Ковідна катастрофа в Донецьку. Епідемія вийшла з під контролю!
В Донецьку відбувається сама справжня коронавірусна катастрофа. […]
В Донецьку відбувається сама справжня коронавірусна катастрофа. […]
Information Security School is the response of Maidan Monitoring Information Center to the challenges facing Ukrainian society and the state, including a hybrid war, and the COVID-19 pandemic, and the bad governance, and the tendency of the majority of the society to believe in all sorts of miracles.
We teach people information hygiene skills, practices of organizing and supporting groups with common interests, skills of effective communication with opponents, and practices of safe existence in information and cyberspace. […]
Main objective of this strategy is promotion of information hygiene as a tool for preservation of cognitive health in Ukrainian society. […]
Поки був на роботі до мене додому приїхала поліція. Мама вийшла та поцікавилась, чого такі поважні гості до нас приїхали. Як виявилось, поліція хоче поспілкуватись із-за моїх «електронних звернень». […]
Oksana Yatsiuk, a civic activist from Vinnytsia, has proposed an idea to establish self-help groups to counter COVID-19 disinformation. To set up the groups, Oksana focused on her personal and information security training experience. […]
I still hope that some publisher will show interest. I think that some of the issues in the book – such as, how to decrease energy consumption in buildings – are very important for Ukraine who is dependent on Russian fossil fuels. The increased knowledge could help the fight in this direction. […]
The framework is intended for a broad English-speaking audience and presents facts about Ukraine, source terms, concepts and methodologies relevant to the Maidan Movement and the work and legacy of the Maidan Monitoring Information Center. […]
It is very important from the peacebuilding point of view. When we are reporting on facts, we cannot allow for such manipulation as Andre and have demonstrated you using this is a very typical news piece about the Pope and Putin. There are lots more cases like this in Ukraine-Russia conflict and other conflicts obviously. If we stick with facts, we will win the war for objective reporting. We will sanitize the media and diminish the level of fear and panic. I think it is very important. […]
Discussion points for the public debate on INFOWAR AND INFORMATION SECURITY. PROPAGANDA AND NEW MEDIA held in the framework of the Kyiv Dialogue project in Kharkiv on May 19, 2015. […]