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CNN Analysis: Will Europe stand up to Moscow? (л)

08/31/2008 | троль ak1001

Analysis: Will Europe stand up to Moscow?


имхо нет. Европа будет сосать газопровод


  • 2008.08.31 | троль ak1001

    оттуда же

    Britain's Foreign Secretary David Miliband rushed to Ukraine, the other potential NATO candidate in Russia's "near abroad." But that wasn't just to signal to Moscow not to push things too far in targeting other former Soviet Republics and to indicate support for President Victor Yuschenko.

    It was also to warn him not to fall for Russian provocation in the Crimea, where Russia leases port facilities until 2017, and so give Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and Putin any pretext for intervening there.


    это полный п---ц
  • 2008.08.31 | Володимир I

    Re: CNN Analysis: Will Europe stand up to Moscow? (л)

    99,99%,що ніяких санкцій вони не введуть. Бо довбойоби.

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