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Архіви Форумів Майдану

Хто не боїться, що голова запаморочиться -загляніть в безодню

07/08/2003 | Navigator
Приємних вражень і глибоких роздумів про долю Родіни



During the early medieval period the Slavs expanded from their original homeland in the Ukraine to colonize vast areas and to found most of the modern nations in Eastern Europe. With first-hand knowledge of the archaeology and other research, Barford portrays daily life in Eastern Europe from the early fifth to the end of the tenth century A.D.

The Inhabitants of the East European Plain
Slavs settled very early north to the Carpathian Mountains . By A.D. 600, they had split linguistically into southern, western, and eastern branches. The East Slavs settled along the Dnepr River
in what is now Ukraine;
then they spread northward to the northern Volga River valley, east of modern-day Moscow, and westward to the basins of the northern Dnestr and the western Bug rivers, in present-day Moldova and southern Ukraine. In the eighth and ninth centuries, many East Slavic tribes paid tribute to the Khazars, a Turkic-speaking people who adopted Judaism about A.D. 740 and lived in the southern Volga and Caucasus regions.

Основне послання:

зелененьким помічені угро-фінські території на 4-те століття

English Translation
Diagonal slash markings on these maps indicate the areas where the Finno-Ugric people used to travel in search of game. When the fur trade was introduced into the North, this had the effect of spreading the people even further into the wilderness in search of skins. Therefore, these people were more or less itinerant in the sense that there was no evidence of any long-term residence in any one area. They controlled vast areas, and the people who used these lands, considered them to be theirs for hunting, fishing and trapping - their livelihood.
Areas with slash-marks are the areas where Finnic people have evidently resided and controlled for their own wilderness trips. Maps I-III are slashed in green and starting from Map IV the areas are indicated by red slashes.
Solid Red indicate areas where stable, long term resident areas are established. (Maps II--III thin vertical lines) Farming, trade, forest work etc. are the basis of these settlements. Circles indicate areas where the Lapps and Samoyed live - from Map II onward.
А оце Родіна в 9- му столітті. Червоне – фіни.


А оце Родіна періоду розпаду Київської Руси.

А оце що від них залишилось тепер – під мудрою опікою.
The above map shows 8 of the Finno-Ugric Republics that have common Finnic language roots. Due to isolation from oneanother, however, their languages developed separately and acquired different loan words. For example, the Finns say "terve" (health) "hello," while the Mari say "salam." Interestingly, the further north and west one goes, the closer the language resembles Finnish, while the southern languages, whether in the baltic or Urals, are more unintelligable. Presumeably, this is due to influence from southern contact, while this is minimized in the north.
The Finnish tribes were often distinguished from their slavic neighbours by their cleanliness. Slavs moving into the villages brought hard liquor and were accepted for awhile until their friends and relatives moved in. This resulted in the eventual moving away of most of the Finnish population because the situation became intolerable. With Russians in the village, there could be no peace. As the map shows, the Finns were driven east, north and west, and the Republics they formed were isolated from one another - a form of divide and conquer.

А от як ми, праукраїнці, робили Дранг нах Ост.
Merja people - ancient extinct language relatives of the Finns.
Before the Slavic conquests just before the year 1000 AD, central Russia was inhabited by the Merja, a Finnic people. Near present day Jaroslavl areas of Rostov and Pereslavl, there are two large lakes, Nero and Plescheevo, which are mentioned in ancient Russian chronicles as the Merja's lands. Also archeology confirms that these areas are the center of Merja culture.
They left a legacy behind them that is still present in the region even though they were killed, absorbed or dispersed. Especially important is their contribution to the place-names of this area, and a linguistic substratum that has different layers.
How do we find these ancient Finno-Ugric traces?
From a linguistic and historical standpoint, there have already been several generations of investigators researching the local Finno-Ugric substratum in central Russia and the Jaroslavl area. They have investigated the archives and have found many place-names and even actual people.
Research by the Finno-Ugric department of the University of Helsinki is continuing in the field searching archives. The raw data is transported back to the University of Helsinki Finno-Ugric department for analysis. The goal is to chart as geographically and systematically as possible, the non-slavic, Finno-Ugric substratum, with the aim of using comparison data from the past and present for as definitive description as possible. What were some of the names of these people? What did they call their villages, lakes, rivers and other topography? Perhaps this will also shed some light on even earlier occupants of the land. This research is proceeding with an involvement by archeologists as well as linguists and historians and includes oral tradition, religious, and folklore studies.
Assimilation is just one possibility, but it should be noted that previous researchers have shown that they also were displaced in different directions as the map shows. Assimilation of Merja would have been done by other Finno-Ugric people as well, such as the Mari and the Karelians.
This central Russian work is so complicated that several generations are required to do it. The most important goal at this time is to organize the work into a systematic unit.


  • 2003.07.08 | Анатолій

    Дякую, навігаторе, але наступний раз українською.(-)

    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
    • 2003.07.08 | Navigator

      Пане Анатолію, спробуйте цей перекладач - тільки на укр. не

      хоче перекладати!
      Зате як закінчив - ніби спеціально для нас!!!


      Во время раннего средневекового периода Славянки расширялись из их оригинала родина в украине заселять обширные пространства и чтобы находила большинство современных наций в Восточной Европе. С полученным из первых рук знанием археологии и другого исследования, Barford изображает ежедневную жизнь в Восточной Европе из рано пятой до конца десятого века. D. Жители Русской Равнины Славянки устраивали очень ранний север в Карпаты. . D. 600, они раскалывали linguistically в южный, западный, и восточные ветви. Восточные Славянки устраивали вдоль Реки Днепра В что сейчас Украина; Тогда они распространяют к северу в северную долину Реки Волги, восток современного-дня Москва, и на запад к резервуарам северного Днестра и западных рек Подслушивающего устройства, в современной Молдове и южной Украине. В восьмых и девятых веках, много Восточной Славянской группы языков племен заплатили дань к Khazars, Тюркским Языкам-разговаривающие люди который принятый Иудаизм о. D.
      згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
      • 2003.07.08 | Navigator

        Трошки тупить - found тут не знайти, а заснувати (-)

  • 2003.07.17 | Navigator

    Щось ім-Перці замовчали. Вчать фінську?

    Це ж треба було так пограбувати народи - фінські, тюркські, балтійські український,єврейський, щоб привласнити собі половину світового спадку і на цій основі вважати себе Покорителями Всесвіту!!
    Введення ім-Перців в притаманні їм просторово-історичні координати допоможе в лікуванні параної.

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