МАЙДАН - За вільну людину у вільній країні

Архіви Форумів Майдану

Чи може хтось допомогти перекласти дещо терміново для конференці

09/28/2005 | Сергій Кабуд
у Вашінгтоні. Типу треба зараз. От це :

Звіт парламентської комісії по справі Гонгадзе
www.ПРАВДА.com.ua, 20.09.2005, 18:26
11 липня 2002 року Верховною Радою була створена ця слідча комісія в складі 12 депутатів. За час роботи тимчасової слідчої комісії відпрацювали всі матеріали, інформацію, яка надходила до комісії по вбивству Гонгадзе та інших резонансних злочинах.
За дорученням ТСК у серпні 2002 року, відповідно до чинного законодавства України та США, я отримав офіційні свідчення Миколи Мельниченка про обставини зроблених аудіозаписів розмов у кабінеті президента і конкретно, що стосувалося Георгія Гонгадзе.
Перед дачею свідчень Мельниченко був попереджений про кримінальну відповідальність за дачу завідомо неправдивих показів і відмову давати свідчення, і підписав відповідну присягу, яка передбачена регламентом Верховної Ради України говорити лише правду при дачі свідчень.
Нами були допитані цілий ряд осіб, в тому числі і депутати Верховної Ради – Іван Драч, Борис Олійник, Тарас Чорновіл, Олександр Турчинов - які, прослухавши аудіозаписи Миколи Мельниченка своїх розмов в стінах АП, однозначно підтвердили і сказали, що це їх голоси, їх розмови і ті обставини, які вони розповідають у розмові.
Нами були допитані свідки, мова про злочини проти яких іде на аудіоплівках. Вони підтвердили обставини вчинення злочинів і так далі.
Зазначу ще одну обставину, Микола Мельниченко пройшов психологічну експертизу в США, був допитаний на детекторі брехні, йому було поставлено 14 питань і експерти-психологи відповіли однозначно, що Мельниченко говорить правду.
Наступне. За дорученням ТСК як попереднього скликання, так і нинішнього, було проведено ряд криміналістичних експертиз в США та інших країнах, які однозначно підтвердили, що аудіозаписи, зроблені Миколою Мельниченком в фрагменті, що стосується Гонгадзе, не є монтованими, тобто є автентичними.
Остання заява з цього приводу екс-голови СБУ Турчинова, що за дорученням Генпрокуратури експерти СБУ провели експертизу розмов щодо Георгія Гонгадзе і підтвердили автентичність і ідентифікували голоси осіб, які розмовляли. Вони довели, що монтажу нема. Це заявив Олександр Турчинов.
Шановні колеги, зазначу одну річ – розглядати, вирвавши з контексту, злочин, вчинений щодо Георгія Гонгадзе – це допустити методологічну помилку.
Колишній президент України Кучма разом зі своїм оточенням, керівниками силових міністерств і відомств, покійним міністром внутрішніх справ Кравченком, колишнім керівником СБУ Деркачем, колишнім главою ДПА Миколою Азаровим та іншими високопосадовими особами зробили в Україні тотальну систему слідкування за опозиційними діячами, прослуховування телефонних розмов, вчинення різноманітних провокацій відносно цих осіб. А щодо осіб, які брали активну участь у протистоянні цьому режиму, навіть йшли на вчинення тяжких кримінальних злочинів.
Все це доведено зібраними доказами, які направлені за рішенням тимчасової слідчої комісії до Генпрокуратури України, зокрема генпрокурору Піскуну, коли він був прокурором перший раз, прокурору Васильєву і Піскуну, коли другий раз став генпрокурором.
Шановні колеги, було розроблено багатоходовий план про знищення в Україні демократичних інституцій, опозиційних ЗМІ, аж до фізичного знищення найбільш активних противників чинного режиму. Ви пам'ятаєте, що було з "Сільськими вістями", "Гранями", "Товаришем", "Інформативним бюлетенем" тощо, якого вони зазнавали переслідування й тиску.
Мельниченко дав свідчення, в якому заявив, що з початку весни, травня місяця, колишній голова АП, нині голова Верховної Ради систематично клав на стіл президента і доповідав йому про матеріали, надруковані Гонгадзе, і своїми словами настроював президента Кучму проти Гонгадзе.

Ключовою стала розмова між Кучмою і Литвином, коли після чергової публікації президент запропонував порушити справу проти Георгія Гонгадзе, як йому порадили адвокати. На що Литвин заявив президенту Кучмі "ні , цього не треба робити, хай до мене зайде Кравченко".
Після цієї розмови Кучма викликав до себе Юрія Кравченка і віддав відповідні накази, ви все читали, повторювати не буду.

Майже щодня Кравченко доповідав, що робиться проти Георгія Гонгадзе, опозиційних журналістів, опозиційних видань. Якби десятки разів ви прослухали розмови Кравченка і Кучми, ви б побачили, що він спочатку не хотів йти на насильницькі дії проти Гонгадзе.
Він весь час відтягував цей момент, доповідав, що прокололася наружка, там десь ще треба допрацювати. Але Кучма настирливо вимагав ужиття відповідних заходів проти Гонгадзе. Відомо вам, що 16 вересня Георгій Гонгадзе зник.
Зазначу, що після розмови голови СБУ Деркача і Кучми було заведено справу проти Гонгадзе під кодовою назвою "провокатор" і проти Гонгадзе почався повний комплекс заходів оперативних працівників СБУ. Цей факт установлено не лише слідчою комісією, але й на прохання комісії встановлено СБУ за керівництва Ігоря Смєшка, підтверджено розслідуванням кримінальної справи.
Таким чином, відносно Георгія Гонгадзе, як і інших опозиційних журналістів, працюють оперативні групи МВС та СБУ, які діяли антиконституційно й незаконно.
Ще одне - аналіз аудіозаписів показує, що це була система - тотальне стеження, тотальний збір інформації, інші речі - практично всіх депутатів, які були в опозиції, лідерів опозиційних партій і опозиційних ЗМІ.
Майже щодня чи то Кравченко, чи то Деркач доповідали президенту про хід стеження і так далі. Зокрема, встановлено і слідчою комісією, що проти Гонгадзе працювало понад 30 оперативних працівників МВС.
Шановні колеги, тимчасовою слідчою комісією було встановлено особи, які 16 вересня не лише стежили, а й викрали Гонгадзе за участю Пукача.
Мною і заступником голови комісії Юрієм Луценком було передано список осіб - 7 чи 9 чоловік - і було докладно розказано, як був викрадений Гонгадзе. Тому цих осіб, які арештовані, генпрокурор Піскун знав із вересня 2003 року. Знав ці особи й екс-генпрокурор Васильєв, про що його інформувала СБУ.
Зібравши всі докази, комісія дійшла однозначного висновку, за який проголосували всі члени комісії.
КПК має таких учасників злочину: підбурювач, посібник, організатор і виконавець.
Проаналізувавши дії кожного з осіб, про яких я говорив, і проаналізувавши зібрані докази, ТСК прийшла до висновку, що колишній глава АП Литвин є підбурювачем до вчинення злочину проти Георгія Гонгадзе, який вилився в організацію викрадення, що призвело до його смерті.
ТСК одноголосно кваліфікувала дії Литвина, які такі, що мають ознаки злочину, передбаченого ст. 27 та ч. 3. ст.146 ККУ, що означає підбурювання до організації викрадення журналіста Георгія Гонгадзе організованою групою осіб за попередньою змовою, що призвело до тяжких наслідків (смерті).
Дії президента Кучми ТСК одноголосно кваліфікувала як організатора викрадення. Організатором нижчого рівня, виконуючим накази Кучми, був покійний Кравченко.
ТСК прийшла до висновку, що екс-голова СБУ Деркач також причетний до злочину проти Георгія Гонгадзе, і кваліфікувала його дії як підбурювача, як і дії Литвина.
Комісія одноголосно рекомендувала генпрокурору порушити кримінальну справу проти цих осіб за ст. 27 і ч.3 ст. 146 ККУ, тобто організація та підбурення до викрадення Гонгадзе, вчиненого організованою групою осіб за попередньою змовою, що призвело до тяжких наслідків.
Всі рішення комісії, всі зібрані докази й матеріали були направлені у вересні 2002 року генпрокурору Піскуну. Такі ж висновки повторно направлені 3 березня 2003 колишньому генпрокурору Васильєву.
Кримінально-процесуальний кодекс передбачає, що коли направляються такі документи, відповідні органи зобов'язані в 10-денний строк або відмовити в порушенні справи через відсутність складу злочину, або винести постанову про порушення справи проти цих осіб.
Пройшло більше трьох років, до цього часу не винесена ця постанова.
Ще в 2002 році ТСК одноголосно прийняла ухвалу звільнити із займаної посади Володимира Литвина, почати імпічмент колишньому президенту Кучмі, звільнити із займаної посади генпрокурора Святослава Піскуна.
І останнє, ТСК встановила що організатором замаху на життя народного депутата були і є колишній президент Кучма і екс-голова СБУ Деркач. Окрім того, ТСК установила ряд важких і дуже важких злочинів за пособництва колишнього президента Кучми. Усі ці матеріали комісії направлені в ГПУ. Досі рішення, передбачені законом по цих заявах, не прийняті.

