ПЕРЕКЛАДАЧІ!!! КОРДИНАЦІЯ на п"ятницю, 26-те листопада тут
11/26/2004 | Mykyta
Задача Майдану – це донесення правдивих новин до світової громадськості про події в Україні. Зараз всі світові агенства переповнені новинами з України, тому нашим козирем маю стати саме „гарячі” новини. Тому уклінне прохання:
<b>Безумовний приорітет для перекладу мають найсвіжіші новини з України.</b>
Ще раз - новини мають бути <b> з України</b> та вони мають бути <b>свіжими.</b> Новини з-за кордону мають нижчий приорітет і перекладаються лише у випадку надзвичайної важливості.
<i>Як правильно координуватись з іншими перекладачами.</i>
Для того, щоб уникнути дублювань і спростити роботу новинарям, які й без того перевантажені, ще одне уклінне прохання дотримуватись такого порядку:
1. Вибираєте важливу новину зі <a href=”http://maidan.org.ua/static/news.php”>стрічки новин Майдану,</a> яка відповідає вищенаведеним критеріям.
2. Робите короткий анонс. Для цього тут тиснете „відповісти” і сповіщаєте інших постингом „Беру таку-то новину” (якщо в тілі постингу більше нічого нема, не забувайте ставити знак мінус в дужках).
3. Перекладаєте, заходите на ваш анонс, тиснете „відповісти” і постите ваш переклад.
Заздалегідь дякую за розуміння!
<b>Безумовний приорітет для перекладу мають найсвіжіші новини з України.</b>
Ще раз - новини мають бути <b> з України</b> та вони мають бути <b>свіжими.</b> Новини з-за кордону мають нижчий приорітет і перекладаються лише у випадку надзвичайної важливості.
<i>Як правильно координуватись з іншими перекладачами.</i>
Для того, щоб уникнути дублювань і спростити роботу новинарям, які й без того перевантажені, ще одне уклінне прохання дотримуватись такого порядку:
1. Вибираєте важливу новину зі <a href=”http://maidan.org.ua/static/news.php”>стрічки новин Майдану,</a> яка відповідає вищенаведеним критеріям.
2. Робите короткий анонс. Для цього тут тиснете „відповісти” і сповіщаєте інших постингом „Беру таку-то новину” (якщо в тілі постингу більше нічого нема, не забувайте ставити знак мінус в дужках).
3. Перекладаєте, заходите на ваш анонс, тиснете „відповісти” і постите ваш переклад.
Заздалегідь дякую за розуміння!
2004.11.26 | Luba
perekladaju Лист на Майдан: Луганськ, Донецьк мітингують! (-)
2004.11.26 | Luba
pereklad: Лист на Майдан: Луганськ, Донецьк мітингують! (-)
Letters to Maidan: Luhansk and Donetsk hold meetingsOrange color has finally appeared in Luhansk and Donetsk!
Orange colors have finally decorated cheerless streets of our regions, and people started speak openly about their political position.
„Yushchenko is our President!“, „Shame on Central Electoral Commission!“ – these are main slogans, which Yushchenko supporters in front of Luhansk and Donetsk administrations use. These people сannot silently observe any more events happening in the Eastern Ukraine. They do not believe in one-sided infromation which TV companies’ broadcasts. Media tell us that Yushchenko’s activities will soon split Ukraine and divide people into right and left. Media tell us that children were forced to rally for Yushchenko and freeze on Maidan. Do You think, this is the truth? No, everything is a lie! You, people that believe in Yanukovich, have You been to Kiev yourselves? There is a fiest of unification of all Ukrainians! They came to the capital in order to support Yushchenko, a president, chosen by people and to support whole Ukraine! Yes, You do know this, but anyway, You distort this information and ‘inform’ people with somethig similar to the truth. Though in this case this is too far from the TRUTH!
Luhansk and Donetsk did keep silent. People were afraid of telling a word. But now everything has changed! Every day people rally in our cities for Yushchenko! Every day more and more orange flags appear on working tables of different enterprises. It is Ok for now, that in front of administrations there are few people. We believe, with every day the number of FREE Ukrainians will grow!!!!!!! This is going to happen!!!
P.S. Rally in Donetsk takes place at 13:00 on Sunday by Shechenko monument.
Every day at 13:00 o’clock people that believe in Yushchenko are expected in Luhansk! All people that support their native Ukraine!!!
Together we will win!!! Yes (Tak)!!!
2004.11.26 | Luba
Re: pereklad: Лист на Майдан: Луганськ, Донецьк мітингують!
Sorry, pereklad w poperednjomu powidomlenni, de tema poznachena (-)2004.11.26 | Mykyta
Дякую, додаю (-)
2004.11.26 | Olga
I am taking "Студенти заблокували Кирпу"
2004.11.26 | Olga
Students have blocked the MInistry of Transport of Ukraine.
Around 3000 students have been blocked the building of The Ministry of Transport of Ukraine on Peremohy Avenue in Kyiv. The presence of journalists is desirable.2004.11.26 | Mykyta
Додаю, дякую (-)
2004.11.26 | Slavko
Beru "Z Zakarpatskoyi oblderzhadministratsii"(-)
2004.11.26 | Slavko
Re: Pereklad "Z Zakarpatskoyi oblderzhadministratsii"(-)
They are Taking Something Away from Zakarpattya Regional State AdministrationAccording to the information from our respondent the employees of Zakarpattya Regional State Administration took 5 big bags with some papers from the building and loaded them to the VAZ-99 car with state plate number AA 4412, which drove away in unknown direction. It should be noticed that local Territorial Election Commission was located in the same building.
2004.11.26 | Mykyta
Додав, дякую (-)
2004.11.26 | Luba
Perekladaju Листи на Майдан: щойно до центру Києва побіг ОМОН(-)
2004.11.26 | Mykyta
Дякую всім! Продовжуйте, будь-ласка, перекладати
Я фізично не встигаю все вчасно ставити, бо треба ще реагувати на пошту. Продовжуйе, будь-ласка, вашу конче необхідну роботу - всі ваші переклади обов"язково з"являться на нашому сайті.Може це вам стане у пригоді:
Он-лайн словники
2004.11.26 | Nat
переклад заяви харківських правоохоронців
To the Speaker of Verkhovna Rada of UkraineV. M. Lytvyn
Statement of the staff of law-enforcement bodies of Kharkiv region
Dear Volodymyr Mykhaylovych,
Our duty and our conscious obliges us to address You as a representative of Supreme legislative power of Ukraine and demand that you interfere with the situation in our region on behalf of the Ukrainian nation.
1. Into Kharkiv region were brought 50% more bulletins than the whole quantity of voters of the region.
On October 30 before the elections in the executive committee of the city of Lozovaya of Kharkiv region a sealed room was unearthed in which were kept unaccounted bulletins filled in beforehand for the candidate for the post of President of Ukraine V. F. Yanukovych. This room was sealed with the seal of the executive committee and was guarded by policemen. The staff of the executive committee rejected demands of the community representatives to open the room. Eventually these bulletins were delivered to local voting commissions and were counted in during the process of calculating the election results.
In this episode the most active part was performed by: the first vice-chief of Administration of Ministry of Internal Affairs (AMIA) in Kharkiv region Z. S. Galavan and vice-chief of AMIA N. M. Khalin, the main orders were given by the chief of Kharkiv region State administration E. P. Kushnarev.
2. In passport offices forms # 1 are kept that contain personal information of every voter and lists of voters prepared by this offices were sent to the Territorial Election Commissions (TEC) and eventually were corrupted. The corruptions were made by concrete members of TEC. Tell us please, who could give such an order to the members of TEC? Who could order to publish more bulletins? Only Central Election Commission with S. Kivalov in the head.
Actually a number of crimes were committed to fake the elections results. The faking mechanism was as follows – when a mismatch was found in a record concerning a voter in the list of voters, additional lists were made where records matched data of the passport offices. But the wrong “voters” were not excluded from the main lists. Thus there were “extra” people voting for V. F. Yanukovych. Surplus of brought in bulletins let do it.
3. A huge number cadets from the University of Internal Affairs (the president of board of directors is A. M. Bandurka) was sent to the regions of Western Ukraine, each of whom had no less than 10 absentee ballots. The transportation and food costs were compensated for each cadet and a guarantee was given to them that they will “pass” the examinations without efforts. We are shocked by cynical attitude of people’s deputy A.M. Bandurka true werewolf with epaulets towards the President of Ukraine election process.
4. In the city of Dergachy in Kharikiv region, the election division of A. M. Bandurka, a local congress was gathered at which Bandurka demanded that voters vote only for V. Yanukovych, otherwise they will have neither electricity nor gas. A.M. Bandurka is capable to fulfill his threats.
5. During voting in mental hospitals and old peoples’ homes the bulletins were filled in by the members of voting commissions or medicals, who were given instructions to vote for their candidate - V. Yanukovych.
6. Right before the elections the chief of Kharkiv region State administration E. P Kushnarev gathered the chiefs of administrations of the city districts, Security Service staff and announced that if V. F.Yanukovych gets less than 60% at their territory the present chiefs are not expected at their offices the next day after the elections.
Now we consider necessary to explain the part performed by Kharkiv law-enforcement bodies during the elections:
1. According to the orders of the head of AMIA in Kharkiv region C.F.Denysyuk a group of policemen was created at basis of AMIA to prevent the election campaign of Viktor Yuschenko. The group was ordered to destroy agitation materials in stores, in cars, in publishing houses. Members of this group crashed cars near “Myr” hotel in the city of Kharkiv and also a number of cars in Kharkiv region that belonged to staff of Yuschenko’s office.
