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Архіви Форумів Майдану

"Життя та час Пола Дірака" лекція on-line англ. 26.11.09 (/)

11/04/2009 | Хома Брут

Strange Genius: The Life and Times of Paul Dirac

Lecturer: Graham Farmelo, senior research fellow, Science Museum, London

11am EST Thursday 26 November 2009 ( = 18:00 за Києвським часом)

You you can still register today and view the archived lecture at any time after your holiday.

Paul Dirac was one of the great pioneers of quantum mechanics. After he predicted, with no clues from experiment, the existence of antimatter, he was awarded the Nobel Prize for physics in 1933, when he was the youngest theoretician to win the award.

Join Graham Farmelo in the inaugural webinar of the Physics World Lecture Series as he celebrates Dirac's huge scientific achievement and legacy, and offers a portrait of the extraordinary life of the man who was the first truly modern theoretical physicist.

Register for this free event here:

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