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07/31/2007 | Navigator
Не знаю, коли Rolling Stones докотяться до Києва, а коли докотяться (бо вони ж ті, що це роблять по означенню), то щиро рекомендую – не пропустіть. Скажу просто : це був найкращий рок-концерт. Сумно, що це вже сталось в моєму житті. Ще сумніше, що це не сталось набагато раніше, бо жити з такими спогадами роками – це круто!
Поряд мене стояла пані років семидесяти п”яти з прапорцем Роллінгів. Ба, не стояла, а танцювала. Багато учасників були закутані в британські прапори. Найбільше сподобалась уніформа товстуна: зверху дід Мороз, знизу британський прапор. Типу – дідусь року! Атмосферу не передати. Мік Джагер має той же артистизм і такі ж манери, як, вибачаюсь... Вєрка Сердючка. Такий собі підліток шестидесяти чотирьох років! Дуже кумедно і запально рухається і вдає з себе трішечки божевільного. Вся музика – лише в живу. Невірогідно, що за концерт Мік Джагер пробіг кілометрів п”ять. Співаючи!

Кому потрібні фотки – дивіться: http://www.fontanka.ru/2007/07/29/002/

Такого Питер еще не видел. Rolling Stones буквально задавили своей энергетикой Дворцовую площадь. Шикарное шоу со всевозможными спецэффектами понравилось даже природе: незадолго до начала концерта закончился дождь, и над Александровским столпом встала радуга. А хит Satisfaction орала вся 40-тысячная толпа. Rolling Stones наконец-то добрались до Питера. Когда в прошлом году из-за травмы гитариста группы Кейта Ричардса, который упал с пальмы на острове Фиджи и сильно ударился головой, шоу пришлось отменить, поклонники рок-энд-ролла были в сильном расстройстве. Но в субботу, 28 июля, все их чаяния были удовлетворены. В двойном объеме. Можно сказать, что в этот вечер Питер стал по-настоящему культурной европейской столицей: шоу такого масштаба и качества город еще не видел.

Музыкантам, в отличие от их собрата с Туманного Альбиона Элтона Джона, повезло с погодой. Когда только-только начинали собираться зрители, небо над Дворцовой площадью затянули тучки, и пошел дождь. Народ раскрыл зонты и стал натягивать заранее припасенные курточки. Но необходимость утепляться вскоре пропала. Дождь так же внезапно, как и начался, закончился, оставив как напоминание о себе только капли на выставленных в партере сидениях.

Мик Джаггер и компания вышли на сцену ровно в 21.30. Музыканты дожидались, когда в Петербург придут сумерки, чтобы световое шоу, сопровождающее выступления группы, было максимально ярким. Для того, чтобы создать все великолепие многоуровневой сцены высотой 30 метров и шириной 64 метра, оборудование и аппаратуру доставляли на 60 грузовиках. И тем не менее огромная сцена казалось маленькой для суперподвижного в свои 64 года солиста группы (день рождения Джаггер отпраздновал за два дня до концерта в Питере). После первой песни он скинул свой цветастый плащик, а после третьей и пиджачок, оставшись в одной футболке (надо отметить, что модник Джаггер еще не раз переодевался во время концерта). Наверное, если бы так могли двигаться игроки «Зенита», то они давно уже были чемпионами не только России, но и УЕФА.

На площади также было очень жарко. Народ кипел, то ли от прущей со сцены энергии, то ли от любви к кумирам, а может и от того и другого вместе. Как только группа вышла на сцену, сидячий партер тут же дружно вскочил на ноги, а многие встали на пластмассовые кресла и весь концерт на них пританцовывали. Часть зрителей прямо на Дворцовой переодевалась в майки с логотипом тура группы. Здесь были и те, кто рос с музыкой Rolling Stones, и те, кто родился, когда группа уже была легендой рок-энд-ролла.

«Мы приехали в этот ненавистный город только ради концерта. Пока они не споют Angie, не уйдем с площади», - неистовствовали особые почитатели «катящихся камней». Надо отметить, что такого количества иномарок с московскими, новгородскими и прочими номерами в районе главной площади города еще ни разу не было замечено. Билеты на концерт, стоимость которых варьировалась от 1 до 31 тысячи рублей, ушли на ура. Среди почитателей «роллингов» были замечены Юрий Шевчук, Гоша Куценко, вице-губернатор Петербурга Сергей Тарасов, глава Приморского района Юрий Осипов, Валерий Сюткин. Джаггер не уставал заигрывать со зрителями со сцены. Специально перед концертом он выучил немало русских слов, начиная от стандартного «спасибо» и «как я рад», до сложных для запоминания «красавица» (так он представлял бэк-вокалистку) и «барабаны» (на которых играет ударник Чарли Уоттс). А когда сцена по установленному «языку» стала двигаться в центр площади, радости фанатов не было предела. Они получили полное satisfaction и с удовольствием пели одноименную песню всей 40-ка тысячной толпой вместе с «роллингами».

