This is how you can join us:
1. Invite your family and friends over for a flag-making party! We will provide links for printable flags for you to choose and copy to color, add text, or decorate, and maybe some cloth designs, too, if you are so inclined! You provide the materials and camaraderie. :-) ** See below for links to designs.
2. On August 24th, wave your flags high over your cars, your homes, your heads, your offices, your pets, swing-sets… anywhere and everywhere that you can! Let the yellow and blue shine with freedom for Ukraine!
3. Send us photos and tweets of your flag-making parties, so we can post them. In this way you can help us encourage others to join in! #UkraineFree4Ever
4. During or after your Ukraine Independence Day Festivities, send us photos and tweets of your flags waving high! We will post them on Euromaidanpr for the whole world to see!
5. Please click “Join” and Share this event on your page or/and with your friends. If you wish, you can write a post below that states where you will be celebrating. This way we can all see in more depth the beauty of international community as Ukraine-lovers. ♥
How to Send us Your Pictures:
Twitter Instructions: #UkraineFree4Ever @Euromaidanpress
Facebook Instructions: Post on our page or message us:
Email Address: euromaidanpress@gmail.com
Photo Credit: http://
** Links to Designs (all Free of course!) **
Easiest Flag to Make:
Printable Colored Flag:
Flag Facts with Blank Flag to Color or Paint: http://
USA/Ukraine Flag for Children
Blue/Yellow Graphics Ideas from Euromaidan Art & Graphics:
Video Instructions for Children’s Flag with “Pole”
For Those Who Sew:
Cloth Flag (Adults Only- requires use of candle wax):
Easy Flagpole with PVC Pipe:
For the Ambitious Ones:
Building your own Tall Flag Pole: