МАЙДАН - За вільну людину у вільній країні

Архіви Форумів Майдану

Новини про FP7

05/27/2006 | Shooter
Для тих, кому цікаво :)

Спочатку - про часові горизонти. Зараз і FP, і Specific Programs перебувають в стадії затвердження, себто мова ведеться все ще лише про European Commission proposal. Найскоріше їхнє фінальне затвердження очікується в кінці вересня. Перші сalls найшвидше можуть бути аж наприкінці грудня 2006.

Main new elements compared to FP6:

Duration increased from five to seven years
Annual budget substentially increased (€5 billion to €7.7 billion)
Basic research (~ €1. billion per year)
New structure (Specific Programs): Cooperation, Ideas, People, Capacities
Flexible funding schemes
Joint Technology Initiatives
Simpler procedures
Logistical and administrative tasks - to external structures

FP7 2007 –2013 | Specific Programmes

Cooperation – Collaborative research
Ideas – Frontier Research
People – Marie Curie Actions
Capacities – Research Capacity
Joint Research Centre (non-nuclear)
Joint Research Centre (nuclear)

Budget (in current prices):

Cooperation – 32.2 € billion
Ideas – 7.5 € billion
People – 4.6 € billion
Capacities – 4.2 € billion

Зростання бюджету в порівняння до FP6 (середнє річне):

Cooperation – 30%
Ideas – нове
People – 50%
Capacities – 60%

SP Ideas – Frontier Research передбачає створення нової структури, яка відповідатиме за фінансування фундаментальної науки. Правила для цієї SP будуть дещо відмінні – наприклад, передбачають „персональні гранти” на відміну від Cooperation, де буде встановлено мінімум учасників (в подібних „стандартних” FP6 STRP таким мінімумом було 3 учасники з країн ЄУ)

Структура (9 thematic priorities) і бюджет Cooperation - "головної" частини FP7

I. Cooperation Budget
(€ million
1. Health 5 984
2. Biotechnology, food and agriculture 1 935
3. Information society 9 080
4. Nanotechnologies, materials and production 3 467
5. Energy 2 235
6. Environment 1 886
7. Transport 4 150
8. Socio-economic research 607
9. Security and space 2 858
Total 32 202

Структура Capacities – Research Capacity
1. Research infrastructures
2. Research for the benefit of SMEs
3. Regions of Knowledge
4. Research Potential
5. Science in Society
6. Activities of International Cooperation
7. Coherent development of policies

Дуже цікаве джерело як інформації щодо майбутніх напрямків досліджень, так і, до певної міри, вступ для Working Programs та конкретних Calls є Technology Platforms

 Industry-Driven, Competitiveness-Focused
 European Technology Platforms – Concept:

Stakeholders, led by industry, get together to define a Strategic Research Agenda on a number of strategically important issues with high societal relevance where achieving Europe’s future growth, competitiveness and sustainable objectives is dependent upon major research and technological advances in the medium to long term.

 Bottom-Up Approach with Industry in Lead
 Wide Stakeholder Involvement
 Flexibility: No ‘One Size Fits All’
 EU Role: Facilitating and Guiding but not Leading or Owning
 Majority of Strategic Research Agendas, where Appropriate, Taken into Account in Thematic Priorities of FP7
 Minority of Strategic Research Agendas Identified through Dialogue with Industry as Potential ‘Joint Technology Initiatives’

Більше про TP на http://cordis.europa.eu/technology-platforms/home_en.html

Technology Platforms related to Theme 4:
Nano-electronics (ENIAC); Nanomedicine; Sustainable Chemistry; Steel; Future Textiles & Clothing; Manufacturing Technologies; Construction Technology; Industrial Safety; Hydrogen; Photovoltaics…

„Наступним ступнем” розвитку певних TP став їх статус т.зв. Joint Technology Initiatives, які вже будуть ко-фінансовані ЄУ поза рамками competitive calls як „спеціальні мега-проекти”. Поки-що їх є 6.
Identification criteria include:
 Added value of European-level intervention
 Degree and clarity of definition of objective
 Strength of commitment from industry
 Scale of impact on industrial competitiveness and growth
 Importance of contribution to broader policy objectives
 Capacity to attract additional national support
and leverage industry funding

 Inability of existing instruments to achieve objective
 Firmly Anchored in Themes of the Cooperation Programme
 In Fields of Major European Public Interest
 Six Fields Envisaged at this Stage
• Innovative medicines
• Nanoelectronics
• Embedded systems
• Aeronautics and air traffic management
• Hydrogen and fuel cells
• Global monitoring for environment and security
 Other Fields Possible Subsequently

І в деталях "нано" - тема 4:

Four activities:
1. Nanosciences and nanotechnologies
 Objective:
• Increase and support the take-up of knowledge generated in this revolutionary field for all industrial sectors
 Topics include:
• Interface and size-dependent phenomena
• Materials properties at nano-scale
• Self assembly
• Metrology
• New concepts and approaches
• Impacts on health and safety
• Convergence of emerging technologies

2. Materials
 Objective:
• Generate new knowledge to enable new industrial products and processes to be achieved, exploiting the potential of interdisciplinary approaches in materials research
 Topics include:
• High-performance, sustainable and knowledge-based materials
• Design and simulation
• Nano-, bio- and hybrid materials and their processing
• Chemical technologies
• Materials processing industries

3. New production
 Objective:
• Create continuously innovating production capabilities
to achieve leadership in industrial products & processes
in the global market place
 Topics include:
• Knowledge-intensive production
• New paradigms for emerging industrial needs
• Adaptive, networked and knowledge-based production
• Convergence of technologies for next generation
of high-value-added products (nano, bio, info, cognitive...)

