МАЙДАН - За вільну людину у вільній країні

Архіви Форумів Майдану

утриманці (/)

07/03/2007 | толя дейнека
один тілько фондик, National Endowment for Democracy

American Center for International Labor Solidarity
To improve the capacity of trade unions to engage in industry discussions, to promote compliance with international labor standards, and to increase the leadership capacity of women and progressive local elements. ACILS will conduct seminars on voter education, democratic trade unionism, economic literacy, and EU labor relations; employ an attorney to develop draft legislation to promote workers' rights and provide legal advice to unions and trade unionists; and support a journalist's contributions to the trade union newspaper Aspekt.

Center for Information and Documentation of Crimean Tatars
To publish six issues of its analytical journal Crimean Studies. The Center will monitor the Ukrainian press's coverage of Crimean Tatar issues and will coordinate the activity of an analytical group which will help the Center to develop policy recommendations for and provide information to a wide variety of official and nonofficial institutions in Ukraine and abroad.

Center for International Private Enterprise
To help business associations contribute to the reform process by exercising influence in the development and implementation of business-friendly legislation. CIPE will work with the Institute for Competitive Society and the Ukrainian Center for Independent Political Research to advocate for development and adoption of laws vital to improving the business climate.

Center for International Private Enterprise/Institute for Competitive Society
To increase business participation in the democratic process and in setting the policy agenda. The Institute will work with the community to clearly define and communicate its needs to politicians and the broader public. Through the establishment and coordination of an Advisory Council, the Institute will complement surveys and focus groups with a series of advocacy events and conferences to raise the profile of entrepreneurs and the need for a new course for Ukraine.

Center for Research on Social Perspectives in the Donbass
To support its Internet newspaper Ostriv to provide ongoing coverage in Donetsk in the aftermath of the 2004 presidential election campaign. The Center's correspondents will write frequent reports and analytical articles on recent developments in Donetsk oblast. The Center expects that these reports will be used by numerous Ukrainian and foreign newspapers.

Democratic Initiatives Foundation
To bring public opinion to the attention of Ukraine's leaders. The Foundation will inform the Ukrainian public on the state of affairs through a series of specialized policy debates and will work to bring other NGOs and think tanks into these debates. The Foundation will also work to build its own capacity as a think tank.

Dniprovsky Center for Social Research
To foster discussion and analysis of the new legislation and changes brought by the new administration after Ukraine's 2004 presidential election. The Center will organize four roundtables and seminars on local political changes and will conduct two public opinion polls. The Center will also publish four issues of its research bulletin and an analytical publication on local political parties.

Donetsk Committee of Voters of Ukraine
To fund a series of lectures on topics relating to the upcoming elections. A total of 180 lectures on various topics will be delivered to an estimated 9,000 students in institutes of higher education in Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts. The Committee will also publish a booklet on young voters' rights, 60,000 copies of which will be distributed at participating universities.

Donetsk Human Rights School
To conduct a program of conferences, teacher training, and curriculum development for secondary school teachers. The Donetsk Human Rights School will organize two seminars and a six-day summer school for teachers, will continue to develop teaching materials and training curricula, and will publish a handbook for middle school teachers and a textbook for high school teachers and pedagogical students.

Europe XXI Foundation
To support the continued development of Ukraine's civil society. Europe XXI will monitor and report on various aspects of state-civil society interaction in six regions of Ukraine where civil society is weak; this information will be supplemented by two roundtables in each region, plus six roundtables for civil society leaders. Europe XXI will also publish 10,000 copies of the New Choice newspaper on a monthly basis.

Freedom House Ukraine
To conduct a program of human rights monitoring and research, publication, and training for NGO leaders. Freedom House Ukraine will organize a nationwide research program on human rights, continue its program of short-term exchanges for NGO leaders, and develop a program of longer term fellowships. Finally, Freedom House Ukraine will organize press conferences and a national conference on human rights to raise awareness of human rights issues.

