As the activists of the Civic movement “Clean Ukraine” just reported from Sumy, the regional coordinator of the movement Heorhiy Sakhnyuk has been arrested.
That was done without any justification or explanation. The boy was simply “loaded” in a car and taken in an unknown direction.
Почав був перекладати про 7 відсотків - а воно вже тут
2004.11.01 | Tizia
Yanukovych’s aide expects to see higher turnout in the run-off
Yanukovych’s headquarters expects to ensure still higher turnout of voters in the second round
Yanukovych’s team sees its reserve for the victory in the run-off in a higher turnout, claimed Volodymyr Zubanov, a member of the parlamentary fraction of the “Party of Regions”, in a broadcast of the “5th channel”. Maidan-Inform wonders how one can see a reserve in something that is not under one’s control. But is that really a question? - in fact, the votes are important, not voters.
Zubanov maintains that in the second round Yanukovych’s headquarters expects a turnout around 97% (!).
V. Zubanov also commented V. Yushchenko’s lagging. This lagging is allegedly caused by the fact that his electoral campaign is based on negative statements (an example of such a negative statement can obviously be “Gangsters will go to jail”).
Maidan-Inform advises to PMs, members of the “Party of Regions”:
A couple of minutes ago we managed to speak to the regional coordinator of the Civic movement “Clean Ukraine” in Sumy. Heorhiy has been released.
According to his words, his arrest occurred in the Kurska Street, near the polling station where some dozens of persons were waiting for the promulgation of the polling records.
Police arrived and all of them were “loaded” into a bus without any explanation and taken to the Kovpakivskyj district police station for deposition of evidence.
In line with the 63th article of the Constitution of Ukraine (that declares that a person does not take liability for refusal to give evidence or explanations regarding his/herself, family members or close relatives, their range being defined by the law), Heorhiy refused to give any explanations and simply left the police station.
Most of the persons arrested with him followed his example. But some persons of this group have been drinking alcoholic drinks (more precisely, beer, just to kill time), and now the attempts are made to charge them with drinking alcohol in public places.
Official results from the CEC: 73,48% of ballots processed
Official results from the CEC: 73,48% of ballots processed.
Latest info from the CEC: 73,48% of ballots processed: Viktor Yanukovych received 42,78% votes, whereas 36,64% voters supported Viktor Yushchenko.
Maidan-Inform repeats that in those polling station where Yushchenko is ahead, the garbling of ballots is still going on. The sacs with the ballots are being carried to and fro and repacked without any control. The attempts to add some “right” ballots are still in process.
Therefore, although the CEC data are “official”, one hardly can call them correct.
In this connection we can recall an anecdote from the previous presidential elections:
- Leonid Danylovych, there are two pieces of news: one bad and one good.
- Tell me the bad one!
- Nobody voted for you.
- And the good one?
- You won with a considerable breakaway.
will translate one or two more articles before i have to go.
2004.11.01 | lesia
Digest. 12:00 – 15:00.
Digest. 12:00 – 15:00.
Noon. “We must hold on and keep fighting!” – a note of solidarity from Maidan Maria Burmak, who with Taras Chubay, Oleh Skrypka, and the music group Mandry, spent the evening at Viktor Yuschenko’s headquarters.
Results continue to come in from foreign polling stations, where across the board Yuschenko is winning with a significant lead.
In Lviv a meeting was beginning – people were coming together to demand a fair vote count from the Central Election Commission (CEC). Experience shows that for Kivalov this is difficult. In Chernivtsy almost 200 students, activists from organizations “It’s Time” and “Clean Ukraine,” under rain are conducting a meeting on upholding fair elections.
At CEC’s web site there are Kivaliv-style information about results after 94% of ballots have been processed:
Yanukovych: 40.11%
Yuschenko: 39.16%
The socialists have suddenly awoken (heeding a statement on hard intentions to make realize a maximum program on O. Moroz’s continuation to the second round). Representative of the Socialist Party of Ukraine O. Nikolaenko said that most members of the SPU are leaning toward upholding Yuschenko, though victory is close to both candidates, as much as “this is important for socialists – political reform,” and “Oleksandr Moroz will make an agreement with one of the candidates in the election runoff, who will in exchange agree to transfer the term for selling land, address questions on salaries and pensions, and communal payments.”
