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В Америці викрито змову проти уряду (л)

03/23/2011 | nandi
For Immediate Release
March 18, 2011 United States Attorney's Office
Western District of North Carolina
Contact: (704) 344-6222

Defendant Convicted of Minting His Own Currency

STATESVILLE, NC—Bernard von NotHaus, 67, was convicted today by a federal jury of making, possessing, and selling his own coins, announced Anne M. Tompkins, U.S. Attorney for the Western District of North Carolina. Following an eight-day trial and less than two hours of deliberation, von NotHaus, the founder and monetary architect of a currency known as the Liberty Dollar, was found guilty by a jury in Statesville, North Carolina, of making coins resembling and similar to United States coins; of issuing, passing, selling, and possessing Liberty Dollar coins; of issuing and passing Liberty Dollar coins intended for use as current money; and of conspiracy against the United States. The guilty verdict concluded an investigation which began in 2005 and involved the minting of Liberty Dollar coins with a current value of approximately $7 million. Joining the U.S. Attorney Anne M. Tompkins in making today’s announcement are Edward J. Montooth, Acting Special Agent in Charge of the FBI, Charlotte Division; Russell F. Nelson, Special Agent in Charge of the United States Secret Service, Charlotte Division; and Sheriff Van Duncan of the Buncombe County Sheriff’s Office.

According to the evidence introduced during the trial, von NotHaus was the founder of an organization called the National Organization for the Repeal of the Federal Reserve and Internal Revenue Code, commonly known as NORFED and also known as Liberty Services. Von NotHaus was the president of NORFED and the executive director of Liberty Dollar Services, Inc. until on or about September 30, 2008.

Von NotHaus designed the Liberty Dollar currency in 1998 and the Liberty coins were marked with the dollar sign ($); the words dollar, USA, Liberty, Trust in God (instead of In God We Trust); and other features associated with legitimate U.S. coinage. Since 1998, NORFED has been issuing, disseminating, and placing into circulation the Liberty Dollar in all its forms throughout the United States and Puerto Rico. NORFED’s purpose was to mix Liberty Dollars into the current money of the United States. NORFED intended for the Liberty Dollar to be used as current money in order to limit reliance on, and to compete with, United States currency.

In coordination with the Department of Justice, on September 14, 2006, the United States Mint issued a press release and warning to American citizens that the Liberty Dollar was “not legal tender.” The U.S. Mint press release and public service announcement stated that the Department of Justice had determined that the use of Liberty Dollars as circulating money was a federal crime.

Article I, section 8, clause 5 of the United States Constitution delegates to Congress the power to coin money and to regulate the value thereof. This power was delegated to Congress in order to establish and preserve a uniform standard of value and to insure a singular monetary system for all purchases and debts in the United States, public and private. Along with the power to coin money, Congress has the concurrent power to restrain the circulation of money which is not issued under its own authority in order to protect and preserve the constitutional currency for the benefit of all citizens of the nation. It is a violation of federal law for individuals, such as von NotHaus, or organizations, such as NORFED, to create private coin or currency systems to compete with the official coinage and currency of the United States.

Von NotHaus, who remains free on bond, faces a sentence of up to 15 years’ imprisonment on count two of the indictment and a fine of not more than $250,000. Von NotHaus faces a prison sentence of five years and fines of $250,000 on both counts one and three. In addition, the United States is seeking the forfeiture of approximately 16,000 pounds of Liberty Dollar coins and precious metals, currently valued at nearly $7 million. The forfeiture trial, which began today before United States District Court Judge Richard Voorhees, will resume on April 4, 2011 in the federal courthouse in Statesville. Judge Voorhees has not yet set a date for the sentencing of von NotHaus.

“Attempts to undermine the legitimate currency of this country are simply a unique form of domestic terrorism,” U.S. Attorney Tompkins said in announcing the verdict. “While these forms of anti-government activities do not involve violence, they are every bit as insidious and represent a clear and present danger to the economic stability of this country,” she added. “We are determined to meet these threats through infiltration, disruption, and dismantling of organizations which seek to challenge the legitimacy of our democratic form of government.”