Institute for Euro-Atlantic Cooperation
To conduct a program of NGO networking and public meetings intended to build support for greater integration of Ukraine into Western political and economic structures. The Institute will organize roundtable meetings for 70-80 participants on the theme "Ukraine's Euro-Atlantic Future" in four cities in eastern Ukraine.

Institute for Mass Information
To dispatch rapid reaction teams to investigate instances in which journalists are subjected to pressure or harassment as a result of their professional activities. When it is determined that a journalist or media outlet has been subject to pressure or harassment as a result of their professional activities, IMI staff will offer advice and may provide legal assistance.

Kharkiv Center for Women's Studies (KCWS)
To continue its leadership training program for young women from Ukraine. KCWS will organize its Girls' World essay contest in the form of a Conference of Young Women Leaders to which all participants from previous years will be invited. In addition, KCWS will arrange internships with municipal and regional government bodies for young women who participated in its training sessions in the past.

Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group
To ameliorate the human rights situation in Ukraine. KHPG will publish its bulletins Human Rights and Human Rights Education, print four books, analyze draft laws pending before the Ukrainian parliament and develop recommendations, continue its monitoring of human rights violations, and hold seminars on legal recourse for torture victims.

Lion Society
To continue a program of training seminars aimed at strengthening the work of NGOs in eastern Ukraine. The Lion Society will carry out a total of 24 two-day seminars. This year, the training seminars will focus on three topics: the ethics of NGO activity, the role of NGOs and activists in elections, and teaching methods for civic education courses in schools.

Luhansk Regional Organization "Public Education and Legal Assistance" (PELA)
To fight corruption by making more information about the regional government available through its website. Working in cooperation with elected officials and civil servants, PELA will post information about basic government procedures for citizens to access. PELA will also open a network of public Internet access points for citizens.

Luhansk Regional Women's Legal Defense Center "Seagull"
To fund a voter education and election monitoring program in rural regions of Luhansk oblast. Seagull will provide support grants to six rural human rights organizations working in civic education and voter outreach to organize public meetings in their hometowns for voters. Seagull will conduct a media campaign to inform large numbers of voters of their rights.

Open Society Foundation
To provide Ukrainian voters with accurate information about the activities of their elected representatives in the Verkhovna Rada. The Foundation will produce a quarterly monitoring report on the activities of Rada deputies representing single-member districts and of factions and political parties. 3,000 copies of the monitoring report will be printed and distributed to regional media, NGOs, and political parties.

To develop student unions and student government organizations and to continue its mobilization activities prior to the March 2006 parliamentary election. Pora! will organize seminars and roundtables on student government and political involvement throughout Ukraine. Pora! will also provide assistance to groups working to form student unions and will conduct a public information campaign to encourage students to become involved in the elections.

Regional Information Center for Women
To maintain its fourteen Civic education network centers in rural Kirovohrad and to continue its program of training and publication to support local NGO networks. Each of the centers in the network will provide access to the Internet and legal information, maintain a contacts database of local NGOs, and organize a civic education day for local NGOs and officials.

Smoloskyp, Inc.
To organize a series of seminars and roundtables for youth on a variety of issues related to the topic of "Globalization, Democracy, Liberation Movements and Terrorism in the XXI Century." Smoloskyp will also produce five publications: Smoloskyp Ukrainy; Moloda Natsiya; ABC of Ukrainian Politics and two volumes in its series of Ukrainian samizdat documents.

Spilnyi Prostir
To carryout an "audit" of the strengths and weaknesses of Ukraine's media in order to guide the efforts of NGOs, activists, and government officials working on media issues. Spilnyi Prostir will carry out monitoring of various forms of the media in all 24 of Ukraine's regions, the results of which will be published as a bulletin for each region.

Sumy Oblast Committee of Youth Organizations
To identify, train, and support youth leaders in Sumy, Poltava and Chernihiv oblasts. The Committee will also publish guidelines and accounts of its training programs and carry out two sociological surveys of youth in the three oblasts. By carrying out this work, the Committee hopes to consolidate the gains of activities during the presidential election into permanently functioning institutions.