Удивил зрителей и гитарист Кейт Ричардс. После каждой песни он прикладывался рукой к сцене, как бы пробуя ее на прочность, а потом, к вящему удовольствию зрителей, исполнил две песни. «Кто бы мог подумать, - удивлялись в толпе, - что он может не только демонически обаятельно улыбаться, но так суперски петь».

Фейерверки и огненные столбы, шарики и надувные распахнутые губы с высовывающимся языком (лейбл тура) только дополняли шикарный звук (который, по словам организаторов концерта - компании PMI, не превысил согласованных с Эрмитажем 85 децибелов) и сумасшедший драйв «роллингов».

Концерт шел без остановок 1 час 55 минут. И группу долго не хотели отпускать со сцены, хотя «роллинги» вышли на бис лишь раз, а потом долго раскланивались.

Полученный на концерте энергетический заряд вылился в то, что расходившиеся зрители буквально перекрыли Невский проспект, не обращая внимания на автомобили, и продолжали кричать и петь вплоть до станции метро «Невский проспект». Наверное, на площади остался только тот фанат, который так хотел послушать Angie – его Rolling Stones так и не спели.

Справка: Концерт в Петербурге – составная часть европейского турне A Bigger Bang, которое стартовало 5 июня выступлением в Бельгии и продлится до конца лета. Всего группа планирует дать более 25 концертов. В предыдущий свой приезд в Россию "роллинги" выступали в Москве в августе 1998 года.

In May 2005, The Stones announced plans for another world tour starting August 21 at a press conference and a mini concert at the Juilliard School in New York. The A Bigger Bang Tour was expected to include dates throughout the United States and Canada before going to South America, Asia and Europe. During the Q&A, Mick Jagger told reporters that it would not necessarily be their last tour.

All rehearsals for the tour took place in Toronto, Canada - in a private school and, for the full stage rehearsals, at a hangar at Pearson International Airport.

In keeping with tradition, The Rolling Stones performed a surprise club show on August 10, 2005 at the Phoenix Concert Theatre before an audience of 1,000, each only paying $10 (the Phoenix's regular cover charge).

The tour had its official start on August 21, 2005 with two shows at historic Fenway Park in Boston. The Stones' huge stage caused extensive damage to the outfield, so that approximately 40,000 square feet (4,000 m²) of sod had to be brought in to repair it, and a subsequent baseball game held at the park three days later had to be pushed back an hour to give the grounds crew more time to complete the repairs.

The tour has since played across 55 shows in North America, 4 shows in South America, 5 shows in Japan and one in China. The Rolling Stones have completed their South Pacific leg by playing at two destinations in both Australia and New Zealand.

At the end of 2005, it was announced by tour producer Michael Cohl that The Stones' A Bigger Bang Tour had made a record-shattering $162 million since the tour opening at Fenway Park in Boston on August 21. This breaks the previous North American record, held by The Stones themselves for their 1994 Voodoo Lounge Tour, which grossed approximately $120 million. In terms of revenue, the A Bigger Bang Tour is the largest tour in North America. The second largest was the Rolling Stones' 1997 world tour, Bridges to Babylon Tour.

On February 1, 2006, The Stones played their first concert at the Baltimore Arena since 1969, possibly the second smallest venue they have played or will play for the entire tour. Their most intimate performance, save the surprise Phoenix show in Toronto, was in Radio City Music Hall on March 14, 2006, in a private concert for supporters of the Robin Hood Foundation. This benefit concert was their only performance at the venue to date.

While on the American leg of the tour, on February 5, 2006 the Stones played "Start Me Up", "Rough Justice" and "(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction" at the halftime show of Super Bowl XL in Detroit. Before performing "Satisfaction," Jagger made an uncharacteristic comment on their longevity: "This one we could've done for Super Bowl I." Jagger was asked to leave out two sexually suggestive lyrics. The audio on his microphone was lowered twice for the two requested omissions, but Jagger did sing those lyrics. [2]. Contrary to many media reports, he was not censored. The Stones had earlier taken part in promotions throughout the entire NFL season using music from A Bigger Bang and footage from their supporting world tour.

The outstanding scale of the tour was realised on February 18, 2006 when the Rolling Stones played a one night concert on Copacabana Beach in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The free concert was broadcast on television and broke several records as the largest rock concert of all time. There were a reported 2 million people present on the beach and crowding subsequent streets. A special tunnel was constructed for the band to cross from the stage to the hotel safely. Three days after the monstrous event, U2 played in São Paulo, and clearly affected by the huge night, ended their concert with the words, "I can't get no, satisfaction!" While the Guinness Book of World Records states the largest free concert ever was given in the same spot in 1994 by Rod Stewart, to 3.5 million people, that figure includes everyone who was on Copacabana Beach for fireworks and New Year's Eve celebrations, not just for that concert, so The Rolling Stones could hold the title of largest rock concert of all time. This show was recorded for exhibition on digital movie screens across the United States via Regal Cinemas and heard live on XM Radio. Additionally, the show was shown live on AOL Music in partnership with Network Live.