Піскуна так і не звільнили за Гонгадзе, а Омельченка залишили без роботи
www.ПРАВДА.com.ua, 20.09.2005, 17:50, оновлено
Голова комісії Верховної Ради з розслідування справи про вбивство Георгія Гонгадзе Григорій Омельченко вимагає звільнення голови Верховної Ради Володимира Литвина за підбурювання до вбивства журналіста.
Про це він заявив, представляючи звіт комісії по справі Гонгадзе.
Омельченко також повідомив, що комісія одноголосно "визнала незадовільним виконання службових обов'язків Святославом Піскуном і вимагає висловити йому недовіру".
Омельченко наголосив, що комісія ще в 2002 і 2003 роках передала в Генпрокуратуру докази причетності до смерті Гонгадзе екс-президента Кучми, екс-голови адміністрації президента, нині голови Верховної Ради Володимира Литвина, покійного міністра внутрішніх справ Юрія Кравченка, генпрокурора Святослава Піскуна та екс-керівника СБУ Леоніда Деркача.
Однак, незважаючи на те, що Генпрокуратура має за законом в десятиденний термін порушити справу або відмовити в її порушенні, ГПУ за два роки ніякої відповіді комісії не дала.
"Тому ми пропонуємо текст постанови про висловення недовіри Піскуну, і ви будете в кінці розгляду за неї голосувати", - зазначив Омельченко.
За його словами, у проекті постанови сказано визнати незадовільним виконання Піскуном своїх службових обов’язків щодо розслідування обставин вбивства Гонгадзе, а також висловити йому недовіру, "що має наслідком його відставку із займаної посади".


  • 2005.09.28 | Сергій Кабуд

    Ось це вже є- може хтось відредагує троха чи продовжить?

    Report of Ukrainian parliamentary commission on behalf of Gongadze case-
    TIC(Temporary Investigative Commission)

    On the 11th of July, 2002, Verhovna Rada, The parliament of Ukraine, created this Investigative committee in which 12 members of parliament took part.

    This Commission thoroughly analyzed all documents and other materials that were submitted on Gongadze case and some other high profile criminal cases.

    In August of 2002 according to the legal regulations TIC appointed me to interrogate
    Mr. Mykola Melnichenko on behalf of the audio recordings that Mr. Melnichenko made
    in the offices of the Ukrainian president Mr. Kuchma and specifically the recordings
    related to Georgy Gongadze.
    Those recording were made in 2000-2001,
    during the time when Georgy Gongadze disappeared and when Mr. Melnichenko was a member of
    Mr. Kuchma security team.

    Before his testimony Mr. Mykola Melnichenko was made aware of criminal responsibility for making false statements or for refusal to testify. Mr. Melnychenko also signed an Oath according to Ukrainian parliament regulations that he must tell the truth,
    the only truth and nothing but the truth.

    Our Commission (TIC) interrogated a number of witnesses whose names are mentioned in the audio recordings from Mr. Kuchma's offices and who were the victims of criminal
    deeds also mentioned in those recordings. They all confirmed the details of crimes committed against them to those words heard on the recording from Kuchma's offices.

    I would like to mention one more important moment:
    Mr. Mykola Melnychenko passed a psychological testing including a lie detector test in the United States of America. During which was asked 14 questions.
    Expert psychologists who conducted the testing solidly confirmed that Mr. Melnychenko is telling the truth.

    It is important to mention that the current TCI Commission as well as the previous one arranged a number of criminalistic examination of audio recordings made by Mr. Mykola Melnichenko in Kuchma offices. All expert examinations concluded that the part of audio recordings related to Gongadze are authentic and were not pre-edited.

    The last authority who confirmed the authenticity of Melnichenko's recordings was Mr. Turchinov who until recently was a Chief Director of SBU, The Ukrainian State Security Service. The SBU examination of the recordings confirmed the authenticity of the recordings and was able to identify the persons whose voices were on the recordings.
    Also SBU examination proved that the recordings were not pre-edited.

    Dear colleges, i would like to state that it would be a mistake to look at the crime committed against Georgy Gongadze out of context of other crimes of the same sort.
    A former president of Ukraine, Mr. Kuchma along with people close to him and heads and ministers of different state security departments, including the diseased secretary of internal affairs Mr. Kravchenko and former head of taxation police Mr. Mykola Azarov
    and other high profile governmental officials had created a system of total illegal watching of members of opposition , wire tapping of their telephone conversations and conducting different provocations against oppositional politicians and activists. It also included conducting violent acts against the most active oppositioners.

    All the above is proved by material evidence and testimonies that were submitted to the Offices of Attorney General of Ukraine and personally to the attention of Mr. Piskun during his first tenure as The Attorney General and subsequently to the next Attorney General Mr Vasiliev and again to mister Piskun who became an Attorney General again after Mr. Vasiliev dismissal.

    Dear colleges,
    the secret criminal organization headed by then-president Kuchma developed a complex plan to destroy democratic institutions in Ukraine, to put an end to free press and other media outlets and to physically destroy the most active opponents of Kuchma regime. You should remember the persecutions and oppression that publications such as “Silski Visti”, “Grani”, “Tovarysh”, “Informatyvnyj bulletin” suffered under Kuchma's regime.

    Melnichenko had testified that starting from the May of 2000 Mr. Lytvyn, a former head of President Administration and now a speaker of The Parliament, was reporting systematically to then-president Kuchma about Mr. Gongasdze publications.
    Mr. Lytvyn was trying to set up Kuchma in a hostile manner against Gongadze.

    Melnichenko recorded a most important convesation between Kuchma and Lytvyn regarding a publication by Gongadze in which Mr. Kuchma proposed to open a criminal case against Gongadze. Lytvyn' reaction as recorded by Melnychenko was the following:
    “No, we dont have to do it, tell Kravchenko to come to my office. (Kravchenko was a head of Ministry of Police (Ministry of Internal Affairs - MIA) in government of Ukraine, now diseased ).

    Right after that conversation Kuchma called mr Kravchenko and ordered him to act adecvatelly. You all know what i mean- ordered to kill Gongadze.

    Almost every day Kravchenko reported to Kuchma what is done to stop Gongadze` publications in oposition's magazines and other media outlets. After you listen to recordings from Kuchma's office for 10 times you undestand that at the beginning Kravchenko did not wanted tany violent actions against Gongadze. He was trying to delay the violent acts when reported to Kuchma about the mistakes that undercover agents were making. Kravchenko's position was that the are not
  • 2005.09.28 | esteban

    Re: Чи може хтось допомогти перекласти дещо терміново для конференці

    Final Report of the ad hoc Ukrainian parliamentary investigative commission on into the murders of journalists Heorhiy Gongadze, Ihor Aleksandrov and other crimes

    (The final report was delivered by MP Hryhoriy Omelchenko, head of the ad hoc commission, prior to the commission being disbanded by parliament on Tuesday, September 20, 2005)

    On the 11th of July, 2002, Verhovna Rada, The parliament of Ukraine, created the ad hoc commission comprised of twelvemembers. This Commission thoroughly analyzed all documents and other materials that were submitted on Gongadze case and some other high profile criminal cases. In accordance with legal regulations, the commission appointed me (Hryhoriy Omlechenko) to question Mr. Mykola Melnichenko concerning the audio recordings that Mr. Melnichenko claims to have made in the offices of the Ukrainian president Mr. Kuchma, and specifically the recordings pertaining to Heorhiy Gongadze. Those recording were made in 2000-2001, around the time Gongadze disappeared and when Mr. Melnichenko served as a member of Mr. Kuchma security team.

    Prior to giving testimony Mr. Mykola Melnichenko was made aware that making false statements or refusing to testify carry criminal responsibility. Mr. Melnychenko also signed a sworn declaration, that, according to Ukrainian parliament regulations, he will tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

    The commission also questioned a number of witnesses whose names are mentioned in the audio recordings from Mr. Kuchma's offices and who were the victims of criminal actions also mentioned in those recordings. They all confirmed that the details of the crimes committed against them corresponded to the words heard on the recordings from Kuchma's offices.

