may wish to contact the companies hosting these
websites yourself.
If you develop additional information concerning this matter, please
us. We will be retaining the information you have provided already for
future reference.
Mr ... :
Thank you for your recent message which is included below. The
you sent to the Tampa Division of the Federal Bureau of Investigation
will be reviewed and evaluated so that a determination can be made as
whether to initiate an investigation into this matter.
Please note that you may wish to contact the companies hosting these
websites yourself.
If you develop additional information concerning this matter, please
us. We will be retaining the information you have provided already for
future reference.
2004.12.15 | casesensitive
отписка (+)
ФБР не делает практических шагов, если размеры ущерба от киберпреступников <100к. Их подразделения настолько завалены подобной (и более серьезной) работой, что просто не могут реагировать не "мелочевку". Либо дайте им доказательства внушительного ущерба, либо давите на особую важность этого дела, иначе этим письмом все и ограничется.