2. According to the orders of the head of AMIA an operation was performed resulting in putting an explosive devise into the car of the authorized representative of Viktor Yuschenko Y. P. Potykun by the staff of Administration of Work against Organized Crime. The explosive devise was taken away in presence of coroner’s jury. The coordinators of this provocation are the head of Administration of Work against Organized Crime Z. S. Galavan and his assistant I.I Chekotylo. As a result a criminal case was launched against an innocent citizen and order for arrest was issued. All this was performed to frighten the staff and supporters of V. Yuschenko. Where is our country if the law-enforcement authorities turned into “legal” armed gang?
3. Before voting the head of AMIA Denisyuk S.F. as well as the head of Kharkiv city police administration V.I. Dyatlov gathered the staff and in the form of order forced the police staff to vote for their candidate, with several previous convictions, V. F. Yanukovych, and forced the police staff to fill in forms with personal data, information about their relatives and no less than 15 people whom they promise to convict to vote for Yanukovych. All the forms were taken by the heads of divisions and collected in human resources departments.
4. At present in the city of Kharkiv a number of felonies are committed, among which an attack at cash messengers during which three people were murdered, car explosions etc. Despite the tasks of the law-enforcement bodies to protect the legal rights and interests of the citizens, the heads of AMIA were involved into political games. Instead of investigation of felonies the operating executives detected the dissidents with the help of the staff that was not investigating crimes but agitated for V.F. Yanukovych even by means of frightening the people.
5. During the election campaign the staff was informed not once that if they don’t vote for Yanukovych they will be fired immediately.
6. Also performing the orders of administration all operational executives organized financing of Yunukovych’s campaign and actually the operational executives were racketeering the commercial organizations; money were transferred to the funds “Law and Order”, “Shield”, “Guard”, “Slobozhanschyna”. These actions were made together with tax police.
7. We have data proving that before the elections were conducted people’s deputy V.L Shepetin organized and sent to Kyiv a group of criminals to carry out mass provocations under the guise of supporters of V. A. Yuschenko.
8. According to orders of the head of AMIA C.F.Denysyuk surveillance was established after the Verkhovna Rada deputies A. Matviyenko, V. Filenko, as well as after the heads of local offices, heads of region organizations of the opposition by the administration of criminal investigation which is performed up to now. Huge resources are taken from tax payers. What is the legal basis for prosecution of dissidents? What their actions according to what articles of criminal code demand such action?
Tell us please, Vladymyr Mykhaylovych, can we having this information name these elections “clear and honest” as observers of Union of Sovereign States claim? Actually the voters of Kharkiv region were not free to vote as it is guaranteed by the Constitution. What was the reason for Kushnaruk, Bandurka, Shepetin, Denysyuk and others to claim that “Kharkiv region is for Yanukovych”? Actually the Police was made a weapon to suppress citizens’ freedom to vote.
Unfortunately we can not openly declare our civil position at the moment without additional safety guarantees for our relatives as there is no democracy and law in Ukraine.
But at certain guarantees we are ready to confirm all the mentioned in any place in public.
Staff of the law-enforcement bodies of Kharkiv region.
2004.11.26 | Luba
Pereklad hotowyj: щойно до центру Києва побіг ОМОН
Letters to Maidan: some minutes ago many OMON commandos in helmets have been seen running on Instytutska Str. in center direction2004.11.26 | Mykyta
Є, дякую (-)
2004.11.26 | Luba
Pereklad hotowyj: щойно до центру Києва побіг ОМОН
Letters to Maidan: some minutes ago many OMON commandos in helmets were seen running on Instytutska Str. in center direction2004.11.26 | Luba
Pereklad hotowyj: щойно до центру Києва побіг ОМОН
Letters to Maidan: some minutes ago many OMON commandos in helmets were seen running on Instytutska Str. in center direction2004.11.26 | Luba
Pereklad hotowyj: щойно до центру Києва побіг ОМОН
Letters to Maidan: some minutes ago many OMON commandos in helmets were seen on Instytutska Str. They were running in center direction.(-)2004.11.26 | Nat
Беру заяву Ради Європи
(-)2004.11.26 | Nat
Translation ready
European Council Statement Concerning President Elections in UkraineThe head of the Committee of Ministers of European Council Vlodzimezh Cimoshevych, the head of Parliament Assembly Peter Shider and General Secretary Tery Devis have expressed deep concern with violations that took place during President Election campaign in Ukraine. As many international observers state the number of these violations has significantly grown during the second round of elections, which greatly rises risk of a serious political crises, because the majority of Ukrainians do not agree with the results announced by the Central Election Commission. Council of Europe addresses all the political parties of Ukraine with an appeal to abstain from force in this crisis situation.
2004.11.26 | Mykyta
Дякую, ставлю (-)
2004.11.26 | Luba
Pereklad hotowyj: щойно до центру Києва побіг ОМОН
Letters to Maidan: some minutes ago many OMON commandos in helmets were seen on Instytutska Str. They were running in center direction.(-)2004.11.26 | Luba
beru: Бандитський режим шантажирует расколом.. (-)
2004.11.26 | Luba
Pereklad: Бандитський режим шантажирует расколом..
Gangster regime blackmail with splitPopulation of Luhansk, do not tolerate next “experiment” upon You and Your children!
Session of Luhansk’s Regional Counsel has been accomplished. Deputies came to a resolution to found Autonomous South-East Ukrainian Republik and to address Putin with a request to take it to Russia. This information got LIGABusinessInform from press service of the Socialist Party of Ukraine. It was also reported that at present moment Jurij Luzhkov, the Mayor of Moscow, is expected in Luhansk. According to this resolution, outward borders of this district are being closed, banks are stopping to work.
2004.11.26 | Mykyta
Додаю, дякую (-)
2004.11.27 | Alex
Інформаційна блокада в Маріуполі
Information Blockade in MariupolCable TV stopped EuroNews transmission from the 25th.Instead they are putting on criminal actions movies and from this morning the quality transmission of the UT-1 channel is so bad that its ipmossible to watch it even near TV tower.There is neither Channel 5 nor Era FM at all. They have made the informationa blockade in the city. There is nothing except Internet, but WE ARE WITH YOU!!!
2004.11.26 | Mykyta
Зробіть, будь-ласка, з цього переспів
Прийшло на пошту і ймовірно це передрук, тому просто так ставити не бажано. Можна коротко.VILNIUS, Nov 27, BNS - Lithuanian President Valdas Adamkus is leaving for
Kiev to contribute to the solution of the conflict between Ukraine's
authorities and opposition.
Presidential diplomatic adviser Valteris Baliukonis has told Lithuania's
national radio that Adamkus would leave for Kiev on Friday afternoon. The
adviser refrained from details.
The national radio has said that the decision to go to Kiev was made after
tripartite consultations of Lithuania, Poland and Ukraine. Polish President
Aleksander Kwasniewski plans to come to the Ukrainian capital as well.
The Lithuanian president's press service reported on Thursday that during a
telephone conversation the outgoing Ukrainian president, Leonid Kuchma, had
proposed the Lithuanian and Polish leaders to mediate the tense situation in
According to the press release, Adamkus expressed concern over the situation
in Ukraine, where hundreds of thousands of opposition supporters have been
holding protest rallies against alleged forgery of presidential election
After the conversation with Kuchma, Adamkus discussed the Ukraine situation
with Kwasniewski.
The Lithuanian and Polish leaders agreed to stay in contact, search for ways
to get the conflicting parties to a table of negotiations and find peaceful
solution to the political conflict.
Ukraine's Central Electoral Commission announced on Wednesday that
Moscow-supported Ukrainian PM Viktor Yanukovich had won the presidential
elections with 49.46 percent of votes, while pro-Western opposition leader
Viktor Yushchenko had collected 46.61 percent.
Meanwhile, international observers have stated that the Ukrainian
presidential elections fell short of standards stipulated by the
Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe and the Council of
Europe, reporting gross violations of election procedures in the elections
last Sunday.
Top of Form
Bottom of Form
2004.11.26 | Slavko
Beru "Lvivske DAI"(-)
2004.11.26 | Slavko
Re: Pereklad "Lvivske DAI"
Lviv DAI Have Marched Under Orange BannersAbout 12 o’clock a column of DAI (State Auto Inspection) vehicles consisting of about 40-50 cars have loudly driven through the streets of Lviv under orange banners. Passers by supported the DAI employees with applause, whistles and shouts “YUSHCHENKO, YUSHCHENKO, YUSHCHENKO.”
2004.11.26 | Mykyta
Додаю, дякую (-)
2004.11.26 | Olga
I am taking "Новини з Кривого Рогу" (-)
2004.11.26 | Slavko
Beru "Donetsk hoche zakryty"(-)
2004.11.26 | Slavko
Re: Pereklad "Donetsk hoche zakryty"(-)
Donetsk Wants to Shut the Eyes and (get) AutonomyRegional council of Donetsk is considering proclaiming autonomy of Donetsk and banning broadcasting of “Era” and “5th Channel” studios. It is possible that they are still unaware of the fact that they will also have to ban broadcasting of other channels, which experienced a real breakthrough yesterday.
It is interesting that unlike the authorities of the neighbouring Luhansk, Donetsk deputies have not hit upon the idea to consider the question of encroachment upon territorial integrity of Ukraine.
2004.11.26 | Mykyta
Додаю, дякую (-)
2004.11.26 | Nat
переклад заяви харківських правоохоронців
To the Speaker of Verkhovna Rada of UkraineV. M. Lytvyn
Statement of the staff of law-enforcement bodies of Kharkiv region
Dear Volodymyr Mykhaylovych,
Our duty and our conscious obliges us to address You as a representative of Supreme legislative power of Ukraine and demand that you interfere with the situation in our region on behalf of the Ukrainian nation.
