МАЙДАН - За вільну людину у вільній країні

Архіви Форумів Майдану

ПЕРЕКЛАДИ-2 Відкриваю нову гілку, бо стара задовга.

10/31/2004 | Mary

В цій гілці дялі будемо постити матеріали для перекладу.
Інструкції для перекладачів такі:
1) вибираєте посильний кусень
2) постите у відповідь порожнє повідомлення "Беру, буде за пів (чи 2, чи скільки там) години" (це щоб те саме повідомлення одночасно не перекладалося кількома людьми)
3) перекладаєте
4) постите переклад.

Прохання для тих, хто перепощує (або постить прямо) на англомовні новини також повідомляти про те, що переклад запощено, знову ж таки - для ясності.

Заохочуємо вас також самим брати новини, перекладати і викладати їх тут - не чекайте на нас, бо ми ганяємо по купі інших справ, і часто встигаємо лише заглянути сюди й перепостити те, що вже перекладено в англійські новини. Знову ж таки, якщо берете якусь більшеньку новину чи статтю - повідомляйте, що взяли, щоб не виявилося що хтось інший зробив ту саму роботу.



  • 2004.10.31 | Mary

    Перекласти: Збірник Порушень. Дайджест 30 жовтня

    Збірник Порушень. Дайджест 30 жовтня.
    Інформацію про порушення було вислано на Майданівську пошту протягом вечора 30 жовтня.

    214 округ. Китайці та корейці в списках.

    На виборчих дільницях в студмістечку КНУ ім.Т.Шевченка (214 округ, м.Київ, Голосіївський р-н) можлива фальсифікація списків виборців.

    У КНУ навчається досить багато іноземців, зокрема китайців чи корейців (точно не знаю). На виборчій дільниці №51 214-го округу їх включили в списки. Але вони не можуть проживати на території України більше 5 років, тому її громадянами бути теж не можуть.

    На території цієї 51-ї дільниці їх небагато - 15-20.
    Але в студмістечку є цілі гуртожитки, в яких живуть лише іноземці. Якщо їх теж включено (цієї інформації у мене, на жаль, немає), то після голосування залишиться кількасот чистих бюлетенів, які можна заповнити під одного з кандидатів.

    215/37. Відсутні частини списків.
    из 5 членов семьи двое не были вчера внесены в список, т.к. список был поделен на части (не сшит!!!), и вторая часть на участке отсутствовала... где-то ее "катала" глава комиссии (29.10)

    Харків. Мертві студенські душі.
    В списки на голосование включены те студенты из общежитий, которые уже выписаны. В частности общежития Харьковского Национального Университета радиоэлектроники.
    Округ та дільниця уточнюються.

    "Голосування під наглядом"
    Є інформація, що директор Львівської дирекції Укртелекому Мельник зобов"язав керівників своїх підрозділів організувати отримання своїми підлеглими відкріпних листів. Це необхідно, щоб провести "голосування під наглядом". Для цього усі повинні колективно виїхати на вихідні на різні бази, що належать Укртелекому, та "в гості" до інших відділень Укртелекому.
    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
    • 2004.10.31 | lesia

      Re: Перекласти: Збірник Порушень. Дайджест 30 жовтня

      зараз зроблпю.
      згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
      • 2004.10.31 | lesia

        Re: Перекласти: Збірник Порушень. Дайджест 30 жовтня

        I didn't fully understand the last section, "Голосування під наглядом," someone please check it.

        List of Violations. October 30 Digest.
        Information on violations that were reported via Maidan mail over the course of the evening on October 30.

        District 214. Chinese and Koreans in voter lists.
        In the polling districts at student residential areas of the National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv (District 214, Kyiv city, Holosiyivskiy region) there was a possible falsification of voter lists.
        At the university, there are many foreign students, and in particular Chinese and Korean students (estimate is not known). At the polling sector №51 in District 214 these students were added to the voter lists. However, they cannot stay in Ukraine for more than five years, which is why they therefore are not Ukrainian citizens.
        In the area of sector №51 there are not many of these students – around 15-20. However, in the student residential areas there are entire campuses where only foreigners live. If they are also included (this information is not confirmed), then after the election there will be several hundred empty ballots, which can be filled out for one of the candidates.
        215/37. Missing sections of voter lists.
        Five members of two families were not included in a voter list yesterday, since the lists were divided into sections (not attached!!!), and the second part in the section was absent…where did the head election committee hide them? (10.29)

        Kharkiv. Dead student souls.
        Included in the voter lists are these students from universities. In particular the campus of Kharkiv National University of Radioelectronics.
        The specific district and territory are being determined.

        “Voting under supervision”
        There are reports that the director of the Lviv directorate of UkrTelecom Melnyk forced the heads of his subdivisions to obtain their subordinates’ letters. This is necessary for carrying out “voting under supervision.” To do this everyone from UkrTelecom must collectively take the day off for different reasons, and visit other divisions of UkrTelecom.
        згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
        • 2004.10.31 | Mary

          Так, я просто бабахнула то останнє, решту запостила

          Бо думала-думала, і сама не знаю, як би то перекласти так, шоб по-англійськи зрозуміло було. Закручено дуже. :-)
  • 2004.10.31 | Mary

    Потрібно перекласти 3 новини

    Новина 1
    Мирослава Свистович позбавила владу 500 спостерігачів

    В суботу, 30 жовтня, о 23.30 Апеляційний суд міста Києва задовольнив скаргу Мирослави Свистович, керівника Ірпінського виборчого штабу Віктора Ющенка та довіреної особи кандидата у президенти України Миколи Грабара на рішення територіальної виборчої комісії 96-го виборчого округу про реєстрацію офіційних спостерігачів від влади, а точніше від кандидатів у президенти Олександра Ржавського, Василя Волги та Романа Козака.

    Мирослава Свистович вимагала визнати рішення територіальної виборчої комісії недійсним, оскільки ці подання були подані з порушенням ч. 5 ст. 69 Закону “Про вибори Президента України”, де сказано, що вони мають вноситися до ТВК “не пізніше, ніж за 5 днів до виборів президента”.

    Подання ж від усіх трьох кандидатів у президенти (загалом майже на 500 спостерігачів) були подані на день пізніше, ніж це передбачає Закон, а принесла їх до ТВК чомусь працівник Ірпінського міськвиконкому Валентина Ващенко. Секретар комісії Віктор Кузнєцов наполіг на реєстрації подань в журналі вхідної документації, а переважна більшість членів комісії (проти – 4, голова – утрималась) проголосувати за те, щоб зареєструвати вказаних у поданнях осіб офіційними спостерігачами Ржавського, Волги і Козака.

