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Swiss bank chief Philipp Hildebrand quits (/)

01/10/2012 | ak1001

Speaking at a press conference in Bern, Mr Hildebrand said:

"In view of the continued public debate centred on these financial transactions and following detailed examination of all documentation and reflection since the news conference, I have come to the conclusion it is not possible to provide conclusive and final evidence that my wife did initiate the transaction without my knowledge.

"The fact is my word is my bond I had no knowledge of my wife's transaction on that day."

Mr Hildebrand added that that he hoped the move would "allow the SNB to retain its credibility, which is its greatest assset."

Kashya Hildebrand, a former hedge fund trader who now runs a Zurich art gallery, bought Sfr400,000 (£272,363) for $504,000 on August 15. The trades were made three weeks before the SNB set a minimum exchange rate of 1.20 Swiss francs per euro to stem massive inflows of money from the eurozone which was hurting the Swiss economy.


  • 2012.01.10 | 123

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