    I would like to mention one more important moment:

    Mr. Mykola Melnichenko passed a psychological test, including a lie detector test, in the United States of America. The test was comprised of 14 questions. The expert psychologists who conducted the testing confirmed that Mr. Melnichenko was telling the truth.

    It is also important to mention that the current commission, as well as the previous commission, arranged for a number of forensic tests of the audio recordings made by Mr. Mykola Melnichenko in Kuchma offices. All expert examinations concluded that the part of the audio recordings related to Gongadze are authentic and were not edited.

    The latest confirmation of the authenticity of Melnichenko's recordings came from Mr. (Oleksandr) Turchinov, who, until recently, was the Chief of SBU, the State Security Service of Ukraine.. The SBU examination of the recordings confirmed their authenticity of the recordings and provided positive identification of the voices on the recordings.
    Also, the SBU examination concluded that the recordings were not edited.

    Dear colleagues, I would like to state that it would be a mistake to look at the crime committed against Georgy Gongadze without looking at other, similar crimes.

    A former president of Ukraine, Mr. Kuchma, along with people close to him and the heads and ministers of different state security departments, including the deceased Interior Minister Mr. Kravchenko and the former head of the State Tax Administration, Mr. Mykola Azarov, and other high profile governmental officials had created a system of total illegal surveillance of opposition politicians and activists, including wire tapping of their telephone conversations and conducting different provocations against them. This system also included conducting violent acts against the most active members of the opposition.

    All the above is proved by material evidence and testimonies that were submitted to the Prosecutor General's Offices, and personally to the attention of Mr. Piskun during his first tenure as the Prosecutor General, and subsequently to the next Prosecutor General, Mr Vasiliev, then and again to Mr. Piskun who became the Prosecutor General after Mr. Vasiliev's dismissal.

    Dear colleagues, the secret criminal organization headed by then-president Kuchma developed a complex plan to destroy democratic institutions in Ukraine, to put an end to free press and other media outlets and to physically destroy the most active opponents of Kuchma regime. You should remember the persecutions and oppression that publications such as “Silski Visti”, “Grani”, “Tovarysh”, and “Informatyvnyj bulletin” endured under Kuchma's regime.

    Melnichenko had testified that starting from the May of 2000 Mr. Lytvyn, the former head of President Administration, and now the Speaker of Parliament, systematically reported to then-president Kuchma about Mr. Gongasdze publications. Mr. Lytvyn was trying incite hostility in Kuchma towards Gongadze.

    Melnichenko recorded a very important conversation between Kuchma and Lytvyn regarding a publication by Gongadze, after which Mr. Kuchma proposed to open a criminal case against Gongadze. Lytvyn's reaction was recorded by Melnychenko as follows:

    “No, we don't have to do it, tell Kravchenko to come to my office. (Kravchenko was a head of Ministry of Police (Ministry of Internal Affairs - MIA) in government of Ukraine, now deceased).

    Right after that conversation Kuchma called Mr, Kravchenko and ordered him to act accordingly. You all know what I mean: he ordered him to kill Gongadze.

    Almost every day Kravchenko reported to Kuchma about what measures are being taken to stop Gongadze` publications from appearing in opposition magazines and other media outlets. After you listen to recordings from Kuchma's office for ten times, you understand that, from the very the beginning, Kravchenko did not want to take any violent actions against Gongadze. He was trying to delay the violent acts when he reported to Kuchma about the mistakes that undercover agents were making. Kravchenko's position was that the are not...
    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
    • 2005.09.28 | Сергій Кабуд

      Велика подяка! От ще шматок:

      Kravchenko's position was that they are not ready yet and need more time. But Kuchma was insisting on using violence against Gongadze. And as we all know Gongadze disappeared on 16 of September, 2000.

      I have to underline that the criminal case was opened against Gongadze right after Kuchma had a talk with the head of State Security(SBU) Mr. Derkach. In tha case Gongadze was nicknamed “provocator” and a complex security operation was launched against him. This fact was proved by our Commission and was also confirmed by SBU at the time managed by Mr. Smeshko: SBU was working on Gongadze case at the time as well as MIA(Ministry of Internal Affairs)

      As we can see operatives from both SBU and MIA were conducting secret actions against Gongadze in violation of The Law and Constitution.

      It is important to understand and the audio recordings made by Melnychenko fully prove it-
      It was a system of total surveillance , illegal gathering of private information on all members of parliament, opposition liders and oppositional media.
      згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
      • 2005.09.28 | esteban

        разом (з поправками)

        Final Report of the ad hoc Ukrainian parliamentary investigative commission into the murders of journalists Heorhiy Gongadze, Ihor Aleksandrov and other crimes

        (The final report was delivered by MP Hryhoriy Omelchenko, head of the ad hoc commission, prior to the commission being disbanded by parliament on Tuesday, September 20, 2005)

        On the 11th of July, 2002, Verhovna Rada, The parliament of Ukraine, created the ad hoc commission comprised of twelve members. This Commission thoroughly analyzed all documents and other materials that were submitted on Gongadze case and some other high profile criminal cases. In accordance with legal regulations, the commission appointed me (Hryhoriy Omlechenko) to question Mr. Mykola Melnichenko concerning the audio recordings that Mr. Melnichenko claims to have made in the offices of the Ukrainian president Mr. Kuchma, and specifically the recordings pertaining to Heorhiy Gongadze. Those recording were made in 2000-2001, around the time Gongadze disappeared and when Mr. Melnichenko served as a member of Mr. Kuchma security team.

        Prior to giving testimony Mr. Mykola Melnichenko was made aware that making false statements or refusing to testify carry criminal responsibility. Mr. Melnychenko also signed a sworn declaration, that, according to Ukrainian parliament regulations, he will tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

        The commission also questioned a number of witnesses whose names are mentioned in the audio recordings from Mr. Kuchma's offices and who were the victims of criminal actions also mentioned in those recordings. They all confirmed that the details of the crimes committed against them corresponded to the words heard on the recordings from Kuchma's offices.

        I would like to mention one more important moment:

        Mr. Mykola Melnichenko passed a psychological test, including a lie detector test, in the United States of America. The test was comprised of 14 questions. The expert psychologists who conducted the testing confirmed that Mr. Melnichenko was telling the truth.

        It is also important to mention that the current commission, as well as the previous commission, arranged for a number of forensic tests of the audio recordings made by Mr. Mykola Melnichenko in Kuchma offices. All expert examinations concluded that the part of the audio recordings related to Gongadze are authentic and were not edited.

        The latest confirmation of the authenticity of Melnichenko's recordings came from Mr. (Oleksandr) Turchinov, who, until recently, was the Chief of SBU, the State Security Service of Ukraine.. The SBU examination of the recordings confirmed their authenticity of the recordings and provided positive identification of the voices on the recordings.
        Also, the SBU examination concluded that the recordings were not edited.

        Dear colleagues, I would like to state that it would be a mistake to look at the crime committed against Georgy Gongadze without looking at other, similar crimes.
        A former president of Ukraine, Mr. Kuchma, along with people close to him and the heads and ministers of different state security departments, including the deceased Interior Minister Mr. Kravchenko and the former head of the State Tax Administration, Mr. Mykola Azarov, and other high profile governmental officials had created a system of total illegal surveillance of opposition politicians and activists, including wire tapping of their telephone conversations and conducting different provocations against them. This system also included conducting violent acts against the most active members of the opposition.

        All the above is proved by material evidence and testimonies that were submitted to the Prosecutor General's Offices, and personally to the attention of Mr. Piskun during his first tenure as the Prosecutor General, and subsequently to the next Prosecutor General, Mr Vasiliev, then and again to Mr. Piskun who became the Prosecutor General after Mr. Vasiliev's dismissal.

        Dear colleagues, the secret criminal organization headed by then-president Kuchma developed a complex plan to destroy democratic institutions in Ukraine, to put an end to free press and other media outlets and to physically destroy the most active opponents of Kuchma regime. You should remember the persecutions and oppression that publications such as “Silski Visti”, “Grani”, “Tovarysh”, and “Informatyvnyj bulletin” endured under Kuchma's regime.

        Melnichenko had testified that starting from the May of 2000 Mr. Lytvyn, the former head of President Administration, and now the Speaker of Parliament, systematically reported to then-president Kuchma about Mr. Gongasdze publications. Mr. Lytvyn was trying incite hostility in Kuchma towards Gongadze.

        Melnichenko recorded a very important conversation between Kuchma and Lytvyn regarding a publication by Gongadze, after which Mr. Kuchma proposed to open a criminal case against Gongadze. Lytvyn's reaction was recorded by Melnychenko as follows:
        “No, we don't have to do it, tell Kravchenko to come to my office. (Kravchenko was a head of Ministry of Police (Ministry of Internal Affairs - MIA) in government of Ukraine, now deceased).