    Новина 2
    Суд повернув ющенківців до складу дільничних комісій в Одесі

    Як повідомив народний депутат України, лідер Партії захисників Вітчизни, довірена особа Віктора Ющенка – Юрій Кармазін, близько четвертої години ранку 31 жовтня завершено засідання апеляційного суду Одеської області.

    Під головуванням судді Бітова, за участю суддів Завідея і Косогор, була розглянута цівільну справа за скаргами довірених осіб кандидатів на посаду Президента України – Віктора Ющенка – Володимира Курінного, Олександра Мороза – Івана Соловйова, Миколи Грабара – Станіслава Євсєєва на рішення територіальної виборчої комісії територіального виборчого округу №138. Згадані представники кандидатів в Президенти оскаржували рішення комісії, яким, на окремих дільницях, ухвалене рішення, за 5 годин до дня початку виборів, про виключення зі списків дільничих комісій представників опозиційних кандидатів.

    Суд вирішив скарги довірених осіб кандидатів на посаду президента України задовольнити. «Визнати незаконною і скасувати постанову територіальної виборчої комісії територіального виборчого округу №138 про внесення змін до складу дільничих виборчих комісій у повному обсязі. Рішення суду підлягає негайному виконанню».

    На думку народного депутата України Юрія Кармазіна, «це безпрецедентне рішення суду, яке обмежує сваволю, яка відбувається зараз в місті Одесі під керівництвом районних і міської адміністрацій, тобто, Руслана Боделана і його прибічників, що тиснуть на виборчі комісії сформовані через так званих «технічних кандидатів». Чимало з членів цих комісій є тими хто проходив фігурантами у незавершеній справі про підлог виборчих документів на виборах Одеського міського голови і виборах до парламенту України 2002 року. Ці ж люди фігурують і зараз, лише вони вже користуються повним імунітетом від Законом.

    Зараз у Одеському апеляційному суді триває розгляд ще однієї скарги на незаконні дії керівника територіальної комісії територіального виборчого округу №138 пані Рубан.

    Новина 3
    Київський міський Апеляційний суд заповнений громадянами, що відстоюють своє право голосу

    В Київському апеляційному суді утворилася величезна черга з громадян, які відстоюють своє право голосу. У цьому їм уже відмовили дільничні та територіальні виборчі комісії та районні суди, однак люди, серед яких дуже багато молоді, вперто намагаються відстояти своє право.

    Люди просиджують в суді до дванадцятої ночі, очікуючи своєї черги на розгляд скарг. Серед них багато молоді.

    Прикметно, що більшість з тих, хто отримав відмову від Апеляційного суду, збираються зранку їхати відстоювати свої права у Верховному Суді.
    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
    • 2004.10.31 | nataliya

      Re: Потрібно перекласти 3 новини

      beru pereklasty 3 novynu, bude za 20-30 hvylyn
    • 2004.10.31 | nataliya

      Re: Потрібно перекласти 3 новини GOTOVO, 3 tya novyna

      Новина 3
      Київський міський Апеляційний суд заповнений громадянами, що відстоюють своє право голосу

      В Київському апеляційному суді утворилася величезна черга з громадян, які відстоюють своє право голосу. У цьому їм уже відмовили дільничні та територіальні виборчі комісії та районні суди, однак люди, серед яких дуже багато молоді, вперто намагаються відстояти своє право.

      Люди просиджують в суді до дванадцятої ночі, очікуючи своєї черги на розгляд скарг. Серед них багато молоді.

      Прикметно, що більшість з тих, хто отримав відмову від Апеляційного суду, збираються зранку їхати відстоювати свої права у Верховному Суді.

      There are the crowds of the Ukrainian citizens in the Appellation Court of Kiev; they are insisting on their right of the vote.

      In appellation Court of Kiev, there was created a long waiting line of people, wanting to defend their right of the vote. They were already refused in this right by regional and territorial election commissions and district Courts. However, the people, and a lot of the youth among them, insist on their right of the vote.

      The people are staying in the Court till the midnight, while waiting for their turn to be accepted. There are a lot of young people among them.

      It should be especially noted, that those of them who receive a refusal, are going to continue and leave in the morning for the Supreme Court to defend their rights.
      згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
      • 2004.10.31 | nataliya

        GOTOVO, 3 tya novyna

        There are the crowds of the Ukrainian citizens in the Appellation Court of Kiev; they are insisting on their right of the vote.

        In appellation Court of Kiev, there was created a long waiting line of people, wanting to defend their right of the vote. They were already refused in this right by regional and territorial election commissions and district Courts. However, the people, and a lot of the youth among them, insist on their right of the vote.

        The people are staying in the Court till the midnight, while waiting for their turn to be accepted. There are a lot of young people among them.

        It should be especially noted, that those of them who receive a refusal, are going to continue and leave in the morning for the Supreme Court to defend their rights
      • 2004.10.31 | Сергiй Kabud


    • 2004.10.31 | nataliya

      Beru 1 novyny, maxymumu cherez pivgodyny (-)

    • 2004.10.31 | nataliya

      perekladeno pro Myroslavu Svystovych

      Мирослава Свистович позбавила владу 500 спостерігачів

      Mme Myroslava Svystovych got rid of 500 observers from the Government.
      On Saturday, the 30 October, Mme Myroslava Svystovych, got rid of 500 observers from the Government.
      On Saturday, the 30 October, at 23.30, The Appellation Court of Kiev, adopted the complaint of Mme Myroslava Svystovych, the head of Yushchenko’s election centre in Irpinsk and the confident person of Mr. Mykola Grabar, the candidate to the President of Ukraine, against the decision of the territorial election commission number 96about registration of the official observers from the Government, namely from the candidates to the President of Ukraine Mr. Rzhavskyy, Mr. Volga and Mr. Kozak.
      Mme Myroslava Svystovych required to announce the decision of the territorial commission be not valid, because the registration was made by violating of the legal procedures previewed by the law. According to the part 5, article 5 of the Law "About the elections of the President of Ukraine", which states that the registration of the official observers to the territorial election commission should be made not late than 5 days before the day of elections.
      But, the registrations from those three candidates (all together 500 people) were made one day later, than it is allowed by the law. They were registered, without any reason, by Mme Valentyna Vashchenko, the member of the Irpinsk municipal service. Mr Viktor Kuznetzov, the Secretor of the commission, insisted upon the registration of necessary documents and the larger part of the members of the commission voted for ( 4 votes against and the head did not express) the registration of the official observers from the candidates to the President Mr Rzhavskyy, Mr. Volga, Mr Kozak.
      згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
      • 2004.10.31 | Сергiй Kabud


