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Архіви Форумів Майдану

Конференція NATO-STCU, 11 та 12 жовтня 2006 р.

06/23/2006 | Хома Брут

NATO-STCU Workshop: From Science to Business

October 11-12, 2006
Kyiv, Ukraine

Organizers: Science and Technology Center of Ukraine (STCU) and NATO

Workshop Technology Sectors: Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation Technologies, Medical Instrumentation and Biomedical Technology, New Materials and Nanotechnology, Nuclear Energy and Safety, Aerospace

In line with the Center main objectives, the Workshop serves the purpose of bringing former Soviet Weapon Scientists to Civilian Business. The focus will be specifically on delivering know-how to Ukrainian Scientists. Simultaneously the event shall offer Foreign Companies a platform to initiate relations leading possibly to industrial research and technology transfer opportunities.

Day One (Wednesday Oct. 11) will gather some 200 pre-selected Local Scientists and deliver them most up-to-date presentations and speeches by Key Speakers from STC U Funding Parties Countries and NATO "Security Through Science" Program. The themes selected are: Technology Transfer Issues, Intellectual Property Rights Protection, Mechanisms of Commercializing Research Results and Methods for Attracting Financing. A Press conference is scheduled and Participants will be walked through a Technology Exhibition where Ukrainian Scientists will defend their posters.

Day Two (Thursday Oct. 12) will give the occasion for a reduced number of Local Scientists (100 also pre-identified), to split between five Panel Groups, and to engage in a real dialogue with Company representatives. Each Group shall focus on debating innovative technologies and potential commercialization.

For reigstration and more information, including profiles, agenda and exhibition details, click http://www.stcu.int/workshop/.

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