        Right after that conversation Kuchma called Mr, Kravchenko and ordered him to act accordingly. You all know what I mean: he ordered hi, to kill Gongadze.

        Almost every day Kravchenko reported to Kuchma about what measures are being taken to stop Gongadze` publications from appearing in opposition magazines and other media outlets. After you listen to recordings from Kuchma's office for 10 times, you understand that, from the very the beginning, Kravchenko did not want to take any violent actions against Gongadze. He was trying to delay the violent acts when he reported to Kuchma about the mistakes that undercover agents were making. Kravchenko's position was that they are not ready yet and need more time. But Kuchma insisted on using violence against Gongadze. And as we all know Gongadze disappeared on 16 of September, 2000.

        I have to underline that the criminal case was opened against Gongadze right after Kuchma had a talk with the head of State Security (SBU) Mr. Derkach. In that conversation Gongadze was nicknamed “provocateur” and a complex security operation was launched against him. This fact was proved by our commission and was also confirmed by SBU when it was run by Mr. Smeshko: the SBU was working on Gongadze at the time, as was the MIA (Ministry of Internal Affairs)

        As we can see operatives from both SBU and MIA were conducting secret actions against Gongadze in violation of The Law and Constitution.

        It is important to understand - and the audio recordings made by Melnychenko fully prove this - it was a system of total surveillance, illegal gathering of private information on all members of parliament, opposition leaders and oppositional media.
  • 2005.09.28 | Хвізик

    a piece of text

    Temporar investigating committee (TIC) unanimously qualified Lytvyn behavior as a criminal one, according to article 27, and p3 artivle 146 of the Criminal Code, that means agitation for kidnapping of Georgy Gongadze by an organized group of people that caused heavy consequences (death).
    The President Kuchma was unanimously qualified as an organizer of kidnapping. On the lower level, the organizer was late Kravchenko.
    TIC concluded that the former chief of intelligence Derkach also took part in the crime as an agitator (like Lytvyn).
    TIC unanimously recommended to prosecutor to start criminal investigation against mentioned above persons. All committee decisions, all collected evidences and materials were sent in September 2002 to the Prosecutor Piskun. On MArch 3 2003, the same materials were sent again on to the former Prosecutor Vasiliev.
    According to the Criminal Code, the Prosecutor MUST make a decision within 10 days upon receiving the documents and either to reject the materials due to the absence of crime or to start a criminal investigation. More then 3 years passed since then, however there is still no decision made. Yet in 2002 the TIC unanimously agreed to fire Lytvyn and Piskun and to start impeachment to Kuchma.
    Finally, TIC determined that the crime was organized by the former President Kuchma and ex-chief of intelligence Derkach. Besides, TIC have discovered that several other severe crimes were orgainzed with the help of Kuchma. These materials were also directed to teh General Prosecutor, however, no decision is made.
    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
    • 2005.09.28 | Сергій Кабуд

      ДЯКУЮ, Хвизику Тобі!(-)

    • 2005.09.28 | esteban

      Re: a piece of text

      The ad hoc commission unanimously qualified Lytvyn's behavior as, according to article 27, paragraph 3, article 146 of the Criminal Code, meaning inciting the kidnapping of Georgy Gongadze by an organized group of people that resulted in dire consequences (death).
      President Kuchma was unanimously qualified as an organizer of kidnapping. On a lower level, the organizer was the late Kravchenko.
      The commission also concluded that the former SBU chief Derkach also took part in the crime as an instigator (like Lytvyn).
      The commission unanimously recommended to the Prosecutor to start a criminal investigation against all of the above-mentioned persons. All committee decisions, all collected evidences and materials were submitted in September 2002 to the Prosecutor Piskun. On March 3, 2003, the same materials were once again submitted to then Prosecutor Vasiliev.
      According to the Criminal Code, the Prosecutor MUST make a decision within ten days upon receiving the documents and either reject the materials due to the absence of a crime or to start a criminal investigation. More then three years passed since then, and still no decision has been made. Yet, in 2002, the commission unanimously agreed to fire Lytvyn and Piskun and to begin impeachment proceedings of Kuchma.
      Finally, the commission determined that the crime was organized by the former President Kuchma and ex-chief of intelligence Derkach. In addition, the commission discovered that several other severe crimes were organized with the help of Kuchma. These materials were also directed to the Prosecutor General, however, no decision was made.
      згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
      • 2005.09.28 | Сергій Кабуд

        Пане Естебан, дякую Вас від себе та від

        одної дуже важливої для України особи.

        Слава Україні!
  • 2005.09.28 | Сергій Кабуд

    От ще шматок для редагування - може хтось допоможе?

    Together with Yuri Lutsenko, the deputy of the committee chair, we have
    compiled the list of 7 or 9 names and described the details of
    Gongadze’s abduction. Attorney General Piskun has known the arrested
    people since September 2003. The former AG Vassilyev has also known this
    people, as he was briefed by SBU (SSU?).
    Having all the evidences compiled, the committee has reached the
    unanimous conclusion, supported by all the committee members. KPK(?) has
    got all participants of the abduction: the instigator, the accomplice,
    the organizer, and the executor.
    TSK had analyzed the actions of all criminals and the evidences and
    concluded that the former head of the Presidential Adminstration Litvin
    was the instigator of the crime against Georgy Gongadze, that was
    followed by his abduction and murder.
    TSK has qualified Litvin’s actions as such that fall under Article 27
    and Article 146, part III of the Criminal Code of Ukraine: encouraging
    and conspiring to organize the abduction of Georgy Gongadze that led to
    his death.
    TSK has qualified President Kuchma as the organizer of the abduction.
    The organizer of the lower level, who was executing President Kuchma’s
    orders, was the late Minister Kravchenko.
    TSK has concluded that the former SBU Chair Derkach was also the
    participant in this crime, TSK has qualifed him as an instigator, as
    well as Litvin.
    The Committee has recommended AG Piskun to initiate the persecution of
    the aforementioned persons, according to Art. 27 and Art. 146, part III
    of the CCU (organizing, conspiring and encouraging of Gongadze’s
    abduction, performed by the organized group that led to the fatal
    consequences and death).
    All this conclusions, evidences and materials were sent to the AG Piskun
    at September 2002. The same conclusions were sent to AG Vassilyev on
    March 3, 2003.
    Criminal Procedure Code provides the authorities 10 days to initiate the
    criminal case or to refuse in the case’s initiation due to the lack of
    components of crime. However, after three years of procrastinations, no
    actions have been taken by the AG’s office.
    In 2002 TSK unanimously supported the proposition to impeach Volodymyr
    Litvin from the position of the Supreme Council’s speaker, to start the
    impeachment procedure of the former President Kuchma and to fire the AG
    Svyatoslav Piskun. Finally, TSK stated that Kuchma and Derkach were the
    organizers of the assassination attempt against the parliament member.
    TSK also found the evidences of other felonies, committed with Kuchma’s
    assistance. All these materials have been sent to the AG’s office. In
    spite of the procedural code’s provisions, no actions have been taken

    Piskun was not fired because of Gongadze’s case, but Omelchenko is out
    of job now.
    www.ПРАВДА.com.ua, Septmber 20, 2005, 17:50

    The chair of the temporary commission on Gongadze’s murder Grigory
    Omelchenko demands the dismissal of the Supreme Council’s Chairman
    Volodymyr Litvin. Omelchenko accuses the latter in participation in
    Gongadze’s murder. He made this statement, while presenting the report
    of his commission. Omelchenko informed that the commission found
    Svyatoslav Piskun’s work on the position of the Attorney General
    “unsatisfactory” and demands to initiate his impeachment. Omelchenko
    claimed that the commission has given all the materials and evidences
    about Gongadze’s murder to AG’s office in 2002 and 2003. Those materials
    included the names of the former President Kuchma, former Interior
    minister Yuri Kravchenko, AG Svyatoslav Piskun and former SBU Chairman
    Leonid Derkach. However, the AG which was supposed either initiate the
    criminal case against this people or to give the official refusal, has
    not given any response to this accusations. “This is why we have drafted
    the bill regarding Piskun’s impeachment, and encourage you to vote for
    it,” said Piskun. According to him, the bill states that due to the lack
    of results in the investigation of Gongadze’s murder, the parliament is
    initiating Attorney General’s impeachment.
    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
    • 2005.09.28 | esteban

      Re: От ще шматок для редагування - може хтось допоможе?

      Together with Yuri Lutsenko, the deputy of the committee chair, we compiled a list of 7 to 9 names and described the details of Gongadze’s abduction. Prosecutor General Piskun knew about the arrested people since September 2003. The former PG Vassilyev was also aware of these people, as he was briefed by SBU (SSU?).