April 8 saw The Stones arrive in the People's Republic of China for their first-ever performance in the world's most populous country (performances planned in 2003 for the Licks Tour were canceled due to the SARS epidemic). The Chinese authorities required that the group not perform "Brown Sugar", "Honky Tonk Women", "Beast of Burden", and "Let's Spend the Night Together", as they were considered to be "too suggestive."

After their April 18, 2006 performance in Wellington, New Zealand, The Rolling Stones took a one-month break before embarking on the European leg of their A Bigger Bang Tour. Mick Jagger remained in New Zealand to film a cameo in the sitcom Let's Rob Mick Jagger while Keith Richards and Ron Wood went to Fiji for two weeks with their wives. During the vacation it is understood Richards fell from a coconut tree while climbing it to obtain coconuts. After suffering a concussion he was rushed back to Ascot Private Hospital in Auckland, New Zealand for further observation. Although reports claimed he had been released two days later, it was soon confirmed by the hospital he underwent brain surgery on May 5, 2006 to relieve a blood clot that had gathered behind his skull. Richards and his wife Patti were joined by his daughters on May 9 when The Rolling Stones announced the European Tour would be postponed for one month. The BBC reported on May 11 that Richards had now left the hospital, profusely thanking staff for his care, and had now left for an unknown location. Many issues regarding his illness and treatment remain unclear - with one report saying he had in fact fallen off a jet ski.

On May 15, 2006, Britain's The Independent newspaper said that the injury meant up to six shows could be pulled from the start of the band's European tour at an estimated cost of £1 million a show. The New Zealand Herald, citing an unnamed source, reported that Richards had undergone surgery 11 days earlier, on April 28, to stop bleeding in his skull, and that medical staff feared for his life at that time. In a statement quoted by Britain's domestic Press Association, the spokesman denied reports in Britain and New Zealand that Richards had undergone a second operation. The statement said: "The first and only operation was done on Monday, May 8, and was 100% successful. There was no brain damage. He continues to improve as expected." It was announced by The Rolling Stones that the European tour would be postponed by one month to allow Richards a full recovery before returning to the road.

The A Bigger Bang Tour restarted in Milan, Italy on July 11, 2006 at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza with Richards now having made a full recovery; four of the first fifteen dates were rescheduled for later in the summer, with the rest of the dates taking place in the summer of 2007. As well as the first fifteen dates, two more dates were postponed due to Mick Jagger contracting laryngitis.

The only previous show cancelled was one in Dublin, due to complications with the promoter. Due to delays with construction, the two shows set to be at Wembley Stadium were moved to Twickenham Stadium, London. To promote this European leg of the A Bigger Bang Tour, there were plans to release the new track "Biggest Mistake" from the A Bigger Bang album.

In October of the 2006, television commercials for the A Bigger Bang Tour began appearing in the United States, in conjunction with electronics supplier Radio Shack.

It was announced on Friday 24 November that the A Bigger Bang Tour had become the highest grossing tour of all time. An estimated staggering $437 million was earned by the band who toured from November 2005 until November 2006. This overtakes U2 now in second place who have earned a reported $377 million for their successful Vertigo Tour. Then Green Day comes with American Idiot Tour with $323 million. [3] The Stones also hold the record for third and fourth highest grossing tours with the Voodoo Lounge Tour and Bridges to Babylon Tour. It has been widely reported that the Stones will play approximately 20 shows in Europe in 2007 to make up for previously canceled dates. That would take A Bigger Bang over the $500 million dollar mark.

On March 22, Mick Jagger announced that a new 4-DVD box set (like the previous Four Flicks) called "The Biggest Bang" will be released in June in time for their 2007 European tour which is now confirmed. It will possibly contain footage from the Copacabana Beach show at Rio, the Zilker Park show at Austin, and the 2 Beacon Theatre shows in New York City (which were filmed for a movie) or possibly an arena show.

[edit] The show
There were five different ticket options at each concert in the USA: Gold Seating $100, Diamond Seating $350, Premium Seating $175, General Admission $100 and Side Seating $50. In the United Kingdom, the price levels were £40, £60, £90, £150 and £340. Hundreds of tickets remained unsold at some of the band's British shows, such as the show at Hampden Park, Glasgow, though the show at The Millennium Stadium in Cardiff was a sell out.

As well as the general public seating, there was special VIP seating in the side of the stage looking downwards onto the band from the sides.

The concerts featured older hits such as "It's Only Rock 'n' Roll", "Honky Tonk Women" and "Brown Sugar" as well as new tracks including "Rough Justice", "Infamy", "Rain Fall Down" and "Oh No, Not You Again".