1. Into Kharkiv region were brought 50% more bulletins than the whole quantity of voters of the region.
On October 30 before the elections in the executive committee of the city of Lozovaya of Kharkiv region a sealed room was unearthed in which were kept unaccounted bulletins filled in beforehand for the candidate for the post of President of Ukraine V. F. Yanukovych. This room was sealed with the seal of the executive committee and was guarded by policemen. The staff of the executive committee rejected demands of the community representatives to open the room. Eventually these bulletins were delivered to local voting commissions and were counted in during the process of calculating the election results.
In this episode the most active part was performed by: the first vice-chief of Administration of Ministry of Internal Affairs (AMIA) in Kharkiv region Z. S. Galavan and vice-chief of AMIA N. M. Khalin, the main orders were given by the chief of Kharkiv region State administration E. P. Kushnarev.
2. In passport offices forms # 1 are kept that contain personal information of every voter and lists of voters prepared by this offices were sent to the Territorial Election Commissions (TEC) and eventually were corrupted. The corruptions were made by concrete members of TEC. Tell us please, who could give such an order to the members of TEC? Who could order to publish more bulletins? Only Central Election Commission with S. Kivalov in the head.
Actually a number of crimes were committed to fake the elections results. The faking mechanism was as follows – when a mismatch was found in a record concerning a voter in the list of voters, additional lists were made where records matched data of the passport offices. But the wrong “voters” were not excluded from the main lists. Thus there were “extra” people voting for V. F. Yanukovych. Surplus of brought in bulletins let do it.
3. A huge number cadets from the University of Internal Affairs (the president of board of directors is A. M. Bandurka) was sent to the regions of Western Ukraine, each of whom had no less than 10 absentee ballots. The transportation and food costs were compensated for each cadet and a guarantee was given to them that they will “pass” the examinations without efforts. We are shocked by cynical attitude of people’s deputy A.M. Bandurka true werewolf with epaulets towards the President of Ukraine election process.
4. In the city of Dergachy in Kharikiv region, the election division of A. M. Bandurka, a local congress was gathered at which Bandurka demanded that voters vote only for V. Yanukovych, otherwise they will have neither electricity nor gas. A.M. Bandurka is capable to fulfill his threats.
5. During voting in mental hospitals and old peoples’ homes the bulletins were filled in by the members of voting commissions or medicals, who were given instructions to vote for their candidate - V. Yanukovych.
6. Right before the elections the chief of Kharkiv region State administration E. P Kushnarev gathered the chiefs of administrations of the city districts, Security Service staff and announced that if V. F.Yanukovych gets less than 60% at their territory the present chiefs are not expected at their offices the next day after the elections.
Now we consider necessary to explain the part performed by Kharkiv law-enforcement bodies during the elections:
1. According to the orders of the head of AMIA in Kharkiv region C.F.Denysyuk a group of policemen was created at basis of AMIA to prevent the election campaign of Viktor Yuschenko. The group was ordered to destroy agitation materials in stores, in cars, in publishing houses. Members of this group crashed cars near “Myr” hotel in the city of Kharkiv and also a number of cars in Kharkiv region that belonged to staff of Yuschenko’s office.
2. According to the orders of the head of AMIA an operation was performed resulting in putting an explosive devise into the car of the authorized representative of Viktor Yuschenko Y. P. Potykun by the staff of Administration of Work against Organized Crime. The explosive devise was taken away in presence of coroner’s jury. The coordinators of this provocation are the head of Administration of Work against Organized Crime Z. S. Galavan and his assistant I.I Chekotylo. As a result a criminal case was launched against an innocent citizen and order for arrest was issued. All this was performed to frighten the staff and supporters of V. Yuschenko. Where is our country if the law-enforcement authorities turned into “legal” armed gang?
3. Before voting the head of AMIA Denisyuk S.F. as well as the head of Kharkiv city police administration V.I. Dyatlov gathered the staff and in the form of order forced the police staff to vote for their candidate, with several previous convictions, V. F. Yanukovych, and forced the police staff to fill in forms with personal data, information about their relatives and no less than 15 people whom they promise to convict to vote for Yanukovych. All the forms were taken by the heads of divisions and collected in human resources departments.
4. At present in the city of Kharkiv a number of felonies are committed, among which an attack at cash messengers during which three people were murdered, car explosions etc. Despite the tasks of the law-enforcement bodies to protect the legal rights and interests of the citizens, the heads of AMIA were involved into political games. Instead of investigation of felonies the operating executives detected the dissidents with the help of the staff that was not investigating crimes but agitated for V.F. Yanukovych even by means of frightening the people.
5. During the election campaign the staff was informed not once that if they don’t vote for Yanukovych they will be fired immediately.
6. Also performing the orders of administration all operational executives organized financing of Yunukovych’s campaign and actually the operational executives were racketeering the commercial organizations; money were transferred to the funds “Law and Order”, “Shield”, “Guard”, “Slobozhanschyna”. These actions were made together with tax police.
7. We have data proving that before the elections were conducted people’s deputy V.L Shepetin organized and sent to Kyiv a group of criminals to carry out mass provocations under the guise of supporters of V. A. Yuschenko.
8. According to orders of the head of AMIA C.F.Denysyuk surveillance was established after the Verkhovna Rada deputies A. Matviyenko, V. Filenko, as well as after the heads of local offices, heads of region organizations of the opposition by the administration of criminal investigation which is performed up to now. Huge resources are taken from tax payers. What is the legal basis for prosecution of dissidents? What their actions according to what articles of criminal code demand such action?
Tell us please, Vladymyr Mykhaylovych, can we having this information name these elections “clear and honest” as observers of Union of Sovereign States claim? Actually the voters of Kharkiv region were not free to vote as it is guaranteed by the Constitution. What was the reason for Kushnaruk, Bandurka, Shepetin, Denysyuk and others to claim that “Kharkiv region is for Yanukovych”? Actually the Police was made a weapon to suppress citizens’ freedom to vote.
Unfortunately we can not openly declare our civil position at the moment without additional safety guarantees for our relatives as there is no democracy and law in Ukraine.
But at certain guarantees we are ready to confirm all the mentioned in any place in public.
Staff of the law-enforcement bodies of Kharkiv region.
2004.11.26 | Mykyta
Дякую!!! (-)
2004.11.26 | Olga
News from Kryvyj Rig
The students of the universities in Kryvyj Rig who are wearing orange skirts are sent back home and told to get changed. The Internet connection at the universities is cut off; system administrators have an order to put filters on certain key words.2004.11.26 | Mykyta
Є, дякую (-)
2004.11.26 | Olga
News from Kryvyj Rig
The students of the universities in Kryvyj Rig who are wearing orange skirts are sent back home and told to get changed. The Internet connection at the universities is cut off; system administrators have an order to put filters on certain key words.2004.11.26 | Luba
Pereklad: Москва приміряє помаранчевий колір
A sign of orange color in MoscowSMS: In the capital of Russia have appeared some cars with orange streamers.
2004.11.26 | Olga
I am taking:"Студентів замкнули в приміщенні коледжу"(-)
2004.11.26 | Lena
Re: ПЕРЕКЛАДАЧІ!!! КОРДИНАЦІЯ на п"ятницю, 26-те листопада тут
I am taking "Полтава: Студентів замкнули в приміщенні коледжу"2004.11.26 | Olga
Students locked in Poltava.
Today at around 10 am an anonymous telephoned to Poltava Polytechnic College and informed them about the bomb in the building. The management of the college has decided to evacuate all the students and to cancel the studies for the day.As informed by the lecturer of the college Ms Svitlana Mayevska, the management of the college accused democratic members of the teaching staff in creating a current situation, claiming that it is convenient for them (teaching staff) the college not to be working.
Around 50 000 students of Poltava Polytechnic College took part in a meeting and a demonstration yesterday. The rest of them could not participate because the doors of the college were locked at 11:50 and none was able to leave the building. The doors of the cloak room were locked as well. 3 students who during the break went out (wearing only jumpers) to get some snacks could not enter the building on their return. The doors were guarded by the lecturers – the members of the Poling Stations from the pro-government candidates Mr Igor Pulenko and Mr Igor Postavnyj.
“Those lecturers – as commented by the Head of Ukrainian People Party organisation in Poltava Region Mr. Olexandre Kulyk – they have not only hurt the young souls, but as a result, they have violated the order of the Ministry of Education that says not to persecute any students on the basis of their political activity”.
The students themselves talking to our press officers commented on the situation at the college. They are considering the actions of their lecturers as those that restrict students constitutional and human rights.
2004.11.26 | Mykyta
Додаю, дякую (-)
2004.11.26 | Olga
I am taking:"Мітинг заважає роботі антизаконної владi"(-)
2004.11.26 | Olga
The meeting interferes with the work of illegitimate authorities
Today Mr Yanukovitch gave an interview to TV Channel Kyiv. During his speech he stated: “We should not allow the meeting to be continued. It interferes with the work of the authorities”.2004.11.26 | Mykyta
Додав, дякую (-)
2004.11.26 | hunter
beru За "політику" звільнено районного прокурора (-)
2004.11.26 | Lena
I am taking "Объединения торговцев ценными бумагами..." (-)
2004.11.26 | Lena
Re: I am taking "Объединения торговцев ценными бумагами..." (-)
Securities Traders’ Unions of Ukraine do not Recognize Results of the Election as LegitimateKyiv. November 15, 2004 16:42. INTERFAX-UKRAINE – Unions of professional players in the securities market in Ukraine officially declared that they do not recognize the decision of the Central Election Commission (CEC) regarding the results of the Presidential election in Ukraine.
Such decision has been made by the First Fund Trading System (FFTS), Ukrainian Association for Investment Business, and Professional Association of Registrars and Depositors, - FFTS press service informed on Friday.
In the opinion of the authors of the declaration, CEC decision ignores violations of the law on Presidential elections as well as violations of the Constitutional rights of Ukrainian citizens. The consequence of such decision may be economic and political punitive actions undertaken by the European countries and U.S. against Ukraine, considerable capital outflow, and a fall in liquidity of the country’s financial markets, - the document states.