    • 2004.10.31 | nataliya

      yaksho nihto ne vizmy durgu novynu, to perekladu piznishe (-)

    • 2004.10.31 | nataliya

      beru 2-gu novynu: 30-40 hvylyn (-)

    • 2004.10.31 | nataliya

      gotovo pro odeskyy sud

      Новина 2


      Суд повернув ющенківців до складу дільничних комісій в Одесі
      the court rehabilitated the observers from Mr Yushchenko into the regional election commissions in Odessa

      As it was reported by Mr. Yuriy Karmazin, the depute of Ukraine , the leader of the Party of Country's Defenders, the confident person of Mr Viktor Yushchenko (the candidate to the President), the Appellation Court of Odessa closed the session at 4 o'clock at the morning.

      The Judge Bitova with the participants of the Judges Zavidey and Kosogor put to the voting the civil case, based on the complaints from the confident persons of the candidates to the President of Ukraine: Mr Yushchenko, Mr Kurinnyy, Mr Moroz, Mr Solov'yov, Mr Grabar, Mr Evseev. The complaint was against the decision of the territorial election commission number 138. The representatives of the named above candidates to the President of Ukraine complained about the adopted decision of the commission, which allowed to delete the names of the representatives and observers from the opposition from the lists of the local election commissions less then 5 hours before the elections should start.

      The Appellation Court decided to adopt the complaints from the confident persons of the candidates to the President of Ukraine. "To acknowledge as illegal and to reject the decision of the territorial election commission number 138 about changes in the lists of the local election commissions. The decision of the Court should be fulfilled immediately."

      Mr Yuriy Karmazin, the depute of Ukraine, thinks that " the wise decision of the Court limits the chaotic stream of all permitted actions in Odessa, which is provoked by the heads of regional and municipal administrations, and, namely, by Mr Ruslan Bodelan and his followers.


      A lot of them are mixed in the affair (still not accomplished) about the falsification of election papers on the elections of the head of municipal administration of Odessa and on the elections to the Parliament of Ukraine in 2002. Those same people are on the scene now and they are protected by the Law.

      At the moment, the Appellation Court of Odessa is on the session. The topic of the session is the complaint against the illegal actions of Mme Ruban, the head of the territorial commission number 138.
      згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
      • 2004.10.31 | Mary

        зараз зроблю (-)

      • 2004.10.31 | Mary

        зробила. дякую! (-)

  • 2004.10.31 | Mary

    Перекласти "Новини з ЦВК"

    Новини від наших людей у ЦВК:

    Зараз відбувається черговий брифінг Ківалова. Голова ЦВК повідомив, що на Одещині на дільниці, де були зіпсовані бюлетені ("вибув" навпроти прізвіща Бродського - до речі, саме тут Бродський проводив свою кампанію на нардепа 5 місяців тому) завезено нові. Наразі не працюють 5 дільниць на Тернопільщині - там теж стоять штампи "вибув".

    Щоб пройти в ЦВК, треба подолати 5 рядів охорони - від новозбудованої загорожі до залу брифінгів. (Але активісти "Майдану", яким міжнародні масонсько-закулісні фонди вживили мімікрізатор, долають будь-які перешкоди :) )

    Центральний вхід до Комісії, який ще позавчора працював, зараз зачинено - втрапити в будівлю можна з вулиці Кутузова. Біля входу стоїть військова техніка - чи то БТР, чи то БПМ, вкриті маскувальною сіткою. На площі Лесі Українки, як завжди - особливо в неділю - небагато людей.

    Ківалов повідомив, що попередні результати виборів буде оголошено о 7-ій-10-ій годині ранку в понеділок.

    Наступний брифінг Ківалова - о 17:00. Активісти "Майдану" проникнуть і на нього.
    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
    • 2004.10.31 | cb

      перекладаю "Новини з ЦВК". 15 хвилин (-)

      згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
      • 2004.10.31 | cb


        News from Central Election Committee

        News from our people in CEC

        Immediate briefing of Kivalov is helding now. Head of CEC informed that new voting papers are brought to electoral district in Odessa area. Previous voting papers were spoiled ("left" was marked opposite to Brodskiy's name. By the way, Brodskiy carried out his election campaign for elected deputy 5 months ago). Now 5 districts in Ternopil area are not working - seal "left" is on the voting papers there.

        To get to CEC now we should pass by 5 lines of guards from newly-built fence to hall of briefings. (But activists of Maidan, to which masonic foundations implanted mimicryser, overcomes any barriers :-))

        Central entrance to Committee, which worked the day before yesterday, now is closed. It is possible to get to the building from Kutuzov street. There is military equipment standind near the entrance covered with camouflage netting. There are some people on Lesya Ukrainka Square, as usually, particularly on Sunday.

        Kivalov reported that preliminary results of elections will be announced at 7-10 o'clock on Monday.

        Next briefing of Kivalov will be at 17:00. Activists of Maidan will get to it also.
        згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
        • 2004.10.31 | Сергiй Kabud


      • 2004.10.31 | cb


        News from Central Election Committee

        News from our people in CEC

        Immediate briefing of Kivalov is helding now. Head of CEC informed that new voting papers are brought to electoral district in Odessa area. Previous voting papers were spoiled ("left" was marked opposite to Brodskiy's name. By the way, Brodskiy carried out his election campaign for elected deputy 5 months ago). Now 5 districts in Ternopil area are not working - seal "left" is on the voting papers there.

        To get to CEC now we should pass by 5 lines of guards from newly-built fence to hall of briefings. (But activists of Maidan, to which masonic foundations implanted mimicryser, overcome any barriers :-))

        Central entrance to Committee, which worked the day before yesterday, now is closed. It is possible to get to the building from Kutuzov street. There is military equipment standind near the entrance covered with camouflage netting. There are some people on Lesya Ukrainka Square, as usually, particularly on Sunday.

        Kivalov reported that preliminary results of elections will be announced at 7-10 o'clock on Monday.

