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³äêðèòèé ëèñò âë. ²ëàð³îíà (Àëôeºâà) (ë., àíãë.)

11/07/2008 | Ãåîðã³é
Âëàäèö³ ²ëàð³îíó, ÿêèé òeïeð çàéìຠïîñàäó ºïèñêîïà ³äeíñüêîãî ³ âñ³º¿ Àâñò𳿠ÐÏÖ, çàïðîïîíóâàëè ïîñàäó ïðeäñòîÿòeëÿ Ïðàâîñëàâíî¿ Öeðêâè Àìeðèêè (ÎCÀ). Òóò: http://www.oca.org/news/1687 â³í ïîÿñíþº, ùî íe ìîæe ïðèéíÿòè ö³º¿ ïðîïîçèö³¿, òîìó ùî öe îçíà÷àëî á ïîñòàâèòè ï³ä ñóìí³â àâòîêeôàëüí³ñòü ÎCÀ.

"...I firmly believe that the OCA must be headed by an American. If a Russian bishop is elected to be its primate, it might be interpreted as an implicit denial of its autocephalous status, which has so far been most ardently defended precisely by the Moscow Patriarchate. There are people in the OCA who already say that by accepting my candidacy the OCA will accept ‘becoming a part of Moscow Patriarchate.’ They go as far as suggesting that the idea to release me to the OCA ‘comes from the Moscow Patriarchate itself, always looking to acquire new territories.’ I believe that the most effective way to stop these accusations is for the Moscow Patriarchate to manifest its complete disengagement from the current situation of the OCA and to let the OCA deal with its internal problems on its own."

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