      Having all the evidences compiled, the commission reached the unanimous conclusion, supported by all the committee members. KPK(? – Krim. Prots. Kodeks???) defines the following in terms of a crime:: the instigator, the accomplice, the organizer, and the executor.

      The commission analyzed the actions of all criminals and the evidences and concluded that the former head of the Presidential Adminstration Litvin was the instigator of the crime against Georgy Gongadze, that was followed by his abduction and murder.
      The commission qualified Litvin’s actions as such that fall under Article 27 and Article 146, part III of the Criminal Code of Ukraine: encouraging and conspiring to organize the abduction of Georgy Gongadze that led to his death.

      The commission qualified President Kuchma as the organizer of the abduction.

      The organizer at the lower level, who was executing President Kuchma’s orders, was the late Minister Kravchenko.

      The commission concluded that the former SBU dhief Derkach was also a participant in this crime. The commission qualifed him as an instigator (same as Litvin.)

      The commission recommended that PG Piskun initiate the prosecution of the aforementioned persons, according to Art. 27 and Art. 146, part III of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (organizing, conspiring and encouraging of Gongadze’s abduction, performed by the organized group that led to the fatal consequences and death).

      All of these conclusions, evidence and materials were sent to PG Piskun in September 2002. The same conclusions were sent to PG Vassilyev on March 3, 2003.
      The Criminal Procedure Code provides the authorities 10 days to initiate the criminal case or to refuse in the case’s initiation due to the lack of components of crime. However, after three years of procrastinations, no actions have been taken by the PG’s office.

      In 2002, the commission unanimously supported the motion to dismiss Volodymyr
      Litvin from the position of Parliamentary Speaker, to start the impeachment process of then President Kuchma and to fire the PG Svyatoslav Piskun. Finally, the commission concluded that Kuchma and Derkach were the organizers of the assassination attempt against a Member of Parliament.

      The commission also found evidences of other felonies, committed with Kuchma’s assistance. All these materials were sent to the PG’s office. In spite of the provisions contained in the Criminal Procedural Code, no actions have been taken to date.

      Piskun was not fired in the aftermath of the Gongadze case, but Omelchenko is out of job now.

      www.Pravda.com.ua, Septmber 20, 2005, 17:50

      The chair of the temporary commission on Gongadze’s murder Hryhoiry Omelchenko demanded the dismissal of the Supreme Council’s Chairman Volodymyr Litvin. Omelchenko accused Lytvyn of participation in Gongadze’s murder. He made this statement, while presenting the report of his commission. Omelchenko told parliament that the commission found Svyatoslav Piskun’s work in the position of the Attorney General to be “unsatisfactory” and demanded his dismissal. Omelchenko
      claimed that the commission handed over all of the the materials and evidence pertaining to Gongadze’s murder to AG’s office in 2002 and 2003. Those materials included the names of the former President Kuchma, former Interior minister Yuri Kravchenko, AG Svyatoslav Piskun and former SBU Chairman Leonid Derkach. However, the AG which was supposed either initiate the criminal case against the individuals named or to give the official refusal, gave no response to the accusations. “This is why we have drafted
      the bill regarding Piskun’s dismissal, and encourage you to vote for it,” said Omelchenko. According to him, the bill states that due to the lack of results in the investigation of Gongadze’s murder, the parliament is beginning the dismissal of the Attorney General.
  • 2005.09.28 | Сергій Кабуд

    проміжний і наче останній шматок(ми переможемо!)

    Almost every day either Kravchenko or Derkach reported to Kuchma on the progress of surveillance on Gongadze. We found that there used to be 30 police operatives working on the case.

    Dear colleges, our Commission found names of those persons who on the 16th of September 2000 not only conducted the surveillance but also kidnapped Georgy Gongadze. Among them was Mr Pukach, a police general.
    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
    • 2005.09.28 | esteban

      Re: проміжний і наче останній шматок(ми переможемо!)

      Almost every day either Kravchenko or Derkach reported to Kuchma on the progress of surveillance on Gongadze. We found that there were 30 police officers working on the case.

      Dear colleagues, our Commission found the names of those persons who on the 16th of September 2000 not only conducted the surveillance, but also kidnapped Heorhy Gongadze. Among them was Mr Pukach, a police general.
  • 2005.09.28 | ladalesia

    Re: Чи може хтось допомогти перекласти дещо терміново для конференці

    colleagues -- not colleges
  • 2005.09.28 | esteban

    Re: Чи може хтось допомогти перекласти дещо терміново для конференці

    Together with Yuri Lutsenko, the deputy of the committee chair, we compiled a list of 7 to 9 names and described the details of Gongadze’s abduction. Prosecutor General Piskun knew about the arrested people since September 2003. The former PG Vassilyev was also aware of these people, as he was briefed by SBU (SSU?).

    Having all the evidences compiled, the commission reached the unanimous conclusion, supported by all the committee members. KPK(? – Krim. Prots. Kodeks???) defines the following in terms of a crime:: the instigator, the accomplice, the organizer, and the executor.

    The commission analyzed the actions of all criminals and the evidences and concluded that the former head of the Presidential Adminstration Litvin was the instigator of the crime against Georgy Gongadze, that was followed by his abduction and murder.
    The commission qualified Litvin’s actions as such that fall under Article 27 and Article 146, part III of the Criminal Code of Ukraine: encouraging and conspiring to organize the abduction of Georgy Gongadze that led to his death.

    The commission qualified President Kuchma as the organizer of the abduction.

    The organizer at the lower level, who was executing President Kuchma’s orders, was the late Minister Kravchenko.

    The commission concluded that the former SBU dhief Derkach was also a participant in this crime. The commission qualifed him as an instigator (same as Litvin.)

    The commission recommended that PG Piskun initiate the prosecution of the aforementioned persons, according to Art. 27 and Art. 146, part III of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (organizing, conspiring and encouraging of Gongadze’s abduction, performed by the organized group that led to the fatal consequences and death).

    All of these conclusions, evidence and materials were sent to PG Piskun in September 2002. The same conclusions were sent to PG Vassilyev on March 3, 2003.
    The Criminal Procedure Code provides the authorities 10 days to initiate the criminal case or to refuse in the case’s initiation due to the lack of components of crime. However, after three years of procrastinations, no actions have been taken by the PG’s office.

    In 2002, the commission unanimously supported the motion to dismiss Volodymyr
    Litvin from the position of Parliamentary Speaker, to start the impeachment process of then President Kuchma and to fire the PG Svyatoslav Piskun. Finally, the commission concluded that Kuchma and Derkach were the organizers of the assassination attempt against a Member of Parliament.

    The commission also found evidences of other felonies, committed with Kuchma’s assistance. All these materials were sent to the PG’s office. In spite of the provisions contained in the Criminal Procedural Code, no actions have been taken to date.

    Piskun was not fired in the aftermath of the Gongadze case, but Omelchenko is out of job now.

    www.Pravda.com.ua, Septmber 20, 2005, 17:50

    The chair of the temporary commission on Gongadze’s murder Hryhoiry Omelchenko demanded the dismissal of the Supreme Council’s Chairman Volodymyr Litvin. Omelchenko accused Lytvyn of participation in Gongadze’s murder. He made this statement, while presenting the report of his commission. Omelchenko told parliament that the commission found Svyatoslav Piskun’s work in the position of the Attorney General to be “unsatisfactory” and demanded his dismissal. Omelchenko
    claimed that the commission handed over all of the the materials and evidence pertaining to Gongadze’s murder to AG’s office in 2002 and 2003. Those materials included the names of the former President Kuchma, former Interior minister Yuri Kravchenko, AG Svyatoslav Piskun and former SBU Chairman Leonid Derkach. However, the AG which was supposed either initiate the criminal case against the individuals named or to give the official refusal, gave no response to the accusations. “This is why we have drafted
    the bill regarding Piskun’s dismissal, and encourage you to vote for it,” said Omelchenko. According to him, the bill states that due to the lack of results in the investigation of Gongadze’s murder, the parliament is beginning the dismissal of the Attorney General.
    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
    • 2005.09.28 | Сергій Кабуд

      Весь текст(він тут) відправлено до Вашінгтону! Всім подяка!!

      Ще раз дякую!
      Слава Украіні!

