“Checkpoint Little Rohan” documentary follows the activities of three boys ages 9, 10 and 11 years in the village of Mala (Little) Rohan of the Kharkiv region in Ukraine during August-September 2022. The kids survived the occupation of their village by the Russian Army for one month in February-March 2022.
All the kids’ activities in the village, the destroyed buildings, rusty tanks and abandoned Russian trenches in the documentary, are all part of the normal daily routines of their life in Ukraine.
See the trailer
In Memoriam
Serhii Jangolienko
Battalion Commander
Killed in action liberating Little Rohan village on March 25, 2022
The boys’ parents provided explicit consent to Maidan Monitoring Information Centre to film the children.
Film specifications: full HD or 4K format, duration – 25 minutes, spoken original languages include English, Czech, Ukrainian, Russian, with English and Ukrainian subtitles. Subtitles for other languages may be added on request.
Read more about the context of the movie. Why Do Ukrainian Children Play War?
If you would like to host a screening of our documentary – please contact us.
This film was produced by Maidan Monitoring Information Center and Team 4 Ukraine.
The film was made possible by the financial contribution of George von Klan and Sunflower F.U.N.D.