FFTS press service notes that several companies and banks of Kyiv, Vinnytsya, Dnipropetrovsk, Donetsk, Kharkiv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Lviv, Symferopol, and Kremenchug supported the statement.
Earlier the securities traders discontinued display of information on the majority of the most liquid shares belonging to the index portfolio of the FFTS. As a result it is the fourth time that the system halts its work this week.
2004.11.26 | Mykyta
Стоїть, дякую (-)
2004.11.26 | Slavko
Re: Beru "Poltava: Studenty"(-)
2004.11.26 | Slavko
Re: Pereklad "Poltava: Studenty"(-)
Poltava: Students Declare Permanent StrikeToday is the second day of student strike in Poltava. The students of Pedagogical University were among the first to start the protest against counterfeiting the results of Presidential Elections.
In the resolution, the copy of which was passed to the public office of V. YUSHCHENKO by a member of strike committee OLEKSANDR MAKARENKO, the students declared permanent strike and said they would not resume studies until the fraudulent results of Presidential Elections in Ukraine, declared by the CEC, are not reviewed.
They called on their professors and lecturers to support them. The resolution says: “You are the people who we respect. You give us knowledge and we trust you. We have made our choice for the truth and law. We believe that you will do the same.”
The future teachers stress that they do not want to disrupt studies and demand to postpone them (studies) pressing for their right “to declare a strike within the limits of law and not to attend classes while our country is in danger.”
Students of other higher learning institutions have supported the initiative of the students of Poltava Pedagogical University to declare the strike. The activities of the students’ strike committee have been supported by the regional organisation of Ukrainian People’s Party.
Today the strike committee has disseminated a leaflet among the students of all the institutions of higher learning in the town, which is urging to do away with humiliating life that is being offered to them by the “bandits in power” and to take part in the all-Ukrainian student strike. “We are supported by the whole of Ukraine and by our professors. – the leaflet reads – The Pedagogical University has risen to its feet and will never crawl again! We are no longer alone! Join us!”
Yesterday during the meeting close to the Regional State Administration the leader of Poltava People’s Party Oleksandr KULYK was greeting all the students, who joined in the protest. “Poltava, just like Kyiv, is looking forward to the support of young citizens of our country – he said – they are against their future being robbed by visiting gangsters, criminals, and, sorry, insanes. All the people are aware of the fact who such people voted for. Yesterday the youth were in the first lines of the march to the City Council and TV- and radio company. The youth have the access to the Internet, they possess information and want to choose their future independently.”
2004.11.26 | Luba
Beru: В суботу Москва підтримуватиме нас... (-)
2004.11.26 | Luba
Pereklad: В суботу Москва підтримуватиме нас..
Despite of its regime, Moscow is going to support us on SaturdayAt 11 o’clock, November 27 a meeting of solidarity with Ukrainian people takes place in front of Ukrainian Ambassy in Moscow (Leontyevski Lane 18). This rally also expresses protest against interference into events happening in Ukraine by Russian authorities and SMI (Means of Mass Media).
2004.11.26 | Mykyta
Додаю, дякую (-)
2004.11.26 | Luba
beru: У Миколаєві мітинг за Бандюковича (-)
2004.11.26 | Luba
pereklad: У Миколаєві мітинг за Бандюковича (-)
Meeting for Yanukovich in Mykolayiv has failed, because of the lack of supportersFrom Mykolayiv (Nikolayev): 17-o’clock-meeting for Yanukovich is dispersing. People are cold! People want to go home! They are rolling up the flags and going away, ignoring speeches of representatives from Mykolayiv District Administration. Only persons from surrunding places stay: they have to wait for busses that would bring them back home. In contrary, meeting of Yushchenko's supporters is growing! New people are coming! They are all in high spirits! I saw with my own eyes that among people with orange colors are also those wearing blue-white.
2004.11.26 | Mykyta
Є, дякую (-)
2004.11.26 | Luba
pereklad: У Миколаєві мітинг за Бандюковича
Meeting for Yanukovich in Mykolayiv has failed, because of the lack of supportersFrom Mykolayiv (Nikolayev): 17-o’clock-meeting for Yanukovich is dispersing. People are cold! People want to go home! They are rolling up the flags and going away, ignoring speeches of representatives from Mykolayiv District Administration. Only persons from surrunding places stay: they have to wait for busses that would bring them back home. In contrary, meeting of Yushchenko's supporters is growing! New people are coming! They are all in high spirits! I saw with my own eyes that among people with orange colors are also those wearing blue-white.
2004.11.26 | Taras z Montrealy Canada
bery:Последняя операция Луганской милиции или О том, как проходи
(-)2004.11.26 | Taras z Montrealy Canada
GOTOVO:Последняя операция Луганской милиции или О том, как
26:11:2004 17:39Last Operation Lugansk' Police Or How were
held demonstrations in downtown Lugansk.
In Lugansk again - demonstration to support
Victor Uschenko! This time it took place in
front of Lugansk' Regional Administration
Building with more then 1000 people. All of
them were wearing ORANGE and saying: "Uschenko
- President!".
What interesting is that today Administration
with it's Governor Aleksander Efremov sent to
all schools and Universities request to make a
Day-off due to the meeting to support the
communist Janukovich. Beginning of the meeting
at 13:00. At that time about 300 people -
students of DAL' EasternUkrainian National
University, Taras Shevchenko' Lugansk'
National Pedagogical University, senior
students of close-by High-Schools. The head of
the crowd was Head of the Ministry of Internal
Affairs in Lugansk region,capitane Vladimir
Korenev. The crowd was holding white-blue
flags in their hands and tried to be louder
then the crowd supporting the democrat Victor
Uschenko. They did not have any particular
motto or demand, neither signs or
transparents. They only used a lot of f-words
and swering in their language. Also, they were
just "mmmmm-ing", "uuuuuu-ing" to make some
noise against the phrases pronounced by the
crowd of democrats supporting Victor Uschenko
wering ORANGE strips.
"To make as much noise as possible" - this was
the goal of the administration in order not to
let the ORANGE say what they believe in. But
it did not work out!
By the way, soon before the start of the
meeting, in DAL's EasternUkrainian University
took place a gathering of the students. Main
goal was request to the President of Ukraine
Leonid Kuchma. In their request students
demanded President to be a Garant of the
Constitution and prevent Ukraine from
splitting. Some of the lines are: "Someone is
trying to turn Ukraine into Chechnja, Georgia,
Balcan. But they must not decide our future.
Legitimate can be only the Government, that
came to power by Constitutional and democratic
methods". Students said that to save Ukraine
at this moment can only immediate, energetic
actions, based on Constitutional rights and
Strange...Students of ALL Ukrainie support
Uschenko and say that Openly, but actuve and
young became "muppets" of capitane Korenev.
2004.11.26 | Lena
I am taking "Юристи-науковці: ЦВК діяла не за законом" (-)
2004.11.26 | Lena
Re: CEC has Committed Unlawful Actions
Lawyers and Researchers: Central Election Commission has Committed Unlawful Actions“At this crucial time for Ukraine we, scientists and lawyers, draw your attention to the fact that Law must be a steady ground for resolving current social conflict. As well as other citizens of Ukraine we are outraged by the ongoing neglect of the right for free expression of opinion and choice in the process of the Presidential election in Ukraine”, - such was the statement of the four professors, holders of Ph.D. degree in law: Oleh Lytvak (National Judicial Academy named after Yaroslav Mudryy), Oleksandr Kostenko (The Institute for State and Law named after V.M. Koretskyy of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine), Anatoliy Muzyka (The Institute of the Interior Affairs), and Vyacheslav Navrotskyy (Lviv National University named after Ivan Franko).
The document, written by the four researchers, declared among other things that members of the Central Election Commission (CEC) have neglected the old lawyers’ rule: when in doubt, do as the law says. The lawyers ascertain: “CEC members fostered antagonism in the Ukrainian society with their passiveness, which has become one of the reasons for violation of the law”.
“Today’s conflict must be resolved with the means of legal actions. CEC was obliged to consider complaints, applications, and requests of the citizens of Ukraine regarding unlawful decisions and actions of the local election commissions; CEC had to put an end to those unlawful actions, or to make other decisions regarding the issue (paragraph 17, article 13 of the Law of Ukraine “On the Central Election Commission”)”, - the scientists affirm.
In their opinion, authorities of the prosecutor’s office who have Constitutional responsibility to oversee adherence to the Law in the country have demonstrated an ambiguous attitude. “There has still been no legal assessment of the actions of those who hindered execution of election law (article 157 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine), who illegally used election ballots, committed falsification of the election reports, miscounted the votes, or announced untrue election results (article 158 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine). Undoubtedly, these has influenced the outcome of the elections”, - the document states.
Note that Oleh Lytvak, one of the authors of this document, is a walking legend in the discipline of law: in 1997 Dr. Lytvak was of the General Prosecutor of Ukraine. He served in the General Prosecutor’s office in the Soviet times as an investigator of especially important cases. He was a member of the investigating group of T. Gdlyan and N. Ivanov of the so-called “Uzbek case”. Dr. Lytvak also lead the case of the Leonid Brezhnev’s son-in-law, Yuriy Churbanov.
