Велике прохання - де можна отримати ДВД з інавгурацією?
02/05/2005 | Mykyta
Людина, яка просить, організовувала мітинги за кордоном ще в перший тиждень після другого туру (не будучи українцем). Якщо хто що-небудь знає, підкажіть б.л.
I would like to obtain a DVD or Video of the Presidential Inaugural
I saw on your website this morning that there was online shop that sold it.
But I have not found it again this afternoon. Please could you send me the
Many thanks in advance.
I would like to obtain a DVD or Video of the Presidential Inaugural
I saw on your website this morning that there was online shop that sold it.
But I have not found it again this afternoon. Please could you send me the
Many thanks in advance.