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Архіви Форумів Майдану

За европейские ценности в науке -Интервью в Всеук.тех.газете

11/27/2006 | Reader

За европейские ценности в науке // Всеукраинская техническая газета

Светлана Медофф


  • 2006.11.28 | An American Friend

    Scientific Holodomor in future

    I read this report with great interest. Ukraine is losing its best scientists and best science. This is a national catastrophe. And furthermore -- unless something very serious is done rather soon (say within the next 5 years), the situation could worsen in ways almost unimaginable.

    I can think of one thing for example: unless serious reform measures are taken soon, any young man or woman with scientific skills and interests will be forced to leave the country. That in turn will produce a "dumbing down" process that could spiral completely out of control for everyone. I mean if all of the best and brightest are convinced that there is no future in Ukraine, that amounts to a kind of political and social holodomor with fatal results for the country.

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