2004.11.26 | Slavko
Re: Bery "Lysty na Maidan"(-)
2004.11.26 | Slavko
Re: Pereklad "Lysty na Maidan"(-)
Letters to Maidan: Zaporizhzhya Is Holding Mass MeetingsMass meeting every day. On the first day (when the meetings were held in all the major cities and towns of Ukraine) there were about 80 000 people on our square, too. I have never heard that somebody was paid for it. The people were stung to the quick . I can say that my long-forgotten feeling of patriotism and pride for the nation has revealed itself as well. It is sad that the media never publish the information on the mass meetings in Zaporizhzhya . We only have ERA channel, which is boradcast very late at night and early in the morning. The rest is the information from the Internet and from aquaintances in Kyiv. I have never seen our protesters drunk, no have I seen agression. I hear the same about Kyiv people. Speaking about the train from Zaporizhzhya, people were loaded there right after their workshifts at a number of factories (this was broadcast by ERA yesterday. He has turned out to be from Motor-Sich). Donetsk and Luhansk are in the informational blocade (one of our colleagues has a sister in Luhansk – they have no opposition channels at all, there is mass propaganda for Yanukovich and against a “small group” of oppositionists).
2004.11.26 | Mykyta
Додаю, дякую (-)
2004.11.26 | Luba
beru: До Контрактової рухаються зараз 6 автобусів з шахтерами(-)
2004.11.26 | Luba
pereklad: До Контрактової рухаються ...
6 busses with miners are going in Kontraktowa-directionPeople from Podillya, be humane, they are our brothers for the East! Meet them, bring them food, ask them, what they need... Most of these people were forced to go to busses directly from their working places, they weren’t even allowed to look in on their homes!!!
2004.11.26 | Mykyta
Будь-ласка, не перекладайте новин зі закликами до прямої дії
Luba пише:>
> People from Podillya, be humane, they are our brothers for the East! Meet them, bring them food, ask them, what they need...
Ця новина не містить корисної інформації для австралійця чи британця. Вона для "внутрішнього" вжитку.
2004.11.26 | Mykyta
Перекладіть на українську, це важливо
Dear Citizens,Allow me to address you once again in these turbulent yet hopeful days. I am currently far away in Taiwan. But even here, I can feel the breeze blowing of your civic will, responsibility, and desire for freedom. It very much reminds me of our own Velvet Revolution in the former Czechoslovakia in 1989. Despite the announcement of official election results, may the course of your protests remain peaceful. I know based on my own experience how important it is to not allow oneself to be provoked into violence.
At the same time, I appeal to all of you who work in the mass media: Do not allow yourselves to be intimidated, and write the truth about events in your own country.
Yours, Vaclav Havel
2004.11.26 | Luba
beru: В Первомайську - оплоті янучарства на Миколаївщині (-)
2004.11.26 | Luba
pereklad: В Первомайську - оплоті ...
In Pervomaisk, the stronghold of Janukovichists in district of Mykolayiv, meeting for Yushchenko is being hold! There are present only some hudreds of people, but we are proud of You! We believe, tomorrow there will be more supporters!2004.11.26 | Mykyta
Дякую, додано (-)
2004.11.26 | Taras z Montrealy Canada
BERY:Перекладіть на українську, це важливо
(-)2004.11.26 | TARAS MONTREAL
GOTOVO:Перекладіть на українську, це важливо
Dorogi Gromadanu,Dozvolte meni adresyvatu znovy v zi tyrbylentni ale obizayuchi dni. Ja daleko zaraz v Tajvani. Ale navit tyt ja vidchyvajy viter vashogo bazannja, vidpovidalnosti ta pragnennja svobodu. Ze bagato v chomy nagadyje meni nashy velvetny revolyzijy v Chexoslovakiji v 1989 rozi. Nezvazajychu ogoloshennja ofizijnux rezultativ vuborchoji komisiji, nexaj plun podij zalushajetsa murnum. Ja znajy z vlasnogo dosvidy jak vazluvo ne datu komys sprovokyvatu nas do zorstokosti.
V toj samuj chas, ja zvertajys do vsix xto prazuje v mass-midia(radio ta telebachennja): ne dozvolte nikomy vas zalakatu, donosit pravdy pro podiji v vashij vlasnij krajini.
Vash, Vaclav Havel
2004.11.26 | Mykyta
Дякую, вислав (-)
2004.11.26 | Luba
beru: Лист на Майдан: Одесских портовиков насильно (-)
2004.11.26 | Luba
Ok,Taras, bery ty :) Лист на Майдан: Одесских.. (-)
2004.11.26 | TARAS MONTREAL
BERY:Лист на Майдан: Одесских портовиков насильно
(-)2004.11.26 | TARAS MONTREAL
GOTOVO:Лист на Майдан: Одесских портовиков насильно
Letter on Maidan: Odessa' port workers force on meetings to suport communist Janukovich.Dear Ukrainians, those who protect the truth and faith!!! Odessa port workers are forced to meeting in support of criminal - Janukovich.
On those meeting they want the split of Ujkraine. Don't let it happen! In sport-center located Janukovich agitation center. This morniing about 50 buses with Russian and Moldavian registration plates were nearby. Presscenter of Odessa' Sea Port directed by Mr.Vingruk A.M. desinforms local newspapers and "puor" the info in Cabinet of Ministers.
YES Uschenko! No Bodelan!(major of Odessa city)
2004.11.26 | Mykyta
Дякую, додав (-)
2004.11.26 | Luba
beru: Повідомлення з гарячого телефону (-)
2004.11.26 | Luba
pereklad: Повідомлення з гарячого..
A-hot-phone-news to Maidan (18:45, local time): The General headquarters of Ukrainian Armed Forces. Right now General-Major Rudyk has ordered to place 600 soldiers from the 60th battalion (Donbas) in Redky-village, which is between Kiev and Wyshhorod.2004.11.26 | Mykyta
Стоїть, дякую (-)
2004.11.26 | hunter
beru За "політику" звільнено районного прокурора (-)
2004.11.26 | hunter
beru За "політику" звільнено районного прокурора (-)
26-11-2004 18:55 Maidan-InformThe district prosecutor is sacked for "politics"
As was reported yesterday, Vasyl Smitjuh, the prosecutor of the Svyatoshin district of Kiev, was fired from his post. The sources in the Ministry of Home Affairs inform, that 'involving of the prosecution organs into politics' was the ground for dismissal.
Prior to this Vasyl Smitjuh, together with other fourty colleagues of the Kyiv Prosecution organs, signed the Appeal to the Procecutor General of Ukraine, Gennadiy Vassyliev and to all Ukrainian nation. The Appeal declared solidarity with the people, who now defend their right for the free declaration of will, and announced readiness of the prosecutors to investigate the cases concerning falsification of the election results.
The prosecutor of the Svyatoshin district found out about his dismissal only on the following day. The Discipliary Code, which lists the groungs for dismissal, does not provide for the particular ground, on which Smitjuh was fired. That, however, was not considered an obstacle by the bosses of Smitjuh.
In addition, according to some prosecution workers, the pressure is being made on the other signatories by the high Prosecution official Renat Kuzmin (coming from Donezk region). The official website of the city procecution office alleges that the Declaration is false.
Notwithstanding the pressure, the majority of the Kyiv prosecution workers hold on to their position. Kuzmin is supported not more than by the tenth of the colleagues, most of whom were transfered to Kyiv from the Donetsk region, together with Renat Kuzmin and Gennadiy Vassyliev.
2004.11.26 | hunter
pereklad За "політику" звільнено районного прокурора (-)
26-11-2004 18:55 Maidan-InformThe district prosecutor is sacked for "politics"
As was reported yesterday, Vasyl Smitjuh, the prosecutor of the Svyatoshin district of Kiev, was fired from his post. The sources in the Ministry of Home Affairs inform, that 'involving of the prosecution organs into politics' was the ground for dismissal.
Prior to this Vasyl Smitjuh, together with other fourty colleagues of the Kyiv Prosecution organs, signed the Appeal to the Procecutor General of Ukraine, Gennadiy Vassyliev and to all Ukrainian nation. The Appeal declared solidarity with the people, who now defend their right for the free declaration of will, and announced readiness of the prosecutors to investigate the cases concerning falsification of the election results.
The prosecutor of the Svyatoshin district found out about his dismissal only on the following day. The Discipliary Code, which lists the groungs for dismissal, does not provide for the particular ground, on which Smitjuh was fired. That, however, was not considered an obstacle by the bosses of Smitjuh.
In addition, according to some prosecution workers, the pressure is being made on the other signatories by the high Prosecution official Renat Kuzmin (coming from Donezk region). The official website of the city procecution office alleges that the Declaration is false.
Notwithstanding the pressure, the majority of the Kyiv prosecution workers hold on to their position. Kuzmin is supported not more than by the tenth of the colleagues, most of whom were transfered to Kyiv from the Donetsk region, together with Renat Kuzmin and Gennadiy Vassyliev.
2004.11.26 | Luba
beru:Листи на Майдан: Донецьк порушує заборону (-)
2004.11.26 | Luba
pereklad: Листи на Майдан: Донецьк...
Letters to Maidan: Donetsk infringes prohibiton of the Supreme Court of UkraineBig boards, light boxes and stickers “Yanukovich is a president of Ukraine” are being hung out actively everywhere in Donetsk. Also many local newspapers are publishing materials about Yanukovich as a president. In this way they infringe Supreme Court’s prohibiton, which banned the announcing of final results without examinations of electoral complains.
2004.11.26 | Luba
roblju newelyku pererwu (-)
2004.11.26 | Олександр
Re: ПЕРЕКЛАДАЧІ!!! КОРДИНАЦІЯ на п"ятницю, 26-те листопада тут
Беру новину:Янучарам втекти не вдасться. Принаймні через "Бориспіль"
Yanukovich and his comrades won't be able to escape through Kiev airport "Borispol".
2004.11.26 | Mykyta
Додаю, дякую. Будь-ласка, робіть анонс ще до того, як почали
перекладати.2004.11.26 | kvitka
Re: ПЕРЕКЛАДАЧІ!!! КОРДИНАЦІЯ на п"ятницю, 26-те листопада тут
beru "khto khoche hroshei"Who wants money -- go to the train station! Especially of interest to television crews.
