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EPP President Concerned About Changes In Electoral Law (/)

02/06/2010 | epp.eu


The President of the EPP Wilfried Martens expressed today his concern about changes in the Ukrainian electoral law:

“I am very concerned about the last minute changes made to the electoral law of Ukraine. They increase opportunities of falsifications during the second round of the Presidential election.

It is surprising that President Yushchenko signed these changes, introduced by the same political party that tried to falsify the Presidential election of 2004.

Therefore, I welcome the efforts which Prime Minister of Ukraine Yulia Tymoshenko is making in order to defend democratic elections in Ukraine. I encourage the people of Ukraine to make their choice on Sunday, the 7th of February, and to support the candidate, who stands for a democratic Ukraine”.

For more information:

Kostas Sasmatzoglou, EPP Spokesman, Tel. +32-2-2854147
Javier Jiménez, EPP Press Officer, Tel: +32-47548044



  • 2010.02.06 | Георгій

    How does this concern education, science?

    AFAIK, EPP stands for European People's Party.
    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
    • 2010.02.06 | thinker

      Він здивований, що Ющенко

      підписав закон змін до Виборчого права, а ми НЕ здивовані, бо ЧОГО іншого можна було ЧЕКАТИ від "особистого шофера Р. Ахметова"???? - Як кажуть тверезі люди, "КИДАЛА Є КИДАЛА! І нема на то ради...
    • 2010.02.06 | 2 Георгій

      Re: How does this concern education, science?

      You should return to understand.
      згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
      • 2010.02.06 | Трясця

        Re: How does this concern education, science?

        Це ніяк не стосується сучасного стану науки та освіти, але майбутній стан їх вимальовується чітко. Вакарчук здаватиметься за рік ангелом із прозорими крильцями.
      • 2010.02.06 | thinker

        Re: How does this concern education, science?

        We coluld not catch what we SHOULD UNDERSTAND???

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