The A Bigger Bang Tour stage is a phenomenal construction designed with the best architecture and state-of-the-art electronics which present visual screen shows of the Stones Tongue and live footage. There is an enormous 'runway' which extends out perpendicular to the centre of the stage along which Mick Jagger frequently walks, skips and struts. The stage has been measured to have a height of seven stories. It is part of the concept designed by U2 who incorporated ideas to be closer to the audience. In most concerts, a section of the stage detaches itself and rolls the entire band along the catwalk, creating an "island" B stage in the middle of the stadium. It is the B stage that is the U2 contribution. Unusual stage designs in and of themselves have been a feature since Rolling Stones Tour of the Americas '75.

The set list played at the concerts changes at every destination and include new and old songs, but mostly centers around the same numbers. At almost every destination the opening song has been either "Jumpin' Jack Flash" or "Start Me Up", and the closing "(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction". A selection of new material seems to be frequent as well as two songs sung by guitarist Keith Richards.

Despite the album Rarities 1971-2003 being released in 2005 also, none of the studio recordings featured on the CD have featured in the set at all.

The official logo for the tour is the "Chippy Tongue" - an exploding re-design of the traditional Tongue logo.

The introduction features fireworks and computer-generated graphics representing the literal Big Bang. The four band members' faces hazily appear, and further graphics depicting fast travel through a city's streets before Keith Richards appears on the screen to the sound of Jumpin' Jack Flash.

During the concerts, one large central screen shows live footage of the various band members, predominantly Jagger. Either side of the main screen, there are two sets of lighting effect panels that combine with the main screen to produce visual effects at various points in the show. Bassist Darryl Jones and musical director Chuck Leavell are almost completely ignored in the video effects.

At stadium gigs, during "Sympathy for the Devil", huge flames are sent into the air above the stage, the heat can be immediately felt hundreds of metres away. During the 1970s, this song only made sporadic live appearances, though is captured on 1977's Love You Live. However, since 1989's Steel Wheels Tour, "Sympathy for the Devil" has become a setlist mainstay and a vehicle for the show's most elaborate effects.

