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Архіви Форумів Майдану

Кого поддерживали британцы в газовой войне

01/12/2006 | alx_1904


  • 2006.01.12 | Стась

    Таких британцев с Лубянки и на наших форумах полно (-)

  • 2006.01.12 | Dworkin

    Себе! (-)

    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
    • 2006.01.12 | alx_1904


      It is not, as some have stated, that Russia has simply increased 5 times the price to Ukraine, rather until now Russia has been kind enough to subsidise Ukraine with an 80% discount on gas.
      Of course now since the much heralded 'Orange revolution' which seems not to have benefited Ukrainians at all there is a new anti-Russian Government. Under such circumstances why should Russia continue to subsidise the Ukrainian economy, they have bitten the hand that fed them.
      Maybe they should approach Washington for subsidies as they were so keen to promote the new government.

      The Ukranians wanted independence from Russian influence following their American-financed "orange revolution." They surely can't expect Russia to keep subsidising them? The western media will continue to depict Putin as a monster but all he is doing is standing up for the interests of the Russian people.

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