At the press office of Yuschenko in Mohylantsi – a press conference by Evhen Zhovtyak and Mykola Katerynchuka. “No less than 10% of the votes for Yuschenko were stolen through fraud,” said Zhovtyak.
“We are upset that the CEC has not been working already for an hour, and at the Kyiv Territorial Election Commission they did not give all information to the CEC,” added Katerynchuk. – It is certain that in the office of the government’s candidate there was a large discrepancy in election forecasts.” Development of events (more correctly – further delays in CEC) affirmed this version.
Election results are being recovered in the city of Sumy, where for days Yanukovich supporters were shocked at the scale of support for Yuschenko – for Yuschenko – 71.79%, for Yanukovych – 11.66%.
The commission of Ukrainian voters is leading efforts to harrass the CEC about its slow countiing of election results (“this shows either the unprofessionalism of the CEC, or its dirty intentions”). The CEC is indifferent. Reports on violations in vote counting continue to be collection: gang attacks on Sumy polling stations, unusual straying of polling station results from election commissions, that instead of being taken to territorial commissions are carried to the regional government administrations, as was done in Hayach, missing names of voters in polling stations abroad, not to mention failure to receive invitations to vote.
It was reported about the arrival today in Kyiv of an unusual passenger train from Moscow, which appeared to bring to Kyiv a mass of Donetsk “miners.” The passengers loaded into buses in groups of ten, under the auspices of the militia who blared their sirens across the capital city.
A new critically bleak incident was just reported: in the city hospital of Konotop a meeting with medical personnel was held under one slogan: “Ensure that100% of votes by the patients will go to Yanukovych.”
The bedridden and severely ill were told word for word: “We have orders to turn anyone out of the hospital who does not vote for Yanukovych!”
The leader of Yuschenko’s campagn, Zinchenko, informed that on Tuesday Yuschenko will appeal to the Ukrainian nation, and will lay out his assessment of the election results and the decisive steps for battle. “We are counting on the intelligence, soul and strength of the nation. And the right is on our side,” stresses Zinchenko.
15:00. For a long time on the official web site of the Central Election Commission (CEC) (as was later determined), the following statistics were shown: Yanukovich – 40.12%, Yuschenko – 39.15%. CEC members have dissipated, like those who are unsure, on what to do with Yuschenko's surge in the results.
Now is the time for political statements.
Speaker of the Supreme Rada of Ukraine V. Lytvyn is challenging a call for a special Rada session concerning the vote count and results (“there is no need for expediency”), and the possibility of a hearing tomorrow at the next meeting of Kuchma’s White Horse Ministry of Internal Affairs (“there is no consensus among the fractions”). Exhausted Lytvyn will speak out about the eradication (before the election runoff) of absentee ballots, which will be replaced by stamping passports.
Two election campaign leaders have also made statements.
O. Zinchenko: “These elections have shown that this nation does not need to be instructed, it is rearing itself, and its president.” Zinchenko also emphasized the role of the Internet in this campaign. “Maidan” is pleased to hear that.
S. Tihipko: “There are some substantial factors that are influencing the election results, which we cannot name today.” Of course he can’t. Up to now in the specifics of the legal system in Ukraine, no one has tried to abolish the Criminal Code.
Yuschenko advisor Oleh Rybachuk reports that at the Supreme Rada session the “Our Ukraine” party is proposing to dismiss Yanukovych from his job as head of the government through numerous abuses of his position during the elections.
Former (as of now) presidential candidate Anatoliy Kinakh: “we have never seen such a nontransparent and unfair election campaign in Ukraine.” “We are ready to unite our strength with anyone who will lead a clean fight.”
International observers noted their disapointment with the election race on Sunday. A BBC correspondent in Kyiv calls the statements made by Western observers the harshest yet in the history of elections in Ukraine. The leader of the OSCE delegation, Bruce George, stated there were many indicators that the Ukrainian election is not up to European standards and in many respects it was a step back compared to previous elections. Together with the head of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, he stated that the Ukrainian nation has shown an unexpected level of fervor in protecting its citizen’s right to vote during the elections.
2004.11.01 | lesia
Ukraine – First country in the world unable to adequately conduc
Ukraine – First country in the world unable to adequately conduct an exit poll
Official international election observer from the “Institute of Eastern European and CIS Countries” Eliezer Feldman stated that Ukraine is the first country in the world that could not carry out an exit poll.
