English Articles
Acoustic terror of the Russian Federation
An unrecognized problem of acoustic violence. Night terror. Methods of proof. Proposed solutions. […]
An unrecognized problem of acoustic violence. Night terror. Methods of proof. Proposed solutions. […]
Two weeks after the start of the journey, the package with 10 helmets and two flags of Croatia and Slovenia reached its destination in Kharkiv. Since most MMIC members here had already got their helmets, we decided to share 8 helmets with civilian volunteers who provide humanitarian aid to people in the most war-affected areas of Kharkiv city and region. […]
За всіх часів зустрічаються герої. Це особлива каста людей, здатна в будь-який момент прийти на допомогу і стати муром на захист Вітчизни. Їх життя настільки не підвладне ніяким правилам, що іноді схоже на міф. […]