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Оні просто абарзєлі: Gates wants patent power (/)

08/07/2005 | Роман ShaRP

Gates wants patent power
Published: July 29, 2004, 9:02 AM PDT
By Ina Fried
Staff Writer, CNET News.com

REDMOND, Wash.--Bill Gates wants more credit for Microsoft's inventions.

Microsoft's chairman said Thursday that the company expects to file 3,000 patent applications this year, up from a little over 2,000 last year and 1,000 just a few years ago.

Hitting the 3,000 mark would put the software giant in a league almost by itself. Last year, IBM ranked as the champion company in this particular race, winning 3,415 patents from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, with no close runners-up in the high-tech field. Hewlett-Packard was No. 5 on the list with 1,759.

The push for more patents comes as Microsoft is trying to boost the licensing of its intellectual property to other companies, an effort that began last year.

"We're at an early state on that but it is something that we are pretty excited (about)," Gates said, speaking at the company's yearly financial analysts meeting here.

It's not just a goal of attaining sheer numbers, Gates said. "We think--patent for patent--what we are doing is, if anything, more important than what others are doing."

In addition to patents related to XML and other software technologies, Microsoft has received some unusual patents in the past year including one for a method for using human skin to transmit power and data and one for a new type of apple although Microsoft said that was a lawyer's error and the patent belongs to someone else.

Gates demonstrated several new technologies that the company's research unit is working on, including an improved method for browsing through a library of digital photos and videos.


На Майдані вже неодноразово писалося, яку небезпеку створюють патенти, особливо "програмних принципів", які так полюбляе M$, для конкуренції у сфері програмного забезпечення та його вільної розробки.

"Валові плани" на подальше патентування говорять НМД про те, що ця компанія просто суспільно небезпечна, і про це треба говорити, і діяти тим, хто усвідомлює, що це будуть за патенти, і що вони нам несуть, теж слід відповідно.


  • 2005.08.07 | Роман ShaRP

    Коротко про те саме російською. (/)


    Билл Гейтс ставит рекорды по патентам
    5 августа 2005, 10:47

    Страсть Microsoft к патентованию всевозможнейших изобретений продолжает набирать обороты.

    Согласно планам владельца компании, Microsoft поднимает планку "обязательного норматива" по количеству ежегодно регистрируемых патентов с 2 тыс. до 3 тыс.!

    В числе последних изобретений компании - "обнаружение волнующих моментов в бейсболе". Изобретение заключается в том, что наиболее волнующие моменты специальное программное обеспечение сможет определить по характерным интонациям комментаторов и крикам зрителей.

    В среднем, чтобы выполнить "норму", работникам Microsoft еженедельно придется регистрировать до 60 подобных изобретений.
  • 2005.08.07 | Роман ShaRP

    Why Bill Gates wants 3,000 new patents (/)

    Ще одна інформативна стаття по темі M$ та патентування.


    Why Bill Gates wants 3,000 new patents
    Published: July 31, 2005, 8:15 AM PDT
    By Randall Stross
    The New York Times

    "EXCITING," "uninteresting" and "not exciting" don't seem like technical terms, but they show up a lot in United States patent application No. 20,050,160,457, titled "Annotating Programs for Automatic Summary Generation."

    It seems to be about baseball. The inventors have apparently come up with software that can detect the portions of a baseball broadcast that contain what they call "excited speech," as well as hits (what I call "excited ball") and automatically compile those portions into a highlights reel.

    If the patent is granted, after a review process that is likely to take three years, it will be assigned to the inventors' employer, Microsoft.

    The staff of the United States Patent and Trademark Office has been deluged with paperwork from Microsoft of late. It was one year ago that the company's chairman, Bill Gates, announced plans to pick up the pace, raising its goal of patent applications submitted annually to 3,000 from 2,000. The company is right on target.

    It must feel like a bit of a stretch to come up with 60 fresh, nonobvious patentable ideas week in, week out. Perhaps that is why this summer's crop includes titles like "System and Method for Creating a Note Related to a Phone Call " and "Adding and Removing White Space From a Document."

    I have not seen the software in use. But if I were in a position to make a ruling, and even if I accepted the originality claim on its face, I would process these swiftly: Rejected.

    Microsoft's other pending applications--3,368 at last count--should receive the same treatment. And while tidying up, let's also toss out the 3,955 patents that Microsoft has already been issued.

    Perhaps that is going too far. Certainly, we should go through the lot and reinstate the occasional invention embodied in hardware. But patent protection for software? No. Not for Microsoft, nor for anyone else.

    Others share this conviction. "Abolishing software patents would be a very good thing," says Daniel Ravicher, executive director of the Public Patent Foundation, a nonprofit group in New York that challenges what it calls "wrongly issued" patents. Ravicher, a patent lawyer himself, says he believes that the current system actually impedes the advance of software technology, at the same time that it works quite nicely to enrich patent holders. That's not what the framers of the Constitution wanted, he said.

    Earlier this month, the European Parliament rejected a measure, nicknamed the "software patent directive," that would have uniformly removed restrictions on those patents among European Union members.