        Next briefing of Kivalov will be at 17:00. Activists of Maidan will get to it also.
        згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
  • 2004.10.31 | cb

    перекладаю новину "Паніка в Борисполі ". буде за 5 хвилин (-)

    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
    • 2004.10.31 | cb

      готово. викладіть хтось!

      Паніка в Борисполі

      В аеропорту "Бориспіль" в даний момент багато народних депутатів від фракцій СДПУ(о), центру, та інших провладних фракцій з родинами і речами чекають посадки на рейси - тікають з України.

      Тимчасово чи назавжди?

      Panic in Boryspil Aeroport

      There are a lot of people - deputies of factions of SDPU(u), center and other pro-regime factions in Boryspil Aeroport. They and their families are waiting for check in at abroad flights. They are escaping from Ukraine.

      Temporary or forever?
      згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
      • 2004.10.31 | Mary

        Дякую, додала! (-)

  • 2004.10.31 | cb

    перекладена новина "Біля ЦВК посилено захист". викладуйте :)

    Guards near CEC are increased, candidates and their representatives are not allowed to enter in the building

    Guards of CEC did not allow to candidate to President of Ukraine Myhailo Brodskiy and authorized representatives of Leonid Chernivetskiy and Victor Youshchenko to enter in 4, 5 and 6 floor of CEC, where offices of CEC staff and CEC members are situated. Special correspondent of "Obozrevatel" informs abiut this.

    It is common knowledge that CEC approved decision about free access to CEC for all candidates to President, person empowered to act for them and their authorized representatives. But now CEC restricts movement of candidates and their representatives. Besides, by information of "Obozrevatel" in the morning a number of buses with soldiers arrived tot CEC. Now they are occupying rooms on the upper floors of CEC.

    Front of CEC building is blocked with fence oiled with solid oil. Its back is fenced with barbed wire.
    There are 4 water-jets, 3 armored troop-carriers, acute care and fire-engine near the CEC building.
  • 2004.10.31 | Tizia

    Беру зі Статтей: ДАЙДЖЕСТ на 14:00: Правовий самозахист ющан

    За годину буде.
    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
    • 2004.10.31 | Tizia

      Digest by 14:00: Legal Self-Defense of Yushchenko’s Supporters

      Digest by 14:00, October 31: Legal Self-Defense of Yushchenko’s Supporters and Blunders Committed by Yanukovychists
      By this time about 35 to 50 per cent of Ukrainians that are entitled to vote have voted.

      The eagerness of voters to defend their rights is impressive – they confiscate the pens with ink that fades away, stop so called “carousel” (when a voter is given a ballot that has been already filled in, afterwards he is obliged to bring back an empty one received at the polling station).

      In Sumy and in Mariupol the journalists are running against impediments in their work at the polling stations (in Sumy one television camera has already been damaged). The most active part in defending their rights in Sumy is played by voters themselves – by some reason the representative of the “People’s Power” coalition do not interfere.

      Some blunders are evident in the work or Yanukovichists. Even in Yanukovych’s homeland, the Donbas region, there are some failures in the work of electoral commissions. An entire village resulted not included into the electoral lists in one of the polling stations of the Budyonivsk district, Donetsk region, whereas in the village of Krasnyj Luch, Luhansk region, the territorial electoral commission №109 is unable to muster a quorum.

      The authorities resulted unable to bring the planned number of people from East to West and Center of Ukraine. The number of people actually transferred with special trains from Eastern regions to Central and Western regions is lower that the number projected. For example, forcedly mobilized workers of big industrial plants arrived to Lviv only by buses, while some other cities have seen only one train with these people, instead of several, as has been planned before.

      The absolute majority of workers is not ready nor willing to take part in provocations. The Donbas workers are with us!

      The same can be said about students. Chernihiv students that have been by fraud transferred into the children’s summer camps near Kyiv refuse to obey to the fraudsters. Young people demanded buses to be able to return back to Chernihiv. Only after two hours of harsh talks a group of Chernihiv inhabitants was given one bus, but only 53 persons were able to return home, whereas some hundreds of other people eager to go home were compelled to remain there. Now these people, against their will, are still staying in the camp located in the forest; the parents of the students and Chernihiv activists are taking care of their case.

      According to the available information obtained from Maidan fans among the members of electoral commissions, some polling stations received notes from governmental “coordinators” – the latter received money to bribe the members of electoral committees that do not adhere to the governmental line – as well as secret instructions that ordered to exclude on any pretext, by this evening, from electoral commissions the representatives of Brodskyj, Hrabar and Yushchenko. After that some polling stations got closed “for consultations”, and during this half an hour voters were unable to vote.

      Still all major Ukrainian political personalities have already voted. Yushchenko and Moroz voted in their own favor. Answering the question if there is going to be a revolution, Yushchenko said that “today it is possible to win without any revolutions”. Yanukuvych said that he is going to initiate talks with Moroz and Symonenko before the second round. Moroz condemned the provocations that are being prearranged near the CEC building and announced the already collected facts of elections falsifications. Both Symonenko and Yanukovych avoided direct answer as to the character of their voting – both voted “for the future”. Lytvyn announced that in the second round he is going to vote for the same candidate he voted today, and condemned the behavior of law enforcement organs that “stimulate disorders in the country”. Kuchma said that he had put his mark somewhere in the end of the list, but did not precise in whose favor – Yu or Ya (both letters are in the end of Ukrainian alphabet, candidates’ names following alphabetical order in the list).

      And the last thing – Kharkiv and Donetsk region decided to disregard the errors in voters’ names and to release ballot papers to all those whose name resulted distorted in the list. This information is being spread in all polling stations of Kharkiv.
      згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
      • 2004.10.31 | Адвокат ...

        Красно дякую! Вже стоїть. ( - )

  • 2004.10.31 | cb

    перекладено Полтава, з вами "ПОРА!" - ловіть

    Poltava, "PORA!" is with you!