He reported this today during a press conference at the Ukrainian Independent Information Agency (UNIAN) on the subject: “The monitoring results from the presidential election of Ukraine in 2004, analyses of the election legislation and election campaigns, as well monitoring mass media coverage.”
“I was very surprised at the fact that should compel lawmakers and people who are online in Ukraine, as well mass media to realize: something is wrong in the situation surrounding the election. Ukraine – this is the first country in the world, and for this reason I can dare to say it can be added to the “Guinness Book of World Records,” that it was unable to carry out questioning in polling stations. More than 35-45% refused to answer the question of who they voted for. This has never happened before to any other country,” said E. Feldman.
In his opinion, this is a telling fact that should be interpreted as “sufficient proof” of agitation and propaganda on the day of the elections.
E. Feldman also criticized the Ukrainian law “On the Presidential Elections of Ukraine,” which in his opinion, failed to ensure normal election procedures.
”This is already the third presidential election of Ukraine, and there should have been enough experience at this point to have conducted a normal election. In contrast, after analyzing legislation on the presidential elections, which is new and not developed fully, it became clear that it’s still very “green.” When we analyzed the legislation, we found many inconsistencies, though in general it fullfill democratic norms and principles and as a whole fulfills requirements that it was supposed to produce, if it were put to the test by any international expertise,” said the observer. “But the law is written in such a way that those who wrote it don’t seem to know that on paper it is very “smooth” but they forget about its “gaps.” And all these “gaps,” which could include anything possible, were collected in the framework of the current election process,” stressed E. Feldman.
As an example he cited the “enormous” size of election commissions, which when composed in accordance with the law, could include up to two representatives from each presidential candidate, which means there were 24 of them, and as a result the commissions turned into “completely incapable assemblies.” These were his very words.
Тепер питання організаційного характеру. Ми зараз намагаємося розподілити завдання на час 2 туру між нашими волонтерами (включно з нами самими . Приблизно так як минулого разу, тільки щоб працювало краще. Тому ми збираємо фід-бек з минулого туру, пропозиції на наступний та розподіл завдань по всіх ділянках, в тому числі по англійській стрічці. Якщо хочете/можете залучитися до процесу - повідомте, будь-ласка прямо сюди, або ще краще мені на мило - я введу вас в курс того, про що вже говорилося, і т.д.
2004.11.01 | Tizia
Heorhiy Sakhnyuk arrested in Sumy
Heorhiy Sakhnyuk arrested in Sumy.As the activists of the Civic movement “Clean Ukraine” just reported from Sumy, the regional coordinator of the movement Heorhiy Sakhnyuk has been arrested.
That was done without any justification or explanation. The boy was simply “loaded” in a car and taken in an unknown direction.
His mobile phone does not answer.
2004.11.01 | Mary
Дякую, додала (-)
2004.11.01 | Ґастон
Беру гелікоптери в Гостомелі (-)
2004.11.01 | Tizia
The gap between Yanukovych and Yushchenko reduced to 7 per cent!
The gap between Yanukovych and Yushchenko reduced to 7 per cent!The fresh results from the CEC: 43,28% for Yanukovych, 36,26% for Yushchenko.
60 per cent of votes have been processed so far.
The next briefing in the CEC is planned in 2 hours, Kivalov announced.
2004.11.01 | Сергій Кабуд
they do not count votes the get figures from medvedchuk phone ca
the get figures from medvedchuk phone callsfigures are fake
2004.11.01 | Mary
Цю новину боло зредаговано. Чи могли б ви поправити переклад?(-)
2004.11.01 | Tizia
Right dynamics of the CEC info: The gap between Yanukovych and Yushchenko reduced to 7 per cent!Half an hour ago this gap was more than 9 per cent.
The fresh results from the CEC: 43,28% for Yanukovych, 36,26% for Yushchenko.
60 per cent of votes has been processed so far.
The next briefing in the CEC is planned in 2 hours, Kivalov announced.
We hope that in a couple of hours Yushchenko will take his true position in their statistics.
