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Регіоналів люблять, а галичан ненавидять не тільки в Україні

04/17/2010 | voyageur
Вважаю, що можна оприлюднити цього листа, не називаючи імені відправника. Це погляд на події в Україні американського українця, фахівця, що заробляє річно понад 200 тис. долярів. Як бачимо, регіонали мають прихильника в Америці, так само як і галичани ворога в його особі.
Цього листа написано з приводу демонстрації на честь 65 річниці “визволення” Тернополя від німців, що пройшла 15 квітня цього року з прапорами Совіцького Союзу. Див. світлини на Уніані.
Запитую себе, чи дійно діяспора є вже таким нашим спільником.

Oh, so what.
Let those old commie men have their last hurrah, they will all be dead soon, anyway.
But that is the "Halychyna Way", they spend all their time crying over spilled milk, rather than milking the cow for more fresh milk !
Look forward, put the past, even the recent past, behind you.
The goal is to look forward, to build a strong European  Ukraine.
The only ones who are capable of doing this are the boys/oligarchs from Donbass.
They have the big money, they control the important, big industrial stuff, like mining, steel production, and manufacturing.
Halychany are inept bumblers, as unsophisticated and poorly educated as Stefan Bandera was.
They rely on the things white trash in America relies on to keep from going nuts, namely, the arts, religion, patriotism, flag waving. Halychany are the Hillbillies of Ukraine.
Halychany are belly aching, because they are not in control, and because they live in the past, a past that doesn't exist.
Circumstances for Ukrainians are far different from what they were in the 20th century, Halychany have failed to move forward with the times, so they are doomed to fail.
Donbass, both oligarchs and "Regular Ivans" are the hard workers, like the guys who belong to the AFL-CIO or Teamsters or Longshoeman's Union,and  who work for companies like Ford, GM and US Steel.
Not glamorous, not bandura players or dancer/prancer Kashtan types (Каштан- це діяспорний танцювальний ансамбль).
Just hard working men and women who bring home the bacon.
They are not like Halychany deadbeats, who live in some sort of romantic fantasy world, who want to turn Ukraine into something that no nation can never be.
They are the ones who will be the winners in all this, which is as it should be. Workhorses should reap the rewards, not deadbeats.
Let's Look @ what Yanukovich has done so far.
Yanukovich gov. posts are filled with competent administrators, and his Russian born Prime Minister Azarov is keeping his promise, and is learning and using the Ukrainian language. Yanukovich isn't all that smart, and he knows his limitations. He isn't stupid, either, that is why he has put good, sharp minds in his cabinet.  
Doesn't matter that they are ex communists, of Russian speakers, they are competent, and share the right vision for Ukraine. 
At Shevchenkivske sviato, in Kaniv, he declared Ukrainian will be the national language.
He went to Brussels before he went to Moscow, he's trying to position Ukraine so as to have good relations with both Moscow and the West.
Yanukovich has signed legislation to create a "War on Poverty" and a war on corruption.
His Easter Greeting to Ukraine included Yulia Tymoshenko as well as members of his gov.
and was all in Ukrainian.
Now, he's given up Uranium, and that has brought Ukraine tremendous prestige and respect in the world.
The biggest change from the 20th century, I think, is that Ukrainian independence in the 21st century is no longer 
primarily championed by the Ukrainian Catholic Church. The political power of the UCC has diminished, now that it is allowed to function freely. Ukrainian freedom in the 21st century is squarely in the hands of Donbass oligarchs, and the guys who work for them.
The driving force is economic: the last  thing the Donbass boys want is for some Russian policeman to be monitoring and supervising their affairs.
So, the REAL guardians, the real heroes are Pinchuk, Axmatov, and the rest as it is in their financial interest to have a free Ukraine that is stable, united, and strong.
I think that Ukrainians as well as most East Europeans, are more like Midwestern Americans than anything else, and Yanukovich, as well as Moscow, has figured that out.
It will look something like this in the 21st century.
Oligarchs are already morphing into legitimate good old style capitalist industrialists, and the guys who work are morphing into an American middle class equivalent. They will have a car, a decent house to live in, TV's and laptops and ovens, washers, dryers  and the other stuff we have, just less of it. (Not a bad thing, Americans have gone overboard with their insatiable greed and desire to acquire everything.)
Ukes will go to soccer games on weekends, and watch top ranked Shaxtar play Metalist or Dynamo, drink Slavutych or Lvivske pyvo and eat salo, and in the summer head for the beach @ Sochi, or Siberia for some hunting and fishing with their pals. And church? There is freedom of religion now, you can go wherever your heart desires to pray to the God of your choice. 


  • 2010.04.17 | Koala

    Автор листа, вочевидь, виїхав в 90-і роки

    і дайте здогадаюся, з якого регіону.
  • 2010.04.17 | Valentyn

    Re: Регіоналів люблять, а галичан ненавидять не тільки в Україні

    Я народився на Донбасі і там закінчив середню школу. В Галичині живу 25 років. Отож, знаю і донбасівців і галичан дуже добре, принаймі ліпше, ніж автор листа, який живе в далекій Америці. Хоча багато в чому я можу з ним погодитись. Для конструктивної роботи галичани надаються значно менше, ніж донбаські (маю на увазі і донецьких і луганських). І думаю, що керувати державою вони зможуть більш ефективно, ніж би це робили галичани (з рештою, їх і цілком справедливо нема серед провідних політиків). Однак без галичан донецькі, які тепер при владі, будували би не сильну Україну, а сильну Малу Росію, що мені, як українцю, не подобалось би. Як би там на Донбасі не любили галичан, але уряд на них завжди буде оглядатися. І як би там не було, рівень культури галичан набагато вищій, ніж донбасівців, які це самі добре розуміють, хоча зізнаватися їм в цьому дуже не хочеться. Тим не менше, тяга до культури у них є велика, тому приклад галичан буде діяти і на них. Думаю, що з часом і галичани, і донбасівці у великій мірі подолають власні недоліки, якщо будуть вчитися одні в одних.

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