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possibly offtopic: Історія від Google

09/06/2006 | artem
Можливо це офтопік, але себе відчуваю зараз наче хтось мені машину часу подарував:)

Ґуґл сьогодні відкрив пошук по новинам за останні 200 років (поки що лише в архівах деяких виданнь, але основних типу TIME Magazine, Washington Post): http://news.google.com/archivesearch

Ввів "Ukraine" ось деякі результати (по кожному року можна ще докладніше). Не можу позбутися враження, що за майже 100 років нічого не змінилося - ті самі дійові особи: Рада, Президент (Гетьман), Росія зі своїм більшовизмом, навіть Грузія згадується. Тільки там відчувається близкість другої світової..

Pay-Per-View - Washington Post - ProQuest Archiver - Feb 26, 1916
William K. Vanderbilt's daughter Consuelo, Duchess of Marlborough, might have been Queen of the Ukraine and as such have played an important role in the ...

Pay-Per-View - Washington Post - ProQuest Archiver - May 22, 1917
... than a million armed in habitants in the Ukraine district and at the front, ... principle of national and territorial autonomy in Ukraine and as a first ...

Ukraine Soldiers Revolt And Seize Kiev Arsenal
Pay-Per-View - Washington Post - ProQuest Archiver - Jul 20, 1917
Five thousand Ukraine soldiers seized the Kiev arsenal, but according to the latest reports, prompt measures taken by the general in command resulted in the ...

Pay-Per-View - Washington Post - ProQuest Archiver - Nov 5, 1917
To what extent this decision was prompted by Austro-German intrigue it is difficult to say, but there can be little doubt that the action of Ukraine ...

Independence of Ukraine Recognized by Bolsheviki
Pay-Per-View - Washington Post - ProQuest Archiver - Dec 21, 1917
... by a proclamation recognizing without conditions or restrictions the right of Ukraine to separate from Russia and form its own republican government.

Armistice Terms Forced on Germans, Russians Say; Ukraine Defies ...
Pay-Per-View - Washington Post - ProQuest Archiver - Dec 21, 1917
Ukraine Defies the Reds. Petrograd, Dec. 20. -- The bolsheviki organ, the Pravda, is boasting that the will of Russian soldiers has dictated the armistice. ...

Ukraine Threatens to Cut Off Food Supply of Bolsheviki in Petrograd :hap:
Pay-Per-View - Washington Post - ProQuest Archiver - Dec 24, 1917
London, Dec. 23. -- "Russian peace, delegates are returning to Petrograd, according to reports at the Smolny Institute," said a dispatch from the Associated ...
Antibolshevists Gaining. - Washington Post

Ukraine to Hold Its Own Constituent Assembly
Pay-Per-View - Washington Post - ProQuest Archiver - Dec 26, 1917
Members of the Ukraine staff here were not liberated. ... Before their arrest they advised the Ukraine members of the constituent assembly to return to Kief ...

Reds Seek to Conciliate Ukraine in Order to Unite Forces Against...
Pay-Per-View - Washington Post - ProQuest Archiver - Dec 28, 1917
There appears to be a certain hesitation in the hostilities between the bolshevist and the Ukraine troops. This is probably due to the desire on both sides ...

Pay-Per-View - Washington Post - ProQuest Archiver - Jan 28, 1918
By a vote of 308 to 4 the Ukrainian central rada has decided to proclaim the complete independence of the Ukraine republic. The proclamation reproaches the ...

Pay-Per-View - Washington Post - ProQuest Archiver - May 7, 1918
The government instituted in the Ukraine under Gen. Skoropauski as hetman, in succession to the rada government, is a virtual dictatorship by this ...

Pay-Per-View - Washington Post - ProQuest Archiver - Jul 24, 1918
The Ukraine foreign minister has sent a special courier to Jassy, the temporary Roumanian capital, with a note stating that resumption of diplomatic ...

Ludendorff Tells How Huns Seized Supplies in Ukraine And Occupied ...
Pay-Per-View - Washington Post - ProQuest Archiver - Dec 12, 1919
In the Ukraine, the German troops had, after taking Kieff on March 1, 1918, continued their advance more slowly. Odessa had fallen on the 12th, ...

Canadian Jews Aid in Ukraine.
Pay-Per-View - Washington Post - ProQuest Archiver - Nov 8, 1920
Search national, world, international, Washington, DC, Virginia, Maryland news from The Washington Post archives for news/news headlines from 1977-2003.

Pay-Per-View - Washington Post - ProQuest Archiver - Jul 2, 1922
Famine relief work conducted by the American relief administration in the Ukraine is to be taken over by the Jewish joint distribution committee, ...

New Bolshevik
TIME Magazine - Time Inc. - Apr 4, 1938
"The people of the Ukraine are saturated with hatred for the Bolsheviks. . . . The conditions existing in the Ukraine are also found in Georgia, ...

Ukraine, Coveted by Hitler, Is a Land of Rich and Varied Resources
Pay-Per-View - Washington Post - ProQuest Archiver - Dec 25, 1938
"You will pardon me," he said, "but really -- this talk of German domination of the Soviet Ukraine -- it is too ridiculous. To believe that the Ukrainian ...

Hungary Tries to Stem Nazi Drive By Seizing Carpotho-Ukraine
Pay-Per-View - Washington Post - ProQuest Archiver - Mar 19, 1939
Will the swift and determined move of Hungary in seizing the Carpatho-Ukraine during the Nazi-inspired break-up of Czecho-Slovakia last week, ...

Battle in Ukraine
Pay-Per-View - Washington Post - ProQuest Archiver - Sep 15, 1939
The Polish Ukraine, which suffered severely in every war and every peace treaty in recent years, again was turned into a bloody battlefield today as Polish ...


  • 2006.09.06 | Kronk

    Це вєсчь!

  • 2006.09.06 | Максим Є.

    Визначна подія!

    Дуже-дуже дякую! Це просто якесь свято.
    Новина заслуговує на появу на головній сторінці.

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