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physics, postodoc positions, ANL

10/22/2009 | Хома Брут
The Condensed Matter Theory Group at Argonne National Laboratory anticipates having several postdoctoral positions available in the fall of 2010. Our interests are in the areas of superconductivity, vortices, mesoscopics, quantum wires, quantum critical phenomena, quantum magnetism, and spectroscopy of correlated electron materials. Students or postdocs who are interested, please send your CV by email, along with three letters of reference. The deadline for receiving applications will be Dec. 31, 2009.

Exceptional candidates may wish to consider two other options: Named Postdoctoral Fellowships (application deadline Nov. 2) and Director's Postdoctoral Fellowships (application deadline Feb. 8). These are highly competitive. Information can be found at
and the applicant must have someone at Argonne agree to sponsor them.

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