    All software published in the United States is protected by strong copyright and trademark protection. Microsoft Excel, for example, cannot be copied, nor can its association with Microsoft be removed. But a patent goes well beyond this. It protects even the underlying concepts from being used by others--for 20 years.

    As recently as the 1970s, software developers relied solely upon copyrights and trademarks to protect their work. This turned out rather well for Microsoft. Had Dan Bricklin, the creator of VisiCalc, the spreadsheet that gave people a reason to buy a personal computer, obtained a patent covering the program in 1979, Microsoft would not have been able to bring out Excel until 1999. Nor would Word or PowerPoint have appeared if the companies that had brought out predecessors obtained patent protection for their programs.

    Bricklin, who has started several software companies and defensively acquired a few software patents along the way, says he, too, would cheer the abolition of software patents, which he sees as the bane of small software companies. "The number of patents you can run into with a small product is immense," he said. As for Microsoft's aggressive accumulation in recent years, he asked, "Isn't Microsoft the poster child of success without software patents?"

    So why didn't Bricklin file for a patent for VisiCalc in 1979? Patents for software alone were not an option then. He consulted a patent attorney who said that the application would have to present the software within a machine and that the odds were long that the ploy would succeed. The courts regarded software as merely a collection of mathematical algorithms, tiny revelations of nature's secrets--not as an invention, and thus not patentable.

    The legal environment changed not because of new legislation, but by accident. One important ruling here and another there, and without anyone fully realizing it, a new intellectual-property reality had evolved by the end of the 1980s. Now software could enjoy the extraordinary protection of a patent, protection so powerful that Thomas Jefferson believed that it should be granted in only a few select cases.

    Making the best possible argument for Microsoft's newly acquired passion for patents is a job that falls to Brad Smith, the company's senior vice president and general counsel. Last week, we discussed the changing legal landscape in the 1990s. Microsoft had not taken an interest in patents in its early years because, as Smith said, "We thought we could rely on copyright." The courts changed the rules, and Microsoft had to respond like everyone else.

    Why did Microsoft increase its patent-application target so sharply just last year?

    "We realized we were underpatenting," Smith explained. The company had seen studies showing that other information technology companies filed about two patents for every $1 million spent on research and development. If Microsoft was spending $6 billion to $7.5 billion annually on its R&D, it would need to file at least 3,000 applications to keep up with the Joneses.

    That sounds perfectly innocuous. The really interesting comparisons, though, are found not among software companies, but between software companies and pharmaceutical companies. Pharma is lucky to land a single patent after placing a multihundred-million-dollar bet and waiting patiently 10 years for it to play out. Mark H. Webbink, the deputy general counsel of Red Hat, a Linux and open-source distributor, said it was ridiculous for a software company to grab identical protection for work entailing relatively minuscule investment and trivial claims. He said of current software patents, "To give 20 years of protection does not help innovation."

    If Congress passed legislation that strengthened and expanded copyright protection to include design elements as well as software's source code, formalizing the way the courts interpreted the law in the 1970s, we could bring an end to software patents and this short, unhappy blip in our patent system's time line.

    Eliminating software patents would give Microsoft another chance to repair its relationship with open-source users. Recently, the company has stooped to what can only be labeled fear-mongering, telling its customers who may be tempted to switch to open-source alternatives to think twice before leaving Microsoft's protective awning.

    Last year at a public briefing, Kevin R. Johnson, Microsoft's group vice president for worldwide sales, spoke pointedly of "intellectual property risk" that corporate customers should take into account when comparing software vendors. On the one side, Microsoft has an overflowing war chest and bulging patent portfolio, ready to fight--or cross-license with--any plaintiff who accuses it of patent infringement. On the other are the open-source developers, without war chest, without patents of their own to use as bargaining chips and without the financial means to indemnify their customers.

    What would Jefferson think if he were around to visit Microsoft's campus, seeing software patents stacked like pyramids of cannonballs?

    Randall Stross is a historian and author based in Silicon Valley.
  • 2005.08.08 | Олесь Бережний

    УВМОД: Порушення правил №№ 2, 7, 12

    Модераторе, ця повторна тема про Microsoft є оффтопіком і спамом у розділі "Культура", бо 1) не стосується ані літератури, ані музики, ані мистецтва, а також 2) гілку на цю тему вже було започатковано тим самим персонажем, що за Правилами кваліфікується як вияв маніакальної докучливості. Припускаю, що ця тема може бути не оффтопіком в розділі "Інтернет-УІС", "Без Правил" або десь інде:

    2. Провокація у вигляді оффтопіку
    Якщо офтопік, котрий не підпадає під тематику якогось з тематичних форумів, дістає будь яку відповідь - то вбивається на місці або йде в архів закритим на обговорення (щойно його бачить адмінгрупа), або (якщо не бачить)еволюційним шляхом.

