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Has The West Been Hypnotized By Russia? (л)

08/25/2008 | троль ak1001
Has The West Been Hypnotized By Russia?

August 24, 2008

By Yelena Tregubova

It would seem the West has still not fully understood the scale of the catastrophe the world now faces. It is not just Georgia that is at stake. By attacking Georgia, the Kremlin has essentially declared itself a new global aggressor, one with arsenals of nuclear weapons and vast energy resources. It is an aggressor that no country in the world seems able or willing to confront.


It seems absolutely surreal to me. I want to grab Europe's leaders and ask them: "You are being directly threatened with nuclear attack and all you can do is talk about your 'optimism' and some 'long-term partnership'!?!




  • 2008.08.25 | Володимир

    Re: Has The West Been Hypnotized By Russia? (л)

    З імпотентними європолітиками все ясно. Штати - єдина реальна сила, здатна перемогти пацаків. До керівництва саме цієї країни треба апелювати, а не до сракозі та мйоркелів.
  • 2008.08.25 | Володимир

    Re: Has The West Been Hypnotized By Russia? (л)

    Схоже, глас вопіющого...

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