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Киевских собак усыпляют перед ЄВРО-2012, прикрывая это бешенством (л)

01/18/2012 | sash_demchenko
На днях появилась информация, что по киевских улицах разбрасывается отравленная еда, которую подбирают, конечно же, собаки6 в том числе и домашние, едят, и умирают. Без внешних причин.

А это может быть и Ваш домашний любимец.

Также есть информация, что собак массово убивают и вывозят за черту города.

ДАЛЬШЕ - СДЕСЬ - http://realityinua.com/category/news/news_889.html?


  • 2012.01.18 | Translation

    Pereklad Eng

    Kiev's dogs are euthanized ahead of EURO 2012, authorities using rabies as cover-up
    Everyday life | Posted koroboro | January 17, 2012 at 10:42 am
    Recently it was reported that in Kiev for the first time in ten years there has been a case of dog rabies. [Kiev is the capital of Ukraine and the main venue of this summer's 2012 Euro football championship.]

    It is not rabies but rabies scare that kills

    A few days later it was also reported that several dogs became rabid in other areas of Kiev. Kiev authorities began to act very quickly, as if under a preconceived plan.

    Very quickly all dogs on the streets with the reported cases of rabies were checked for rabies, and quarantine was introduced in some areas.

    The other day it was reported that poisoned food has been spread on Kiev streets, and all dogs, both homeless and domestic ones, pick up this food, eat it, and die. Without external causes.

    Your best-loved pet could be among them.

    There is also information that dogs are killed en masse and corpses taken out of the city.

    The reason for euthanasia - lazy authorities

    There is a humane method of dealing with homeless dogs, people will not lose their humanity, and the dogs will live. This is sterilization.

    Mass sterilization of stray dogs will prevent them from breeding. This is the only possible control of stray dogs.

    Because if stray dogs are not sterilized but killed instead, anyway, more dogs will grow up and humans will have to destroy them also. Thus, the killing machine will never stop.

    And if you only sterilize - which is more humane because it is just birth control, the dogs will live their lives as they want and not be killed.

    The reason that stray dogs are not sterilized is that the government does not want to allocate money to organize sterilization. Because it requires medication, it requires veterinarians, it also requires special treatment centres. It requires money which will bring no profit, no return of investment.

    And the authorities do not want to hear about such projects. They need profits and kickbacks.

    No profit - so a govt official would not lift a finger.

    EURO such Euro

    And in fact, it is not only in Kiev that dogs are poisoned, euthanised and simply killed en masse.

    There have been such cases of Odessa. There were even photos. Creepy. A garbage dump full of dead dogs. Hundreds of four-legged creatures turning into rotten meat under concrete lids.

    This is the burial ground for dogs in Odessa.

    There were also rumors that dogs on Donetsk are poisoned en masse. After the photos from Odessa these rumors can not be doubted.

    It turns out that in six Ukrainian cities that are hosting Euro 2012 at least three are involved in mass killings of homeless dogs.

    One can only guess about the other cities. The scale of it all.

    One could also guess the scale of Ukraine's secret campaign to kill homeless dogs. All pf Ukraine piled up with bodies of the dead dogs.

    And all this because of the fact someone just do not want to sterilize the dogs. Because onet does not receive kickbacks to which the Ukrainian government have gotten used so much.

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    • 2012.01.18 | Translation

      Pereklad noviny pro zarazhennya skazom i otruyennya sobak s ukr pravdy - spread, pls

      Permalink publication: http://kiev.pravda.com.ua/news/4f16d9dd09d2b/

      Kiev dogs are deliberately infected with rabies to justify extermination?
      18.01.2012 16:40

      Ukrainian animal rights activists believe that the epidemic of rabies which allegedly broke out in Kiev recently is linked with plans of the city authorities to get rid of stray dogs on the eve of the Euro 2012 international football event.

      In particular, Tetyana Metyelyeva, the head of non-governmental "Institute of Contemporary Issues of Ukraine", says there are at least three dogs which could have been infected with rabies deliberately.

      "According to media reports, a dog who was diagnosed with rabies, has been cured. This, according to veterinarians, is quite possible. But only in case when the dog is deliberately infected with an overdosed rabies vaccine," Metyelyeva says.

      She added that it suggests that the animals were infected to "cause panic in Kiev and quietly clean the city ahead of Euro 2012".

      "Since the infected animals were not let back to the streets, there is no danger to people," she said..

      "Animal rights activists and ordinary citizens are sending numerous reports and photos on mass poisonings of dogs. But so far we are not able to find out who is doing this," said the head of the Youth League of Animal Protection, Iryna Tereshchenko.

      Animal rights activists says that even if there is rabies in Kiev, the dogs should be vaccinated, not poisoned.

      Ukrainian Pravda. Kiev

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