[edit] Memorable Moments
On Aug 31, 2005 in Detroit, Mick Jagger said "You blokes don't make cars here anymore, do ya? They're all made in Korea now." Keith Richards made a boo-ing sound to Jagger, who then said he was just joking and that he loved American SUVs.
When it came time to perform "Brown Sugar" during the 15 Oct 2005 show in Atlanta, Mick said, "this song is for you southern chicks of a certain color ... you really, really, know how to [Keith guitar chord oversounding next word]."
On January 15, When the Stones made their encore trip into Boston on a very cold (negative degrees plus wind) January 15 night, Mick yelled "It's fucking cold out there, isn't it?"
Oct. 21, 2005, the Stones were the first-ever event held in the new Charlotte Bobcats Arena, to which Mick said, "We're proud to be bustin' the cherry on this new arena."
November 24, 2005 in Denver, in the mid section of the show while Mick was introducing the next number, a fan in the front rows yelled out "Let Charlie talk!" Mick ignored it but then a bunch of fans yelled in the same time, "Let Charlie talk!" Mick grinned and motioned back for Charlie Watts to come up. Charlie left his drum kit, walked up to front stage, took the wireless mic from Mick, made a pantomime like he was going to deliver a big formal speech, cracked a wry grin, handed the mic back to Mick and without ever having said a word, returned to his drum kit to much audience laughter.
August 20, 2006, Twickenham Stadium Mick said "We were supposed to playing at Wembley Stadium tonight, I think Wembley will be ready for the Arctic Monkeys' farewell tour"
August 25, 2006, the band had embarrassing ticket sales at Glasgow's Hampden Park, which only sold 22,000 out of 60,000 tickets[citation needed]. In the same month, American rock band Bon Jovi and British pop singer Robbie Williams sold out the stadium (Williams played two sold out nights in a row).
September 29, 2006, the Stones played at Churchill Downs, Louisville, Kentucky, the first musical act to ever play there.
October 1, 2006, the Stones play their first ever concert in Wichita, Kansas at Cessna Stadium. This was also the 100th show of the Bigger Bang Tour. They also and played a snippet of 'Wichita Lineman'. Due to the fine weather on the evening of the concert, Mick said he was thinking about moving there.
October 4, 2006, the Stones played for the first time ever in Montana. Keith Richards said, "This is new territory for me, and I've been around a lot. You've got beautiful country here. I'm thinking about moving in."
October 6, 2006, while playing at Regina, Saskatchewan, Mick Jagger referred to the city as "the city that rhymes with fun." (as local radio stations had been billing the city leading up to the concerts). Two days later, on the October 8, 2006 concert, Mick Jagger promised the mayor of Regina that he wouldn't make any jokes about the fact that the name of the town rhymes with a certain part of the female anatomy. He then said that he hoped he didn't sound like a pussy (to which the crowd laughed).
October 11, 2006, while playing on a very cold night in Chicago at Soldier Field, the Stones played "She Was Hot" live for the first time ever. When Mick sang the words "on a cold Chicago night," the crowd cheered loudly.
October 17, 2006, while playing in Seattle at Qwest Field, Jagger said, "We have some people come from out of town like Tacoma and Bellevue." He made reference to Starbucks too. Also Keith, during one of his famous rants, ended with "What do I know? I'm brain damaged!"
October 20, 2006, while playing in El Paso at the Sun Bowl, Mick Jagger said "We're glad to be back here in El Paso. We've been wanting to do this for some time now." He then started playing Marty Robbins' El Paso.
October 27, 2006, the Rolling Stones cancel their first show in Atlantic City, NJ since 1989 when they played with other acts such as Eric Clapton due to Mick Jagger having a sore throat. The show was rescheduled for November 17, 2006.
November 6, 2006, while playing in Oakland at the McAfee Coliseum, Mick Jagger graciously apologized to the audience for a 24-hour delay in the show (necessitated by Jagger's recovery from a sore throat) by mentioning "You could have been home watching Monday Night Football". That contest saw the hapless Oakland Raiders, who play their home games at the Coliseum, get shutout by the Seattle Seahawks.
November 11, 2006, Mick Jagger's father, Joe Jagger, dies of pneumonia at age 93 in Kingston upon Thames near London.
November 17, 2006 (rescheduled show from October 27, 2006), Mick made an opening comment saying "Atlantic City! The only place in the world where you fly in on a private jet and go home on a bus." during Richard's few songs the guitarist said, "It's great to be here tonight, or as I always say it's great to be anywhere. We are a little late (turns to make sure Mick is off stage), but it's not my fault." This was making reference to his several close brushes with death and his drug addictions in the past.
October 22, 2006 the Stones appeared for the first time in the Live Music Capital of the World, Austin, Texas. The crowd of over 50,000 were clearly, almost fanatically, pleased to have the Stones visit. At one point, noting Austin's reputation as 'party town' due to the presence of the University of Texas, Mick Jagger stated "We've never been here before - we must be the only virgins in Austin..." The crowd especially went through the roof with delirious glee when Jagger stated "...here's a song we learned from Waylon Jennings, a song we've never played live before - and probably will never again!" and then led into 'Bob Wills Is Still the King". During the chorus of the song, when Jagger sang "..in Texas, Bob Wills is still the king...", the crowd erupted with monumental cheers. The crowd was also told the Austin, Texas show would be filmed for a DVD, due out in 2007.
June 29th, 2007, two workers were killed dismantling the stage after a show in Madrid, Spain.
July 14th, 2007, Jagger spoke almost exclusively in Serbian for a crowd of approx. 80.000 at the Usce park concert in Belgrade, Serbia.
July 17th, 2007, Again, Jagger surprised by speaking almost exclusively in Romanian in front of a 60,000 crowd on the National Stadium in Bucharest

[edit] Opening acts
Artists playing as an introduction to the Stones at various destinations have included Black Eyed Peas, Alice Cooper, Maroon 5, Beck, Pearl Jam, The Smashing Pumpkins, Alanis Morissette, Mötley Crüe, Metallica, Bonnie Raitt, Trey Anastasio, Dave Matthews Band, Living Colour, The Living End, Joss Stone, Nickelback, Buddy Guy, The Charlatans, Feeder and the John Mayer Trio. For the Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada show acts included Sloan, a local band, well-known rap artist Kanye West and Alice Cooper. Black Rebel Motorcycle Club opened the show in Wichita and Missoula. Three Days Grace opened both concerts in Regina. Blue October opened for them in Boise, Idaho.

The show in San Francisco was supported by Metallica, who can sell out large stadiums by themselves, said they were "honoured." They were also Metallica's only dates that year as they had planned to take 2005 off from touring.

Guns N' Roses were supposed to open for the Stones for two dates in Germany, whilst on one of their Chinese Democracy Tour pre-legs. However, due to Keith Richards' fall from a tree, the shows were cancelled.

[edit] Personnel
Band members: Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Charlie Watts and Ron Wood.
Other musicians: Darryl Jones, Blondie Chaplin, Lisa Fischer, Bobby Keys, Bernard Fowler, Tim Ries and Chuck Leavell.
Tour director: Michael Cohl
Musical director: Chuck Leavell
Worldwide promoter: Concert Productions International
Worldwide presentation: WPC Piecemeal Inc. and American Express.

