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Росія і нова вісь зла

08/29/2008 | montrealais
цікаві аналогії: Росія, Іран, Венесуела: Wall Street Journal opinion

Russia and the New Axis of Evil
August 29, 2008; Page A17

With Russian tanks now presiding over the dismemberment of the Republic of Georgia, can a lame-duck Bush administration -- weary from its long drubbing by critics over Iraq and eyeing the exit door -- rise to the challenge Russia has chosen to pose to the Free World?

To understand the nature of this challenge, consider that the distance between Baghdad and Tbilisi is barely 578 miles, less than the distance between New York City and Chicago. Iraq and Georgia, both of which have democratic governments, are sandwiched between Iran and Russia, two of the most authoritarian governments in the world. Russia has been collaborating with Iran to strengthen the latter's nuclear program and its military. It is also steadily arming Venezuelan strongman Hugo Chávez.

Russia's invasion of Georgia came exactly one month after Iran test-fired its Shahab III intermediate ballistic missile in order to intimidate neighbors like Israel and Iraq, and two weeks after Mr. Chávez traveled to Moscow to formalize a "Strategic Alliance" with Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and President Dmitry Medvedev. Meanwhile, Iran's proxies remain the principal threat to peace in Iraq -- while on the other side of the world, evidence mounts of Mr. Chávez's links to the terrorist group FARC, which threatens neighboring Colombia.

Coincidence? Iraq, Georgia and Colombia are battlegrounds in a new kind of international conflict that will define our geopolitical future. This conflict pits the U.S. and the West against an emerging axis of oil-rich dictatorships who are working together to push back against the liberalizing trends of globalization. One of their prime objectives is toppling or undermining neighboring, pro-Western democracies.

The term "axis" has been overused in recent years, and in misleading contexts. But Russia, Iran and Venezuela are acting very much as Japan, Italy and Germany did in the 1930s, when each took advantage of each other's aggressive moves to extend their own regional power at the expense of liberal democracy -- and, as a result, propelling the world to the brink of war.

The chessboard of traditional competitive geopolitics is back with a vengeance. Russia is the principal source for Iran's nuclear weapons program as well as the principal obstacle to international sanctions. Between them, Mr. Putin and Tehran's mullahs clearly aim to control access to every major source of fossil energy from the western end of the Persian Gulf to the Caspian Sea. The third player in this new axis, Venezuela's President Chávez, hopes for an oil and natural gas monopoly over the natural resources of neighbors like pro-Chávez satellites Bolivia and Ecuador.

All three dictatorships are flush with cash thanks to rising oil prices; all three are bent on regional domination. All three openly celebrate a model of government that is authoritarian and monolithic in opposition to Western pluralism, market-oriented economies and representative democracy. All three run economies built on mafia-style crony capitalism. All three denounce U.S. "imperialism," and evidently hope that the 2008 election will help to bolster their geopolitical plans.

And all three see themselves as natural allies. Since 2004, Mr. Chávez has steadily strengthened his strategic and economic ties to Tehran. Last year he joined with Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to push OPEC to cut production and boost oil prices. In addition to his Allianz Estrategica with Mr. Putin, Mr. Chávez was the one international leader who publicly praised Russia's invasion of Georgia.

Finally, all three members of this axis see the emergence of pro-American, Western-oriented governments on their borders as mortal threats and are determined to hit back. In Russia's case, this means direct military force against Georgia. Iran has used its terrorist proxies to sow chaos in Iraq, Lebanon and the Palestinian territories. Mr. Chávez wages a proxy war against Colombia through the terrorists of FARC.

What can the U.S. and a new president do? Despite Russia's nuclear arsenal, none of these states poses a military threat comparable to the Cold War Soviet Union, or even the Axis powers in the 1930s. For all their bluff and bluster, Russia, Iran and Venezuela have a relatively tenuous position in the world; for all their oil wealth their economies remain weak and unstable.

A broad strategy of targeted economic sanctions and multilateral diplomacy, backed by U.S. military power -- together with a determined effort to push down oil prices by expanding supply and strengthening the dollar -- can introduce a note of sober realism to the strategy of this new axis, and force them to realize how limited and vulnerable their source of money and power really is.

However, the most important strategy right now is to secure democracy's vital new flanks -- Iraq, Georgia and Colombia. By shoring up and strengthening, rather than abandoning all three governments, the U.S. will send a clear signal that liberty, not tyranny, is the wave of the globalizing future.

Mr. Herman's latest book is "Gandhi and Churchill: The Epic Rivalry That Destroyed an Empire and Forged Our Age" (Bantam, 2008).


  • 2008.08.29 | Sych

    UVMOD: В Закордон.

    Від себе додам: припиняймо зливати тупорилу пропаганду з обох боків - піндоського та кацапського.
    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
    • 2008.08.29 | montrealais

      Re: UVMOD: В Закордон.

      це не тупорила пропаганда, а думка розумного чоловіка :)
      Якщо ти не бачиш різниці, то це твої проблеми - не хочеш, не читай.

      Arthur L. Herman написав не одну книжку:


      До речі, остання: "Gandhi and Churchill: The Epic Rivalry That Destroyed an Empire and Forged Our Age" - дуже цікава.
      згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
    • 2008.08.29 | Адвокат ...

      Я розумію Вашу опінію, але, строго ІМНО, вона є хвормальною.

      Як на мене, зара є величезна загроза для Українців та України. Тому треба бути пильними та уважними. Бо альтернативами є:
      1. Свідомий суїцид.
      2. Суїцид за братньої допомоги мацькалів та кацапів.
    • 2008.08.30 | Михайло Свистович

      Re: UVMOD: В Закордон.

      Sych пише:
      > Від себе додам: припиняймо зливати тупорилу пропаганду з обох боків - піндоського та кацапського

      А хіба греки займаються пропагандою?

      Припиняймо насаджувати в українській політології кацапські жаргонні терміни.
  • 2008.08.29 | Sean

    гарний текст

  • 2008.08.29 | Фідель

    дуже актуальна стаття

    варто звернути увагу. Цілком можливо, що слова про нову вісь зла (у контексті її прямого порівняння з віссю 30-х) означає початок абсолютно нової стратегії США. Щось мені підказує, що на Близькому сході скоро буде спекотно.
    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
    • 2008.08.29 | Адвокат ...


      Фідель пише:
      > варто звернути увагу. Цілком можливо, що слова про нову вісь зла (у контексті її прямого порівняння з віссю 30-х) означає початок абсолютно нової стратегії США. Щось мені підказує, що на Близькому сході скоро буде спекотно.
  • 2008.08.29 | Linx

    В России учреждена медаль "За принуждение к миру" (л)

    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
  • 2008.08.29 | Георгий

    Re: Росія і нова вісь зла

    Да, статья по существу правильная, и очень похоже на правду, особенно в части слияния трех "отморозков"....

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