2004.11.01 | Mary
Супер! Дякую! (-)
2004.11.01 | Ґастон
Беру Соскіна про ЦВК
Почав був перекладати про 7 відсотків - а воно вже тут2004.11.01 | Tizia
Yanukovych’s aide expects to see higher turnout in the run-off
Yanukovych’s headquarters expects to ensure still higher turnout of voters in the second roundYanukovych’s team sees its reserve for the victory in the run-off in a higher turnout, claimed Volodymyr Zubanov, a member of the parlamentary fraction of the “Party of Regions”, in a broadcast of the “5th channel”. Maidan-Inform wonders how one can see a reserve in something that is not under one’s control. But is that really a question? - in fact, the votes are important, not voters.
Zubanov maintains that in the second round Yanukovych’s headquarters expects a turnout around 97% (!).
V. Zubanov also commented V. Yushchenko’s lagging. This lagging is allegedly caused by the fact that his electoral campaign is based on negative statements (an example of such a negative statement can obviously be “Gangsters will go to jail”).
Maidan-Inform advises to PMs, members of the “Party of Regions”:
2004.11.01 | Mary
Дякую, додада (-)
2004.11.01 | Ґастон
Мушу вилоговуватися.
Повернуся за першої можливості. Вибачайте, що не зробив більше. Успіхів!2004.11.01 | Mary
Ага, ДЯКУЮ за все шо зробив!!! (-)
2004.11.01 | Tizia
Heorhiy Sakhnyuk released
Heorhiy Sakhnyuk releasedA couple of minutes ago we managed to speak to the regional coordinator of the Civic movement “Clean Ukraine” in Sumy. Heorhiy has been released.
According to his words, his arrest occurred in the Kurska Street, near the polling station where some dozens of persons were waiting for the promulgation of the polling records.
Police arrived and all of them were “loaded” into a bus without any explanation and taken to the Kovpakivskyj district police station for deposition of evidence.
In line with the 63th article of the Constitution of Ukraine (that declares that a person does not take liability for refusal to give evidence or explanations regarding his/herself, family members or close relatives, their range being defined by the law), Heorhiy refused to give any explanations and simply left the police station.
Most of the persons arrested with him followed his example. But some persons of this group have been drinking alcoholic drinks (more precisely, beer, just to kill time), and now the attempts are made to charge them with drinking alcohol in public places.
2004.11.01 | Mary
Додала. Слухайте, підіть, може, поспіть, поки авралу нема?(-)
2004.11.01 | Mary
Чи ви вже спали сьогодні? (-)
2004.11.01 | Tizia
Re: Чи ви вже спали сьогодні? (-)
Ще ні. Власне збиралася піти спати після цієї новини. Знов приєднаюся десь по обіді (якщо ще буде потрібно). Слава Україні!2004.11.01 | Mary
Дякую! Мене не буде, але новини будуть! (-)
2004.11.01 | Tizia
Official results from the CEC: 73,48% of ballots processed
Official results from the CEC: 73,48% of ballots processed.Latest info from the CEC: 73,48% of ballots processed: Viktor Yanukovych received 42,78% votes, whereas 36,64% voters supported Viktor Yushchenko.
Maidan-Inform repeats that in those polling station where Yushchenko is ahead, the garbling of ballots is still going on. The sacs with the ballots are being carried to and fro and repacked without any control. The attempts to add some “right” ballots are still in process.
Therefore, although the CEC data are “official”, one hardly can call them correct.
In this connection we can recall an anecdote from the previous presidential elections:
- Leonid Danylovych, there are two pieces of news: one bad and one good.
- Tell me the bad one!
- Nobody voted for you.
- And the good one?
- You won with a considerable breakaway.
2004.11.01 | Mary
Додала. Надобраніч! (-)
2004.11.01 | Tizia
Гей! Є тут хтось? (-)
2004.11.01 | lesia
я тут!
will translate one or two more articles before i have to go.2004.11.01 | lesia
Digest. 12:00 – 15:00.
Digest. 12:00 – 15:00.Noon. “We must hold on and keep fighting!” – a note of solidarity from Maidan Maria Burmak, who with Taras Chubay, Oleh Skrypka, and the music group Mandry, spent the evening at Viktor Yuschenko’s headquarters.
Results continue to come in from foreign polling stations, where across the board Yuschenko is winning with a significant lead.
