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11/22/2007 | Георгій
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Evening Prayers

(opening prayers) (while making the sign of the cross (heretofore +)) In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, through the prayers of Your Most Pure Mother and of all the saints, have mercy on us. Amen.

Glory to You, our God, glory to You!

(Prayer to the Holy Spirit) O Heavenly King, the Comforter, Spirit of Truth, everywhere present and filling all things, Treasury of Blessings and Giver of life, come, and dwell in us, and cleanse us from every impurity, and save our souls, o Good One.

(“Trisagion,” from Greek τρισ άγιον, “thrice Holy”) (+) Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal One, have mercy on us. (3 times)

(“Small Doxology”) (+) Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

(Prayer to the Holy Trinity) All-Holy Trinity, have mercy on us. Lord, cleanse us from our sins. Master, pardon our transgressions. Holy One, visit us, and heal our infirmities for Your Name’s sake.

Lord, have mercy. (3 times)

(+) Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

(The Lord’s Prayer) Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy Will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the Evil One.

For Thine is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory, of the (+) Father and of the (+) Son and of the (+) Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

(Penitential troparia) Have mercy on us, Lord, have mercy on us, for being devoid of all defense, we sinners offer this prayer to You, as Master: have mercy on us.

(+) Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Lord, have mercy on us, for in You do we hope. Be neither exceedingly angry with us, nor mindful of our transgressions, but look upon us in Your tenderness and deliver us from our enemies. For You are our God and we are Your people, we are all the work of Your Hands, and we call upon your name.

(+) Now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Open for us the doors of loving-kindness, Blessed Birth-Giver of God, that we, who have hope in you may not perish, but through you we may be delivered from all adversity, for You are the salvation of Christian people.

Lord, have mercy. (12 times)

(+) Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

(Evening prayer of St. Makarius the Great to God the Father) Eternal God and King of all creation, You have granted that I may arrive to this hour. Forgive the sins that I have committed today in thought, word and deed. Lord, cleanse my humble soul from all defilement of flesh and spirit. Grant that I may pass this night in a peaceful slumber, so that when I rise from bed I may please Your Most Holy Name all the days of my life, and conquer all visible and invisible enemies. Lord, deliver me from vain and frivolous thoughts and from evil desires, which defile me. For Yours is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory, of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, now and ever and to the ages of ages. Amen.

(Evening prayer of St. Antiochus) Almighty Word of the Father, All-Holy Jesus Christ, You are perfection. In Your great mercy never leave me, but always dwell in me, Your servant. Jesus, Good Shepherd of Your sheep, do not allow me to fall victim to the revolt of the Serpent and do not leave me to Satan’s will, for the seed of corruption is within me. Rather, Lord, worshipful God, Holy King Jesus Christ, guard my sleep with the unfailing light, Your Holy Spirit, through Whom You sanctified Your disciples. Lord, grant me, an unworthy servant, Your salvation upon my bed of sleep. Enlighten my mind with the light of understanding Your Holy Gospel. Enlighten my soul with the love of Your Cross. Enlighten my heart with the purity of Your Word. Enlighten my body with Your undeserved passion. Preserve my thoughts by Your humility. Awaken me in due time to glorify You, for You are supremely glorified, with Your Father without beginning and Your Most Holy Spirit, to the ages of ages. Amen.

(Evening prayer of St. John Chrysostom) Lord, do not allow Your good things to be taken from me. Lord, deliver me from eternal torment. Lord, forgive my sins committed in word, deed, or thought. Lord, deliver me from all blindness, forgetfulness, despondency and all hardened insensitivity. Lord, deliver me from all temptation. Lord, enlighten my heart that has been hardened by evil desires. Lord, God of compassion, if I have sinned, have mercy on me for You see the deficiency of my soul. Lord, impart Your grace to assist me in my needs, that I may glorify Your Holy Name. Lord Jesus Christ, inscribe me, Your servant, in the Book of life and grant me a blessed repose. Lord my God, though I have done nothing ultimately good before You, grant me in Your grace the determination to do good. Lord, sprinkle my heart with the dew of Your grace. Lord of Heaven and earth, remember me, your sinful, shameful and impure servant in Your kingdom.

Lord, receive me in repentance. Lord, do not depart from me. Lord, deliver me not to disaster. Lord, grant me an upright mind. Lord, grant me tears and a remembrance of death and sorrow. Lord, lead me to confessing my sins. Lord, grant me humility, discernment and obedience. Lord, grant me patience, generosity and meekness. Lord, impart in my heart the root of goodness and of Your fear. Lord, enable me to love You with all my soul and mind and establish Your will in all. Lord, protect me from unrighteous people, unclean spirits, passions and all other unworthy things. Lord, You know Your creation and as it is Your desire, allow Your will to be done in me, a sinner, for You are blessed to the ages. Amen.

