МАЙДАН - За вільну людину у вільній країні

Архіви Форумів Майдану

unfortunately today, gas carries more weight than human rights(л

06/25/2010 | Alex_1

Mr. Marty was effusive in his thanks to Russian delegates who assisted him during his research, and clearly pleased at their response to his report, which he said “could have turned into a clash between two camps.” Some of his toughest comments were directed at European governments which he said were hesitant to challenge Russia.

“I quoted a former judge of the court who said very recently to me, ‘You know, unfortunately today, gas carries more weight than human rights,’ ”

Отже навіть сама Євпропа зізнається, що газ важить для неї більше ніж права людини. То чого ж нам чекати?


  • 2010.06.25 | Адвокат ...

    Ги, а Ви хіба не знали, що так звані людські права,-- то

    буржуазна вигадка, аби зруйнувать совок? Так би мовити,-- експортний товар.

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