The case was investigated by the FBI, Buncombe County Sheriff’s Department, and the U.S. Secret Service, in cooperation with and invaluable assistance of the United States Mint. The case was prosecuted by Assistant United States Attorneys Jill Westmoreland Rose and Craig D. Randall, and the forfeiture trial is being prosecuted by Assistant United States Attorneys Tom Ascik and Ben Bain Creed.



  • 2011.03.23 | Sych

    Думаю, це квіточки. Скоро візьмуться за все золото/срібло як у 30-х роках.(л)

    Marc Faber warns of expropriation if gold prices explode

    INTERNATIONAL. Marc Faber, the Swiss fund manager and Gloom Boom & Doom editor said the rising price of gold is far from over because paper money will continue to lose value.

    Speaking in an exclusive interview with Kitco News, Faber told John Dourekas that "paper money has already lost a lot of value and in my view it will continue to lose value".

    “If you have US$100 today, you buy that much less in terms of a basket of goods and services then you did ten years ago. The price of gold will adjust on the upside according to the loss of the purchasing power of money,” Faber said.

    Faber said that he continues to buy the yellow metal, “If someone is rich they should buy a ton every month.“

    “At zero percent interest, I don’t see why someone would not have part of their money in gold and silver,” he told Kitco News.

    In one of his most memorable 'rants' Faber warned if gold prices substantially rise one day, there could be expropriation.

    “The Americans could force the Europeans to do the same – once they have all the gold in the world they would re-value it at US$10,000 an ounce," he said.

    Overall, Faber has little hope for financial reform in the US. “The US should have less regulation and not more regulation – that is the origin and cause of the crisis,” he said.

    Speaking to CNBC Thursday, Faber went further, saying that "the governments are taking over".

    "They will all bankrupt us and expropriate us, but it may not happen tomorrow. They'll give us something to play with, until the whole system breaks down...they'll just print money and print more money," he said.

    "What I object to the current government intervention in so-called 'solving the crisis', (is that) they haven't solved anything. They've just postponed it."

    "If you print money like in Zimbabwe... the purchasing power of money goes down, and the standards of living go down, and eventually, you have a civil war," he added.

    Speaking to 'CNBC Squawk Box Europe' last month, Faber said "we already have now a gold standard created by the market place."

    "We have the exchange traded funds that have proliferated and we have more and more physical buying of gold," he added.

    The famed investor pointed out that between 2001 and 2008, gold outperformed bonds and stocks, but starting with 2009 stocks outperformed. "This means investors must own gold because generally retail investors cannot move in and out of different assets like institutional investors".

    Investors should avoid bonds and cash over the next 10 years and choose stocks instead, he said, but warned that printing money will lead to an economic collapse in the end.

    "Before we have the final collapse that will be a deflationary collapse, we will have more and more money printing."

    As gold's supply can't be increased at the same rate as you can print money, Faber recommends everybody should buy some gold every month "forever".


    Стаття трохи бородата, але ж випадок останніх днів фактично був передбачений Фабером.
    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
    • 2011.03.23 | Боббі

      там проблема у подібності до звичайних монет

      типу шо дуже схоже на фальшування монети.
      згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
      • 2011.03.23 | Sych

        Не думаю. Та організація вже судилася за це з казначейством. До речі, ці монети на пару порядків

        вищі в ціні ніж офіційні бо були срібляні чи золоті. Який бізнес сенс в такій підробці?
      • 2011.03.24 | Sych

        До речі, одне з звинувачень - у тероризмі. Unbefuckinglivable.

  • 2011.03.24 | zаброда

    UVMOD: ефемерний зв'язок із укрполітикою

    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
    • 2011.03.24 | Пані

      Згода. Тему закрито

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