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Free to read: Semicond.Sci.Tech. special issue (/)

11/03/2009 | Хома Брут
Semiconductor Science and Technology recently published a special issue on 'spin orbit interaction on charge transport'. This collection of papers was made free-to-read for a period of six months and will remain so until 19th November 2009. If you have not yet taken the opportunity to browse the collection whilst it is free to read, please do so today.


In addition, IOP Publishing's community website, Physicsworld.com, currently features a series of Spintronics multimedia videos that you may find of interest.

--- Interview with David Awschalom, University of California providing an introduction to the field, explaining how electron spin can be harnessed to create extremely dense computer memories and perhaps even quantum computers.

--- Interview with Albert Fert, University of Paris, Nobel Prize for Physics 2007 for his discovery of giant magnetoresistance.

--- A series of short interviews, including Hideo Ohno, Editorial Board Member for Semiconductor Science and Technology.


If you have colleagues and friends in the field who you think would also be interested in the special issue and the features on Physicsworld.com, please forward this email to them.


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