      Перекладали і редагували:

      Esteban, Хвізик, М.Манкі, Ladalesia, Кабуд

      Final Report of the ad hoc Ukrainian parliamentary investigative commission
      into the murders of journalists Heorhiy Gongadze, Ihor Aleksandrov and other

      (The final report was delivered by MP Hryhoriy Omelchenko, head of the ad
      hoc commission, prior to the commission being disbanded by parliament on
      Tuesday, September 20, 2005)

      On the 11th of July, 2002, Verhovna Rada, The parliament of Ukraine, created
      the ad hoc commission comprised of twelve members. This Commission
      thoroughly analyzed all documents and other materials that were submitted on
      Gongadze case and some other high profile criminal cases. In accordance with
      legal regulations, the commission appointed me (Hryhoriy Omlechenko) to
      question Mr. Mykola Melnichenko concerning the audio recordings that Mr.
      Melnichenko claims to have made in the offices of the Ukrainian president
      Mr. Kuchma, and specifically the recordings pertaining to Heorhiy Gongadze.
      Those recording were made in 2000-2001, around the time Gongadze disappeared
      and when Mr. Melnichenko served as a member of Mr. Kuchma security team.

      Prior to giving testimony Mr. Mykola Melnichenko was made aware that making
      false statements or refusing to testify carry criminal responsibility. Mr.
      Melnychenko also signed a sworn declaration, that, according to Ukrainian
      parliament regulations, he will tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing
      but the truth.

      The commission also questioned a number of witnesses whose names are
      mentioned in the audio recordings from Mr. Kuchma's offices and who were the
      victims of criminal actions also mentioned in those recordings. They all
      confirmed that the details of the crimes committed against them corresponded
      to the words heard on the recordings from Kuchma's offices.

      I would like to mention one more important moment:

      Mr. Mykola Melnichenko passed a psychological test, including a lie detector
      test, in the United States of America. The test was comprised of 14
      questions. The expert psychologists who conducted the testing confirmed that
      Mr. Melnichenko was telling the truth.

      It is also important to mention that the current commission, as well as the
      previous commission, arranged for a number of forensic tests of the audio
      recordings made by Mr. Mykola Melnichenko in Kuchma offices. All expert
      examinations concluded that the part of the audio recordings related to
      Gongadze are authentic and were not edited.

      The latest confirmation of the authenticity of Melnichenko's recordings came
      from Mr. (Oleksandr) Turchinov, who, until recently, was the Chief of SBU,
      the State Security Service of Ukraine.. The SBU examination of the
      recordings confirmed their authenticity of the recordings and provided
      positive identification of the voices on the recordings.
      Also, the SBU examination concluded that the recordings were not edited.

      Dear colleagues, I would like to state that it would be a mistake to look at
      the crime committed against Georgy Gongadze without looking at other,
      similar crimes.
      A former president of Ukraine, Mr. Kuchma, along with people close to him
      and the heads and ministers of different state security departments,
      including the deceased Interior Minister Mr. Kravchenko and the former head
      of the State Tax Administration, Mr. Mykola Azarov, and other high profile
      governmental officials had created a system of total illegal surveillance of
      opposition politicians and activists, including wire tapping of their
      telephone conversations and conducting different provocations against them.
      This system also included conducting violent acts against the most active
      members of the opposition.

      All the above is proved by material evidence and testimonies that were
      submitted to the Prosecutor General's Offices, and personally to the
      attention of Mr. Piskun during his first tenure as the Prosecutor General,
      and subsequently to the next Prosecutor General, Mr Vasiliev, then and again
      to Mr. Piskun who became the Prosecutor General after Mr. Vasiliev's

      Dear colleagues, the secret criminal organization headed by then-president
      Kuchma developed a complex plan to destroy democratic institutions in
      Ukraine, to put an end to free press and other media outlets and to
      physically destroy the most active opponents of Kuchma regime. You should
      remember the persecutions and oppression that publications such as
      “Silski Visti”, “Grani”, “Tovarysh”, and
      “Informatyvnyj bulletin” endured under Kuchma's regime.

      Melnichenko had testified that starting from the May of 2000 Mr. Lytvyn, the
      former head of President Administration, and now the Speaker of Parliament,
      systematically reported to then-president Kuchma about Mr. Gongasdze
      publications. Mr. Lytvyn was trying incite hostility in Kuchma towards

      Melnichenko recorded a very important conversation between Kuchma and Lytvyn
      regarding a publication by Gongadze, after which Mr. Kuchma proposed to open
      a criminal case against Gongadze. Lytvyn's reaction was recorded by
      Melnychenko as follows:
      “No, we don't have to do it, tell Kravchenko to come to my office.
      (Kravchenko was a head of Ministry of Police (Ministry of Internal Affairs -
      MIA) in government of Ukraine, now deceased).

      Right after that conversation Kuchma called Mr, Kravchenko and ordered him
      to act accordingly. You all know what I mean: he ordered hi, to kill

      Almost every day Kravchenko reported to Kuchma about what measures are being
      taken to stop Gongadze` publications from appearing in opposition magazines
      and other media outlets. After you listen to recordings from Kuchma's office
      for 10 times, you understand that, from the very the beginning, Kravchenko
      did not want to take any violent actions against Gongadze. He was trying to
      delay the violent acts when he reported to Kuchma about the mistakes that
      undercover agents were making. Kravchenko's position was that they are not
      ready yet and need more time. But Kuchma insisted on using violence against
      Gongadze. And as we all know Gongadze disappeared on 16 of September, 2000.

      I have to underline that the criminal case was opened against Gongadze right
      after Kuchma had a talk with the head of State Security (SBU) Mr. Derkach.
      In that conversation Gongadze was nicknamed “provocateur” and a
      complex security operation was launched against him. This fact was proved by
      our commission and was also confirmed by SBU when it was run by Mr. Smeshko:
      the SBU was working on Gongadze at the time, as was the MIA (Ministry of
      Internal Affairs)

      As we can see operatives from both SBU and MIA were conducting secret
      actions against Gongadze in violation of The Law and Constitution.

      It is important to understand - and the audio recordings made by Melnychenko
      fully prove this - it was a system of total surveillance, illegal gathering
      of private information on all members of parliament, opposition leaders and
      oppositional media.

      Almost every day either Kravchenko or Derkach reported to Kuchma on the
      progress of surveillance on Gongadze. We found that there were 30 police
      officers working on the case.

      Dear colleagues, our Commission found the names of those persons who on the
      16th of September 2000 not only conducted the surveillance, but also
      kidnapped Heorhy Gongadze. Among them was Mr Pukach, a police general.

      The ad hoc commission unanimously qualified Lytvyn's behavior as, according
      to article 27, paragraph 3, article 146 of the Criminal Code, meaning
      inciting the kidnapping of Georgy Gongadze by an organized group of people
      that resulted in dire consequences (death).
      President Kuchma was unanimously qualified as an organizer of kidnapping. On
      a lower level, the organizer was the late Kravchenko.
      The commission also concluded that the former SBU chief Derkach also took
      part in the crime as an instigator (like Lytvyn).
      The commission unanimously recommended to the Prosecutor to start a criminal
      investigation against all of the above-mentioned persons. All committee
      decisions, all collected evidences and materials were submitted in September
      2002 to the Prosecutor Piskun. On March 3, 2003, the same materials were
      once again submitted to then Prosecutor Vasiliev.
      According to the Criminal Code, the Prosecutor MUST make a decision within
      ten days upon receiving the documents and either reject the materials due to
      the absence of a crime or to start a criminal investigation. More then three
      years passed since then, and still no decision has been made. Yet, in 2002,
      the commission unanimously agreed to fire Lytvyn and Piskun and to begin
      impeachment proceedings of Kuchma.
      Finally, the commission determined that the crime was organized by the
      former President Kuchma and ex-chief of intelligence Derkach. In addition,
      the commission discovered that several other severe crimes were organized
      with the help of Kuchma. These materials were also directed to the
      Prosecutor General, however, no decision was made.

      Together with Yuri Lutsenko, the deputy of the committee chair, we compiled
      a list of 7 to 9 names and described the details of Gongadze’s
      abduction. Prosecutor General Piskun knew about the arrested people since
      September 2003. The former PG Vassilyev was also aware of these people, as
      he was briefed by SBU (SSU?).

      Having all the evidences compiled, the commission reached the unanimous
      conclusion, supported by all the committee members. KPK(? – Krim.
      Prots. Kodeks???) defines the following in terms of a crime:: the
      instigator, the accomplice, the organizer, and the executor.

      The commission analyzed the actions of all criminals and the evidences and
      concluded that the former head of the Presidential Adminstration Litvin was
      the instigator of the crime against Georgy Gongadze, that was followed by
      his abduction and murder.
      The commission qualified Litvin’s actions as such that fall under
      Article 27 and Article 146, part III of the Criminal Code of Ukraine:
      encouraging and conspiring to organize the abduction of Georgy Gongadze that
      led to his death.

      The commission qualified President Kuchma as the organizer of the abduction.

      The organizer at the lower level, who was executing President Kuchma’s
      orders, was the late Minister Kravchenko.

