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Архіви Форумів Майдану

Українські вчені вперше сфотографували атом (л)

09/16/2009 | хeмік


  • 2009.09.17 | stryjko_bojko


    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
    • 2009.09.17 | yurchyk

      Re: красиво

      The pictures, soon to be published in the journal Physical Review B in the paper "Imaging the atomic orbitals of carbon atomic chains with field-emission electron microscopy" by I. M. Mikhailovskij, E. V. Sadanov, T. I. Mazilova, V. A. Ksenofontov, and O. A. Velicodnaja, show the detailed images of a single carbon atom's electron cloud, taken by Ukrainian researchers at the Kharkov Institute for Physics and Technology in Kharkov, Ukraine.
      згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
      • 2009.09.22 | Хома Брут

        стаття тої ж групи в Phys. Rev. за 2008 р.

        Ось їх попередня стаття в Phys. Rev., з іонним мікроскопом.
        Goldhaber-Gordon, який відповідав на питання insidescience.org, - далеко не остання людина в матеріалознавчому істеблішменті в US.
        Phys. Rev. B 78, 115418 (2008)
        "Interstitial atoms in tungsten: Interaction with free surface and in situ determination of formation energy"
        I. M. Neklyudov, E. V. Sadanov, G. D. Tolstolutskaja, V. A. Ksenofontov, T. I. Mazilova, and I. M. Mikhailovskij

        The energy of formation of self-interstitial atoms has been experimentally determined using an energy analysis of low-temperature field evaporation of tungsten in a field-ion microscope. An experimental approach, based on the strong dependence of the threshold field for evaporation on the total energy of the surface atoms, is used. It was found that the excited atomic states can be produced by the release of the formation energy of self-interstitial atoms emerging at the surface. The experimental results are discussed in the framework of the image-hump model of field evaporation and compared with theoretical data on the energy of formation of interstitial atoms.
    • 2009.09.18 | хeмік

      Це що, до і після прочитання "Отче наш" ? ;)

  • 2009.09.27 | Roman-br

    Re: Українські вчені вперше сфотографували атом (л)

    Moi pozdravleniya vsem avtoram! Eto kruto! Nu prosto kaplya meda v bochke.....ukrainskoi nauki.

    Ya nadeius oni v Nature-Physics uzhe podali stat`iu? A to nashi uchenie vsegda skromni na reklamu svoih dostizhenii. Piu chai za zdorovie vseh avtorov.
  • 2009.10.14 | Хома Брут

    От нарешті їх стаття і вийшла. Файл додається.

    Стаття має позначку рекомендованої редакцією Physical Review B.
    Красиво виглядає зворотній переклад (Condensed matter >>> Конденсований стан >>> Condensed State) в назві відділу УФТІ.

    PHYSICAL REVIEW B 80, 165404 (2009)
    Imaging the atomic orbitals of carbon atomic chains with field-emission electron microscopy

    I. M. Mikhailovskij,* E. V. Sadanov, T. I. Mazilova, V. A. Ksenofontov, and O. A. Velicodnaja

    Department of Low Temperatures and Condensed State, National Scientific Center, Kharkov Institute for Physics and Technology,
    Academicheskaja, 1, Kharkov 61108, Ukraine

    Received 17 July 2009; revised manuscript received 2 September 2009; published 7 October 2009.

    A recently developed high-field technique of atomic chains preparation has made it possible to attain the ultrahigh resolution of field-emission electron microscopy (FEEM), which can be used to direct imaging the intra-atomic electronic structure. By applying cryogenic FEEM, we are able to resolve the spatial configuration of atomic orbitals, which correspond to quantized states of the end atom in free-standing carbon atomic chains. Knowledge of the intra-atomic structure will make it possible to visualize generic aspects of quantum mechanics and also lead to approaches for a wide range of nanotechnological applications.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.80.165404

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