Yanukovych forces have gotten to the point that they're walking around the street near the train station with boxes of money, offering the money to people with orange ribbons, telling them how wonderful life will become under the presidency of Yanukovych.
Every moment at the train station is a great opportunity [photo op] for interesting scenes to be filmed, but no correspondents are visible.
Yanukovych agitators are behaving acceptably. Many of them admit that they were brought here forcibly. But along with these there are many drunk people milling about, with expressions on their faces indicating that they are not burdened with any intellect.
Another thing! There are few of our people at the train station.
2004.11.26 | Mykyta
Дякую, додав. Прохання згладжувати тон і пристосовувати його до
західного споживача. Дякую!2004.11.26 | TARAS MONTREAL
BERY:"Чорна книга": Дніпропетровськ
(-)2004.11.26 | Taras z Montrealy Canada
GOTOVO:Чорна книга": Дніпропетровськ
Hello from Dnepropetrovsk!Falcification continues! In Ice arena Dnepropetrovsk city 26.11.2004 at 11:00 took place a meeting of more then 5000 people under the name Of "deputies" of different levels. The truth is that there were regular workers and clerks of local Administration that voted for the request to President of Ukraine. Almost all of the participants were taken away due to the command of the Higher Administration (example major of the Dneprodzerzinsk - Mr. Shvez brought 6 buses of "deputats" and continued to argue that there were no falcifications on his territory, Novomoskovski Head of regional administration - Olejnik was not far behind and brought 4 buses same kind of "deputies" ...etc.) These actions paralized work of the Gouvernment Organizations during the day.
This proves once again the desire to "serve" communist Janukovich at any cost. Mr. Jazyba make sure he has support of those false deputies in case of his replacement when New President comes. Dnepropetrovsk! We are togeather!
2004.11.26 | Mykyta
Агов! Звідки Ви взяли, що Я. - комуніст? (-)
2004.11.26 | TARAS MONTREAL
BERY:Народ зупинив спецназ біля Будинку офіцерів в Києві
(-)2004.11.26 | TARAS MONTREAL
GOTOVO:10 trucks with armed soldiers were moving
10 trucks with armed soldiers were moving down to Cabinet Ministers building, but were stopped by the crowd. Now trucks are surrounded by the Orange crowd singing "Soldiers with people!"2004.11.26 | Mykyta
Додав, дякую (-)
2004.11.26 | Luba
Olexandr pomistyw tsej pereklad nyzhche...26-11-2004 20:25, Олександр
Версія до друку // Відповісти // Тема повністю // Тема списком // Редагувати // Стерти // URL: http://maidan.org.ua/static/draft.php?key=1101493508
Янучарам втекти не вдасться. Принаймні через "Бориспіль"
Yanukovich and his comrades won't be able to escape through Kiev airport "Borispol".
2004.11.26 | Luba
ja powernulasja, beru: Мітинги: Нью-Йорк, Берлін(-)
2004.11.26 | Luba
pereklad: Мітинги: Нью-Йорк, Берлін(-)
Next meetings in Berlin; New YorkMeeting in Berlin is planned for Sunday, November 28; start at 14 o’clock at the Odeon Platz. Naechste Demo in Berlin finden am Sonntag, den 28. November am Odeon Platz statt.
Meeting in New York – on Saturday, November 27 at 11 a.m. by UNO- buiding (1 Ave. and 47 Street).
2004.11.26 | Mykyta
Дякую, додав (-)
2004.11.26 | Yasia
беру Ющенко, Литвин, Кучма&Янукович (-)
2004.11.26 | Yasia
Ющенко, Литвин, Кучма&Янукович -- перевод
Yushcenko, Litvin, Kuchma and Yanukovych Announced the Beginning of NegotiationsImportant negotiations on crises in Ukraine ended at the Mariinsky presidential palace. The acting President, Leonid Kuchma, made the following statement about he the results of the meeting.
Leonid Kuchma was asked to make a statement to the press.
He said the following:
• All the parties are against using of force to avoid the bloodshed;
• The parties declare the beginning of the political negotiations between Volodymyr Lytvyn, speaker of the Ukrainian parliament, acting President Leonid Kuchma and presidential candidates Victor Yuschenko and Victor Yanukovych.
• To reach a joint decision, a working group has been made. The group starts its work immediately.
• The parties expect transparency and objectiveness from the Supreme Court when examining the opposition appeals of fraud during presidential elections.
• The parties are grateful to all of the negotiations participants for their help and willingness to further take part in the negotiations.
Presidential candidates Victor Yuschenko and Victor Yanukovych were present at the Mariinsky presidential palace together with the following intermediaries: the acting President of Ukraine Leonid Kuchma, the European Union's foreign policy chief Javier Solana, the current head of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe Jan Kubis as well the Presidents of Poland and Lithuania – Aleksander Kwasniewski Valdas Adamkus.
Volodymyr Lytvyn, speaker of the Ukrainian parliament, and Boris Gryzlov, speaker of Russia's lower house of parliament, also took part in the negotiations.
About 100 thousand of Yushcenko supporters are near Mariinsky presidential palace. About 400 thousand of opposition supporters are at Maidan Nezalezhnosti.
Earlier today presidential candidate and “Nasha Ukraina” block leader Victor Yuschenko met with the Ambassador of Russian Federation in Ukraine Victor Chernomyrdin.
Victor Yuschenko’s Press Service reported that the meeting lasted for about half an hour.
Both parties discussed the political situation in Ukraine.
Victor Yuschenko explained to Russian Ambassador his view of the solution to the political crises in Ukraine. He emphasized that his priority is to call all the parties to peaceful solution of the crises through political dialogue and negotiations. Yuschenko underlined that “the solution to this crises will deepen the relations between Ukraine and its Western and Eastern neighbors. All of our partners want to see Ukraine as a state of democracy and rule of law.”
Victor Chernomyrdin noted that Russia sees Ukraine as a strategic partner and is interested in stable political situation in the country.
Later Victor Yuschenko met with the current head of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe Jan Kubis.
2004.11.27 | Tizia
Ставлю (-)
2004.11.26 | Luba
beru: Ющенко вимагає повторні вибори 12 грудня(-)
2004.11.27 | Luba
pereklad: Ющенко вимагає повторні вибори..
Victor Yushchenko thinks that a repeat presidential election could be the only solution to the political crisis in Ukraine. He offers to hold a repeat election on December, 12. Additionaly, absentee ballots have to be banned as well as the Central Electoral Commission has to be replaced. Yushchenko declared: „We grant one or two days for negotiation, but in case Yanukovich’s team drags on, we would turn to active deeds.”2004.11.27 | Tizia
Ставлю (-)
2004.11.27 | misha, maryland usa
beru: Харків. Область проти міста.
http://maidan.org.ua/static/news/1101493209.html2004.11.27 | misha, maryland usa
pereklad: Kharkiv. The county against the city.
http://maidan.org.ua/static/news/1101493209.htmlJust now a session of the Kharkiv county council adopted a resolution which de facto means independence of the county from everyone. Including any laws of Ukraine and the constitution. Including the city council. Among other things it includes blackouts of TV channels, re-subordinating the police, splitting off the national bank and other organizations to the just-created county executive committee.
Police is already announcing live on one of the channels which Kushnar'ov is itching to turn off that they will serve the law and not Kushnar'ov.
It's interesting that a couple of days ago the Kharkiv city council adopted a resolution, in which it in particular categorically opposed any attempts to censor or pressure the media.
So, what next? Kharkiv - a free city? At the very least, free from the county administration. The city council is absolutely in a position to make such decisions.
2004.11.27 | Tizia
Ставлю (-)
2004.11.27 | Luba
holowa biljshe ne mozhe dumaty, idu spaty. Trymajtesja! (-)
2004.11.27 | Tizia
Щасливо, приходьте ще! (-)
2004.11.27 | misha, maryland usa
beru: ГКЧП по Харківські
http://maidan.org.ua/static/news/1101494123.html2004.11.27 | misha, maryland usa
pereklad: GKChP a la Kharkiv
[GKChP was the name of the 1991 soviet putsch committee - tr.]"If something happens to one single child, I'll kill you with my own hands!" - representative Salygin to the only member of the county council who voted "nay" to the GKChP-esque resolution of the Kharkiv county council about re-subordination of the police, state TV, and the national bank. Why and where "something" should happen to any "child" remains a rhetorical question, as does the question of what exactly the Kharkiv GKChP-chiks are hoping for.
The events are developing precipitously. Members of the city council are calling in a special session tomorrow. Journalists from other channels that haven't yet gotten on the "black list" for blackout, are pledging to defend the 7th channel which is bothering Kushnar'ov so much, "even if it kills them."
There are promises to defend free speech even from council members who campaigned for Yanukovich, including his point-man M.Dobkin.
A lot of the representatives who only recently held pro-administration positions today are talking about the birth of the Ukrainian nation and people's choice, which, as is now apparent to them, isn't called "Yanukovych".
Even Kharkiv's newspapers, which have always been pro-government, are starting to get involved in strikes and protests.
Tomorrow the squares of Kharkiv are going to be burning. With orange. VV will be playing here. The rally, as always, is at 14:00. In view of the weekend, a large turnout for the "blues" isn't expected.
2004.11.27 | Tizia
Ставлю, дякую (-)
2004.11.27 | Yasia
беру блокаду Российского посольства(-)
2004.11.27 | Yasia
перевод. Отредактируйте организации, пожалуйста
Я не снаю, как расшифровываются ГК. я их назвала молодежные НПО. Если это неверно, отредактируйте, пожалуйстаBlockade of Russian Embassy in Ukraine
Ukrainian youth NGOs “Pora”, “Studentska Khvylya”. “Chysta Ukraina”, Molod’ – Nadiya Ukrainy” as well as “Sobor” party will start “Blockade of the Embassy of Russian Federation in Ukraine” action at 14:00, November 27 (Povitroflostky 27).