      The commission concluded that the former SBU dhief Derkach was also a
      participant in this crime. The commission qualifed him as an instigator
      (same as Litvin.)

      The commission recommended that PG Piskun initiate the prosecution of the
      aforementioned persons, according to Art. 27 and Art. 146, part III of the
      Criminal Code of Ukraine (organizing, conspiring and encouraging of
      Gongadze’s abduction, performed by the organized group that led to the
      fatal consequences and death).

      All of these conclusions, evidence and materials were sent to PG Piskun in
      September 2002. The same conclusions were sent to PG Vassilyev on March 3,
      The Criminal Procedure Code provides the authorities 10 days to initiate the
      criminal case or to refuse in the case’s initiation due to the lack of
      components of crime. However, after three years of procrastinations, no
      actions have been taken by the PG’s office.

      In 2002, the commission unanimously supported the motion to dismiss
      Litvin from the position of Parliamentary Speaker, to start the impeachment
      process of then President Kuchma and to fire the PG Svyatoslav Piskun.
      Finally, the commission concluded that Kuchma and Derkach were the
      organizers of the assassination attempt against a Member of Parliament.

      The commission also found evidences of other felonies, committed with
      Kuchma’s assistance. All these materials were sent to the PG’s
      office. In spite of the provisions contained in the Criminal Procedural
      Code, no actions have been taken to date.

      Piskun was not fired in the aftermath of the Gongadze case, but Omelchenko
      is out of job now.

      www.Pravda.com.ua, Septmber 20, 2005, 17:50

      The chair of the temporary commission on Gongadze’s murder Hryhoiry
      Omelchenko demanded the dismissal of the Supreme Council’s Chairman
      Volodymyr Litvin. Omelchenko accused Lytvyn of participation in
      Gongadze’s murder. He made this statement, while presenting the report
      of his commission. Omelchenko told parliament that the commission found
      Svyatoslav Piskun’s work in the position of the Attorney General to be
      “unsatisfactory” and demanded his dismissal. Omelchenko
      claimed that the commission handed over all of the the materials and
      evidence pertaining to Gongadze’s murder to AG’s office in 2002
      and 2003. Those materials included the names of the former President Kuchma,
      former Interior minister Yuri Kravchenko, AG Svyatoslav Piskun and former
      SBU Chairman Leonid Derkach. However, the AG which was supposed either
      initiate the criminal case against the individuals named or to give the
      official refusal, gave no response to the accusations. “This is why we
      have drafted
      the bill regarding Piskun’s dismissal, and encourage you to vote for
      it,” said Omelchenko. According to him, the bill states that due to
      the lack of results in the investigation of Gongadze’s murder, the
      parliament is beginning the dismissal of the Attorney General.
      згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
      • 2005.09.28 | Мірко

        Текст з маленькими поправками (spelling & typos)

        Final Report of the ad hoc Ukrainian parliamentary investigative commission
        into the murders of journalists Georgiy Gongadze, Ihor Aleksandrov and other

        (The final report was delivered by MP Hryhoriy Omelchenko, head of the ad
        hoc commission, prior to the commission being disbanded by parliament on
        Tuesday, September 20, 2005)

        On the 11th of July, 2002, Verhovna Rada, The parliament of Ukraine, created
        the ad hoc commission comprised of twelve members. This Commission
        thoroughly analyzed all documents and other materials that were submitted on the
        Gongadze case and some other high profile criminal cases. In accordance with
        legal regulations, the commission appointed me (Hryhoriy Omlechenko) to
        question Mr. Mykola Melnichenko concerning the audio recordings that Mr.
        Melnichenko claims to have made in the offices of the Ukrainian president
        Mr. Kuchma, and specifically the recordings pertaining to Georgiy Gongadze.
        Those recording were made in 2000-2001, around the time Gongadze disappeared
        and when Mr. Melnichenko served as a member of Mr. Kuchma security team.

        Prior to giving testimony Mr. Mykola Melnichenko was made aware that making
        false statements or refusing to testify carry criminal responsibility. Mr.
        Melnychenko also signed a sworn declaration, that, according to Ukrainian
        parliament regulations, he will tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing
        but the truth.

        The commission also questioned a number of witnesses whose names are
        mentioned in the audio recordings from Mr. Kuchma's offices and who were the
        victims of criminal actions also mentioned in those recordings. They all
        confirmed that the details of the crimes committed against them corresponded
        to the words heard on the recordings from Kuchma's offices.

        I would like to mention one more important moment:

        Mr. Mykola Melnichenko passed a psychological test, including a lie detector
        test, in the United States of America. The test was comprised of 14
        questions. The expert psychologists who conducted the testing confirmed that
        Mr. Melnichenko was telling the truth.

        It is also important to mention that the current commission, as well as the
        previous commission, arranged for a number of forensic tests of the audio
        recordings made by Mr. Mykola Melnichenko in Kuchma offices. All expert
        examinations concluded that the part of the audio recordings related to
        Gongadze are authentic and were not edited.

        The latest confirmation of the authenticity of Melnichenko's recordings came
        from Mr. (Oleksandr) Turchinov, who, until recently, was the Chief of SBU,
        the State Security Service of Ukraine.. The SBU examination of the
        recordings confirmed their authenticity of the recordings and provided
        positive identification of the voices on the recordings.
        Also, the SBU examination concluded that the recordings were not edited.

        Dear colleagues, I would like to state that it would be a mistake to look at
        the crime committed against Georgiy Gongadze without looking at other,
        similar crimes.
        A former president of Ukraine, Mr. Kuchma, along with people close to him
        and the heads and ministers of different state security departments,
        including the deceased Interior Minister Mr. Kravchenko and the former head
        of the State Tax Administration, Mr. Mykola Azarov, and other high profile
        governmental officials had created a system of total illegal surveillance of
        opposition politicians and activists, including wire tapping of their
        telephone conversations and conducting various provocations against them.
        This system also included conducting violent acts against the most active
        members of the opposition.

        All the above is proved by material evidence and testimonies that were
        submitted to the Prosecutor General's Offices, and personally to the
        attention of Mr. Piskun during his first tenure as the Prosecutor General,
        and subsequently to the next Prosecutor General, Mr Vasiliev, then and again
        to Mr. Piskun who became the Prosecutor General after Mr. Vasiliev's

        Dear colleagues, the secret criminal organization headed by then-president
        Kuchma developed a complex plan to destroy democratic institutions in
        Ukraine, to put an end to the free press and other media outlets and to
        physically destroy the most active opponents of Kuchma regime. You should
        remember the persecutions and oppression that publications such as
        “Silski Visti”, “Hrani”, “Tovarysh”, and
        “Informatyvnyj bulletin” endured under Kuchma's regime.

        Melnichenko had testified that starting from May of 2000 Mr. Lytvyn, the
        former head of President Administration, and now the Speaker of Parliament,
        systematically reported to then-president Kuchma about Mr. Gongadze's
        publications. Mr. Lytvyn was trying to incite hostility in Kuchma towards

        Melnichenko recorded a very important conversation between Kuchma and Lytvyn
        regarding a publication by Gongadze, after which Mr. Kuchma proposed to open
        a criminal case against Gongadze. Lytvyn's reaction was recorded by
        Melnychenko as follows:
        “No, we don't have to do it, tell Kravchenko to come to my office.
        (Kravchenko, now deceased, was a head of Ministry of Police (Ministry of Internal Affairs -
        MIA) in the government of Ukraine).

        Right after that conversation Kuchma called Mr. Kravchenko and ordered him
        to act accordingly. You all know what I mean: he ordered him to kill

        Almost every day Kravchenko reported to Kuchma about what measures are being
        taken to stop Gongadze's publications from appearing in opposition magazines
        and other media outlets. After you listen to recordings from Kuchma's office
        for 10 times, you understand that, from the very the beginning, Kravchenko
        did not want to take any violent actions against Gongadze. He was trying to
        delay the violent acts when he reported to Kuchma about the mistakes that
        undercover agents were making. Kravchenko's position was that they are not
        ready yet and need more time. But Kuchma insisted on using violence against
        Gongadze. And as we all know Gongadze disappeared on the 16th of September, 2000.

        I have to underline that the action was initiated against Gongadze right
        after Kuchma had a talk with the head of State Security (SBU) Mr. Derkach.
        In that conversation Gongadze was nicknamed “provocateur” and a
        complex security operation was launched against him. This fact was proved by
        our commission and was also confirmed by SBU when it was run by Mr. Smeshko:
        the SBU was working on Gongadze at the time, as was the MIA (Ministry of
        Internal Affairs)

        As we can see operatives from both SBU and MIA were conducting secret
        actions against Gongadze in violation of The Law and Constitution.