To fund analysis of the Ukrainian media and to provide a forum for public discussion of media issues. In addition to maintaining its website, Telekritika will monitor the ten largest Ukrainian television networks' coverage of the 2006 parliamentary election campaigns, and will produce various radio, television, and print materials about the campaigns.

Ukrainian Center for Economic and Political Research
To publish five issues of the journal National Security and Defense. Each issue of the journal provides a thorough examination of an issue of particular importance in Ukrainian politics. Issues will be made available in English and Ukrainian, and distributed to members of Parliament, the Presidential Administration, and other government agencies and non-profit organizations.

Ukrainian Center for Independent Political Research
To conduct a program of research and analysis, monitoring, publication, and promotion of prodemocratic legislative initiatives. CIPR will hold public roundtables on the development of democratic institutions in Ukraine's regions and continue its program of monitoring and publication on the Ukrainian parliament. CIPR's Democracy Advocacy Group will continue to lobby for democratic initiatives.

Ukrainian Youth Association of Ukraine
To help young Ukrainians play a more active role in their country's politics. The project will support seminars that will teach the basic principles of election law and techniques for monitoring elections, and will involve the participation of Belarusian activists who will be selected by Ukrainian staff to participate in observing the March 2006 Verkhovna Rada elections.

Young Rukh
To train students on how to set up their own student government organizations. Young Rukh will organize a conference for 26 regional coordinators who will help Young Rukh's trainers distribute publications and organize training seminars throughout the country over the summer. During the fall, students will then try to form student governments in their home universities.

Youth Alternative
To continue its internship program, "Students for Parliament." Youth Alternative will arrange for 40 students to intern in the Verkhovna Rada, Ukraine's parliament. An additional 50 students will intern with local legislatures in seven cities. During their internships, Youth Alternative will organize training sessions and seminars to develop the leadership skills of its interns.

Youth of Cherkassy Coalition
To fund training seminars, conferences, and publications for leaders and activists of youth NGOs in Cherkassy and Kirovohrad oblasts. The Coalition will recruit approximately 30 participants and hold eight seminars on NGO management. In addition, the Coalition will hold three conferences for seminar participants, organize a mini-grants program for local NGOs, and publish a series of booklets that will summarize the contents of the training.

Zhmerynka Youth Association "Initiative"
To fund training for young NGO leaders from Vinnytsya oblast in Western Ukraine. Twenty young leaders will be selected on a competitive basis to participate in five three-day workshops on the basics of NGO management followed by short internships in several local associations. The Association will prepare a brochure and a CD-ROM, which will be made available through a network of fifteen civic activism centers.

To invite approximately 100 young civic activists from the former Soviet Union to Ukraine for training on how to run public campaigns and civic coalitions. After the first training cycle, representatives of Znayu will travel to Russia to observe how trainees are applying what they have learned. After the training, they will have access to an internet resource where they can exchange information and experiences.



  • 2007.07.04 | Shooter

    А-я-яй, заздрити - негарно

    Чи у чім саме Ваша печаль?
    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
    • 2007.07.04 | толя дейнека

      хто дівчину обідає, той її і танцює

  • 2007.07.04 | Майстер

    Їм так мало платять?!!?!

    Я чомусь думав, що більше. Нещасні копійки.
  • 2007.07.04 | привид Романа ShaRP'а

    Толічка, ві случайна ні родственнік шатландца Скруджа МакДауна?

    Ізо штата Індіана мой пріятєл пєйсал, шо на ізбіратєльную кампанію тамошнєга губірнатара пажертвавалі
    $ 68,000,000

    Пріетам Індіана - даліко ні самий багатий штат. В бюджетє нєкатарих штатафф тока дєфіцит - 4 (фефирє) мілліарда долларафф!

    Ваєнний бюджєт Юнайтед Стейтс оф факін Амеріка (© мой аднакласнік, праживающій в Нью-Йоркє) саставляєт боліє пятісот єнтіх міліардав.