The ultimatum given to Russian diplomats by the representatives of Ukrainian youth NGOs and “Sobor” party expired. The ultimatum demanded to immediately stop unprecedented interference in internal affairs of Ukraine by Russian state institutions.
Presence of Russian occupational Special Forces units “Vityaz’”, “Vympel”, OMON as well as active participation of Russian Federal Security Service during the elections in Ukraine and personal involvement and rude statements of Russian President Vladimir Putin threaten independence and sovereignty of Ukraine
According to Vadim Gladchuk, the leader of “Molod’ – Nadiya Ukrainy” NGO, they expect a tent camp set by Ukrainian people’s deputies in front of the Russian Embassy. They also plan to set up an informational center that will provide the reporters with evidence of interference of President Putin in internal affairs of Ukraine. Also, they will open a monument to the Russian occupants on Povitrivlotska street. The monument will be in a form of a zinc coffin.
The non-violent protest against aggressive policy of Putin regime towards Ukraine will last till Russian Special Forces, Russian Federal Security agents leave the territory of Ukraine and it is confirmed by the international observers form USA, EU and UN. Protesters also demand recall of Victor Chernomyrdin, the Ambassador of Russian Federation in Ukraine, from the country and annulment of Vladimir Putin’s statement, where he recognized the fraudulent results of Ukrainian elections.
2004.11.27 | Tizia
Дякую, поставила +
ГК = громадська коаліція = civic coalition. Хоча просто NGO теж могло б бути.2004.11.27 | Luba
propozytsija pro dwomownist
Proponuju rozmistyty na forumi chy desj na web-storintsi informatsiju dlja tyx, xto podaje info z-za kordonu. Jaksho by ti ljudy zrazu pysaly ne tiljky po-ukrajinsky, ale i po-anhlijsky, tse by troxy polehshylo nam robotu. Scho wy na tse?2004.11.27 | Yasia
беру Луганск стает оранжевым (-)
2004.11.27 | Yasia
Луганск стает оранжевым -- перевод
Lugansk Becomes Orange!Today, on November 26, the employees of Lugansk machine factory named after Parkhomenko held a rally where the employees decided to declare the territory of the factory “Orange”, recognize Victor Yuschenko as a President of Ukraine and support Regional Committee of National Salvation formed today in Lugansk. Anatoly Yagoferov, the Head of Lugansk machines manufacturing factory management, became the Chair of the Regional Committee. Vladimir Sulimenko, the First Secretaty of Lugansk Regional Council, became the Deputy Chair.
Alexander Smetankin, Editor of “Molodogvardeets” Lugansk newspaper
2004.11.27 | Tizia
Дякую, поставила (-)
2004.11.27 | Luba
pereklad: Мітинги: Нью-Йорк, Берлін
tsej pereklad shche ne buw opublikowanyj...
Next meetings in Berlin; New York
Meeting in Berlin is planned for Sunday, November 28; start at 14 o’clock at the Odeon Platz. Naechste Demo in Berlin finden am Sonntag, den 28. November am Odeon Platz statt.
Meeting in New York – on Saturday, November 27 at 11 a.m. by UNO- buiding (1 Ave. and 47 Street).
2004.11.27 | Tizia
Дякую, поставила (-)
2004.11.27 | misha, maryland usa
beru: До Сум Прибули 70 донецьких міліціонерів
http://maidan.org.ua/static/news/1101500539.html2004.11.27 | misha, maryland usa
pereklad: 70 policemen from Donetsk have arrived in Sumy
70 policemen from Donetsk have arrived in Sumy. Sumyan police are walking around with orange armbands.Yesterday about 70 policemen arrived in Sumy and are now stationed on the territory of the Sumy artillery instistute. This was reported by Sergij Klochko, member of the city council, at the rally on Independence Square in Sumy. According to his information, they arrived from the Donetsk county and have already been on the grounds of the institute for a day. Sumyan policemen, who are monitoring law and order on Independence Square, are walking around with orange armbands. They have announced their support for the demonstrators.
Mykola Tysjachnyk, Sumy
2004.11.27 | Tizia
Стоїть, дякую (-)
2004.11.27 | misha, maryland usa
beru: Репортаж человека, пообщавшегося с сторонниками Януковича
http://maidan.org.ua/static/news/1101500186.html2004.11.27 | misha, maryland usa
pereklad: Yanukovych supporters at the Kiev train station
Report from a person who hung out with Yanukovych supporters at the train station.Hi!
We just came back from the train station. I'm reporting about things in which I took part first hand, not based on someone else's words.
The fellows from Lugansk, Donetsk and the counties were kept on the train for 3 days essentially without food, without warm clothes, and so on. Clothes and food were brought in and given to them only today, after which they were released into Kiev en masse. There are quite a few of them at the train station right now, and they keep on arriving. Reliable sources have given me an estimate for the expected total – about 350 thousand people.
Pretty cool guys, we had a nice chat! And, what amazed me, far from stupid. They're staunch supporters of Yanukovych and don't like Yushchenko because under Yanukovych they just began to raise their heads, get salaries, and live more or less well, while under Yushchenko there was total ruin. The thing is, they're convinced one and all that Yushchenko wanted to close all mines and import coal from Poland – by doing so, taking away their income and making their kids go hungry. Our attempts to explain to them that things aren't so simple, that Yushchenko is a knowledgeable economist, and that it was a long-term economic program, were unsuccessful.
I want to say that they're completely reasonable people and they argue for their choice quite articulately. Therefore, in conversations with them don't start telling them that Yanukovych is bad, just try to explain, in neutral terms, that the rosy prospects they're seeing aren't all that rosy at all. It can work out according to the principle "water eats even through stone", but think through all your arguments clearly. These folks are well-equiped for debate - this is not drunken rabble, as many reports said, they are in fact by and large people worthy of respect.
Right now the situation is very dangerous. One wrong move and there could be a scuffle. So, it's only with amicability and political discussions that we can accomplish anything. No slogans or high-flown words - just the facts and realistic prospects that await them with the one and the other president. Along the way, emphasizing, that the most important thing is to preserve Ukraine united and not allow any agression!
They're at the train station now, but they're planning to set out en masse to the Square. The most important thing is not to have any provocations. They were complaining to us that there were incidents of insults directed at them, and this is very sad to hear. Right now only with kind and wise words is it possible to help resolve the situation. So, keep that in mind when you go to the center or see them out on the streets.
2004.11.27 | Tizia
Ставлю (-)
2004.11.27 | Yasia
беру киевлянку(-)
2004.11.27 | Yasia
киевлянка -- перевод
Kiev Lady on Compatriots Who are Being Brought to KievToday I talked to the whole bus of Yanukovych supporters. I think I would have never dared to approach them if there had been a lot of buses. However, this bus was alone; it broke down. It was 7:30am, I was bringing hot tea to Presidential Administration building. The people were standing next to the bus, freezing, looking very unhappy. I took a big thermos and went to them. There were about 25 guys between 25 and 55 years old. They came from Dnepropetrivsk region from some kind of transport enterprise. We talked, not for long since I was hurrying to the Presidential Administration building with hot thermoses. The people came without any clothes. They receive a loaf of bread, pound of sausage, .5 liter of vodka and 2 liters of mineral water for a day. They are not allowed to go away from the bus; they can leave the bus only with “leaders”. They are taken to some place near Kiev for the night; the rooms are damp and very cold. They have no information about Yuschenko. It was a total epiphany for them when I said I was at least 7th generation Russian, but I chose Yuschenko. They were asking me whether I was afraid of nationalists and how I would leave without Russian language. I tried to explain to them to the best of my ability, but did not have much time. I asked them to come to Maidan Nezalezhnosti, promised that there they will get warm clothes and food and even help to get home (I think it is possible). At the end, one middle aged man started crying and went to the bus, and I went to my car. Got inside the car and also started crying. Poor people!
2004.11.27 | Tizia
Поставила, дякую (-)
2004.11.27 | Yasia
беру Киселева(-)
2004.11.27 | Yasia
Киселев -- перевод
Yavgeni Kiselev, Ex-General Director of NTV Channel in Russia Condemned Russian Mass Media for Reporting One-Sided News during His Intervew at “Ekho Moskvy” RadioshowYevheni Kiselev started with noting that he was shocked by one-sidedness of the news from Ukraine reported by the majority of Russian TV channels, ORT (the major public channel in Russia) in particular. He thinks that the way the information is channeled through Russian media is rude interference in internal affairs of Ukraine. He said that Russian TV channels shamelessly show their pro-Yanikovych and at the same time anti-Yuschenko position.
Yevgeni Kiselev harshly replied to the question of one of the listeners on whether Yuschenko supporters are being paid (unreal sum of $80 was mentioned). The Head of “Moscow News” replied that the source of this information can only be located at Liubianskaya Square, in KGB headquarters. He compared these rumors with the rumors that had been going around in August of 1991, when it had been said that the anti-putsch protesters had been paid. At the end of his answer, Kiselev said that it was “so banal, so disgusting, so vulgar.”
Kiselev asked his question: who will be responsible for the fact that miners are forced to go to rallies to support Yanukovych instead of working?
Yevgeni Kiselev compared the actions of Russia with the skier whose skis slide in different directions. On one hand, Russia wants to take part in building new world economic order, fight international terrorism, be an equal partner at “Big Eight” meetings, etc. On the other hand, when it is about Ukraine and other former SU countries, Russian power supports different odious regimes and different odious political leaders.
According to Yevgeni Kilelev, “current Russian authorities want the whole post-Soviet territory to be filled with regimes similar to what Russia has: with a bunch of different vertical power institutions and manageable democracies. This is what they want for Ukraine. They are afraid of other options, afraid of democratic, alternative , independent construction of a flourishing post-Soviet, post-Communist society."