In Lviv a meeting was beginning – people were coming together to demand a fair vote count from the Central Election Commission (CEC). Experience shows that for Kivalov this is difficult. In Chernivtsy almost 200 students, activists from organizations “It’s Time” and “Clean Ukraine,” under rain are conducting a meeting on upholding fair elections.
At CEC’s web site there are Kivaliv-style information about results after 94% of ballots have been processed:
Yanukovych: 40.11%
Yuschenko: 39.16%
The socialists have suddenly awoken (heeding a statement on hard intentions to make realize a maximum program on O. Moroz’s continuation to the second round). Representative of the Socialist Party of Ukraine O. Nikolaenko said that most members of the SPU are leaning toward upholding Yuschenko, though victory is close to both candidates, as much as “this is important for socialists – political reform,” and “Oleksandr Moroz will make an agreement with one of the candidates in the election runoff, who will in exchange agree to transfer the term for selling land, address questions on salaries and pensions, and communal payments.”
At the press office of Yuschenko in Mohylantsi – a press conference by Evhen Zhovtyak and Mykola Katerynchuka. “No less than 10% of the votes for Yuschenko were stolen through fraud,” said Zhovtyak.
“We are upset that the CEC has not been working already for an hour, and at the Kyiv Territorial Election Commission they did not give all information to the CEC,” added Katerynchuk. – It is certain that in the office of the government’s candidate there was a large discrepancy in election forecasts.” Development of events (more correctly – further delays in CEC) affirmed this version.
Election results are being recovered in the city of Sumy, where for days Yanukovich supporters were shocked at the scale of support for Yuschenko – for Yuschenko – 71.79%, for Yanukovych – 11.66%.
The commission of Ukrainian voters is leading efforts to harrass the CEC about its slow countiing of election results (“this shows either the unprofessionalism of the CEC, or its dirty intentions”). The CEC is indifferent. Reports on violations in vote counting continue to be collection: gang attacks on Sumy polling stations, unusual straying of polling station results from election commissions, that instead of being taken to territorial commissions are carried to the regional government administrations, as was done in Hayach, missing names of voters in polling stations abroad, not to mention failure to receive invitations to vote.
It was reported about the arrival today in Kyiv of an unusual passenger train from Moscow, which appeared to bring to Kyiv a mass of Donetsk “miners.” The passengers loaded into buses in groups of ten, under the auspices of the militia who blared their sirens across the capital city.
A new critically bleak incident was just reported: in the city hospital of Konotop a meeting with medical personnel was held under one slogan: “Ensure that100% of votes by the patients will go to Yanukovych.”
The bedridden and severely ill were told word for word: “We have orders to turn anyone out of the hospital who does not vote for Yanukovych!”
The leader of Yuschenko’s campagn, Zinchenko, informed that on Tuesday Yuschenko will appeal to the Ukrainian nation, and will lay out his assessment of the election results and the decisive steps for battle. “We are counting on the intelligence, soul and strength of the nation. And the right is on our side,” stresses Zinchenko.
This and other news can be found in the “News” section of Maidan:
2004.11.01 | lesia
Беру ДАЙДЖЕСТ. 15:00 - 18:00
2004.11.01 | lesia
Digest. 15:00 – 18:00
Digest. 15:00 – 18:0015:00. For a long time on the official web site of the Central Election Commission (CEC) (as was later determined), the following statistics were shown: Yanukovich – 40.12%, Yuschenko – 39.15%. CEC members have dissipated, like those who are unsure, on what to do with Yuschenko's surge in the results.
Now is the time for political statements.
Speaker of the Supreme Rada of Ukraine V. Lytvyn is challenging a call for a special Rada session concerning the vote count and results (“there is no need for expediency”), and the possibility of a hearing tomorrow at the next meeting of Kuchma’s White Horse Ministry of Internal Affairs (“there is no consensus among the fractions”). Exhausted Lytvyn will speak out about the eradication (before the election runoff) of absentee ballots, which will be replaced by stamping passports.
Two election campaign leaders have also made statements.
O. Zinchenko: “These elections have shown that this nation does not need to be instructed, it is rearing itself, and its president.” Zinchenko also emphasized the role of the Internet in this campaign. “Maidan” is pleased to hear that.
S. Tihipko: “There are some substantial factors that are influencing the election results, which we cannot name today.” Of course he can’t. Up to now in the specifics of the legal system in Ukraine, no one has tried to abolish the Criminal Code.
