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Значення Кольорів в Евро-Азійській топономіці та назвах племен

11/22/2007 | Мірко
в Евро-Азійській Топономіці та в назвах племен чи народів

Чорне - північ
Біле - захід
Червоне - південь
Синє - схід

Якщо в словян була коли якась інша система, - на джерело таких даних я ще не трафив.

Ця система досить послідовно була принята по цілій Евразії, від Японії по Польщу, а то й навіть у Греції часів Геродота.
Розширні дані на цім сайті:

Нижче поданий пиклад із тюркських народів (та й японців)-
Additionally, four colors were associated with four directions. Namely, "gok = blue" with the "East", "ak = white" with the "west", "kizil = red" with the "south" and "kara = black" with the north [EE, p. 79]. The five directions represented the four cardinal directions and the direction towards the "zenith" where the Gok Tenri resided. The number of directions and the colors associated with celestial directions were important concepts that were represented in various flags of Turkish peoples throughout the Central Asia.

Про Білих Хорватів-
Далекі предки лемків – це руське східно-слов’янське плем’я, що їх дослідники здебільше називають білими хорватами. Уже в VI-VII ст.ст. проживали вони по обох схилах західних Карпат. Назва “білі” на той час означала “західні”. Кольорами: білий – захід, чорний – північ, червоний – південь, давні народи визначали сторони світу.
А далі -
Хорватський вчений С.Сакач, використовуючи висновки швейцарського лiнгвiста Ф.де Соссюри, встановив, що назва „бiлi хорвати” за iранською термiнологiєю, прийнятою у слов’ян, означає „захiднi хорвати” . Сьогоднi це визначення загальноприйняте i заперечень не викликає.

Додатково, про Морлахів-
Morlachs (in Greek: Μαυροβλάχοι, Mavrovlachi or Mauro-Vlachs, meaning "Black Vlachs"; in Latin sources: Nigri Latini) were a population of Vlach shepherds that lived in the Dinaric Alps (western Balkans in modern use), constantly migrating in search for better pastures for their sheep flocks. They were probably a blend of Romanized indigenous peoples and Roman colonists.
The adjective "black" is used here with the meaning of "northern", this metaphor probably deriving from the Turkic practice of naming cardinal directions after colours.

Про Білих і Чорних Угрів/Мадярів
Black and White Magyars
The Chinese believed that there were five cardinal directions, the fifth being "the center of the universe", China itself. Each of the five directions was symbolized by a color. The central point, China, was indicated by yellow, for the gold that befit His Imperial Highness. The North, shrouded in dark Arctic nights, was black. The West was designated as white, a color that reflected the blinding white sands of the vast deserts on the western horizon. Red represented the sun of the South, and the East was symbolized by blue, the color of the ocean eternally washing China's eastern shores.
Based on these color symbols, the White Magyars (or White Ugurs) represented the Western branch of their race. According to ancient Russian chronicles, the White Magyars appeared in the Carpathian Basin as early as 670-680 A.D., first with the Bulgars, and later with the Avars. The second branch of Magyar tribes-called Black Magyars in ancient Russian chronicles-took a different route. The directions of that route are still debated by Finno-Ugrian and orientalist theorists, but the end result was that the Black Magyars became connected with peoples belonging to the Ural-Altaic groups. These included a range of peoples from Manchuria to Turkey.
Among these groups the Finno-Ugrian/Magyars drew closest to the Turks, who were warriors with a talent for statecraft. This association with the Turks created a new blend of Magyar: Finno-Ugrian in language but Ural-Altaic in culture. This was the strain of Magyars that in 895 A.D. would ride into the Carpathian Basin under Árpád-following the footsteps of the White Magyars who appeared in the Carpathian Basin in the 670s A.D. Árpád's Magyars has been termed by some modern historians as the second wave in a two-phased conquest of the Hungarian homeland. Whether this theory is correct or not, it seems fairly certain that the Szeklers (székelyek) had been long-time inhabitants of Transylvania before the Magyars arrived.

Про жовтий (золотий) кольор як ознаку центру (за китайською практикою)-
At its peak the Golden Horde's territory included most of European Russia from the Urals to the Carpathian Mountains, extending east deep into Siberia. On the south the Horde's lands bordered on the Black Sea, the Caucasus Mountains, and the territories of the Mongol dynasty known as the Il-Khans.
The appellation Golden is believed to have come from the steppe color system for the cardinal directions : black - north, blue - east, red - south, white - west, and yellow (or gold) - center.

Про аналогічну систему вживану Геродотом-
Black Sea …[ ] The reason for the name may be an ancient assignment of colours to the direction of the compass — black referring to the north, and red referring to the south. Herodotus on one occasion uses Red Sea and Southern Sea interchangeably.

Тепер цілком зрозумілим стає тлумачення назв: Біла Русь –західна Русь, Червона Русь –південна (сьогоднішна правобережна Україна), і Чорна Русь – північна (сьогоднішна північно-західна Білорусь). (а про залісся тут нема мови)

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