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Російський генпрокурор Чайка шпигує на Стратфор(л)

02/28/2012 | Koala
Яка ганьба! Не міг на ЦРУ чи МІ-5, хоч трохи ідейно було б, так ні ж, на приватну фірму...
Цікаво - а хто з наших?


  • 2012.02.28 | Kgasoil

    стратфор визнав що їх інфільтрувала служба СВР РФ))

    більше того цей мутний стратфор ще і регулярно видає провокативні дезінформаційні напади на Україну

    Стратфор і низка інших 'фірм' такого ж типу у 2010 а може й доси різслідувалися ФБР на предмет проникнення російскої служби

    саме стратфору висланий російский шпигун впарив КОМПЮТЕРНУ СИСТЕМУ ВЛАСНОГО ШПИГУНСКОГО ВИРОБНИЦТВА

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    • 2012.02.28 | Koala

      Анна Чепман, чи хто?

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      • 2012.02.28 | Kgasoil

        not everything in spy craft is about pussy. here is original report on Stratfor failure ))

        стратфор соромязливо визнав шо контактував з шпигунами


        насправді не лише стратфор а ВСІ: Херітідж, Хадсон інстітут, Джеймстаун, Горвіц Фрідом центр, і т.д. т.п.

        стратфор настіки ЗАБРУДНЕНИЙ шо не могли не коментувати

        інші просто ОБІСРАЛИСЯ коли ФБР почав їх розслідувати


        Russian spy pitched private intelligence firm
        By Jeff Stein

        A lot of ridicule was heaped on the Russian spies ousted this month for not stealing any secrets.

        But now the head of a private intelligence-gathering and publishing firm has come forward to say it wasn’t for want of trying.

        According to George Friedman, chief executive officer of Stratfor, Inc., an Austin, Tex.-based "global intelligence" firm, one of the Russian agents tried to sell the company a software package that he suspects could have piped the firm’s files back to Moscow.

        The pitches began six months ago, Friedman said, and continued right up until shortly before the spy was unmasked.

        The spy, who went by the name of Donald Heathfield and lived in Cambridge, Mass. with his spy-wife and two kids, was eventually identified as Russian intelligence agent Andrey Bezrukov. On July 9, “Heathfield” and his family were shipped to Vienna, en route to Moscow with nine others in a prisoner swap.

        “Heathfield” first approached a company staffer in Washington, D.C. six months ago.

        Friedman said a trade association official had told the company, “you really need to talk to this guy.”

        “The guy came on as trying to sell us some software … that would manage our customer base,” Friedman said by phone Friday.

        Unfortunately for the spy, however, he was barking up the wrong company tree, Friedman said with a chuckle. The Russian had picked a researcher/writer -- a “subject-matter expert" with no interest in the customer end of the business.

        But “Heathfield” was “persistent,” Friedman said, coming back “five times” to make a sale.

        “He was very good, very persistent,” Friedman said. He wasn’t asking questions that might have aroused suspicion.

        Stratfor's policy requires employees to report any time they are approached by foreigners, but “Heathfield” didn’t appear to be one, Friedman said, so no report was made.

        “He was very professional. No red flags were raised,” Friedman said.

        In hindsight, the spy was “networking his way through Washington, and doing so very well.”

        “Only when the news broke," Friedman said, "did we go, uh-oh.”

        As for what the spy was after, he can only guess. Stratfor has no government clients, Friedman said.

        But the idea of penetrating a firm that advertises itself as “a global intelligence company that uses human intelligence and geopolitical analysis to produce penetrating explanations of world events,” Friedman said, “must have been alluring to the Russians.”

        By Jeff Stein | July 23, 2010; 4:43 PM ET
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        • 2012.02.29 | Graymur

          Где именно в этом тексте говорится, что Стратфор был кем-то "инфильтрован"?

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          • 2012.02.29 | Kgasoil

            там все написано для тих хто розуміє як слідство ведеться

            ніхто вам публікувати деталі не стане

            плюс те що відомо не з преси.
  • 2012.02.29 | Боббі

    дійсно цікаво було б побачити якийсь реферат-аналіз повідомлень з депеш + стратфору про Україну

    прям таку собі книжечку можна було б зробити по сучасній історії України та навколишнього світу...
    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
    • 2012.02.29 | Koala

      Так зараз партнери вивчають. На WL жодного документу про Україну ще вчора не побачив(ред)

  • 2012.02.29 | Koala

    І хто одразу поліз спростовувати: Юлія "Цвай Ренд" Латиніна!(л) http://ej.ru/?a=note&id=11834

  • 2012.02.29 | Мартинюк

    Цікаве трактування теми про Україну (/)

    РФ намагається відновити контроль над Януковичем &
    Тимошенко можно было легко купить?

    «Сегодня» сообщает, что сайт «WikiLeaks» начал выкладывать документы разведывательно-аналитической компании «Stratfor», которые касаются Украины.

    В письме аналитика по Евразии Лорен Гудрич говорится, что РФ пытается вернуть контроль над Виктором Януковичем, который был утрачен после ареста Юлии Тимошенко.

    Аналитик пишет, что Владимир Путин всегда хотел иметь противовес Януковичу. Для этого лучше всего подходила Юлия Тимошенко. Причина же кроется в том, что ее было легче всего купить из всех топовых политиков. Именно это стало причиной ее проблем и соответственно ареста.

    В тоже время Тимошенко не нравилась Медведеву, так как бывший украинский премьер-министр не уважала его, и общалась лично с Путиным. Однако президент Российской Федерации не смог убедить Владимира Путина разорвать отношения с Юлией Тимошенко.

    В «Stratfor» уже успели отреагировать на переписку своих аналитиков. В компании заявили, что действия «WikiLeaks» незаконны, и что не всё в письмах является правдой.
    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
    • 2012.02.29 | Kgasoil

      рівень імейлів стратфора- 2й клас 2а четверть)) склали дулю з трех політиків Украіни як круто))

      Дякуючи пану Боббі знайдено от:

      ВІКІЛІКС депеша нумер: 06KIEV1996


      Yanukovych had been very poor as a child, living in a village with his grandmother until she died and then in an orphanage until he turned 17;

      he had left the orphanage "with a lot of money" as he had learned to "play cards well."

      Yanukovych had returned to his grandmother's small house, which he inherited, to renovate it and work the land, but had
      immediately butted heads with an alcoholic neighbor, a police officer, who had illegally taken over part of the Yanukovych family spread.

      Yanukovych told the cop to get off his land;

      in retaliation, the cop fabricated a criminal case against him, and Yanukovych went to jail.

      After his release, Yanukovych again asserted his right to his grandmother's property, which prompted the cop to fabricate another criminal case. Yanukovych said he was given no time to prepare for his second trial and was actually informed of his trial date as he was preparing to propose to his wife.

      The trial last a cursory 45 minutes, after which he was again sentenced to jail.

      ¶4. (C) Outraged about being railroaded a second time, Yanukovych said that he became a difficult charge for his
      jailers, refusing to eat prison food and subsisting only on food packages sent to him by others.

      Yanukovych was punished for his intransigence by being put in isolation 14 times, for stints of 7 to 40 days.

      After being released from prison, Yanukovych said it took him four years to get the local courts to overturn his convictions and officially clear his name -- something, he stressed, that rarely happened in Soviet times.

      Yanukovych credited Donetsk-born Soviet Cosmonaut Georgi Beregovoy, a longtime Donbas representative in the Supreme Soviet, for taking an interest in his case and getting him exonerated.

      Tags: 06kiev1996, wikileaks, вікілікс


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