    Pens, notebooks and identity cards are "weapon" of Poltava activists of civil campaign "PORA!".
    Most active members of "PORA!" (it is more than 80%) are members of territorial committees, others are observers, which are moving from district to district by cars with deputies.
    Activists of campaign inform about high activity of Poltava citizens in election prosess.
    870 of 1900 people of electoral district #46 electoral area #147 voted by 13:00.
    1280 of 2347 people of electoral district #57 electoral area #148 voted.
  • 2004.10.31 | Хвізик

    Information from Russia

    Information from Russia
    On the first results of exшt-polls

    On the Ukrainian Presidential Elections, according to the exit-polls data, the leadership belongs to V.Yushenko, said ab international observer I.Starikov in the interview to the radio “Ekho Moscow”. According to his words, behind him on the big distance is V.Yanukovich, then O.Moroz and P.Symonenko.
  • 2004.10.31 | Хвізик

    If you are stopped by the road police – call Maidan

    If you are stopped by the road police – call Maidan

    We have got a call from people (phone 8039 293 5705) who were going in their car by Chervonykh Kozakiv Prospect in Kyiv.
    They were stopped by police trooper, who demanded them to remove the orange band from antenna of their car. The policemen did not want to hear any arguments that not only Yuschenko flags but also many leaves on the trees are of the orange color.
    However, when the driver started to call us und told them whom he is calling to, the policemen went to their car and drive away.
  • 2004.10.31 | cb

    перекладені новини про Суми

    Sumy. Collected violations.

    Some unknown person threw a gas pot with tear-gas to office of radio "Vsesvit". Experts assert that it is "Cheremukha". Chief editor of newspaper "Panorama" Eugeniy Polozhiy informed about it.

    There are brutal barefaced throwing in of voting papers began On many electoral districts in Sumy.

    A woman came to ballot-box on District #48 (Secondary School #7) and threw in it a pack of voting papers. Then she ran away along the corridor deep into school. Journalist of newspaper "Panorama" situated on the district, who studied in this school, identified in her TEACHER of this school.

    Similar messages are coming from other districts.

    Illegality began!
  • 2004.10.31 | Хвізик

    People demand a permit to vote from court

    People demand a permit to vote from court

    There are a lot of mistakes in the elections lists. More the 100 people have gathered near Holosievo district court. They demand adding their names to elections lists. According to them, consideration of each request takes 3-4 hours!
  • 2004.10.31 | Хвізик

    Inhospitable Donetsk

    Inhospitable Donetsk

    The station #5 of the 42nd district have rejected O.Butyrsky and P.Cherepin, who came there with an “unfasten cards”. Instead, they suggested them to wait till evening. When the men started to insist on their rights, they were pushed out from the station.
    The journalists, however, kept insisting and voted at the station #9 of the same district.
  • 2004.10.31 | Хвізик

    CPU headquarters report violations

    CPU headquarters report violations

    According to the Communist Party of Ukraine headquarters at 1 pm of October 31, in violation of the law, the employees of the Kryvorizh Steel were given “unfasten cards” and taken by buses to other districts.

    Dnipropetrovsk CPU headquarters report that in the district 39 (Petropavlovsk region) dozens of voters cannot find their names in the lists.

    On the stations #11 and 12 of the district 26 (Dnipropetrovsk, Zhovtnevy region) more then 300 voters from buildings #23 and 36 (Gonchar street), #24 (Zhukovsky street), #32 (Gubenko street) were are not able to vote due to the absence of their names in the lists.

    There are a lot of student dorms on the territory of this district. The supervisors of student groups enforce them to vote for Yanukovych – reported to the LPG Business Inform at the central headquarters of CPU
  • 2004.10.31 | Хвізик

    Attention observers! White mini-vans in Poltava

    Attention observers! White mini-vans in Poltava

    They stop in several dozens meters from polling stations. Groups of 3-5 people get out and walk to the station – said Peoples Deputy B.Zagreva
    These people vote by “ufasten cards”. Their names so far unknown, and it is hard to follow them.

    According to the local PORA activists, activity of people remains high. By 3.40 pm, more then 50% are voted.
    Poltava department of PORA press center is asking to report violations to poltava@kuchmizm.info
  • 2004.10.31 | Хвізик

    Observers attention! White mini-vans in Poltava

    Attention observers! White mini-vans in Poltava

    They stop in several dozens meters from polling stations. Groups of 3-5 people get out and walk to the station – said Peoples Deputy B.Zagreva
    These people vote by “ufasten cards”. Their names so far unknown, and it is hard to follow them.

    According to the local PORA activists, activity of people remains high. By 3.40 pm, more then 50% are voted.
    Poltava department of PORA press center is asking to report violations to poltava@kuchmizm.info
  • 2004.10.31 | Адвокат ...

    Терміново треба перекласти ДАЙДЖЕСТ на 14:00 із Статей !!! ( - )

    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
  • 2004.10.31 | Бабай

    Замість Мері та Сергія на координації перекладів - Адвокат...

    Потім вони повернуться.
    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
    • 2004.10.31 | Nataliya

      zaraz perekladu pro shvydku diyu sudu, 10-15 hvylyn (-)

      згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
      • 2004.10.31 | Nataliya

        pro shvydkist Pereyaslovsko-Khmelnytskogo sudu, GOTOVO, stavte

        Amazing productive speed of the regional Court in Pereyaslav-Khmelnytsk.

        Mr Kabanyachyy, the head of the municipal Court in Pereyaslav -Khmelnytsk, Kiev region, was able to receive only 12 persons with the complaints about not being included into the electoral lists. And this in the considerable period of time: from the morning till 5 PM. There are hundreds of people waiting near the Court, who wants to defend their right of the vote.

        The Judge Kabanyachyy tries to find excuses by calling the formal procedure of the trial too long. But, we could easily guess what really stands behind his motives....
  • 2004.10.31 | fahid

    Repeat voting in Donetsk!

    Repeat voting in Donetsk!

    According to the CVU observer in Donetsk Svetlana Tkachenko, some people travel in 3 buses from one voting station to another and vote at each station. The buses 04418 EA 36505 EВ and 04413EA belong to "NORD" company. When a CVU observer asked a voting committee member to show documents allowing voting by these people, the appeal was denied. After that repeat voters started hiding
    their papers and fleeing to the buses.

  • 2004.10.31 | Хвізик

    Provocations are planned

    Provocations are planned

    According to the police sources, mass provocations are possible in Irpin district #96 (near Kyiv) at 5 pm.
    To be continued
  • 2004.10.31 | Хвізик

    Moscow radio is lying!!!

    Moscow radio is lying!!!

    Moscow radio “Ekho of Moscow” gives absolutely provocative information on the air.

