EuroMaidan and Social Mobilisation in the East of Ukraine
Previous history
Kharkiv, November 7, 1990, Anti-communist assembly. One of the biggest marches ever. Photo from archive of Olesya YurchenkoKharkiv, November 24, 2004, Freedom Square is full of Orange Revolution activists. Photo by Nataliya ZubarKharkiv, April 12, 2013. To obstruct the peaceful gatherings of opposition city government of Kharkiv stopped all trams around the square where the gathering was scheduled. Photo by Andrij Bezuglyj
Euromaidan Assemblies
Donetsk. November 21, 2013. First activists of Euromaidan Donetsk near Taras Shevchenko monumentFirst Euromaidan Kharkiv assembly starts. Kharkiv, Freedom Square, 2:15 am, November 22, 2013 Photo by Viktor GarbarKharkiv, November 24, 2013. First big rally of Euromaidan. Two members of coordinating council of Euromaidan are talking to the superior of patrol police. Talks continued every day. Photo by Nataliya ZubarTaras Shevchenko monument – a regular place for Euromaidan meetings in Kharkiv. Kharkiv, December 1, 2013 Organizers are preparing for the first really big rally. Photo by Nataliya ZubarA typical Euromaidan Kharkiv assembly Photo by Viktor GarbarDonetsk, December 2013, Euromaidan activist speaks at the rallyKharkiv, December 11, 2013, a member of coordinating council of Euromaidan Kharkiv collects donations at the assembly. Photo by Nataliya ZubarKharkiv, 19 December, 2013, St.Nicholas Day Photo by Nataliya ZubarDonetsk, December 2013, a Euromaidan activist. Photo by Vitaliy OvcharenkoKharkiv, 22 December 2013, Sergij Zhadan sings at the festival he organized at the regular Sunday Euromaidan rally-fest Photo by Nataliya ZubarDonetsk, January, Activist of EuroMaidan Donetsk after attack of gangsters Photo by pauluskp.livejournal.comDecember 28, 2013, Kharkiv, Lutsenko speaks to the crowd after having been splattered with brilliant green (an act intended as public humiliation, similar to tarring and feathering). Photo by Nataliya ZubarParis, December 2013. Slogans say “Paris supports maidan in Kharkiv”December 2013, Slogan says “Berlin supports Euromaidan in Kharkiv”Donetsk, January 5, Euromaidan activists march on the central street (Photo from
1st Euromaidan Forum
11 January, 2014, Zbigniew Romaszewski speaks at the opening of 1st Euromaidan Forum in Kharkiv in a church cellar. Photo by Viktor GarbarKharkiv, January 12, 2014. Final assembly of 1st Euromaidan Forum near the Yaroslav Mudry monument. Supporters of Yanukovych are gathered for counter assembly. Photo by Nataliya ZubarKharkiv, January 12, 2014. Final assembly of 1st Euromaidan Forum near the Yaroslav Mudry monument. The police separates Euromaidan from supporters of Yanukovych. Photo by Nataliya ZubarKharkiv, January 12, 2014. Final assembly of 1st Euromaidan Forum near the Yaroslav Mudry monument. Men surrounded created live chain to protect the assembly from hooligans. Photo by Nataliya Zubar
Kharkiv responds to “Russian Spring”
Kharkiv March 9, 2014, Constitution Square after march of Euromaidan. Photo by Milena KovalskaKharkiv, March 9, 2014, faces of Euromaidan Photo by Nataliya ZubarKharkiv, March 9, 2014, Euromaidan Kharkiv celebrates 200 years anniversary of Taras Shevchenko. People protest against the Russian annexation of Crimea Photo by Nataliya Zubar
Violent Russian Spring
Kharkiv, April 7, 2014, Freedom Square, Russians are beating patriots, police does not interfere. Photo by Andrij BezuglyjDonetsk, April 13, 2014, Lenin Square after Chernyavsky’s death. Photo by Vitaliy OvcharenkoDonetsk, April 29, 2014. Russian bandit after beating participants of assembly “For Ukraine” Photo by Vitaliy OvcharenkoDonetsk, April 29, 2014, Participant of Ukrainian assembly beaten by Russians receives first aid. Photo by Vitaliy OvcharenkoKharkiv April 13, 2014, anti-Maidan attempts to occupy the city hall. Photo by Viktor Garbar
Post Euromaidan Volunteer Movement
Kramatorsk, 27 July, 2014 Activists from Kharkiv brought flags and Ukrainian symbolics. Photo by Nataliya ZubarKharkiv, November 31, 2014, Sergij Zhadan collects books as donations for Ukrainian Army. Photo by Nataliya ZubarDecember 28, 2014 Help Army volunteers brings presents for 92 Brigade in Lugansk region Photo by Leonid LogvinenoFrontline, April 5, 2015. Volunteer artists from Kharkiv entertain the Myrotvorets (Peacebuiler) batalion. Photo by Leonid LogvinenkoKharkiv, 2915. Slobozhanshchyna police battalion protects patriotic march (photo by batalion press service)August 14, 2015, checkpoint near Maruipol, ready to be used any time. Photo by Nataliya Zubar
Ukrainian Ultras
Donetsk, January 23, 2014 Donetsk ultras protect Euromaidan. Photo by novosti.dn.uaKharkiv, March 30, 2014, first march of Ultras of Shakhtar Donetsk and Kharkiv Metalist clubs. The international hit about Putin H##lo is performed for the first time. Screenshot from
That famous Ultras song – original video
Kharkiv. November 10, 2016. Tent “Everything for the victory” on the central Freedom Square is in its 3rd year. People bring there help for the Army and volunteer for support of veterans. Photo by Nataliya Zubar