МАЙДАН - За вільну людину у вільній країні

Архіви Форумів Майдану

Суди: зі щорічного звернення Президента до Парламенту Грузії

03/03/2010 | Уляна
·The President no longer appoints judges - fulfilled

·The President is no longer the chairman or indeed a member of the Supreme Council of Justice - fulfilled

·The opposition has a representative on the Supreme Council of Justice, which allows the Parliamentary minority to control the judicial system and assist the reform of the Supreme Council of Justice - fulfilled

·In the Supreme Council of Justice judges are in the majority - fulfilled

·Judges are no longer appointed for life - fulfilled

·A new Code of Criminal Procedure has been adopted - fulfilled

·A System of jury trial has been established - fulfilled! This year a jury trial will be held for the first time in Georgian history

·The Prohibition of ex-parte communication and tougher punishment for trying to influence the court by representatives of government - fulfilled

·Strict 60-day terms for investigations - fulfilled

·Allowing only voluntary testimony by witnesses at the preliminary investigation stage - fulfilled

·The establishment of a quicker judicial system based on the principle of competition - fulfilled

Повністю тут: http://www.president.gov.ge/?l=E&id=3209

Про вибори: I promised that the Tbilisi mayoral elections would be direct - The Tbilisi mayoral elections and other local elections are scheduled for May 30 this year; the citizens of Tbilisi for the first time will elect the mayor of the capital directly.

Це правда, у Тбілісі до тепер ще ні разу не вибирали собі мера?


  • 2010.03.03 | Уляна

    Про Росію:

    But let’s think for a second what the alternative to this route is? Lost independence and a return to the times when Russian bosses came to Georgia to enjoy Georgian wine and Cognac, to enjoy Georgia as an ethnographic museum and Georgians as its exhibits with their cuisine, music, and dancing? It was prohibited for us to exist as a state entity, as the country of David and Tamar. Cognac and cheap air tickets were good, but no Georgian town had a water-supply system, no highway was built to a high standard. We existed as a mere province.

    No, this is not our choice.

    I have no doubt that one day we will have unrestricted flights to Moscow, and normal relations with our northern neighbor. No, they will not be flights for 37 rubbles-but believe me, it is much better to pay the market price to fly to Moscow, and arrive there as free Europeans, than to pay cheap prices, but carry the status of a vassal.

    Це наприкінці послання, але є і в інших місцях
  • 2010.03.04 | Уляна

    Щось дуже багато цікавого про Грузію (Л)

    В зв'язку з деякими очевидними паралелями з українськими новітніми реаліями, просто не можу втриматися, щоб не тягнути все про Грузію сюди на форум.

    Перше, ау Луценко, Тимошенко. Куди пішли ваші зусилля7 Боротьба була з чим, за що? Хто господаркою займався? Щоб будувати, що? Хто міліцією займався?
    Ось результати по змінах поліції з Грузії:
    Є результат, нє? Чи, ви думаєте, там завжди так було?

    А тут Валерія Іллінічна розповідає про свою поїздку в Грузію:

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