        It is important to understand - and the audio recordings made by Melnychenko
        fully prove this - it was a system of total surveillance, illegal gathering
        of private information on all members of parliament, opposition leaders and
        oppositional media.

        Almost every day either Kravchenko or Derkach reported to Kuchma on the
        progress of the surveillance of Gongadze. We found that there were 30 police
        officers working on the case.

        Dear colleagues, our Commission found the names of those persons who on the
        16th of September 2000 not only conducted the surveillance, but also
        kidnapped Georgiy Gongadze. Among them was Mr Pukach, a police general.

        The ad hoc commission unanimously qualified Lytvyn's behavior, according
        to article 27, paragraph 3, article 146 of the Criminal Code, as
        inciting the kidnapping of Georgy Gongadze by an organized group of people
        that resulted in dire consequences (death).
        President Kuchma was unanimously qualified as an organizer of the kidnapping. On
        a lower level, the organizer was the late Kravchenko.
        The commission also concluded that the former SBU chief Derkach also took
        part in the crime as an instigator (like Lytvyn).
        The commission unanimously recommended to the Prosecutor to start a criminal
        investigation against all of the above-mentioned persons. All committee
        decisions, all collected evidences and materials were submitted in September
        2002 to the Prosecutor Piskun. On March 3, 2003, the same materials were
        once again submitted to then Prosecutor Vasiliev.
        According to the Criminal Code, the Prosecutor MUST make a decision within
        ten days upon receiving the documents and either reject the materials due to
        the absence of a crime or to start a criminal investigation. More then three
        years passed since then, and still no decision has been made. Yet, in 2002,
        the commission unanimously agreed to fire Lytvyn and Piskun and to begin
        impeachment proceedings of Kuchma.
        Finally, the commission determined that the crime was organized by the
        former President, Kuchma, and the ex-chief of intelligence, Derkach. In addition,
        the commission discovered that several other severe crimes were organized
        with the help of Kuchma. These materials were also directed to the
        Prosecutor General, however, no decision was made.

        Together with Yuri Lutsenko, the deputy of the committee chair, we compiled
        a list of 7 to 9 names and described the details of Gongadze’s
        abduction. Prosecutor General Piskun knew about the arrested people since
        September 2003. The former PG Vassilyev was also aware of these people, as
        he was briefed by the SBU (SSU?).

        Having all the evidences compiled, the commission reached the unanimous
        conclusion, supported by all the committee members. KPK(? – Krim.
        Prots. Kodeks???) defines the following in terms of a crime:: the
        instigator, the accomplice, the organizer, and the executor.

        The commission analyzed the actions of all criminals and the evidences and
        concluded that the former head of the Presidential Administration Lytvyn was
        the instigator of the crime against Georgiy Gongadze, that was followed by
        his abduction and murder.
        The commission qualified Lytvyn’s actions as such that fall under
        Article 27 and Article 146, part III of the Criminal Code of Ukraine:
        the encouraging and conspiring to organize the abduction of Georgy Gongadze that
        led to his death.

        The commission qualified President Kuchma as the organizer of the abduction.

        The organizer at the lower level, who was executing President Kuchma’s
        orders, was the late Minister Kravchenko.

        The commission concluded that the former SBU dhief Derkach was also a
        participant in this crime. The commission qualifed him as an instigator
        (same as Lytvyn.)

        The commission recommended that PG Piskun initiate the prosecution of the
        aforementioned persons, according to Art. 27 and Art. 146, part III of the
        Criminal Code of Ukraine (organizing, conspiring and the encouraging of
        Gongadze’s abduction, performed by the organized group that led to the
        fatal consequences and death).

        All of these conclusions, evidence and materials were sent to PG Piskun in
        September 2002. The same conclusions were sent to PG Vassilyev on March 3,
        The Criminal Procedure Code provides the authorities 10 days to initiate the
        criminal case or to refuse in the case’s initiation due to the lack of
        components of crime. However, after three years of procrastinations, no
        actions have been taken by the PG’s office.

        In 2002, the commission unanimously supported the motion to dismiss
        Lytvyn from the position of Parliamentary Speaker, to start the impeachment
        process of then President Kuchma and to fire the PG Svyatoslav Piskun.
        Finally, the commission concluded that Kuchma and Derkach were the
        organizers of the assassination attempt against a Member of Parliament.

        The commission also found evidences of other felonies, committed with
        Kuchma’s assistance. All these materials were sent to the PG’s
        office. In spite of the provisions contained in the Criminal Procedural
        Code, no actions have been taken to date.

        Piskun was not fired in the aftermath of the Gongadze case, but Omelchenko
        is out of a job now.

        www.Pravda.com.ua, Septmber 20, 2005, 17:50

        The chair of the temporary commission on Gongadze’s murder Hryhoiry
        Omelchenko demanded the dismissal of the Supreme Council’s Chairman
        Volodymyr Lytvyn. Omelchenko accused Lytvyn of participation in
        Gongadze’s murder. He made this statement, while presenting the report
        of his commission. Omelchenko told parliament that the commission found
        Svyatoslav Piskun’s work in the position of the Attorney General to be
        “unsatisfactory” and demanded his dismissal. Omelchenko
        claimed that the commission handed over all of the the materials and
        evidence pertaining to Gongadze’s murder to the AG’s office in 2002
        and 2003. Those materials included the names of the former President Kuchma,
        former Interior minister Yuri Kravchenko, AG Svyatoslav Piskun and former
        SBU Chairman Leonid Derkach. However, the AG which was supposed to either
        initiate the criminal case against the individuals named or to give the
        official refusal, gave no response to the accusations. “This is why we
        have drafted
        the bill regarding Piskun’s dismissal, and encourage you to vote for
        it,” said Omelchenko. According to him, the bill states that due to
        the lack of results in the investigation of Gongadze’s murder, the
        parliament is beginning the dismissal of the Attorney General.
        згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
        • 2005.09.28 | Сергій Кабуд

          дякую, надсилаю і цей варіянт теж(-)

  • 2005.09.28 | jz99

    нічого собі! народ, а коли ви спите? (-)

    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
    • 2005.09.28 | So_matika

      вони в іншій півкулі живуть

      тобто - Майдан ніколи не спить, тут цілодобовий робочий день :)
  • 2005.09.28 | BIO

    Re: Чи може хтось допомогти перекласти дещо терміново для конференці

    Я б ще дослідив наслідки тодішних образ Юща на Гію.
    Имхо те що ми всі зараз бачимо впритул все краще
    могло спровокувати дуже некрасиві речи у 2000му.
    То шо Гія капав на мізки Чму - тому було неприємно,
    але вже якось звично, а от то шо Ющу від Гії теж діставалось
    по повній - "Плакса-прєм"єр..." для такого неврівноваженого
    чувака - страшна образа. ИМХО, звичайно.

    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
    • 2005.09.28 | jz99


      BIO пише:
      > Я б ще дослідив наслідки тодішних образ Юща на Гію.
      > Имхо те що ми всі зараз бачимо впритул все краще
      > могло спровокувати дуже некрасиві речи у 2000му.
      > То шо Гія капав на мізки Чму - тому було неприємно,
      > але вже якось звично, а от то шо Ющу від Гії теж діставалось
      > по повній - "Плакса-прєм"єр..." для такого неврівноваженого
      > чувака - страшна образа. ИМХО, звичайно.

      Та ні, ну це вже занадто. Все ж таки, мені здається, він не неврівноважений чи мстивий і злопам’ятний, а просто меланхолік, тому йому важко було на прем’єрській посаді ще й проявляти якісь публічні бійцівські якості (Піховшек ”сьогодні ми перевіримо, як Ви вмієте тримати удар”… ”сьогодні ми так і не побачили, що В.А. вміє тримати удар”). Він же навіть кривдників своїх пробачив, котрі його труїли (цікаво, чи особисто :) чи тільки нам сказав). А це має бути страшніша образа - понівечене обличчя і крок від смерті, ніж дражнилка про плаксу.
      згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
      • 2005.09.28 | Сергій Кабуд

        Ющенко не має і не мав гідності:

        він вступив в кпсс

        не засудив змовників вбивства журналіста у 2000р

        назвав фашістами мужніх людей які протистояли цьому злочину на УБК

        не протестував ув'язненню Юлі за те шо вона відібрала в олігархів міліарди бюджету

        боїться вказати на тих хто його отруїв

        блокує слідство проти кучми і литвина- організаторів вбивства журналіста
  • 2005.09.28 | Пані

    Ви всі великі-великі молодці!

    І коли наступний раз якась падла буде гавкати, що наші закордонні майданівці нічого не роблять, крім тріпатися в форумах, кликайте мене - я буду бити таких ногами з особливим садизмом! :)

    Я переклад зараз на англійську версію поставлю.

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