Лист до керівників європейських націоналістичних організацій від грузинських побратимів (англійською мовою).
07/19/2001 | Майдан-Інформ
Dear Sirs!
Our friends Andrei Shkil, Mikola Karpiuk and fifteen others are under the danger of prison (from 8 to15 years).
We suppose to demand freedom for these people from Ukraine's Government. It'll be better to spread the demand (the same day and the same time) among Ukraine's embassies that are located in different countries of Europe.
Each party, which will support this demand, must sign the petition. It'll be a good action to protect our friend's freedom. In order to support UNA-UNSO it is necessary to form committee, which will coordinate this activity.
UNITY of GEORGIAN NATIONALISTS introduces its members they will be working in this committee. They are: Gaioz(Gia) Mamaladze-Chair-man of Unity of Georgian Nationalists, Konstantine Chichinadze-President of the "Young Scientists Club", Besarion Bochorishvilly- director of Institute Caucasian Renaissance and Irakli Shelia.
Please respond!
Political parties of different countries demand from Ukraine's government to free UNA-UNSO's members Andrei shkill, Mikola Karoiuk and fifteen others. And to stop their trial UNA-UNSO's authority is high in Europe, it is in the interest of Europe to free these people. Europe wants UNA-UNSO to continue its activity.
This petition must pass the same time to each embassies of Ukraine that are located in different countries of Europe.
Gaioz(gia) Mamaladze- Chair-man of Unity of Georgian Nationalists
Our friends Andrei Shkil, Mikola Karpiuk and fifteen others are under the danger of prison (from 8 to15 years).
We suppose to demand freedom for these people from Ukraine's Government. It'll be better to spread the demand (the same day and the same time) among Ukraine's embassies that are located in different countries of Europe.
Each party, which will support this demand, must sign the petition. It'll be a good action to protect our friend's freedom. In order to support UNA-UNSO it is necessary to form committee, which will coordinate this activity.
UNITY of GEORGIAN NATIONALISTS introduces its members they will be working in this committee. They are: Gaioz(Gia) Mamaladze-Chair-man of Unity of Georgian Nationalists, Konstantine Chichinadze-President of the "Young Scientists Club", Besarion Bochorishvilly- director of Institute Caucasian Renaissance and Irakli Shelia.
Please respond!
Political parties of different countries demand from Ukraine's government to free UNA-UNSO's members Andrei shkill, Mikola Karoiuk and fifteen others. And to stop their trial UNA-UNSO's authority is high in Europe, it is in the interest of Europe to free these people. Europe wants UNA-UNSO to continue its activity.
This petition must pass the same time to each embassies of Ukraine that are located in different countries of Europe.
Gaioz(gia) Mamaladze- Chair-man of Unity of Georgian Nationalists