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Dynamic Range Day - акція за культуру звуку (/)

02/25/2010 | ziggy_freud
музичні записи можуть звучати значно краще. Але їх так "мастерять", щоб було чути навіть глухим. При тому забуваючи, що глухі компактів не слухають. Та й на концерти ходять хіба що за компанію...

зокрема, 20000 любителів важкого металу підписали звернення до музикантів "Металіки", щоб вони по-людські зміксували та відмастерили свій останній альбом. Який має майже нульову динаміку звуку.

є над чим замислитись і українським артистам. Серед останніх жертв "мастерінгу" - гарний альбум Перкалаби. Якби його не відпрасували компресорами по самоє ніхачу, це був би майже шедевр.


Dynamic Range Day is March 20th, 2010

Join us in a day of protest against the CD “Loudness Wars” – more info below

* Show your support – check out the Facebook Event
and RSVP to say you’ll “attend”
* It’s easy to take part – just SHOUT (type in all caps)
* Use the Twitter hashtag #DYNAMICRANGEDAY
* And when people ask, tell them why you’re shouting

Read the full story here: Dynamic Range Day – The Idea

This page will be regularly updated – check back often !

What are the “Loudness Wars” ?

Music is getting louder, and sounding worse.

Engineers and artists are using modern technology to push the average level of recorded music up and up and up against the “brick wall” maximum level of the CD format.

This results in distortion, lack of punch and a flat, two-dimensional, lifeless sound.

If you’ve ever wondered why you feel tired and get a headache listening to recent CDs, but not discs released back in the early nineties, the Loudness Wars are probably to blame. The most famous example in recent years is Metallica’s “Death Magnetic”, which made the headlines when over 20,000 fans signed a petition asking for the CD to be remixed or remastered.

CDs have a maximum dynamic range of over 96dB (decibels). Until recently, the loudest CDs had a dynamic range of 8dB or more, even at their very loudest points. Much of “Death Magnetic” has a dynamic range of only 2dB, and most people agree that it sounds terrible as result.

Dynamic Range is a measure of how much contrast there is in music, how much light and shade, how exciting it sounds. It’s a two-edged sword, though. Too much, and rock won’t rock, pop won’t pop, and you’ll have to keep adjusting the volume. Too little and you’ll get sick of listening to even your favourite music far quicker, and probably end up with a headache.

Sadly, by 2010 this trend has affected almost every genre of music.

You can hear it for yourself by listening to the audio examples in this short interview I did for BBC Radio 4 soon after “Death Magnetic” was released:

Or, check out this YouTube video comparision of the released CD version of Death Magnetic, and the much lower-level version used on the Guitar Hero game soundtrack

Metallica “Death Magnetic” CD vs. Guitar Hero Video

What Can We Do ?

Join in on March 20th 2010 - Dynamic Range Day ! Taking part is simple


(For non-nerds, typing in ALL CAPITALs is know on the internet as “shouting”)

Why SHOUT all day ? Because over-compressed, distorted, unnecessarily high-level Loudness-War-Casualty music sounds as if it’s shouting at you, all the time. IT’S LOUD AND IT STAYS LOUD AND IT’s ONLY LOUD AND VERY SOON IT WEARS YOU OUT. AND GETS BORING !

So if we SHOUT all day on March 20th – on Twitter, on Facebook, in our emails – everywhere – if we shout and explain why we’re doing it when people ask, by linking to this post, or TurnMeUp.org, or the Dynamic Range Foundation, then hopefully we’ll spread the message far and wide:


So please, sign up for the Facebook Event to stay updated. If you have a blog, write a post explaining why you support Dynamic Range Day. We’re designing a banner that anyone can put on the corner of a website to show support – check back soon. Tell your friends – talk about #DYNAMICRANGEDAY on Twitter and see if we can get it trending. Simon Howes has set up a mySpace page – tell all your friends about it !

Lets get this issue everywhere.

Show your support – sign up now.

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