    Here is what they say:
    October 31, 2004. Youth organization PORA is asking people to come tonight to the Central Elections Committee.
    According to the internet newspaper of Donbas, the PORA members giving people flyers. “From November 1st, under the walls of CEC, the flyer says, you can help to protesters with blankets, folding beds, hot food, warm clothes, and accommodations”

    In fact, the “Syla Narodu” (Peoples Strength) coalition announced cancellation of the action near CEC on October 31. PORA, does have an cation on November 1st at 11 am on the Maidan Nezalezhnosty (The Independence Square).
  • 2004.10.31 | Хвізик

    Observers attention! DRINK YOUR OWN DRINKS ONLY

    Observers attention! DRINK YOUR OWN DRINKS ONLY

    There is information that at the late hours, when one feels sleepy but a lot of work has yet to be done, nice men and women will be offering “Tea, coffee, cappuccino…” CAREFUL!! Clofelyn, or some other substance may be added. If you don’t want to have a problem, don’t accept from stranger’s hands anything
    Ask someone trustable to go to the neighboring supermarket or gas station to bring you food and drinks. You can also get BURN, SHARK, RED DIAVOL. They contain taurine, guarana and caffeine – they will wake you up. You can also get Yuventa drinks (some of them also with caffeine).
    And look on the bottle carefully – anything can be injected into it with syringe.
  • 2004.10.31 | Хвізик

    Tymoshenko is building new majority in the Parlament

    Tymoshenko is building new majority in the Parlament

    While Kuchmo-Yanuchary are still hoping for something, Tymoshenko is negotiating on a new Parliament Majority for Yuschenko presidency.

    At the press conference today, she announced about successful negotiations with 233 Peoples Deputies. By 3.30 pm, they agreed to form a new majority. It is reported, that Tymoshenko looked very happy.

    Commenting on the future of the current President and his environment, she said that she absolutely does not care on the future of Kuchma, Surkys, Medvedchuk or Yanukovych. What she cares is that they will not be able to cause obstacles to us in building Ukrainian future.

    She also expressed regrets that Moroz and Symonenko did not give their support to Yuschenko.
  • 2004.10.31 | Хвізик

    The oppositional radio NART in Kharkiv was disconnected from the

    The oppositional radio NART in Kharkiv was disconnected from the air

    Right now, one can hear only tone signal, the programs are not transmitted
  • 2004.10.31 | Хвізик

    Lytvyn is against extraordinary session

    Lytvyn is against extraordinary session

    The speacker of parlament V.Lytvyn did not agree with suggestion of the Socialyst Party to announce an extraordinary session of the Parlament.
    According to him, this proposition was supported only by two other fractions of the Parlament - Tymoshenko, and Center
  • 2004.10.31 | Хвізик

    Pseudo-PORA is getting ready for pogroms

    Pseudo-PORA is getting ready for pogroms
    There is a hearsay that PORA is going to do pogroms in the district #96 (Irpin, near Kyiv). Police have received report that Pseido-PORA is already on the way to Vorzel and Bucha.

    Maidan-Inform reminds that PORA is basing its activity on non-violent forms of resistance ONLY. All possible pogroms are done by provocateurs
  • 2004.10.31 | Tizia

    В Киеве уже митингуют

    Some People in Kyiv Started Rallying

    31.10.2004 15:59

    The voters that had come to their polling stations to vote and found out that they were not included in the voting list initiated a spontaneous rally in the Moskovska Square in Kyiv, reports the “5th Channel”.

    About 250 persons gathered near the territorial electoral station N 214 in the Holosiyevo district of Kyiv. They brought to the territorial electoral commission their petitions to be included in voters lists or to have the errors in the lists corrected. The most numerous are the complaints about the lack of voters’ names in the lists or errors in personal information. Some people wait for 3-4 hours in the line, some of them are there since 8:00 waiting for their petition to be considered.

    Some voters claim that having come to their polling station they discovered that somebody has already voted for them – in the list of voters they saw signatures near their names.

    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
    • 2004.10.31 | Сергiй Kabud


  • 2004.10.31 | Хвізик

    Super mega porno drinking party at the Expocenter

    Super mega porno drinking party at the Expocenter

    As we already reported, there is an overnight drinking party at the Expocenter with free bear and food. The party is sponsored by the Donetsk businessman Rinat Akhmetov.

    Maidan correspondent has counted 67 booths with food and beer. So far, there are not many visitors there except approximately 100 men with bandit faces.
  • 2004.10.31 | Tizia

    Беру зі Статтей Дайджест на 16-00

    Постараюсь за годину зробити.
    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
    • 2004.10.31 | Tizia

      Digest by 16:00

      Digest by 16:00, October 31: We Are Ahead, Provocations Still Pending

      The Central Electoral Committee reports that, as of 14.00, twenty three per cent of voters entitled to vote have voted. As reported by the Maidan activists present now at electoral commissions, this figure in fact reaches already 50 per cent.

      By the activity of voters (again, as reported by Kivalov’s office), Zhytomyr, Kirovohrad and Luhansk regions are leading.

      As reported by a Russian radio station “Echo of Moscow”, the first results of exit polls are available. According to Ivan Starikov, international affairs analyst, Viktor Yushchenko is leading with a considerable break away, “Yanukovych is considerably behind, the third place in the race belongs to Moroz, the fourth place is Symonenko’s”.

      After that the authorities raised their activity – whole bundles of illegal ballot papers are inserted into the boxes, opposition observers are not allowed to exercise monitoring, international observers are beaten and driven out of the polling stations, electricity and running water are being cut off.

      Donetsk and Kharkiv regions report the greatest number of violations. It should be noted that the regional headquarters of Nasha Ukraina bloc are working efficiently enough making official records of violations or having these violations registered on video tapes. In many cases they simply block the violations.

      Because of a huge number of errors in the voting lists, spontaneous rallies are going on.

      In Kiev some preparations for provocations are being observed – the number of policemen has increased, special units and military equipment cars, trucks without registration numbers loaded with loose materials are being concentrated near the CEC. That means that our showmen from special police units, uniformed and not, are going to please the audience of the pro-government TV channels with new horror shows.

      In spite of these threats, Kyiv is overwhelmed with something very close to euphoria. People are serene and sure of their victory. Political news is optimistic, too – Yulia Tymoshenko has just conducted successful talks on the formation of new parliamentary majority, whereas in Boryspil the representatives of pro-government parties are hurriedly preparing to leave.

      The interest of ordinary Ukrainians in the progress of voting is terrifying – the “Razom” site has crashed because of overload.

      Gangsters do not leave objective mass media without their attention – the opposition media are being continuously assaulted by crooks, the pressmen are being thrown out of the polling stations.

      A lot of persons with absentee voter cards are voting in Kyiv, while many Kyiv inhabitants did not find their names in the lists. At the same time people with absentee cards from West and Center of Ukraine are not allowed to vote in Donetsk.

