Fazenda “Vynohrad” (the Grape Farm) is a recreation center located in the village of Ivanivka, Izyum district. Before the full-scale invasion, various exhibitions, concerts, festivals, master classes, and kayaking were organized here. The center also attracted fans of gastronomic tourism. However, on February 28, the “Vynohrad” was seized by the occupiers, and a month later, communication with the village was lost.

The Russians set up combat positions at the recreation base. In addition, the demarcation line passed in this place. During their stay, the Russians stole kayaks, sports and tourist equipment, musical and kitchen equipment. In particular, they shot the sculptures that decorated the territory of the base. Before the escape, the occupiers left a bunch of grenades, streamers and “petals”, and also mined most of the paths. The buildings of the center, including a restaurant with a concert venue and residential buildings, also suffered significant destruction.

After the liberation, the territory was mostly demined, and now it is safe to move except for the some paths. Signs warning about mine danger were left for safety reasons.
Julia Gush
The publication was financed by the Internews Network and the NGO “INSTITUTE OF MASS INFORMATION” within the framework of the “Media Program in Ukraine” project