    7. Зловживання увагою
    Дуже не вітаються на форумі вияви маніакальної докучливості та/чи манії величі у вигляді започаткування нових гілок з питань, що вже обговорюються /.../


    12. Особливості тематичних форумів

    "Культура" - форум охоплює літературу, музику, мистецтво /.../

    "Інтернет-УІС" - Форум Української Інтернет Спільноти та всіх небайдужих до розвитку інтернет в Україні. /.../ для поширення використання інтернет-технологій в усіх сферах життя та діяльності на всіх щаблях суспільства. /.../
    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
    • 2005.08.08 | Горицвіт


      Це не про інтернет і не про майкрософт, а про патентування, що стосується культури, бо змінює весь культурний ландшафт.
      згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
      • 2005.08.08 | Олесь Бережний

        патентування - це, за Горицвітом, є культурний ландшафт України!

        Горицвіт пише:
        > Це не про інтернет і не про майкрософт, а про патентування, що стосується культури, бо змінює весь культурний ландшафт.

        Шановний Горицвіте,
        12 балів! Щиро дякую за те, що Ви так креативно розкрили для мене розуміння культурного ландшафту України! Я ж бо й гадки не мав, що Майкрософт, виявляється, є його наріжним каменем. Тобто патентування є. Залік, Горицвіте! :hap:
        Відтак, дуже прошу Вас розгорнути в цій гілці тему культурного ландшафту України в контектсі патентування, бо в жодному з попередніх дописів, попри Ваше твердження, про це не йшлося.
        згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
        • 2005.08.09 | Горицвіт

          брехати негарно +

          Осьо два цікавих патенти (5,894,554 і 6,415,335):

          System for managing dynamic web page generation requests by intercepting request at web server and routing to page server thereby releasing web server to process other requests

          The present invention teaches a method and apparatus for creating and managing custom Web sites. Specifically, one embodiment of the present invention claims a computer-implemented method for managing a dynamic Web page generation request to a Web server, the computer-implemented method comprising the steps of routing the request from the Web server to a page server, the page server receiving the request and releasing the Web server to process other requests, processing the request, the processing being performed by the page server concurrently with the Web server, as the Web server processes the other requests, and dynamically generating a Web page in response to the request, the Web page including data dynamically retrieved from one or more data sources.


          System and method for managing dynamic web page generation requests

          The present invention teaches a method and apparatus for creating and managing custom Web sites. Specifically, one embodiment of the present invention claims a computer-implemented method for managing a dynamic Web page generation request to a Web server, the computer-implemented method comprising the steps of routing the request from the Web server to a page server, the page server receiving the request and releasing the Web server to process other requests, processing the request, the processing being performed by the page server concurrently with the Web server, as the Web server processes the other requests, and dynamically generating a Web page in response to the request, the Web page including data dynamically retrieved from one or more data sources.


          Вони оформлені не на Майкрософт.


          Якщо власники (а це нібито одна фірма) захочуть їх привести в активну дію, то ця наша дискусія стане неможливою.
          згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
          • 2005.08.09 | Олесь Бережний

            Горицвіте, шкода тіко, що картінки не завантажуються

            Горицвіт пише:
            > Осьо два цікавих патенти (5,894,554 і 6,415,335):
            > System for managing dynamic web page generation requests by intercepting request at web server and routing to page server thereby releasing web server server to process other requests

            Це не про інтернет...(c) Горицвіт
            ...брехати негарно...(c) Горицвіт

            > Abstract
            > The present invention teaches a method and apparatus for creating and managing custom Web sites.
            Це не про інтернет...(c)
            ...брехати негарно...(c) Горицвіт

            > Specifically, one embodiment of the present invention claims a computer-implemented method for managing a dynamic Web page generation request to a Web server,

            Це не про інтернет...(c) Горицвіт
            ...брехати негарно...(c) Горицвіт

            > the computer-implemented method comprising the steps of routing the request from the Web server to a page server,
            Це не про інтернет...(c) Горицвіт
            ...брехати негарно...(c) Горицвіт

            > the page server receiving the request and releasing the Web server to process other requests,
            Це не про інтернет...(c) Горицвіт
            ...брехати негарно...(c) Горицвіт

            > processing the request, the processing being performed by the page server concurrently with the Web server,
            Це не про інтернет...(c) Горицвіт
            ...брехати негарно...(c) Горицвіт

            > as the Web server processes the other requests,
            Це не про інтернет...(c) Горицвіт
            ...брехати негарно...(c) Горицвіт

            > and dynamically generating a Web server in response to the request,
            Це не про інтернет...(c) Горицвіт
            ...брехати негарно...(c) Горицвіт

            > the Web server including data dynamically retrieved from one or more data sources.
            Це не про інтернет...(c) Горицвіт
            ...брехати негарно...(c) Горицвіт

            Горицвіте, я десь чув, що вільне володіння албанською мовою є надзвичайно важливе для делегатів на патентно-культурологічну конференцію в Бобруйську. Бажаю успіху! :hap:
            згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
            • 2005.08.09 | Горицвіт

              Re: Горицвіте, шкода тіко, що картінки не завантажуються

              Це приклад патенту, який впливає на культурний ландшафт. Ви ж про це питали трохи вище? І ви такий приклад отримали.

              Вашу ж реакцію можна схарактеризувати (якщо вдатися до жаргону, який ви щойно використали) так: слів зощітан :-)

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