[edit] Tour dates

[edit] Leg 1: North America
Canada 10/08/05 - Toronto, Ontario - Phoenix Concert Theatre
USA 21/08/05 - Boston, Massachusetts - Fenway Park
USA 23/08/05 - Boston, Massachusetts - Fenway Park
USA 26/08/05 - Hartford, Connecticut - Rentschler Field
Canada 28/08/05 - Ottawa, Ontario - Frank Clair Stadium at Lansdowne Park
USA 31/08/05 - Detroit, Michigan - Comerica Park
Canada 03/09/05 - Moncton, New Brunswick - Magnetic Hill Concert Site
USA 06/09/05 - Minneapolis, Minnesota - Xcel Energy Center
USA 08/09/05 - Milwaukee, Wisconsin - Bradley Center
USA 10/09/05 - Chicago, Illinois - Soldier Field
USA 13/09/05 - New York, New York - Madison Square Garden
USA 15/09/05 - East Rutherford, New Jersey - Giants Stadium
USA 17/09/05 - Albany, New York - Pepsi Arena
USA 24/09/05 - Columbus, Ohio - Nationwide Arena
Canada 26/09/05 - Toronto, Ontario - Rogers Centre
USA 28/09/05 - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania - PNC Park
USA 01/10/05 - Hershey, Pennsylvania - Hersheypark Stadium
USA 03/10/05 - Washington, D.C. - MCI Center
USA 06/10/05 - Charlottesville, Virginia - Scott Stadium
USA 08/10/05 - Durham, North Carolina - Wallace Wade Stadium
USA 10/10/05 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - Wachovia Center
USA 12/10/05 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - Wachovia Center
USA 15/10/05 - Atlanta, Georgia - Philips Arena
USA 17/10/05 - Miami, Florida - AmericanAirlines Arena
USA 19/10/05 - Tampa, Florida - St. Pete Times Forum
USA 21/10/05 - Charlotte, North Carolina - Charlotte Bobcats Arena
Canada 28/10/05 - Calgary, Alberta - Pengrowth Saddledome
USA 30/10/05 - Seattle, Washington - KeyArena
USA 01/11/05 - Portland, Oregon - Rose Garden
USA 04/11/05 - Anaheim, California - Angel Stadium of Anaheim
USA 06/11/05 - Hollywood, California - Hollywood Bowl
USA 08/11/05 - Hollywood, California - Hollywood Bowl
USA 11/11/05 - San Diego, California - PETCO Park
USA 13/11/05 - San Francisco, California - SBC Park
USA 15/11/05 - San Francisco, California - SBC Park
USA 18/11/05 - Las Vegas, Nevada - MGM Grand Garden Arena
USA 20/11/05 - Fresno, California - Save Mart Center
USA 22/11/05 - Salt Lake City, Utah - Delta Center
USA 24/11/05 - Denver, Colorado - Pepsi Center
USA 27/11/05 - Glendale, Arizona - Glendale Arena
USA 29/11/05 - Dallas, Texas - American Airlines Center
USA 01/12/05 - Houston, Texas - Toyota Center
USA 03/12/05 - Memphis, Tennessee - FedExForum

[edit] Leg 2: North America, South America, Asia, Australia, New Zealand
Canada 10/01/06 - Montreal, Quebec - Centre Bell
USA 13/01/06 - Boston, Massachusetts - TD Banknorth Garden
USA 15/01/06 - Boston, Massachusetts - TD Banknorth Garden
USA 18/01/06 - New York, New York - Madison Square Garden
USA 20/01/06 - New York, New York - Madison Square Garden
USA 23/01/06 - Chicago, Illinois - United Center
USA 25/01/06 - Chicago, Illinois - United Center
USA 27/01/06 - St. Louis, Missouri - Savvis Center
USA 29/01/06 - Omaha, Nebraska - Qwest Center
USA 01/02/06 - Baltimore, Maryland - 1st Mariner Arena
USA 05/02/06 - Detroit, Michigan - Ford Field
USA 08/02/06 - Atlanta, Georgia - Philips Arena
Puerto Rico 11/02/06 - San Juan, Puerto Rico - Coliseo de Puerto Rico
Brazil 18/02/06 - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - Copacabana Beach
Argentina 21/02/06 - Buenos Aires, Argentina - Estadio Monumental
Argentina 23/02/06 - Buenos Aires, Argentina - Estadio Monumental
Mexico 26/02/06 - Mexico City, Mexico - Autódromo Hermanos Rodríguez
Mexico 01/03/06 - Monterrey, Mexico - Estadio Universitario
USA 04/03/06 - Las Vegas, Nevada - MGM Grand Garden Arena
USA 06/03/06 - Inglewood, California - The Forum
USA 09/03/06 - North Little Rock, Arkansas - ALLTEL Arena
USA 12/03/06 - Sunrise, Florida - BankAtlantic Center
USA 14/03/06 - New York, New York - Radio City Music Hall
Japan 22/03/06 - Tokyo, Japan - Tokyo Dome
Japan 24/03/06 - Tokyo, Japan - Tokyo Dome
Japan 29/03/06 - Sapporo, Japan - Sapporo Dome
Japan 02/04/06 - Saitama, Japan - Saitama Super Arena
Japan 05/04/06 - Nagoya, Japan - Nagoya Dome
China 08/04/06 - Shanghai, China - Shanghai Grand Stage
Australia 11/04/06 - Sydney, Australia - Telstra Stadium
Australia 13/04/06 - Melbourne, Australia - Rod Laver Arena
New Zealand 16/04/06 - Auckland, New Zealand - Western Springs Stadium
New Zealand 18/04/06 - Wellington, New Zealand - Westpac Stadium