(Prayer to the Birth-Giver of God) Most Pure and Blessed Virgin Mary, Blessed Mother of the Most Blessed King, pour out the mercy of Your Son and our God on my passionate soul and guide me in good works through your prayers. Grant that I may spend the rest of my life without defilement and find Paradise through you, Virgin Birth-Giver of God, only pure and Blessed Lady.

(Prayer to the guardian angel) Angel of Christ, my holy guardian and protector of my soul and body: forgive all my sins committed during this day and deliver me from every temptation of my enemy, so that I may not anger my Gad by any sin. Moreover, pray for me, a sinful and unworthy servant, so that you might be able to find me worthy of grace and mercy of the All-Holy Trinity together with the Mother of my God, Jesus Christ, and of all the Saints. Amen.

(Prayer to the saint whose name we bear) Pray for me, Holy and God-pleasing Saint (name), for with fervor I turn to you, the swift helper and intercessor of my soul.

(Additional prayers can be added here)

(Kontakion to the Birth-Giver of God) To you, unconquerable lady, Birth-Giver of God, we, your triumphant servants, having been delivered from dangers, offer hymns of thanksgiving. Lady of invincible might, free us from all dangers that we may cry to you: rejoice, unwedded Bride! Most glorious, Ever-Virgin, blessed Mother of Christ our God, present our prayers to your Son and our God, that through you He may save our souls. I put all my hope in you, Mother of God. Guard me under your protection.

(Prayer before the Venerable Cross) Let God arise, let His enemies be scattered, and let those who hate Him flee before Him. As smoke vanishes, so let them vanish just as wax melts before fire. So the demons will perish from the presence of those who love God and who sign themselves with the sign of the Cross, saying in gladness: “Hail Most precious and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, for you drive away demons by the power of our Lord Jesus Christ crucified on you. He descended into Hades and trampled o the power of the devil, and gave us you, His Venerable Cross, for the driving away all enemies. Most precious and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, help me, along with the Holy Lady, the Virgin Birth-Giver of God and all the saints throughout the ages. Amen.

(Prayer of repentance) God, absolve, remit and pardon our voluntary and involuntary sins, committed in word and deed, both known and unknown, by day and by night, in perception and in thought: forgive us all in Your Goodness and Love for all humankind.

(Remembrance) Lord, Lover of Humankind, forgive those who hate and wrong us. Do good to those who do good. Grant our brothers, sisters and all relatives their petitions, which are for salvation and eternal life. Visit the sick and heal them. Guide those at sea. Assist all Orthodox Christians in their struggles. Accompany those who travel. To those who serve and are kind to us, grant remission of sins. Upon those who have asked us, unworthy though we be, to pray for them, have mercy. Lord, remember our fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters who have fallen asleep and grant them rest where the light of Your Countenance shines. Remember, Lord, those who bear fruit and do good works in Your holy churches and grant them their petitions which are for salvation and eternal life. Remember us also, Lord, your humble, sinful and unworthy servants, and enlighten our minds with the light of Your knowledge, and guide us in the way of Your commandments. Through the prayers of our most Pure Lady, the Birth-Giver of God and Ever-Virgin Mary and all Your Saints, for You are blessed to the ages of ages. Amen.

(Song to the All-Holy Birth-Giver of God) It is right, in truth, to glorify you, the Birth-Giver of God, the Ever-Blessed, wholly immaculate, and the Mother of our God. More honorable than the Cherubim and more glorious beyond compare than the Seraphim, you, who without defilement gave birth to God the Word, true Birth-Giver of God, we magnify you! Beneath your tender mercy we flee, Birth-Giver of God; reject not our prayers in the time of trouble, but deliver us from harm, you, o Only Pure and Blessed Lady. Most Glorious Ever-Virgin Mary, Mother of Christ our God, receive our prayer and present it to your Son and our God, so that He may save our souls for your sake.

(After this, additional prayers and prostrations are offered only at the time of the Great Lent.)

(Magnification of the Holy Trinity) The Father is my hope; the Son is my refuge; and the Holy Spirit is my protector; All-Holy Trinity, glory to You (+).

Glory be to the Father (+), and to the Son (+), and to the Holy Spirit (+), now, and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Lord, have mercy. (3 times)

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, through the intercessions of Your Most Pure Mother, of our Holy and God-Bearing Fathers and of all the saints, have mercy on me. Amen.

(Prayer for getting into bed) (Said after making the sign of the Cross three times over the bed and getting into bed) Lord, guard me by the might of Your Holy and Life-Giving Cross, and keep me from all evil. Lord Jesus Christ, my God, into Your hands I surrender my spirit and my body. Bless me, have mercy on me, and grant me eternal life. Amen.


  • 2007.11.27 | Георгій

    Чув від двох знайомих протeстантів, що їх "пройняло"

    Один з них - прeсвітeріанський пастор, доктор богослов"я; друга - прeдставниця нашого унівeрситeтського Cоюзу студeнтів-баптистів.

    В Гамeриці абсолютна більшість протeстантів нe знають про Православ"я рівно нічого... і бувають дужe приємно вражeні. :)

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