To get a full text of the interview (in Russian) go to
2004.11.27 | Tizia
Поставила, дякую (-)
2004.11.27 | Tizia
Я іду. Але мабуть скоро прийде хтось інший (-)
2004.11.27 | Yasia
Пока, до завтра(-)
2004.11.27 | Yasia
Внимание Tizia
Привет!Я только что получила вот этот имейл от друзей из Техала. Повесь его, пожалуйста, на английскую страничку. Я его сейчас переведу на русский.
Just got back from Crawford. The rally was a huge success. We
arrived there 5 min before President Bush visited a local restaurant
(possibly, the only one in Crawford
he talked to the press for 5-10 min. We were positioned about 100
feet from him, so the President and the press saw the posters,
flags, and us. After W went inside, the press came to us. Many major
networks were present and they were asking LOTs of questions. To
make a long story short,
1. We had about 100 people showing up from Houston, Austin, San
Antonio, DFW and other areas of Texas.
2. Given that Ukraine is constantly in the news, every single
journalist wanted to get a piece of us. In other words, we got a
VERY attentive audience.
3. Just saw a very favorable piece on local Fox 4 News. They
showed interviews of several people, including Chrystia Wilson,
Volodya Peleshak and myself.
4. Even before we left Crawford, I got a call from my friends
saying that they saw Associated Press photo of our rally on Yahoo.
5. AND, the most important thing, today was achieved what we
wanted to do â?" get President Bush on TV to backup his press release
from earlier this week. I hear reports that CNN showed our rally and
Presidentâ?Ts talk on Ukraine. The World is watching! IT DOES NOT GET
Who would ever suspect that a rally of 100 Ukies in Crawford, TX
(pop.750) would get such an international audience!
Roman Shevchuk
2004.11.27 | Mykyta
Додав, дякую (-)
2004.11.27 | Yasia
Внимание Tizia или другие волонтеры английской странички!!
Привет!Я только что получила этот имейл от друзей из Техасф. Повесьте его, пожалуйста, на английскую страничку. Я его сейчас переведу на русский.
Just got back from Crawford. The rally was a huge success. We
arrived there 5 min before President Bush visited a local restaurant
(possibly, the only one in Crawford . Before he went in to eat,
he talked to the press for 5-10 min. We were positioned about 100
feet from him, so the President and the press saw the posters,
flags, and us. After W went inside, the press came to us. Many major
networks were present and they were asking LOTs of questions. To
make a long story short,
1. We had about 100 people showing up from Houston, Austin, San
Antonio, DFW and other areas of Texas.
2. Given that Ukraine is constantly in the news, every single
journalist wanted to get a piece of us. In other words, we got a
VERY attentive audience.
3. Just saw a very favorable piece on local Fox 4 News. They
showed interviews of several people, including Chrystia Wilson,
Volodya Peleshak and myself.
4. Even before we left Crawford, I got a call from my friends
saying that they saw Associated Press photo of our rally on Yahoo.
5. AND, the most important thing, today was achieved what we
wanted to do â?" get President Bush on TV to backup his press release
from earlier this week. I hear reports that CNN showed our rally and
Presidentâ?Ts talk on Ukraine. The World is watching! IT DOES NOT GET
Who would ever suspect that a rally of 100 Ukies in Crawford, TX
(pop.750) would get such an international audience!
Roman Shevchuk
2004.11.27 | Yasia
Крофорт -- перевод
Только что вернулись из Крофорта в Техасе, где участвовали в митинге перед ранчо Джорджа Буша. Митинг прошол с огромным успехом! Мы приехали за 5 минут до того, как Президент Буш посетил местный ресторан (возможно, единственный в Крофорде:)) Перед тем, чтобы зайти в ресторан, он минут 5-10 общался с прессой. Мы находились в 100 футах от Президента, так что Буш и пресса видели плакаты, флаги и нас. После того, как Даблъю удалился в ресторан, пресса подошла к нам.В двух словах:
1. Нас было человек сто. Люди приехали из Хьюстона, Остина, Сан Антонио и других городов Техаса.
2. С учетом того, что Украина постоянно в новостях, каждый журналист хотел поговорить с нами. Иными словами, у нас была ОЧЕНЬ внимательная аудитория.
3. Только что видел очень хороший репотаж на местном канале Fox 4 News. Они показали несколько людей, в том числе Хрыстю Уилсон, Володю Перешака и меня.
4. Даже после того, как мы уехали из Крофорда, мои друзья начали мне звонить, потому что увидели Associated Press фотографию нашего митинга в на Yahoo (http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/041126/480/txlj10311262035)
5. и САМОЕ ГЛАВНОЕ! Сегодня мы получили то, что хотели: благодаря нам, Президент Буш в эфире подтвердит заявление ГосДепартамента, сделанного в начале недели! Я слышал сообщения, что СиНН показала наш митинг и Президента, который говорил об Украине. Мир наблюдает за нами! КАКОЙ КАНАЛ ИМЕЕТ БОЛЬШЕ ЗРИТЕЛЕЙ В МИРЕ, ЧЕМ СиНН!!!
Кто бы мог подумать, что митинг ста украинцев в Крофорде (с насилением в 750 человек) получит такую международную аудиторию!
Роман Шевчук
2004.11.27 | Nataliya
Re: ПЕРЕКЛАДАЧІ!!! КОРДИНАЦІЯ на п"ятницю, 26-те листопада тут
proshu dopomogy. Nemozshu nijak zrozumity, de maju natysnuty "vidpovisty", bo ne znahodzshu takoji mozshlyvosti a ni v perliku statej do perekladu, a ni v samyh stattjah. Duzshe b hotila dopomogty z perekladamy.Chekaju na vidpovid na adresu : lohvynyuk@yahoo.de
2004.11.27 | Yasia
Привет, только что послала имейл(-)
2004.11.27 | Masha
beru Подал в отставку замглавы Николаевской (-)
2004.11.27 | Masha
Подал в отставку замглавы Николаевской - pereklad
Deputy Head of Mykolayiv Regional Authority has resigned, talked about falsifications.Interfax-Ukraine news agency has reported that Mykhaylo Ryhal’sky, Mykolayiv Regional State Authority Deputy Head for social and humanitarian affairs has stepped down.
He has submitted a letter of voluntary resignation.
“As a state employee, I can not obey the orders of an illegitimate President of the state”, - said Mykhaylo Ryhal’sky.
He wanted to resign for quite some time, and made his final decision after the Central Election Committee’s announcement of the election results.
Mykhaylo Ryhal’sky stressed that during the elections he witnessed numerous falsifications in Mykolayiv Region, reaching 10-15% according to his calculations.
He’s afraid that his discharge could be dragged out, since state officials of his level are both appointed and discharged by the Government and the Presidential Administration.
Mykolayiv Regional Administration Head Oleksiy Harkusha’s reaction to this action of his subordinate was calm.
As a reminder, for the last three days Mykolayiv residents have been holding rallies to support the leader of the united Ukrainian opposition Viktor Yushchenko.
2004.11.27 | Mykyta
Дякую, є (-)
2004.11.27 | Yasia
беру отставке замглавы(-)
2004.11.27 | Yasia
сорри, не беру(-)
2004.11.27 | Yasia
беру Ohio(-)
2004.11.27 | Yasia
Ohiо -- перевод
Rally in OhioThe rally to support Victor Yuschenko was held in Kent, Ohio, on Friday. We are against the falsification that took place during the presidential elections in Ukraine. We support People’s President VICTOR YUSCHENKO.
Ukrainians of Kent and Kent University are together with Maidan Nazalezhnosti.
Together we are power, together we will win! Viva Ukraine!
Pictures: http://www.clevelanduzo.org/main.php
2004.11.27 | Yasia
беру брифинг студентов и мэра варшавы(-)
2004.11.27 | Yasia
брифинг студентов и мэра варшавы -- перевод
Press-conference of Mayor of Warsaw; Briefing of Students Strike RepresentativesOn November 27 there will be a press-conference of Leh Kochynsky, Mayor of Warsaw. The press-conference will be held at 11.30 at Victor Yuschenko’s Press Center (Illinska 9).
On November 27 there will be a briefing of all-Ukrainian students strike representatives. The briefing will be held at 12.30 at Victor yuschenko’s Press Center.
2004.11.27 | Yasia
Пока, пошла спать(-)
2004.11.27 | Masha
beru Сумчанам забороняють мітингувати (-)
2004.11.27 | Masha
Сумчанам забороняють мітингувати - pereklad
Sumy residents are forbidden to rally!An attempt was made to force the employees of Sumy company ‘Ukrrosmetal’, who’s head is the well-known MP Dashutin, to work from 8 am till 8 pm this weekend. The sole reason was to prevent the people from attending the rallies supporting the honest elections, the honest authorities and the People’s President Viktor Yushchenko. The company heads tried to disregard not only every citizen’s right to participate in peaceful rallies and meetings, but also the right to rest regulated by the labor code. All the employees were commanded to work during the weekend, although none of them were shown the actual order to do so. As to the orange symbols, they are strictly forbidden on the company premises. A scarf, a ribbon, or any other orange piece of clothing is grounds for being fired from ‘Ukrrosmetal’.
2004.11.27 | Mykyta
Дякую, додав (-)
2004.11.27 | Masha
beru Аеропорт Бориспіль за Ющенка (-)
2004.11.27 | Masha
Аеропорт Бориспіль за Ющенка - pereklad
Boryspil’ International Airport supports Yushchenko!Employees of the Boryspil’ International Airport have supported the protest against the falsification of election results and the authorities’ self-will.
The announcement to this effect has been posted on the airport’s official web site.
“Employees of the Boryspil’ State International Airport call on all the civil aviation and transport workers to say NO to corruption and dishonest elections” – says the airport employees’ declaration.
2004.11.27 | Mykyta
Дякую, додав (-)