      According to the current information, Yushchenko is leading even in case of mass falsifications. But it is too early to rejoice – more and more special police units and groups of provokers are being drawn up to Kyiv.
  • 2004.10.31 | Хвізик

    Work of Darnytsa and Desna district courts is totally different

    Work of Darnytsa and Desna district courts is totally different

    Darnytsa court did a good job – despite it suffered an explosion not long ago, and does not have enough space for judges, it does consideration of peoples complains very fast. People don’t have to stay in long lines. All judges are working.

    This is not the case with Desna court. Despite they received only 100 complains, people had to stay in long line. While in the morning they did take the positive decisions, in the afternoon requests were not satisfied. Actually, all students of NAUKMA complains were rejected
    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
    • 2004.10.31 | Сергiй Kabud


  • 2004.10.31 | Сергiй Kabud

    perekladaemo pro toronto(-)

  • 2004.10.31 | Бабай

    unfasten card ??? англомовні дивуються що це

    Ви впевнені що це саме так перекладається? Якщо так. Зробіть десь пояснення що це таке. Або виправте переклад
    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
    • 2004.10.31 | Хвізик

      Unfasten Card

      I am not sure if I am giving the right translation, I will be glad if you can offer me a better word

      Every voter is registered to vote at the place where he/she lives. If one needs to travel, he iss supposed to receive a special permit to vote at some other place (say, at the place of his temporar stay).

      I use Unfasten Crad to call a documant that allows the voter to vote away from the place of his permanent residency
      згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
    • 2004.10.31 | Адвокат ...

      Отримав оце від людини, що є носієм анґлійської та знається

      на політиці.

      That works, though there is a slight difference.
      Absentee cards are usually used for voting days or even weeks in
      if somebody is going to be absent on voting day, or hates crowds.
      Theoretically, an absentee ballot can only be cast at the normal, local
      voting station, just at earlier dates.

      A Non-Resident card is good only for the proper voting day, but can be
      at a vacation spot, hospital, etc.

      Because of wars and the time to send in the ballots from foreign
      non-resident voting is often at earlier dates and at those locations the

      non-resident ID cards for voting are also theoretically absentee cards,
      allowing early voting.

      Due to all those technicalities, people often mix up the terms.
      However, using "absentee voter cards" will get the correct meaning
  • 2004.10.31 | Хвізик

    Radio free Europe - LIVE from 8 till 11 pm

    Radio free Europe - LIVE from 8 till 11 pm

    If you have important information, call 490 29 00,

    Translation will be done by Radio NART 70.4 MHz

    Remember hotline of Maidan
    8 044 569 52 13,
    8 039 293 57 05

    The 5th TV cannel starts its maraphone at 7.45 pm
  • 2004.10.31 | Хвізик

    First exit poll data

    First exit poll data

    in Kyiv:
    Yuschenko 72%
    Yanukovych 12%

    in Ukraine
    Yuschenko 44.8%
    Yahukovych 36.6 %

    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
  • 2004.10.31 | Хвізик

    Kramatorsk. Hunting for an "absentee" bus

    From our correspondent:
    There is a bus with "absentees"
    Hunting is in progress
  • 2004.10.31 | Хвізик

    "Unfasten card"="absentee ballot"

    Sorry about that.

    These absentee ballots give some opportunities for falsifications. I am not sure about the details how to do that, but because our elections are not well-computerised, a smart-assed guys know how to use it for voting more then once.
    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
    • 2004.10.31 | Сергiй Kabud

      what is it? whaty do you mean? where to correct?

      згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
      • 2004.10.31 | Хвізик

        Поставте просто у стрічку

        Я пропоную зробити корегуюче повідомлення.
        Усюди, да я вживиав "Unfasten card" має бути вжито "asentee ballot"
        Я перепрошую недосконалысть перекладу, і думаю, що наразу краще просто поставити у стрічку запропоноване мною пояснення, і продовжувати далі, ніж піднімати старі повідомлення, відшукуючи, де потрібно зробити заміни

        Давайте я його зроблю коротшим

        тема "unfasten card"="absentee ballet"
        The translator regrets his mistake
        He was using expression "unfasten card" in the meaning of "absentee ballet"
  • 2004.10.31 | Хвізик

    Re: ПЕРЕКЛАДИ-2 Відкриваю нову гілку, бо стара задовга.

    Yuschenko is leading in Moscow!

    Ekho Moscow was informed by the Znaiu society:
    Yuschenko 49%
    Yanukovych 45%
    Moroz <3%
    Symonenko <3%
    згорнути/розгорнути гілку відповідей
    • 2004.10.31 | Сергiй Kabud


  • 2004.10.31 | Хвізик

    A track with “extra” boxes for voting has been found

    A track with “extra” boxes for voting has been found

    Vinnytsa. Headquarters have found a 20-tonn track with “extra” boxes for voting. The finding was done by Yuschenko representative S.Schetinyn and group of observers. – Peoples Deputy Scomarovsky reports to UNIAN.

    S.Schetinyn is trying to follow the way of this load, because it can be used for falsifications of the results.

    A large truck of such boxes (by law, they belong to CEC) was unloaded partially in Volyn and Zhytomyr regions. According to papers that Schetinyn got into his hands, this load came from Kramatorsk and now it is on the territory of VinnytsaOblAgroTechService. Responsibility for these boxes belongs to Vinnitsa State Administration. To avoid their misusage, Shetinyn and group of Nasha Ukraina representatives are going to watch the load till morning.
    We have already reported an unload of such boxes to representatives of Vinnitsa region territory elections committees without proper paperwork. – Scomarovsky said
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    • 2004.10.31 | Сергiй Kabud

      ми з вами дублюємо даваіте писати шо беремо(-)

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      • 2004.10.31 | Хвізик

        Re: ми з вами дублюємо даваіте писати шо беремо(-)

        Beru pro CVK, vidsutnist' Kyvalova, popsu i solyarku
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        • 2004.10.31 | Сергiй Kabud


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          • 2004.10.31 | nataliya

            yak vam peredaty novyny? z Paryzhu.

            sergiy, sorry
            ale niyak ne mozhu vtoropaty ya do vas peredaty novyny

            1. V Paryzhi (vid togo samogo Vasylya Guleya, ya yogo divchyna)
            na 18.15 progolosuvalo 708 vyborziv, sho stanovyt lyshe 40% vid spyskiv. z nyh bilshist "nelegaly", yaki chomus menshe boyatsya "svitytys" nizh ti, sho stoyat na konsulskomu obliku.
            napruzhennya nemaye, lyudy trohy perepolosheni franzuzkoyu poliziyeyu, yaka spokiyno sposterigaye za perebigom podiy.

