The Beketov National University of Municipal Economy is one of the Kharkiv higher education institutions that suffered significantly as a result of the Russian invasion.

July 23, 2022: An enemy shell exploded in the courtyard of the main building. The blast wave blew out the windows. The Beketov’s monument was damaged. Adjacent buildings were also damaged – office premises and a residential building were destroyed.

Beketov University The main building of the Beketov National University of Urban Economy. Sergey Petrov. July 23, 2022 Other buildings of the university did not escape the war. On June 20, 2022, a college of residential and communal studied was destroyed by a rocket strike. As of January 2023, the Russians damaged 16 university buildings out of 21, as well as 10 dormitories. One of them was completely destroyed. Unfortunately, this was not the last attack on the university. On February 5, 2023, at 8:20 a.m., the Russians again aimed a missile at its central building. This time, the university suffered significant damage: several floors of the building were destroyed, the research center “Megapolis” was damaged, laboratory equipment was gutted, windows and doors were broken.

The publication was financed by the Internews Network and the NGO “INSTITUTE OF MASS INFORMATION” within the framework of the “Media Program in Ukraine” project