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To English speakers, a question

01/02/2010 | Георгій
If a person is actively, aggressively preaching Monophysitism and Docetism on a public Internet forum, and, while doing that, is calling himself a preacher of the Catholic faith, - wouldn't it be a right thing for the Church to do to sever this person from the Eucharist?

The person is really dangerous like a rabid dog. There aren't very many active correspondents on the forum where he posts; yet, it is hard to say how many people are reading his heretical poison. And there are always newcomers, and, given a very poor state of catechization in the Ukrainian community, there is, IMHO, a real threat that this heretic will make converts.

He could choose to be anonymous, but he, instead, did, in the past, reveal his real name and physical address and church affiliation. Should I print out his posts and send them to his bishop, with whom I have already talked on the phone?


  • 2010.01.02 | _P.M._

    От-от: like a rabid dog

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    • 2010.01.03 | Георгій

      Re: От-от: like a rabid dog

      Unfortunately, Mr. _P.M._, I feel like I HAVE to treat you like I would treat a rabid dog. It does not mean that I do not love rabid dogs. They are God's creation, and as such they (and you) deserve love and compassion and service. But they are ill and they, by virtue of their illness, are DANGEROUS to innocent people. They are CONTAGIOUS. And so are all "preaching" heretics.

      And you are one of them. You are a preaching heretic. You aggressively preach Monophysitism (rejecting the true humanity of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ that God the Word CREATED in the womb of the Virgin and that He retains now and forever). You also aggressively preach an amalgam of Origenist and Docetist views, denying that the Apostles quite physically, with their human, sensual, physical eyes saw the transfigured Christ on the Mount Tabor, and the ascending Christ with His real face, hands, feet, etc. You blasphemously state that all this "male equipment" is a digusting thing that Christ has left on "this sinful earth" to rot.

      Now, one most certainly has one's prerogative to believe whatever one believes in. But you have repeatedly made false statements, saying that what you preach is the Catholic faith, even after you had been repeatedly rebuked by a Catholic priest. Moreover, you slandered and maligned the people who rebuked you.

      It does not worry me that you slandered and maligned me - but it does worry me that you seem to be as resolved to continue preaching the Monophysite and Docetic heresies as steadily as a rabid dog is "resolved" to continue his murderous run.

      And I will try to stop this run, in every possible way.

      May the Lord have mercy on you, my ill, misguided, angry, confused, maddened by ravaging heresies, dear friend and brother in Christ.

      Pray for yourself and for me, a sinner.

  • 2010.01.03 | _P.M._

    Пастеровські привики пацієнту навряд чи допоможуть

    Звірина інфекція проникла у душу.
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    • 2010.01.03 | Георгій

      Вам, мабуть, допоможe тимчасовe відлучeння від Причастя

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      • 2010.01.03 | _P.M._

        в даному випадку допомогти може тільке одне

        Мусите опанувати у собі оту огидну звірину й припинити просторікувати на релігійні теми ЗОВСІМ.

        Отоді може з'явитися шанс на одужання.
      • 2010.01.03 | Георгій

        For the English speakers who are reading this

        Mr. _P.M._ said that in his opinion, "the vaccine will not help the rabid dog" (who, as he believes, is me), because the "beastly infection has penetrated too deeply into the patient's soul."

        I would like to point your special attention to this words, "beat" and "beastly." Earlier Mr. _P.M._ had claimed that Adam had lived "in God" BEFORE he was created; that Adam had lived as a pure bodiless, substance-less, matter-less, shapeless, limitless spirit, but then he (Adam) chose to disobey God, and for that, God "created" Adam as a man with beastly body, body with flesh like the flesh of beasts, with all the "equipment" of beasts like genitalia, etc.; and that Christ came and "punished" all this disgusting flesh and 'equipment' by executing it, making it all dead; so, now, our goal is to "get rid of all things CREATED" and to become God - meaning, be resurrected as pure spirits without any matter or sensual visibility or shape, and be "mixed" with God.

        For saying that the above is not the teaching of the Catholic Church (to which Mr. _P.M._ allegedly belongs), Mr. _P.M._ called his priest an ignoramus, and for saying that the above is not what my Orthodox Church teaches, Mr. _P.M._ has repeatedly called the Orthodox Church "a sect" and me a servant of Antichrist.

        I am very grateful to all of you for following this, for the sake of my country, Ukraine, as represented on this closely watched Internet forum. Many thanks.
  • 2010.01.03 | _P.M._

    шакал вступається з дороги буйвола, бо у того сила

    СИЛА ж -- у Слові

    Тож нікчемному лузеру доведеться забратися геть, або ж буде розчавлений.
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    • 2010.01.03 | Георгій

      To English speakers: he says, "a jackal flees from the path...

      .. of a bull, because the bull has strength." And the bull (i.e. he, Mr. _P.M._) has strength, because the strength is in the Word.

      Again, a brief trip in the past: Mr. _PM._ claims that the Word (e.g. Romans 8:3, Gal. 5:17, etc.) says that this disgusting, stinking flesh that we humans have has been "punished" by Christ Who made it dead, and Who was resurrected as a pure Spirit without visible contours; and that so will be with those who are righteous, because "what is seen is temporary, while what is unseen (or invisible) is eternal" (2 Cor 4:18).

      A rabid "bull?" How to stop..?
  • 2010.01.03 | _P.M._

    немає шансів у лузерів-віровідступників

    Бо ходячи в тілі, не за тілом воюємо ми
    зброя бо нашого воювання не тілесна, але міцна Богом на зруйнування твердинь, ми руйнуємо задуми,
    і всяке винесення, що підіймається проти пізнання Бога, і полонимо всяке знання на послух Христові,
    і покарати ми готові всякий непослух, коли здійсниться послух ваш
    . (2-е Кор. 10:3-6)

    А найбільш над усе візьміть щита віри, яким зможете погасити всі огненні стріли лукавого.
    Візьміть і шолома спасіння, і меча духовного, який є Слово Боже.
    (Ефесян 6:16,17)

    Бо Боже Слово живе та діяльне, гостріше від усякого меча обосічного, проходить воно аж до поділу душі й духа, суглобів та мозків, і спосібне судити думки та наміри серця. (Євреїв 4:12)

    І Мої уста вчинив Він, як той гострий меч, заховав Мене в тіні Своєї руки, і Мене вчинив за добірну стрілу, в Своїм сагайдаці заховав Він Мене. (Ісая 49:2)

    тоді то з'явиться той беззаконник, що його Господь Ісус заб'є Духом уст Своїх і знищить з'явленням приходу Свого. (2-е Солунян 2:8)
  • 2010.01.03 | stryjko_bojko

    It is Your Constitutional Right: "to be or not to be"

    > ... Should I print out his posts and send them to his bishop, with whom I have already talked on the phone?
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    • 2010.01.04 | Георгій

      It's not about my "rights"

      I am asking a serious question, and I do not mean the legal side of it - rather, a moral side. I feel that something must be done about Mr. _P.M._'s rabid heretical "preaching." Somehow the argument that God will settle everything and deal with each of us acordingly is not quite convincing, because God may act through us, humans. I have been tacitly asking for other arguments for and against, but I do not see any.

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