            2. Za vidomostyamy moyiyi sestry, ya i miy tato, yaki progolosuvaly u Paryzhi, my takozh vneseni u spysky u Lvovi. Ya rozumiyu sho ze ne pershyy i ne ostanniy vypadok. Vyborcha dilnyzya u Lvovi 24, 117.
        • 2004.10.31 | Сергiй Kabud

          davaite spilkuvatysa v temi ya os ce(-

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          • 2004.10.31 | Хвізик

            beru -Черкаська обл. До судів звернулося приблизно 5000 виборців

  • 2004.10.31 | Хвізик

    CEC news 6.40 pm

    CEC news 6.40 pm

    On the briefing, Kivalov was absent. The briefing was carried out by Ya.Davydovych. It is unknown, where Kivalov now.Briefing was boring, near CEC everything is quiet, sounds English pop music. Subway station is working.

    However, at the back side there is an interesting activity. Staronavodnytska street is closed, a lot of police buses coming and going

    Community Service workers trawing sand on the street and, then, sweep it. According to thier words, there was a big spill of diesel fuel. Noone could explain how it could happen.

    By unchecked data, the water-jets near the CEC have no water
  • 2004.10.31 | Хвізик

    Cherkasy region. More then 5,000 voters came to courts

    Cherkasy region. More then 5,000 voters came to courts

    Due to mistakes in the voters lists. Only in Cherkasy-city (1/5 of the region population) – 2000 calls. In the morning, judges were not ready to work that fast, and only in the afternoon, when more judges were called to work; the crowd was “dissolved”. Almost all decisions are “positive”. At least, we don’t have information about rejections.

    Note, that only most active people go to courts. The real number of people with voting problems can be 10 times higher
    Free Forum
  • 2004.10.31 | Хвізик

    Маю зробити перерву десь до 9 - 9.30

  • 2004.10.31 | lesia

    Donetsk: Two Monitors From Yuschenko Were Kidnapped


    Donetsk: Two Monitors From Yuschenko Were Kidnapped

    As reported by the press-service of oblast headquarters Viktor Yuschenko, in Donetsk in the voting district in the village of Petrivka (Krasnoarmiyskiy region), two election monitors representing Yuschenko were kidnapped.

    Yuschenko’s entrusted representative Mykhailo Volynets (voting district №57) reported that in district №97 at 15:00 two pedology students, Olena Kit and Valentyna Poznyak, were kidnapped. In the words of Mykhailo Volynets, college director Volodymyr Chepurny participated in the kidnapping.

    This incident has been reported to international monitors and civic organizations.
    The fate of the two girls is not known.
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  • 2004.10.31 | cb

    Digest 18:00. Youshchenko is leading with 8% difference

    Digest 18:00. Youshchenko is leading with 8% difference

    Victor Youshchenko take the lead over Victor Yanukovich on 8%.

    This is the result of exit-polls of questioning electors in first half of the day, provided by consortium of leading social services: KMIS, SOCIS, Sosial Monitoring and Razumkov Center.

    By the information of "Ukrainska Pravda", in the afternoon Youshchenko has 44,8%, Yanukovich 36,7%.

    London: Victor Youshchenko 95%.
    At 15:00 in London 600 electors voted. About 1500 electors still should vote.

    Victor Youshchenko 49%
    Victor Yanukovich 45%
    Oleksandr Moroz < 3%
    Petro Symonenko < 3%

    Warsaw (15:00): 25% of electors voted as AIA "Novosti" reported.

    Impression form Kiev events:
    SOMEBODY planned a lot. Plans are begin to execute, but some persons do not allow them to fulfill. That not indifferent persons act in a simple way: they do not sit at home, and when they notice something suspicious they inform to infospace. After a time new not indifferent persons appear. SOMEBODY disables.
    Example: All the day trucks with sand are moving all along Kiev. There are a lot of messages about it. Now they are sanding solar oil on Staronavodnitska St.
    BUT all this may be only impression. DO NOT RELAX. No repeat Mukachevo events on a Ukraine scale!

    In the morning CEC forecasted 80% elector presence. By 15:00 53% was, by 18:00 - 54%.
  • 2004.10.31 | Хвізик

    beru- Олександр Зінченко: "Ми пишаємося своїм народо

  • 2004.10.31 | cb

    постіть Oleksandr Zinchenko: "We are proud of our people". вибач

    Oleksandr Zinchenko: "We are proud of our people"

    "Only two days ago Kuchma, Yanukovich amd Medvedchuk wanted to convince themselves that they are holding in their hands vertical line of power. But they lost feeling of country in what they live." - declared Zinchenko to journalists.

    He said that the politicians trusted to russian political technologist Gleb Pavlovskiy and his foundation "Obshchestvennoe mnenie" too much. "If you want to see scenarios of potential provocations and elections falsification - look at the website phorum of "Obshchestvennoe mnenie". From 11:00 they began to speak about provocations which occured at different electoral districts of Ukraine from 16:00 to 18:00. By the way, now only Pavlovskiy reports exit-poll results with advantage of Yanukovich. All other questioning report vice versa." - he said.

    By Zinchenko, regime lost because of its narrow-mindedness and stupidity, and it must account for total falsification and other "sins". Also Zinchenko mentioned Minister of the Interior Mykola Bilokon.

    "It is a signal that people are changed, and now situation with elections in Ukraine can seriously influence on future development of democracy in Russia, Belarus and other post-Soviet Union space. We are proud of our people", - Oleksandr Zinchenko announced .
  • 2004.10.31 | cb

    беру Зосередження сил в ЦВК на сьогодні останнє (-)

  • 2004.10.31 | cb

    Consentration of forses near CEC запостіть

    Consentration of forses near CEC

    Last half an hour a lot of shipping operations near CEC of militia, military and strong young men are observed. 23 buses drived into inner yard and got unloaded there.
    Some minutes ago into the back entrance of CEC 60 soldier of inner forces entered.
    Minimum 9 little buses with "Bars" and cadets of Military Academy arrived. Windows of last bus were covered with cotton sheets. Column of at least 13 trucks with soldiers also arrived.
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  • 2004.10.31 | Хвізик

    beru - Влада хоче засипати піском ЦВК і “брехлоцентр”?

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