Historical train destroyed in a depot in Saltivka in 2022 and 2023

A huge part of Kharkiv’s tram park was destroyed by shelling. The largest tram depot in Saltivka looked almost identical in March 2022 and in February 2023, almost a year after the start of its shelling.

A historical train destroyed in a Saltivka train depot.
A historical Czech train destroyed in a Saltivka train depot in Kharkiv. The depot was regularly shelled by Russia until September 2022. Photo was taken on March 13, 2022 by Nataliya Zubar.


A historical Czech train destroyed in a Saltivka train depot a year after the shelling started.
A historical Czech train destroyed in a Saltivka train depot a year after the shelling started in Kharkiv. Photo was taken on February 15, 2023 by Kateryna Svid

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About Nataliya Zubar 2363 Articles
Nataliya Zubar, Maidan Monitoring Information Center, Chair