МАЙДАН - За вільну людину у вільній країні

Архіви Форумів Майдану

The mental wealth of nations

12/20/2009 | Beddington, John et all
Які є вони недолугі! Жодного слова про релігію, етику, патріотизм, історичні традиції, національні риси, багатовікову культуру, гуманітаризацію тощо. Ніякого порівняння з нашими Кременями та Жулинськими!

The mental wealth of nations
Countries must learn how to capitalize on their citizens’ cognitive resources if they are to prosper, both
economically and socially. Early interventions will be key.
Box 1 | Key findings
● Boosting brain power in young and old
There is huge scope for improving
mental capital through different types of
intervention. The genetic contribution
to mental capital is well below 50% in
childhood, rising to more than 60% in
adulthood and old age.
● What science could do in the early years
Cognitive neuroscience is already uncovering
neural markers, or biomarkers, that can reveal
learning difficulties as early as in infancy.
● Early detection of mental disorders
The challenge of tackling mental ill-health
is considerable. There is great potential in
improving diagnosis and treatment, and in
addressing social risk factors such as debt.
● Learning must continue throughout life
This can have a direct effect on mental health
and well-being across all age groups, and has
particular promise in older people.
● Changing needs for a changing workplace
The workforce is changing both in
demographics and in the demands placed on
it. Workers’ mental well-being is an important
factor when attempting to improve the
mental capital of economies and societies.
NATURE|Vol 455|23 October 2008


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