Palace of Culture in Dergachi, a town north to Kharkiv, destroyed by the Russian rockets in May 2022.
Fracture Exhibition Files

Palace of Culture in Dergachi

Дім культури в місті Дергачі Харківської області, зруйнований в результаті кількох послідовних обстрілів з РСЗВ та ракет в травні 2022 року. […]

English Articles

Information Self-help Groups as Information Security School Development

Information Security School is the response of Maidan Monitoring Information Center to the challenges facing Ukrainian society and the state, including a hybrid war, and the COVID-19 pandemic, and the bad governance, and the tendency of the majority of the society to believe in all sorts of miracles.
We teach people information hygiene skills, practices of organizing and supporting groups with common interests, skills of effective communication with opponents, and practices of safe existence in information and cyberspace. […]