Крадій Пінчук зніматиме фільм зі Спілбергом про Голокост
03/03/2005 | Andrij
Це дуже неприємний прецедент для України. Уряд України має негайно запропонувати пану Спілбергу співпрацю на більш вигідних умовах. Пінчук нажив своє багатсво на горі простих українців, обдираючи бідних, затуляючи рота інакомислячим.
Ukraine tycoon funds documentary about Holocaust
KIEV, Ukraine: A Ukrainian tycoon will team up with Steven Spielberg to produce a documentary about Holocaust victims in Ukraine, an official from a Holocaust foundation said Tuesday.
Viktor Pinchuk, a coal and steel magnate, and Spielberg will be co-executive producers of a documentary about the Holocaust in Ukraine based on more than 3,000 videotaped interviews of survivors and witnesses, said Douglas Greenberg, the director of the Shoah Visual History Foundation based in Los Angeles.
"Mr. Pinchuk is funding it,'' Greenberg said in a telephone interview.
Spielberg's office was not immediately available for comment.
Pinchuk's spokesman Laurent Dondey has said that the wealthy businessman, who is a prominent member of Ukraine's Jewish community and is a son-in-law of former President Leonid Kuchma, "is involved in the making of the movie.''
"He will co-produce it,'' he said.
Spielberg founded the Shoah Visual History Foundation, which collects videotaped testimonies of Holocaust survivors and witnesses, in 1994 after filming the Oscar-winning movie "Schindler's List.''
Millions of Ukrainian Jews perished during the Holocaust. The Nazis slaughtered tens of thousands at Babi Yar, a ravine in the capital Kiev.
The Shoah Visual History foundation is still in the process of "research and preparations'' for the documentary, which should be finished in about 18 months, Greenberg said. He said that the director would be known in June.
"We haven't yet decided how we will release it, whether it will be in theaters or on TV,'' he said. - AP
Ukraine tycoon funds documentary about Holocaust
KIEV, Ukraine: A Ukrainian tycoon will team up with Steven Spielberg to produce a documentary about Holocaust victims in Ukraine, an official from a Holocaust foundation said Tuesday.
Viktor Pinchuk, a coal and steel magnate, and Spielberg will be co-executive producers of a documentary about the Holocaust in Ukraine based on more than 3,000 videotaped interviews of survivors and witnesses, said Douglas Greenberg, the director of the Shoah Visual History Foundation based in Los Angeles.
"Mr. Pinchuk is funding it,'' Greenberg said in a telephone interview.
Spielberg's office was not immediately available for comment.
Pinchuk's spokesman Laurent Dondey has said that the wealthy businessman, who is a prominent member of Ukraine's Jewish community and is a son-in-law of former President Leonid Kuchma, "is involved in the making of the movie.''
"He will co-produce it,'' he said.
Spielberg founded the Shoah Visual History Foundation, which collects videotaped testimonies of Holocaust survivors and witnesses, in 1994 after filming the Oscar-winning movie "Schindler's List.''
Millions of Ukrainian Jews perished during the Holocaust. The Nazis slaughtered tens of thousands at Babi Yar, a ravine in the capital Kiev.
The Shoah Visual History foundation is still in the process of "research and preparations'' for the documentary, which should be finished in about 18 months, Greenberg said. He said that the director would be known in June.
"We haven't yet decided how we will release it, whether it will be in theaters or on TV,'' he said. - AP