4. Integration of technologies for industrial applications

 Objective:
• Accelerate the rate of industrial transformation by exploiting the application potential and integration of new technologies
 Topics include:
• Integration of nano-, materials and production technologies in sectoral and cross-sectoral applications (e.g. health, construction, transport, energy, chemistry, environment, textiles & clothing, pulp & paper, mechanical engineering)

Отаке. Як будуть запитання – буду радий відповісти.


  • 2006.05.27 | Shooter

    І щодо України

    Добре - Україна буде серед країн INCO, які можуть на одинакових правах брати участь в Сooperation проектах (головній частині FP).

    Погане - INTAS, швидше всього, перестане існувати як окрема підпрограма.

    Ще погане в загальному для всіх "неприбуткових організацій" (НАНУ, університети в нас) - ведеться мова про відхід від двох головних "бюджетних моделей": Additional Costs i Full Costs (FCF як модифікація останньої). Пропонується залишити лише FC (і FCF), причому саме для організацій типу НАНУ та університетів пропонується покривати лише 25% research related видатків, в той час як для промисловості/прибуткових організацій - 50%. Правда, цей пункт ще активно обговорюється і невідомо, чи залишиться у фінальному тексті Participation Rules.
  • 2006.05.28 | LAN

    Re: Новини про FP7

    Dear Shooter
    чи будуть у програмі People - якісь підпрограми для створeння власноі групи? типу габілітаціі? чи всe будe так як у минулій програмі ?
    дякую за корисну інформацію
    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
    • 2006.05.28 | Shooter

      Щодо People

      В приниципі, People - не моя парафія

      Ось тут - текст цієї SP


      Тут - екстракт


      Наскільки мені відомо, кістяк People в FP7 залишиться від Marie Curie з FP6

      --Initial training of researches
      Marie Curie Networks*

      --Life-long training and career development
      Individual Fellowships
      Co-financing of regional/national/international programmes

      --Industry-academia pathways and partnerships
      Industry-Academia Knowledge–sharing Scheme*

      -International dimension
      Outgoing & Incoming International Fellowships
      International Cooperation Scheme
      Reintegration grants;
      Support to researcher ‘diasporas’

      --Specific actions
      Mobility and career enhancement actions
      Excellence awards

      І в деталях:


      --- Initial training of researchers
      • Strengthen and structure Early Stage Training at European level
      • Attract to scientific careers
      • Improve career perspectives by broad skills development (including industrial needs)
      Main features
      • International network of participants or international cooperation in research training
      • Industry involvement
      • Joint Training Programme with (i) training through research (ii) complementary competences modules
      • Coherent quality standards/mutual recognition of training/diplomas
      • Allowances for ‘early-stage’ researchers; ‘Chair’ positions; Contribution to training costs; Short training events open to researchers from outside the network

      --- Life-long training and career development

      • Support competence diversification and career development of experienced researchers
      • Greater impact by co-funding (inter)national fellowship programmes with same objectives and replying to specific conditions (i.e. transnational mobility; peer review; minimal conditions for fellows)

      Main features
      • ‘Classic’ mode: selection/funding of individual fellows through EC calls
      • ‘Co-funding’ mode:
      Selection of ‘co-funded’ programmes through open calls with excellence-based evaluation criteria (no nationality quota)
      Selected programmes operated in full autonomy by co-funding body
      Community funding proportional to
      (i) Global programme budget
      (ii) Number of fellows selected complying with the trans-nationality criteria

      --- Industry-academia pathways and partnerships

      • Increased industry-academia cooperation
      • Diverse career possibilities and research experience for researchers

      Increasing the industry involvement in all Marie Curie Actions
      • Knowledge sharing/cultural exchange, in particular SMEs
      Industry-academia knowledge-sharing scheme
      • Embedded in longer-term co-operation between both sectors
      • Two-way staff secondments/recruitment of experienced researchers from outside the partnership
      • Organisation of common workshops/conferences, including for researchers from outside the partnership
      • Salary costs of seconded researchers/recruited experienced researchers
      • Special measure: specific equipment costs for SMEs

      --- International dimension

      • Reinforce the international (extra-European) dimension
      of the European Research Area as fundamental component
      of the EU’s human resources in R&D
      • Build sustainable connections through mobile researchers

      Main features
      • Career development/life-long training for EU researchers:
      o Outgoing fellowships, with mandatory return
      o Return and reintegration for European researchers abroad
      • International co-operation through researchers
      from third countries:
      o All Marie Curie host driven actions open to third country nationals
      o Incoming fellowships for knowledge enhancement and collaboration enrichment (optional return for researchers from certain areas)
      o International cooperation scheme with EU neighbouring countries and S&T agreement countries
      o Support to ‘scientific diasporas’ of Europeans abroad and foreigners within Europe

      --- Specific actions for policy development

      • Implementation of the Mobility Strategy
      • Enhancement of researchers’ careers and profession
      • Public awareness, including Marie Curie Awards
      згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
      • 2006.05.28 | Shooter

        People і Україна

        Найсуттєвіші зміни для цієї пари виділені болдом в попередньому повідомленні. Проте повтроюсь.

        В FP6 українці могли мати Марі К'юрі гранти лише в частині "інкамін", яких було, в принципі, дуже мало. В FP7 ситуація суттєво покращується (ще раз зацитую):

        All Marie Curie host driven actions open to third country nationals

        Крім того, мають бути абсолютно нові "фічі":

        o International cooperation scheme with EU neighbouring countries and S&T agreement countries
        o Support to ‘scientific diasporas’ of Europeans abroad and foreigners within Europe

        для яких українці би мали бути eligible

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