[edit] Leg 3: Europe
Italy 11/07/06 - Milan, Italy - Stadio Giuseppe Meazza
Austria 14/07/06 - Vienna, Austria - Ernst Happel Stadion
Germany 16/07/06 - Munich, Germany - Olympiastadion
Germany 19/07/06 - Hanover, Germany - AWD Arena
Germany 21/07/06 - Berlin, Germany - Olympiastadion
Germany 23/07/06 - Cologne, Germany - Rhein Energie Stadion
France 28/07/06 - Paris, France - Stade de France
Netherlands 31/07/06 - Amsterdam, Netherlands - Amsterdam ArenA
Germany 03/08/06 - Stuttgart, Germany - Gottlieb-Daimler Stadion
Switzerland 05/08/06 - Zurich, Switzerland - Dübendorf Airfield
France 08/08/06 - Nice, France - Palais Nikaia
Portugal 12/08/06 - Porto, Portugal - Estádio do Dragão
United Kingdom 20/08/06 - London, England - Twickenham Stadium
United Kingdom 22/08/06 - London, England - Twickenham Stadium
United Kingdom 25/08/06 - Glasgow, Scotland - Hampden Park
United Kingdom 27/08/06 - Sheffield, England - Don Valley Stadium
United Kingdom 29/08/06 - Cardiff, Wales - Millennium Stadium
Norway 01/09/06 - Bergen, Norway - Koengen
Denmark 03/09/06 - Horsens, Denmark - Forum Horsens Stadion

[edit] Leg 4: North America
USA 20/09/06 - Foxborough, Massachusetts - Gillette Stadium
Canada 23/09/06 - Halifax, Nova Scotia - Halifax Common
USA 27/09/06 - East Rutherford, New Jersey - Giants Stadium
USA 29/09/06 - Louisville, Kentucky - Churchill Downs
USA 01/10/06 - Wichita, Kansas - Cessna Stadium
USA 04/10/06 - Missoula, Montana - Grizzly Stadium
Canada 06/10/06 - Regina, Saskatchewan - Mosaic Stadium at Taylor Field
Canada 08/10/06 - Regina, Saskatchewan - Mosaic Stadium at Taylor Field
USA 11/10/06 - Chicago, Illinois - Soldier Field
USA 17/10/06 - Seattle, Washington - Qwest Field
USA 20/10/06 - El Paso, Texas - Sun Bowl Stadium
USA 22/10/06 - Austin, Texas - Zilker Park
USA 29/10/06 - Beacon Theatre, New York City
USA 01/11/06 - Beacon Theatre, New York City
USA 06/11/06 - Oakland, California - McAfee Coliseum
USA 08/11/06 - Glendale, Arizona - Cardinals Stadium
USA 11/11/06 - Las Vegas, Nevada - MGM Grand Garden Arena
USA 14/11/06 - Boise, Idaho - Idaho Center
USA 17/11/06 - Atlantic City, New Jersey - Boardwalk Hall
USA 22/11/06 - Los Angeles, California - Dodger Stadium
Canada 25/11/06 - Vancouver, British Columbia - BC Place Stadium

