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Архіви Форумів Майдану

Chortyky u Frantsiyi (i v administratsiyi)

07/01/2005 | ladalesia
Komentar z Infoukes (Kanada, Ameryka)

During his recent visit to France, Ukrainian President Yushchenko officially took part in the unveiling of a monument to Anna Yaroslavna, daughter of Yaroslav the Wise, Queen of France, and Regent of the Kingdom in the 11th c. To the embarrassment of everyone (well maybe not the Ukie sovoks), it turned out that there were two grammatical errors in the inscription on the monument. It reads (in French) "Anne de Kiev, la reine de la France"... A really primitive double mistake, with those superfluous "la"'s... The error was obviously "made in Kiev". The sculptor blames it on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the latter on some unknown French officials... On top of this, no one seems concerned about the "Kiev" instead of "Kyiv"... And so the saga of pathetic post-Soviet sovok Ukrainian ignorance rolls on, under the Presidency of the beekeeper turned politico... Cf. http://www2.pravda.com.ua/archive/2005/july/1/4.shtml for further details.


  • 2005.07.02 | Moron

    Come to Ukraine! Come back! (-)

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