Yuschenko advisor Oleh Rybachuk reports that at the Supreme Rada session the “Our Ukraine” party is proposing to dismiss Yanukovych from his job as head of the government through numerous abuses of his position during the elections.
Former (as of now) presidential candidate Anatoliy Kinakh: “we have never seen such a nontransparent and unfair election campaign in Ukraine.” “We are ready to unite our strength with anyone who will lead a clean fight.”
International observers noted their disapointment with the election race on Sunday. A BBC correspondent in Kyiv calls the statements made by Western observers the harshest yet in the history of elections in Ukraine. The leader of the OSCE delegation, Bruce George, stated there were many indicators that the Ukrainian election is not up to European standards and in many respects it was a step back compared to previous elections. Together with the head of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, he stated that the Ukrainian nation has shown an unexpected level of fervor in protecting its citizen’s right to vote during the elections.
2004.11.01 | lesia
Ukraine – First country in the world unable to adequately conduc
Ukraine – First country in the world unable to adequately conduct an exit pollOfficial international election observer from the “Institute of Eastern European and CIS Countries” Eliezer Feldman stated that Ukraine is the first country in the world that could not carry out an exit poll.
He reported this today during a press conference at the Ukrainian Independent Information Agency (UNIAN) on the subject: “The monitoring results from the presidential election of Ukraine in 2004, analyses of the election legislation and election campaigns, as well monitoring mass media coverage.”
“I was very surprised at the fact that should compel lawmakers and people who are online in Ukraine, as well mass media to realize: something is wrong in the situation surrounding the election. Ukraine – this is the first country in the world, and for this reason I can dare to say it can be added to the “Guinness Book of World Records,” that it was unable to carry out questioning in polling stations. More than 35-45% refused to answer the question of who they voted for. This has never happened before to any other country,” said E. Feldman.
In his opinion, this is a telling fact that should be interpreted as “sufficient proof” of agitation and propaganda on the day of the elections.
E. Feldman also criticized the Ukrainian law “On the Presidential Elections of Ukraine,” which in his opinion, failed to ensure normal election procedures.
”This is already the third presidential election of Ukraine, and there should have been enough experience at this point to have conducted a normal election. In contrast, after analyzing legislation on the presidential elections, which is new and not developed fully, it became clear that it’s still very “green.” When we analyzed the legislation, we found many inconsistencies, though in general it fullfill democratic norms and principles and as a whole fulfills requirements that it was supposed to produce, if it were put to the test by any international expertise,” said the observer. “But the law is written in such a way that those who wrote it don’t seem to know that on paper it is very “smooth” but they forget about its “gaps.” And all these “gaps,” which could include anything possible, were collected in the framework of the current election process,” stressed E. Feldman.
As an example he cited the “enormous” size of election commissions, which when composed in accordance with the law, could include up to two representatives from each presidential candidate, which means there were 24 of them, and as a result the commissions turned into “completely incapable assemblies.” These were his very words.
2004.11.01 | Tizia
Беру Дайджест 18:00-21:00 (-)
2004.11.02 | Tizia
Беру ДАЙДЖЕСТ. 21:00-24:00 (-)
2004.11.09 | 100пудів
Прохання перекласти!Міліція їздить на автобусах партії Януковича, а Засуха погрожує забрати газ і пенсії
www.ПРАВДА, 9.11.2004, 14:02
і далі до кінця.
Це важлива інформація. Дуже дякую активістам-перекладачам.
2004.11.09 | Tizia
Зараз перекладу (-)
2004.11.10 | 100пудів
Дуже-дуже-дуже Вам дякую! (-)
2004.11.12 | 100пудів
перекладіть, бдлск, новину про загрозу свистовичу
якшо свистович почне виступати, шо не нада, ігноруйте його.2004.11.13 | Tizia
Re: перекладіть, бдлск, новину про загрозу свистовичу
Тільки-що сюди заглянула. Чому б Вам не давати мені знати про щось термінове на конспіративну адресу | Mary
Дякую, записалисьмо вашу адресу. +
І дякую-ненадякуюся за вашу регулярну допомогу.Тепер питання організаційного характеру. Ми зараз намагаємося розподілити завдання на час 2 туру між нашими волонтерами (включно з нами самими