[edit] Leg 5: Europe
Belgium 05/06/07 - Werchter, Belgium - Werchter Park (festival site)
Netherlands 08/06/07 - Nijmegen, Netherlands - Goffert Park (festival site)
United Kingdom 10/06/07 - Newport, Isle of Wight, England - Isle of Wight Festival
Germany 13/06/07 - Frankfurt, Germany - Commerzbank Arena
France 16/06/07 - Paris, France - Stade de France
France 18/06/07 - Lyon, France - Stade Gerland
Spain 21/06/07 - Barcelona, Spain - Estadi Olímpic Montjuïc
Spain 23/06/07 - San Sebastian, Spain - Anoeta Stadium
Portugal 25/06/07 - Lisbon, Portugal - Estadio Jose Alvalade XXI
Spain 28/06/07 - Madrid, Spain - Estadio Vicente Calderón
Spain 30/06/07 - Almeria, Spain - Estadio de Santo Domingo
Italy 06/07/07 - Rome, Italy - Stadio Olimpico
Montenegro 09/07/07 - Budva, Montenegro - Jaz Beach
Serbia 14/07/07 - Belgrade, Serbia - Ušće Park
Romania 17/07/07 - Bucharest, Romania - Lia Manoliu Stadium
Hungary 20/07/07 - Budapest, Hungary - The Puskas Ferenc Stadium
Czech Republic 22/07/07 - Brno, Czech Republic - Outdoor Exhibition Centre
Poland 25/07/07 - Warsaw, Poland - Służewiec Race Horse Track
Russia 28/07/07 - Saint Petersburg, Russia - Palace Square
Finland 01/08/07 - Helsinki, Finland - Olympiastadion
Sweden 03/08/07 - Gothenburg, Sweden - Nya Ullevi
Denmark 05/08/07 - Copenhagen, Denmark - Parken
Norway 08/08/07 - Oslo, Norway - Valle Hovin
Switzerland 11/08/07 - Lausanne, Switzerland, Stade Olympique de la Pontaise
Germany 13/08/07 - Düsseldorf, Germany - LTU Arena
Germany 15/08/07 - Hamburg, Germany - AOL Arena
Ireland 18/08/07 - Meath, Ireland - Slane Castle
United Kingdom 21/08/07 - London, England - The O2
United Kingdom 23/08/07 - London, England - The O2
United Kingdom 26/08/07 - London, England - The O2


  • 2007.08.01 | Большой Брат

    Держи фоток -впечатлений непосредственно от зрителей:)+

    там на сцене ..
    пятно в белом и позднее в красном это Джагер ..
    пятно в синем это Ричардс ..
    пятно в желтом и бескозырке это Вуд ..

    ну вот как то так ..

    итак роленги ..

    ну .. сначала разогрев какими то тоже инглиш стариканами ..
    на полуаккустках .. ну нормально в принципе .. сидишь ..
    грудная клетка вибрует .. )

    потом буквально полтора часа ожидания и вот оно !
    вот он Джагер и вот он Ричардс .. кста ..
    как зовут их третьего гитариста ?

    первые три песни .. я жене сказал что разогрев был лучше ..
    к третьей я даже подумал уж не фонограмма ли ..
    очень все это выглядело грусто .. хоть Джагер и скакал во всю ..
    но как то пресно и резиново ..

    но дальше лучше .. Джагер зажег на губной гармошке ..
    ну хоть что то .. я проснулся и решил досидеть до конца .. )

    потом зажгла черная тетенька с подпевки ..
    очень так зажигательно зажгла ! я даже хлопал .. )

    потом Джагер сказал .. ай фёрст тайм ин Петерсбург ..
    энд итс соу колд .. и спел шиз соу колд .. )

    потом не помню ..

    потом вышли и зажгли Ричардс с гитаристом которого я не знаю
    как зовут .. сначала был блюзняк в одну полуаккустику
    Ричардс пел ! вау !
    потом в две гитары май сильвер май голд .. весьма и даже очень !

    потом Джагер представлял своих .. и сказал ..
    по русски .. "это моя группаа" .. "на баррабаааннахх"
    ну и так далее .. нормально в обчем .. )

    потом сцена с ударником гитаристами и саксом и клавишами
    эдакий облегченный ударный состав выкатилась в народ !
    самым неожиданным для меня оказалось то что выкатились они напротив наших с женой мест и встали четко напротив метрах в 10 а может и меньше ! хе хе хе )))

    дальше Ричардс с напарником немного пожгли на гитарах ..
    щедро разбрасывая в народ медиаторы ))

    из толпы на сцену бросили беску ..
    Джагер нацепил ее на гитариста которого я не знаю как зовут .. (
    и они спели кент гет нау сатисфакшн ..

    кста ! их басист .. мне чем то очень напомнил
    Валеру Мощного как Овощи .. хоть он и негр (басист в смысле)

    в общем и целом пожгли еще 3-4 песни ..
    народ вокруг стоял на рядах .. и на ушах ..
    я пожалел что не взял фотик и фоткал
    гребаным сименсом жены с 0.3 мпикс камерой )

    в общем кричали и бесновались все ..
    и даже я поорал .. как в детстве .. )

    потом сцена укатилась обратно ..
    ну и концерт пошел на убыль ..
    далее были попытки какой то вялой пиротехники ..

    да .. и вот концовку почему то совсем не помню ..
    помню только что один раз вышли на бис ..

    и Джагер сказал что то типа "спассибоо Пиитер"
    и что то что типа хорошая здесь публика .. приветливая типа ..

    в общем что тут скажешь ..
    не знаю как там было людям на площади ..
    а лично мне .. когда в 10 метрах от тебя жгут такие
    люди как Джагер и Ричардс и чорт побери как зовут их третьего гитариста !?!

    в обчем остался под впечатлением ..
    энергетика и все такое ..
    ну и конечно Джагер гутаперчивый красавчик !
    как он двигается ! Джексон с лунной походкой отдыхает )

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