    А ви, как упамянутий в загалоффкє лігіндарний шатландєц, капєйкі, то ість пєнні счітаітє.

    Ілі, можед, ві проста путінутий, і вам тожи злобниє НПО пакоя нідаюд?
    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
    • 2007.07.04 | Abbot

      А так оно и есть:)

      При этом Толя забывает упомянуть о том, что злобные янки свои пожертвования делают официально, иначе и публикаций подобных бы не было.

      В отличие от коцапчегов, которые содержат витренковцев, кауровцев, прорывы-ЕСМы, вкладывая в них черным наликом наверняка в десятки раз больше. Но это дейнек не интересует, не так ли?
  • 2007.07.04 | Микола Гудкович

    Re: утриманці (/)

    Ну і що?
    Є щось конкретне?
    Система грантів існує вже давно. В чому справа?

    Чи виявилися якісь кабалістичні корні у цього фонду? Тоді, звісно, треба їх всіх розстріляти...
    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
    • 2007.07.04 | Спудей

      Re: утриманці (/)

      "Фонд підтримки демократії" не єдине джерело для грантоїдів - існує система диверсифікації: тут 50 тис, там 50 тис, сям 100 тис. - демократам сорочинка.
      А який гарненький презік Карл Гершман, екс-голова соціал-демократичної партії США - такою назвою прикриваються там троцькісти.

      згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
      • 2007.07.04 | Englishman

        вони проїдають ваші гроші?

        вони вам заважають жити? Ні? Ну то чому тоді вас від цього так тіпає? Заздрість невдахи- вгадав?
    • 2007.07.04 | толя дейнека

      перелічені структури іменують себе "громадянським суспільством"

      а звідси і відповідні претензії на "висловлювання думки громадскості". Хоча вони є утриманцями. і ставитися треба вдповідно.
      а те що грантова система існує давно - ніяке не виправдання. Вбивство теж існує давно. але це не робить його прийнятним явищем.
      згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
      • 2007.07.04 | Englishman

        а що робити, якщо жмот дейнека грошей не дає?

        Ви особисто скільки пожертвували на громадський контроль? Ширше: які внутрішні ресурси фінансування недержавних організацій в Україні? Майже нульові?

        Ну то перш ніж зубами скреготати, красше навчилися б тому, що роблять в цивілізованих країнах: спочатку чимось жертвувати, потім вимагати.
        згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
        • 2007.07.04 | толя дейнека

          всім давать - поломаєца кровать

          стосується рівною мірою всіх.
          ті, хто є утриманцями зза кордону, однозначно на мою підтримку розраховувати не можуть. Навіть більше того - на кожного такого треба почепити бірку "утриманець" в рамках попередження споживачів.
          жодна справжня держава не може дозволити собі фінансування політичної діяльності зза кордону, бо вона припиниться як справжня держава. Мова йде і про пряме порушення закону - 2005 Пора вже стала партією, але живиться з тих таки звичних піндосівських рук.
          ви плачете про власне українську громадську активність. але першим ділом, коли утриманські структури приходять до нас, вони починають нищити наші власні звичаєві організації, починаючи від народного контролю і до політичної діяльності українських вузів. Системно, під корень, з залученням юридичних і фінансових аналітиків. Зозулячі яйця, не знаходите?
          згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
          • 2007.07.04 | Englishman

            от я і кажу: жмот.

            толя дейнека пише:
            > коли утриманські структури приходять до нас, вони починають нищити наші власні звичаєві організації, починаючи від народного контролю

            який до біса "народний контроль"? Про що ви марите?

            До речі, скільки ви дали на цей "народний контроль" з власної кишені? Тільки чесно?
  • 2007.07.04 | Sean

    і що?

  • 2007.07.05 | Капітан Грант

    Ось як ці люди страждають за демократію

    Третьего июля в ресторане «Велюр» состоялся традиционный круглый стол «Телекритики», посвященный, на этот раз, проблемам детских медиа.

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